Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 18 1 article saves 1 life

Chapter 18
All the bandit soldiers gathered towards Yang Fan, and the fierce bandit who rushed to the front jumped up and slashed at Yang Fan with a knife.

The bandit soldiers showed disdain and increased their strength, trying to win the first prize.

Just when he thought the overall situation was settled, he saw the young man across from him holding a sword in his palm, standing there safe and sound. Before he could react, he felt a chill in his neck, a sharp pain, shortness of breath, and no human being at all. strength.

When he raised his eyes, he saw a knife lying in the palm of the young man's hand.

Yang Fan killed the bandits and rushed into the enemy group without stopping.

Fly left and right, poke up and down.

It turns out that Yang Fan is not only good at using the knife in his palm, but also good at left and right hands.

For Yang Fan, who has been a doctor for two lifetimes, he understands the importance of the flexibility and coordination of two hands to a doctor, so he has intentionally trained his two hands since he was a child.

I usually see him holding chopsticks with his right hand, but no one knows that he can eat with his left hand.

Now I choose to hold a knife in my hand to protect myself from killing; I used to hold a scalpel to save people and treat diseases.

The bandits' swords and spears roared towards Yang Fan, attacking long and short, even if they missed one move, they would attack again afterward.

How could Yang Fan not know?I saw him not hiding but advancing, ignoring the spear and sword, getting close to the bandits, and sneaking into the bandits.

Dragging the handle of the knife with one hand, and slashing the enemy's throat with the other.In this way, he avoids the heavy and ignores the light, and walks step by step; rushing from left to right, flashing dexterously.

Although there are a lot of words, in fact, there are not many movements, but only a few. The strength is simple and rude, one-hit kills; the victory is quick speed and drifting steps.

Not long after rushing into the enemy group, Yang Fan staggered and fell to the ground countless times, all of which were hit by fatal positions such as the throat, heart, and temples.

Make the most of strengths and avoid weaknesses, afraid of being close to the body;

Dozens of people, say more or less, say less or less.It doesn't look too much when standing, but it looks crowded when lying down.

It will be a matter of time before the first-rate realm kills the second-rate realm, even if it is the pinnacle, but as fast as Yang Fan, even if there are, I am afraid that there are not many.

The blood on Yang Fan's body was not his, but his.

The three bandit chiefs looked straight at Yang Fan like wolves and tigers, and slowly surrounded him, sizing him up viciously.

One of them was short in stature, with a scar on his face contemptuously, his eyes were calm, revealing a streamlined viciousness.

The other two were similar in appearance, with sharp-mouthed monkey cheeks, blinking triangular eyes, and a fierce light flashing.

"The young hero has a good skill. He was able to sneak into the village alone and make such a big commotion. It really is a hero born out of a boy."

It was a short man with a scar on his face who spoke.

Yang Fan asked, "You are that Scarface Ghost Saber."

"I'm Wu Zhentian, who is the leader here. I don't know if we had any grudges in the past?"


Scarface Ghost Dao said: "That's because we, Xie Mapo, have enmity with you."

Yang Fan said: "It seems not."

Scarface Ghost Saber said again: "Then why did you enter the village and take the lives of so many of my subordinates?"

Yang Fan: "If you don't like it, it'll be nice if you do it."

Scarface Ghost Knife was not angry when he heard this. He has been in the rivers and lakes for many years, and he is used to seeing grievances and fighting. He knew earlier that most of the grievances are self-inflicted.Thick smoke billowed from his site, and none of his subordinates survived. This kind of hatred is endless.Communicating with him is just looking for flaws in the etiquette first.

In order for the three of them to have time to encircle Yang Fan.

Yang Fan was also not afraid, looked at the three people around him, eager to try, and took the lead.

The three bandit chiefs are not decent people at all, so they naturally don't follow the rules and morals with him, so how could they fight him one by one?The three shouted loudly and rushed towards Yang Fan.

The short and sharp bandit wields the famous ghost machete, and the other two bandits, one with a gun and the other with a sword.

All of them were fast, and after a few strides, they fought fiercely together. The three bandits, one slashed high with a knife, one stabbed straight forward, and the other swung a sword to kill.

Yang Fan rushed to the bandit leader, raised his foot and kicked, to face himself.Yang Fan wasn't very tall at all, but compared with the bandit leader, he was still a little taller, so this kick was just an understatement to Yang Fan, and it didn't take much effort.

Wu Zhentian couldn't help but smile contemptuously, he only thought that the young man was brave but not resourceful, such a kick, although better than ordinary people, how could it compare with weapons?He raised the knife and struck at the sole of his foot. This time, even if he reacted and dodged it, he would be permanently disabled.

With a bang, the ghost-headed knife slashed the boy's foot. The young man neither dodged, nor was he injured or disabled. Instead, the ghost-headed knife, which was so beautiful in the past, bounced away, and a strong shock force came from the handle. , the hurt Wu Zhentian took half a step back.

The three of them took a closer look, only to realize that the young man was wearing a pair of black iron shoes.

Relying on the strength of the bandit leader, Yang Fan leaned forward, kicked his front foot backwards, and kicked his foot towards the stabbing spear like a swing, and swung the stabbing spear away, drawing an arc in the air from bottom to top .

