Chapter 11
Yang Fan said carelessly, "I'm counting people."

Qinglian naturally knows that there are eight people, they are the hidden guards trained by Zhu Qingshan: Yin one, Yin two, always hidden eight.

They have a first-class mid-stage realm, they practice a special technique of concealing aura, and they are good at hiding whereabouts and surprise assassinations.I just found out today that Yang Fan, who has just been promoted to the first-class realm, has seen it clearly for a long time.

Zhu Qingshan asked curiously: "When did you know?"

Yang Fan said: "I'll know when the illness is cured." Yang Fan shook his head, "I'm really dizzy, it seems that someone is here."

Zhu Qingshan didn't understand the following words, and he didn't care too much about the drunk man's words, but asked: "They are all practicing exercises that hide their realm, how do you know?"

Yang Fan swayed and said nonchalantly: "They have hidden the state, but they can't hide the aura. I have practiced so many mental techniques that I can't explain them all. I have a special feeling when I practice. I Not only do I know they exist, but I have seen them, and I have treated them for their diseases and poisons." After finishing speaking, he looked very proud.

How did Yang Fan know the turmoil in Zhu Qingshan and Qinglian's heart, he shook his hand and said: "No, I'm really sleepy, you guys go out, I'm going to bed first."

After finishing speaking, he put down the sacrifices on the table one by one, and said bulgingly: "Why are there so many things on the bed? Are they attracting mice? When was the quilt taken away by the mice?" Removed the iron shoes, put them neatly, then took off the coat and covered himself.

Zhu Qingshan and Qinglian looked at each other and smiled.

There is really no one who uses the open air as a room and a table as a bed.

Yang Fan shouted, "Turn off the light."

Zhu Qingshan didn't delve into the fact that he called the oil lamp a lamp, and said helplessly, "That's the sun."

Yang Fan: "Then turn off the sun." Then he fell asleep.

Qinglian said with a smile: "I talked less than last time, fell asleep faster than last time, and seemed more drunk than last time."

Zhu Qingshan nodded with a chuckle, and took out a whistle from the collar of his neck. This whistle was neither metal nor wood, but it was extremely strong. When Zhu Qingshan held it in his mouth, it made a whistling sound like a bird, not a bird. It was thin and long, and the sound spread far away.

Not long after, four men and four women arrived one after another.

The eight people are of different heights, but they are all similar in stature, with good bumps.The man is upright, the woman is elegant, with tight clothes and a sharp sword behind her back.

The eight people clasped their fists at Zhu Qingshan together, and said in unison: "I have seen you, son!"

Zhu Qingshan pointed to Yang Fan and said: "He and I have become brothers, do you know?"

Yinwei was ranked in order of strength, and Yinyi was the one who spoke first, "My son is of noble birth, and if he becomes a brother of the opposite sex with a person from the rivers and lakes, there may be more troubles."

Zhu Qingshan: "The purpose of coming to Jianghu is to find troubles, but we are in the open and others are in the dark. It is difficult to move every step of the way, and everything is difficult to investigate. Hua Xiong's conspiracy has not yet been investigated, and murders of doctors in Jianghu have occurred frequently. Every time we investigate When it comes to the critical point, one is either murdered and silenced, or the corpse is destroyed; one is cut off from clues, or one is misled. Today, Yang Fan and I have become brothers. First, we value his character; second, we value his knowledge; The main reason is to throw a bait. It can distract the enemy's attention, maybe those restless people will take the bait themselves."

Everyone said in unison: "Young master is wise."

Zhu Qingshan: "Since I know that Yang Fan is my sworn brother, I will treat him with the same respect as I treat him from now on, do you remember?"


Zhu Qingshan immediately changed his words and asked: "Second brother said he met you and treated you, is there such a thing?"

Yin said: "It's true, he gets up to practice before dawn every day, and the island is so big, so... It's strange to say that we found that his cultivation method seems to be different from others."

"Oh? What's the difference?"

Yin said: "It's not breathing out and practicing moves, nor is it meditating, but running, leapfrogging, prone, throwing, or covering your eyes to start looking for us."

Zhu Qingshan said jokingly: "It's really clever and interesting to play hide-and-seek with you to practice listening and distinguishing positions. What does it mean to have healed you?"

Yin Yi: "This subordinate doesn't know."

A fifteen or sixteen-year-old girl coyly said: "Second Young Master has indeed treated his subordinates."

Zhu Qingshan asked: "Yin Qi, what injury did you suffer, but it's okay, how did he treat you? Tell me slowly."

Yin Qi's face was blushing, his eyes were shining brightly, and he said bravely: "I was alone in a secluded place that day, and I was accidentally bitten by Zhu Yeqing. It was the second son who found me, and then... saved me..."

Yin Yi was surprised and said: "With your level of martial arts, how could you be bitten by Zhuyeqing? It's unreasonable."

Yin Qi buried his head in front of his chest, his eyes were moist with anxiety, I felt pity for the rain in the pear blossoms, and said: "This subordinate is a young snake who was hidden under the bamboo leaves when going to the toilet, unfortunately..."

Zhu Qingshan laughed out loud when he heard the words, everyone also ignored the master's presence and laughed along with him.

Feeling ashamed, Yinqi felt ashamed, and said coyly, "Don't laugh!"

His voice was like a mosquito, weak and inaudible amidst the laughter of the crowd.

Yin Qi closed his eyes in shame and shouted: "If you laugh again, I'll cry before you see."

Everyone immediately burst out laughing.

