Chapter 10 Sworn Worship
When his thoughts were interrupted, Yang Fan took out a bottle of "Maotai wine" and poured a glass each for Zhu Qingshan and Qinglian, but he himself served a bowl of rice.

The wine was brewed by Yang Fan himself, and the name was naturally chosen by him. Zhu Qingshan also asked him if "Maotai wine" had a deep meaning, and Yang Fan only said it was because of missing.

Seeing his sad expression, Zhu Qingshan couldn't bear to ask carefully.

Zhu Qingshan raised the wine in his glass and joked: "Would you like some?"

Yang Fan waved his hand and shook his head, "No, no, no alcohol, it makes people laugh."

Qinglian interjected: "You don't make people laugh, why are we laughing? Seriously, you are cute and ridiculous when drunk."

Yang Fan's fair face couldn't help turning red.

Zhu Qingshan laughed loudly, "I didn't expect that a seven-foot man like you would blush."

Yang Fan quibbled: "Who says men can't blush? Besides, I'm not a seven-foot man, I'm seven and a half feet."

Zhu Qingshan was speechless and said: "Your logic is really jumping."

Qinglian praised: "Your dishes are really delicious, otherwise you will follow us in the future, you cook delicious food for us, and we will take you to walk around the rivers and lakes."

Yang Fan shook his head without thinking, but did not explain.

Zhu Qingshan frowned slightly, but quickly concealed it, and said with a smile: "This chicken is really delicious. You are amazing. You cook a dish differently every day, and it tastes so delicious every time."

Yang Fan said: "This is naturally delicious. This is not a chicken on the ground, but a chicken in the sky."

Zhu Qingshan and Qinglian couldn't react, and asked, "What is the chicken in the sky?"


The chopsticks of Zhu Qingshan and Qinglian froze in the air.

Goshawks and carrier pigeons are important means of communication among the people.Carrier pigeon is an important tool widely used by the people to disseminate information. Although it cannot carry letters and documents like a fast horse, it can cross rivers and forests and go straight in the air. It has the advantages of being fast, cheap and fast. shoot.

The way of goshawk transmission began in Muchen Kingdom. It made up for the high-altitude advantages of carrier pigeons, because it has the advantages of high-altitude flight, long-distance travel, and fast speed. It was gradually valued by the court for its military value, and gradually evolved into an official. The communication department has become an important official communication method.

Naturally, some folks use goshawks to convey messages, but goshawks are expensive and difficult to train, and it is not easy to raise them. A goshawk is worth at least 100 taels, and a war horse is only 60 taels. How can ordinary people afford it? of it.

Zhu Qingshan picked up a paw and looked at the imprints on it. Although it had become a fragrant cooked food, the faint traces of binding could still be seen.

Eating is naturally delicious, but it is expensive.

Zhu Qingshan said with a wry smile: "Brother Fan, don't shoot Goshawk next time."


Zhu Qingshan: "Because this is the government's messenger eagle."

Yang Fan wondered, "Eagles can also send messages. I thought only pigeons could."

This left Zhu Qingshan and Qinglian speechless, with such common sense, how could they not know each other?
Zhu Qingshan said: "Do you know that if a goshawk wants to become a qualified messenger eagle, it needs to be trained for at least one year from birth, and it is not easy to raise and unruly, so its worth is at least a hundred taels Bottom line. If people in the world or civilians shoot and kill the official messenger eagle and are caught by the government, they will either be imprisoned for two years, or fined 800 taels, there is no third possibility.”

Yang Fan stood up suddenly, picked up the dish and left.

Zhu Qingshan and Qinglian said to themselves that he was panicked, so they smiled and said nothing.

Seeing Yang Fan go away, Qinglian shook her head helplessly: "No wonder there is no letter these two days, I just thought nothing happened, never thought something happened to Xinying."

Zhu Qingshan said with a wry smile: "Yinwei and the others are too. Such people don't tell me. The communication power we have is only 600 eagles, and most of them are still in training."

Not long after, Yang Fan walked back with a calm expression.

Zhu Qingshan comforted: "Actually, you don't have to be afraid."

Yang Fan said, "What are you afraid of?"

Zhu Qingshan: "Aren't you afraid why did you rush away to eat?"

Yang Fan: "When my grandfather was around, he always boasted to me that he had eaten too many expensive delicacies. He said that he had been to the Condor Empire and had a plate of 'Longfeng Chengxiang' for 320 taels, and that he had eaten that dish in Bahan Kingdom. 280 taels of 'Fu Shou Yan Mian', said that he spent 500 taels of roasting 300 'Satisfied' in Mu Chenguo at one time, so I gave him the 'Heavenly Chicken' as a sacrifice, and told him it was 800 taels Taels a plate of 'Great Peng Wings'."

Zhu Qingshan and Qinglian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but they were very upset.

Zhu Qingshan asked: "Your grandfather has been to many places?"

Yang Fan said: "He is indeed a traveler."

"The word traveler is rather strange."

Yang Fan said: "How can a traveler have a home? It is because he has no home that he keeps saying that the world is his home."

Zhu Qingshan: "Why?"

Yang Fan: "If there are no exorbitant taxes and labor tyranny in my hometown, but the people are rich and the rural style is simple, then no one will sharpen their brains and want to go out. Hometown. After all, it is not honor to return home, like walking at night in a brocade. If there is no harsh misunderstanding, abuse and ridicule from the family, parents can teach by example, and love is like a treasure. If you want to run away from home, your hometown is not good, so you want to fly far away, neither of these is good, so you can make your home all over the world."