The most dangerous double-edged sword came whistling. The three of them thought that the big thing was settled, but they were surprised to see the young man pushing the blade with his bare hands, and with a ding sound, he separated the sword without any damage.

But seeing the young man holding a knife in his hands, he immediately understood.

The three of them attacked together, but the young man dispelled it so lightly.The three of them looked at each other, their faces became more solemn, and they couldn't help adding a little more strength to their hands.

But he didn't dare to use all his strength, after all, a direct blow with a heavy punch is easy to dislocate, and if a big move is hard to return, it will hurt your friend.

The yellow sand and flying stones fought by four people are indistinguishable.

Yang Fan was full of dangers, and every step was frightening, but he became more and more handy, as if he was adapting.

Yang Fan became stronger and more proficient in the more he fought; the more the three bandit leaders fought, the more frightened they became, and the more they fought, the more afraid they became.

The bandit leader shouted: "This kid is using us to stabilize the realm, so use all your strength."

Needless to say, the speed of several people is faster.

After more than a dozen moves, Yang Fan also suffered several injuries.

Gritting his teeth, he used the move of pressing the bottom of the box.

A move of "tornado and remnant clouds" made the three of them swing away. This is a combination of leg skills and some kind of hip-hop dance. Although it can't be fatal in one move, it is better than continuous.

Another move of "Dragon Wagging Tail" directly aimed at the spear bandit. Although the spear hit his heel and blocked most of his strength, he was kicked back again and again by Yang Fan.

What Yang Fan wanted was this effect, a dagger popped out of the toe of the shoe immediately after being hit by this blow.

Before everyone noticed, Yang Fan kicked at the bandit with the long sword. With a ding, the long sword broke, and the dagger on the back of the shoe pierced fiercely into the man's chest.

One person shouted: "Third brother! Ah...I want you to pay for your life!" After saying that, the spear bandit rushed over desperately.

Another person shouted: "Second Brother! Don't mess yourself up. If you are too aggressive, you will be more dangerous."

Hearing this, the long-spear bandit didn't look as desperate as Saburo before.

Yang Fan didn't find a chance to do a double kill for a while.But with one less person besieging, it will be a little easier.Take your time, there is always a chance.

The three of them fought together like a raging fire, fighting for an hour unconsciously.

The inner village is inextricably fought, but the outer village is ruined.

Finally, someone noticed that the inner village was unusual, but there was no one to preside over it, and Liu Erniu was arguing from it, so how could there be any opinions?Some people suggested getting together and getting together, some suggested going in to save people, some were in a dilemma, and some were watching and waiting.

The two gangsters saw that the young man had been fighting for a long time without any signs of fatigue, and they had an ominous premonition in their hearts.

How did they know that although Yang Fan was not diligent in practicing kung fu since childhood, he was still forced by his grandfather to practice for an hour every day. Since his grandfather died, he has been working hard on himself.

Where is it possible to work so hard so quickly?
He heard the short bandit yelling: "Little ones, rush in and help me kill this enemy. Whoever kills the enemy will be rewarded with an earth-level skill, and the one who gets the limbs will be rewarded with a thousand taels of silver."

Hearing the shouts, the young people in the outer village seemed to be pumped with chicken blood, excited and screaming to show their loyalty.

Fortunately, there was no one to direct them, so they cut down the gate of the inner village together, and the sound of chopping firewood and wood was endless.

Yang Fan couldn't help being startled, distracted for a moment, and stabbed with a flying knife.

The knife in the palm of Yang Fan's hand was returned immediately, and hit the man's throat.

Yang Fan was stabbed in the chest and fell straight down, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

The hidden weapons and martial arts skills of the two are judged as high or low.

The short gangster also knows the world, so he is not in a hurry to see if Yang Fan lives or dies, but to check his brother's injuries first.

The bandit with the spear was hit in the throat, and the gods couldn't save him, so he didn't look at it too much; when he got close to the bandit with the long sword, he found that the dagger also stabbed the chest, and he couldn't recover.

It was only after replaying the battle that the boy found out that if he failed to hit, he would die, and if he hit, he would die.

These subordinates of mine turned out to be hits.

Looking at the corpses scattered all over the ground, the bandit leader couldn't help but sigh.

Walking towards Yang Fan's body, he raised his knife to cut off his head to comfort his subordinates.

All of a sudden, a flying knife flew from bottom to top and pierced the bandit leader's throat.

The bandit held his throat and looked at the young man lying on the ground in horror, with an unbelievable expression on his face.

how come?The dagger clearly pierced the heart.

But seeing Yang Fan sitting up and pulling out his dagger, the bandit who hadn't died clearly saw a penny sticking out of the dagger.

The bandit couldn't breathe well, and fell to the ground in convulsions; his eyes were wide open, and he couldn't rest in peace.

Anyone who wants to change this will not be able to rest in peace.

Yang Fan pulled out a copper coin, put it in his arms, patted it, and couldn't help smiling.

The blood at the corner of his mouth further accentuated the youth's free and unrestrained behavior.

(End of this chapter)

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