Yang Fan, who was sleeping on the table, didn't wake up, and didn't know what he had dreamed of. He muttered, "It's true." Then he giggled.

Yin Qi was so ashamed that she squatted down and hugged her head.

Zhu Qingshan smiled and said: "Okay, Ah Qi, don't be ashamed, you can follow the second son from now on, but it's best to hide behind so that he can report his information to me."

Yin Qi squatted on the ground, and gave a "huh" in response and refusal, with a nasal voice, like a woman acting like a spoiled child.

Qinglian suddenly said: "Someone is here."

Everyone stood up, surrounded by Zhu Qingshan, looked into the distance, and saw that he was dressed in white, not in a hurry, not in a hurry, and gradually approaching.

Zhu Qingshan asked suddenly: "Did my second brother just say that someone seems to be coming?"

Qinglian nodded.

Zhu Qingshan once again looked at the sleeping Yang Fan with a complicated expression.

The visitor was a scholar, handsome and handsome, with a rigid expression; a majestic bun, dignified and upright; hair fluttering on the temples, with a gentle temperament; black boots and bright clothes, black and white; scrolls tied around the waist, swaying with every step.

It looks fragile, but it is as stable as a rock.

The scholar straightened his cloth hat in a bun, bowed and said: "My subordinate Chen Shusheng, the shopkeeper of Yaokou County, Qingzhou, has seen you."

A scholar is called a scholar, he is proud of being a scholar, and he loves books like a girl, and often keeps his hands on the book, but no one treats him as just a scholar. After all, how can a scholar who can make so many masters get so close to realize it is a simple scholar?

Because, he is the first-class and invincible Chen Shusheng, the only one who has not been a super-level master who has been promoted to the local character list.

Zhu Qingshan: "I can let you find it specially, but what's the important thing?"

Chen Shusheng: "The eagles that have sent letters to the young master in the past few days have not returned. I am afraid that something special will happen, so I came to see you."

Zhu Qingshan looked at Yang Fan, then at the other half of the plate of eagle meat on the mourning hall, and thought to himself: This accident is a bit big, it has become ripe and septic.

Zhu Qingshan confessed honestly, shifted the responsibility to Yang Fan, pointed to Yang Fan and said: "A few days ago, Xinying was shot and killed by my brother who just sworn."

Chen Shusheng said cautiously: "Then will he see your creed and know your identity?"

Zhu Qingshan shook his head: "If you don't write in the creed, you will go where you came from; if you don't write it, whoever writes it will send it to whom; and thirdly, it is digitally encrypted, so you can't even read it. How can you know my true identity from the lines?" ? And he never cared about my identity."

Chen Shusheng said: "Then I can rest assured."

Chen Shusheng was worried not because the note was seen by others, but because he was concerned about whether Yang Fan made friends with Zhu Qingshan without knowing his identity, or if he knew his identity and intended to make friends with him.It's just this thought, which I didn't say out loud.

Zhu Qingshan asked: "In the past few days, what information does the inn need to let me know?"

Chen Shusheng said one by one like a news broadcast: "Three days ago, General Hua's double was beheaded at the Meridian Gate, and Chen Cang was secretly hidden. The enemy's plan has been paralyzed. Yesterday's latest report shows that the number of doctors in the Zhu Dynasty has dropped by 56. Last night in Shazhou I came to report and found that Miss Hua was hunted down by black-clothed assassins, and Miss Hua went to Bianzhou under the desperate protection of the guards."

Zhu Qingshan sighed lightly: "There are more worries than joys."

Chen Shusheng said: "I don't know why the young master stayed on Wanzhu Island for so long?"

Zhu Qingshan smiled and said: "What? Do you still want to control me?"

Chen Shusheng said: "The subordinates dare not. It's just that the court is unclear and the rivers and lakes are chaotic. I hope that you will leave the island as soon as possible, so that the night will be small and the turbidity will be clear."

Zhu Qingshan looked at Yang Fan who was sleeping soundly and said with a smile: "I'm sharpening my knife here, so I won't lose my skills in chopping firewood. Seventh and sixth, please carry my second brother in. The scholar's news in the next few days will come from you Well, it's almost gone."

All the people agreed in unison, and left behind, only Zhu Qingshan and Qinglian, the master and servant, were left behind.

Qinglian said: "Being sworn brothers of the opposite sex should have been carefully considered by the young master, right?"

Zhu Qingshan: "That's natural. One is to give those chess players in the dark an unexpected move; the other is to let us have an extra pair of eyes to help us see different truths from different angles; third, he is indeed worthy of me. Deep friendship, regardless of knowledge, ability, character, martial arts, age."

Qing Lian boasted: "Young Master is wise. Then you let Xiao Qi follow Second Young Master to protect him?"

Zhu Qingshan smiled and said: "That's natural."

Qing Lian clasped her fists and said, "A Lian, on behalf of Xiao Qi, I would like to thank you for your kindness."

Zhu Qingshan said: "What's the use of my love? The key is that she must be loved by the second son."

Qinglian: "Isn't it easy to catch in the arms?"

Zhu Qingshan sneered and said: "Silly girl! You don't understand men, the difference between love and falling in love is a word, but there is a hundred miles away. You are so beautiful, and have you ever seen my second brother seduce you? Pass?"

Qinglian curled her lips: "It's not because he can't remember the face."

Zhu Qingshan: "So, the girl that my second brother can fall in love with won't be because of her appearance, but her character. It won't be a glimpse, but a long-term friendship."

Qinglian nodded half understanding.

(End of this chapter)

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