Life is so big, Yang Fan is the only one who can make Zhu Qingshan listen carefully, not only because of his sharp views and unique words, but also because of his refined perspective and understanding of human nature.

Zhu Qingshan: "Grandpa told you these things?"


Zhu Qingshan: "Then how do you know so much?"

"What I will tell you is my experience, what I won't tell you is my heart. Because he never mentioned home and hometown, I know that those are not good for him."

Zhu Qingshan: "Did your grandfather ever tell you where he is from?"

Yang Fan said: "No, he is familiar with Shenying language, can understand Muchen's dialect, and can speak a few Bahan accents. I think he is either from the Shenying Empire or a native of Zhu Dynasty."

Zhu Qingshan had a rare opportunity to show off his knowledge in front of Yang Fan, and finally met what he knew but Yang Fan didn't, how could he miss the opportunity?

"You don't know this. 300 years ago, the mainland was a unified country with 158 ethnic groups and [-] languages, and the writing and language of the Zhu Dynasty were the common language. Later, the dynasty collapsed, fell apart, and split into countless The country, you have come and gone for more than a hundred years, and finally a multicultural federal empire like Shenying has emerged. So your grandfather is familiar with the Zhu Chao dialect, so you really can’t infer that he is a Zhu Chao person. Moreover, for more than a hundred years, Although our Zhu Dynasty is not very prosperous, it is true that there are no exorbitant taxes."

Yang Fan asked back: "Then it seems that the Condor Empire is very likely?"

Zhu Qingshan nodded seriously.

"I don't care. The roots of my grandfather and I are in Zhu Dynasty. I think it's good, so this is my hometown, this is my hometown."

Zhu Qingshan smiled, smiling extremely happily.

"Those tricks and multiplication formulas were taught by your grandfather, right?" This is something that Zhu Qingshan has been coveting for a long time.

Qinglian knew that it was these things that kept Zhu Qingshan from leaving for a long time.

Yang Fan had already noticed that Zhu Qingshan often looked at the multiplication table and stared at those organs, and he said slowly: "I want to learn, I will teach you."

Zhu Qingshan was overjoyed and said: "Really?"

Yang Fan: "Is there still a fake?"

The more noble a person is, the more he truly understands what is valuable.Those who value land and food are common people; those who value real estate and money are businessmen; those who value people's livelihood are officials;

Those who value culture are the real nobles.The reason why Confucius, Mencius, Zhu, and Wang are revered as saints by the world is precisely because they have both virtue and ability.

Zhu Qingshan stood up and bowed to salute, shouting: "Sir!"

Yang Fan hurriedly went to help me, and said: "Your grace to save my life, take care of me, and teach you some things are not worthy of the word "Mr."

Zhu Qingshan: "Heaven, earth, master, master..."

Yang Fan quickly interrupted: "Don't don't don't, don't care, don't complicate simple things, do you guys match each other?"

Zhu Qingshan had a flash of inspiration and said, "Why don't we sworn brothers of the opposite sex?"

Yang Fan readily agreed.

Not long after, Yang Fan prepared five offerings and three offerings. The five offerings were chicken, cattle, sheep, fish, and vegetables, which corresponded to heaven and earth, monarchs, relatives and teachers; the third offerings were incense, stove, and wine, which corresponded to loyalty, righteousness and courage.

"I, Zhu Qingshan, became brothers with Yang Fan today. From then on, we will share the blessings and hardships together; we will work together and never leave. The empress dowagers, learn from this heart!"

Yang Fan: "I am willing."

Zhu Qingshan looked at Yang Fan in surprise, and then said: "Brothers are sworn brothers, we will trust each other in life and death, good and bad will help each other, good and bad will depend on each other, and we will help each other in adversity. Heaven and earth testify, mountains and rivers form an alliance, stick to it all our lives, and swear not to violate each other!"

"I am willing."

Zhu Qingshan smiled and said: "Brother Fan! You are a bit simple, right?"

Yang Fan said: "You taste carefully, wish with heart, mind with heart, all wishes with heart."

Zhu Qingshan laughed, it was true.

The two worshiped the sky first, the ground second, and the mourning hall third.The two bowls collide with each other, and it is a respect.

This is the true feeling of deep feelings, one mouthful of boredom; strong feelings, to the end.

If the ceremony is fulfilled, the oath will be fulfilled, and if the oath is fulfilled, then the complex will be fulfilled.

"Second brother!"

"Big brother!"

Well, this worship bowl is different from a cup, the weight of one bowl is worth three cups, and it was dry in one mouthful, just a moment later, Yang Fan's face turned red and his ears turned red.

Zhu Qingshan asked with concern: "How do you feel?"

"I feel like I'm drunk again."

Qinglian couldn't help chuckling, because Yang Fan was the cutest at this time.

Zhu Qingshan said with a smile: "If you can say that you are drunk, you are not really drunk. I know your drinking capacity, you will not finish three bowls, today we are happy, let's drink another bowl."

Yang Fan didn't listen to persuasion, he pointed to the north and said: "Two." He pointed to the west and said: "Four." Then he pointed to the south and said: "Six." Finally, he pointed to the east and said: "Eight."

Zhu Qingshan couldn't help but asked in his heart: "What is the second brother counting?"

(End of this chapter)

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