Peek at my diary, Cao Cao dominates the Three Kingdoms

Chapter 393 Fierce Battle in Jiluoshan

Chapter 393 Fierce Battle in Jiluoshan

Cao Jun endured the humiliation for several days,
Finally, after Yuan Shao showed his siege equipment, he destroyed all his siege equipment in one fell swoop.

Not only that, but the catapults were also smashed together with those annoying hills and high platforms.

Cao Jun finally let out a bad breath.

Moreover, because of the threat of trebuchets, Yuan Jun did not dare to build earthen mountains and high platforms again.
For a while, the two sides fell into a stalemate.

However, although the battle at Guandu has temporarily fallen into a stalemate, the battlefields in other places have gradually begun to become exciting.

Yuan Jun turned to Han Meng, and was ordered to detour to the rear of Cao Jun to attack Cao Jun's food road.

When Han Meng and his party came to Jiluo Mountain, they immediately told Han Meng that this is an excellent place to lay an ambush!

Jiluo Mountain is surrounded by dangerous obstacles, and there is only one way to pass through the mountain.

Han Meng decided that this road was the place Cao Jun must pass through to transport food, so he sent scouts to the mountains to scout and find the best ambush location.

An hour later, the scouts who went to investigate the terrain came back and reported: "Report! General, there is a forest under the mountain road ahead, and soldiers can be hidden in the forest; Ambush soldiers among the rocks on the wall."

After Han Meng heard this, he sent an order to go down immediately, divided into two soldiers and horses, and divided the troops to ambush among the woods and rocks on the mountain wall.

After everyone ambushed, they waited for Cao Jun to escort the food and supply team.As long as they pass here, Han Meng's army will come out together, and Cao Jun will be hard to defend.

When Han Meng's [-] troops entered and set up an ambush on Jiluo Mountain, Wei Yan and Chen Dao happened to return from Runan. After supplying Xuchang, they planned to go north to Guandu to support Cao Cao.

When Wei Yan led the army not far into Jiluo Mountain, he suddenly raised his hand and ordered the army behind him to stop.

Chen Dao didn't know what Wei Yan meant by that,

He came to Wei Yan's side and saw that Wei Yan seemed to be concentrating on something, so he asked suspiciously: "General, why don't you move on?"

Wei Yan did not immediately answer Chen Dao's doubts,
Instead, he carefully observed the mountains and the woods, and then listened carefully, before replying, "Shuzhi, don't you notice that there is something more and something missing in front of you?"

When Chen Dao heard the words, he observed carefully.

After more than ten breaths of effort, he looked at Wei Yan with blank eyes and asked, "General, I really don't see what's more and what's missing. Why don't you just say it."

Wei Yan didn't have the appetite to tease Chen Dao anymore, he replied: "There are occasional gravels falling on the mountain wall ahead, but there are no insects and birds in the forest."

Chen Dao was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, then suddenly realized, lowered his voice, and said, "There is an ambush!"

Wei Yan saw that Chen could understand at one point, so Fuxu smiled and said, "It's a material that can be made!"

"Then what should I do?" Chen Dao continued to ask.

"We are still some distance away from the enemy's ambush circle, and they should not have found our trace."

Speaking of this, Wei Yan looked at Chen Dao and said, "Uncle Zhi, I have a plan to defeat the enemy, but I don't know if you have the guts to carry it out?"

When Chen Daozheng was young and bold, after hearing Wei Yan's words, he immediately slapped his chest and said, "Why don't you dare? General, just say it clearly!"

"Okay!" Wei Yan admired Chen Dao's aggressiveness, which was somewhat similar to when he was young.

After a little rationalization of his thoughts, Wei Yan said to Chen Dao: "Lead your brothers to go forward for about a mile later, and then shoot rockets into the woods at the foot of the mountain. It doesn't matter whether there are enemies rushing out of the forest, you just Just return it."

Although Chen Dao knew that he was going to use it as a bait, he still agreed without hesitation, "I take orders!"

Wei Yan nodded, and ordered the soldiers to hand over all the rockets in their hands to Chen Dao's men.

After watching Chen Dao leave, Wei Yan ordered people to lie in ambush on the mountain wall and in the woods, waiting for possible ambushes.

Let’s say that Han Meng’s army was divided into two groups, one in ambush among the rocks on the mountain wall, and the other in the forest, waiting for Cao Jun’s grain team to pass by, and then the two armies went out to kill them all.

Sure enough, after waiting for too long, the secret sentry in front came back to report: "General, there is a cao army team of hundreds of people coming here. But there is no grain truck behind them, so it should not be an army transporting grain."

"Hundreds of people?" Han Meng was stunned, and muttered to himself, "A team of hundreds of people, why are you here?"

Just when Han Meng was hesitating whether to appear to swallow this small group of Cao Jun,
Chen Dao suddenly gave an order, and the soldiers behind him all took off the bows and arrows on their backs, lit the rockets, and shot out into the forest!

The rocket fell into the woods and stuck on the ground, and the dry leaves on the ground instantly burst into flames!There were also rockets that penetrated tree trunks and ignited trees.

The fire spread quickly, and Han Meng realized that he had been discovered by Cao Jun at some point!

The fire began to spread rapidly, and Han Meng quickly shouted, "Quick, get out!"

When Chen Dao saw a group of people rushing out of the woods, he didn't care about his admiration for Wei Yan's keen observation ability, and shouted: "Keep shooting arrows at the pile of people on the road! Shoot them, don't stop!"

Chen Dao gave an order,
The soldiers behind him turned around and started shooting arrows towards the crowd. The rockets shot into the crowd and set some people ablaze, causing Han Meng's soldiers to become confused again.

The ambush soldiers on the mountain wall saw thick smoke rising from below, and there were constant shouts and screams. They knew that there must be a problem below, so they hurried down the mountain led by the deputy general.

But although the mountain wall is not very steep, there are many people ambushing on the mountain, and it is easy to go up the mountain and difficult to go down the mountain. For a while, the descent of the mountain was not smooth.

Some people even rolled down the mountain wall because they were too anxious, fell into a daze, and almost lost their lives.

When Chen Dao saw Yuan Jun soldiers rushing down from the mountain, he finally stopped fighting and shouted: "There are too many enemies, brothers, retreat!"

Han Meng's army was burned and smoky in the woods, and after finally rushing out of the woods, they were hit by rockets.

Feeling extremely aggrieved, seeing Chen Dao's small group of people wanting to run away, he immediately led his army to chase after Chen Dao!

Han Meng is highly skilled in martial arts and extremely brave, but like Yan Liangwen Chou, relying on his bravery, he has the problem of underestimating the enemy and advancing aggressively.

Perhaps because Shunfeng fought too much, the generals under Yuan Shao's command more or less underestimated the enemy.

Han Meng led thousands of soldiers, formed a long snake formation, followed Chen Dao's buttocks and drove them away.

After Chen Dao and others successfully led Han Meng into Wei Yan's ambush site,

Then he turned back suddenly, forming a long spear formation, and even came back to kill Han Meng and the others!
Han Meng underestimated the enemy and rushed forward, but he was not a fool.

Seeing that Cao Jun turned around and killed him, he immediately realized that he might have fallen into the enemy's plot to lure the enemy into an ambush.

With excitement in his heart, Han Meng immediately turned his horse's head and shouted loudly: "Back! Get out quickly! There is an ambush!"

However, before Yuan Jun could react, there were shouts of killing from the mountain and the forest at the same time!


"General Wei Yan of Han Yangwei is here, and the enemy general will be captured before he dismounts!"

(End of this chapter)

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