Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 19 Not Below

Chapter 19 Not Below
The bandit leader died, the gate of the village was broken, and a group of bandit soldiers swarmed in.

But Yang Fan's face was covered with blood, his clothes were ragged, and he was standing there with blood stains.His face was covered in blood, and it was difficult for others to see his true face.Dressed in rags, holding a flying piece, and wearing red makeup, I don't know who's blood is red.

The young man shouted in a low voice: "If you surrender, you will not be killed, but if you resist, you will be killed."

A bandit shouted: "Brothers, don't be afraid, no matter how good his martial arts skills are, he is only one person, and he is injured. Let's kill him together, and then divide the property in the village equally. In order to get rich, kill..."

The bandits were shocked, and the crowd was furious; Yang Fan roared, fighting to the death without retreating.He is tender, weak, and physically injured, how can any enemy not want to bite him?

Since ancient times, there have been so many generous help and mercy?It's not all icing on the cake to sell well-behaved, adding insult to injury for self-interest.

Yang Fan is not afraid that you will make trouble, don't look at him as precarious and crumbling, in fact, most of the fabrics in the clothes that can be wrung out to bleed are other people's.The several knife wounds on his body were only skin traumas, and the throwing knife that almost killed him was not fatally wounded by the copper coins.

Grit your teeth and fight again.

There was sudden confusion among the enemy group.

A voice shouted: "Hugh hurt my master!"

Who else is it not Liu Erniu?

Yang Fan was overjoyed, but he didn't stop his movements.Rushing into the enemy group, killing the sky and the earth, without the slightest mercy.

Although Yang Fan has the benevolence of a doctor, he has a heart of iron and stone.

Shoes under the feet, or kicking legs, or kicking the chest, or kicking eggs, or headshot; in the palm of the knife, or stabbing, or stabbing, or scratching, all of them fell to the ground and died.

From the shocking killing at the beginning, it turned into screams and screams later.

On the tree pole in the forest, there are two lines of Wu Qian's tears, and the snot is elongated. He is cute, pitiful, ridiculous, and arouses pity.

The girl moved her fingers with difficulty, and then cursed in a low voice: "Bastard, bastard, bastard..." But her eyes were full of reluctance.

Wu Qian, whose acupuncture points were tapped by Yang Fan and placed on the tree trunk, has loosened the acupuncture points at this moment, but it will take some time to return to normal.Lie down for a long time, the limbs are slow, and it is inconvenient to move for a long time.

He cursed Yang Fan endlessly on his mouth, but he missed Yang Fan endlessly in his heart.

Although we met in embarrassment and only got along for a day.But how could Wu Qian, who has tasted the cruelty of the world, be unable to tell the difference between good and bad?He is just a beggar, and Yang Fan will be able to help him when they meet by chance.Although there is Meng Lang, there is a reason for what happened, and there are excusable circumstances.He is obviously Mr. Pianpian, but he can't fight back or scold him when he is angry.Don't dislike eating at the same table with yourself, can not tire of being dirty, blow your nose for yourself, and even...are willing to be responsible for yourself.

Thinking of every little thing I had with him again... the tenderness in the thick and the delicate, the tenderness in the hard and the tender.There is no girl who will not be moved, and there is no woman who will not be touched.

First love is nothing more than that, let alone the first love is him?

Wu Yan gradually began to move freely, took out a cloth handkerchief and wiped his nose.Spectators should not feel that it is detrimental to the image. Wu Yan is only fourteen years old, begging for a long time, of course causing malnutrition, and it is reasonable for a malnourished body to involuntarily run down his nose when he is sad and crying.Don't many adults do the same when they cry?
Wu Qian hugged Yang Fan's coat covering her body, inhaled his breath, and wiped his little face along the way.

Immediately, it becomes less sloppy and more fresh.

After four or five years of begging, the dog chased her countless times. Wu Yan had already practiced tree climbing skills. She climbed down the tree with ease and ran towards the bandit village.

The bandit village, who had never dared to get too close before, dared to go forward for some reason this time.She didn't think about whether she would be overbearing, but she couldn't help it anyway.

Wu Qian went straight to the ghost village and the devil's cave, without hiding or concealing, carelessly, even a little with his head held high, with a kind of tragic and heroic dedication to righteousness.

A man dressed as a bandit soldier appeared in front of Wu Qian. Without timidity, Wu Qian walked straight towards him.

The man's eyes blinked and his mouth opened silently.

There was another man on the ground lying in a pool of blood, his face pale.

Wu Qian understood that this must be a good thing that the enemy did, but what she couldn't figure out was why only one person was killed?
Wu Qian picked up the bandit knife on the ground, covered the handle with both hands, took a deep breath, and shouted: "Father! Mother! My daughter has avenged you!" He closed his eyes and raised the big knife to slash at the man.

One knife after another, the blood splashed on the face with incomplete body.

Wu Qian was shocked by the blood, looked at the corpse on the ground, wiped his face, put on Yang Fan's coat, raised his knife, and rushed towards the bandit village with a murderous look.Wu Qian put on Yang Fan's coat, as if he possessed superpowers, completely different from his previous temperament.

Rushing into the bandit village, unimaginable blocking and fighting, ruined walls all over the ground, green smoke curling up, and corpses strewn everywhere in sight.

Dozens of bandit soldiers knelt in front of a young man, begging for mercy.

The young man was dressed in ragged clothes and covered his body with strips of cloth; his face was blood-stained and unkempt; his scars were shocking.

I heard the young man say to the man who bowed slightly beside him: "From now on, these people will belong to you. Kill those who do evil, burn and loot, kill those who betray their faith, kill those who betray their brothers, and kill those who betray their masters for glory."

The man respectfully replied: "Yes! Young Master!"

The boy said again: "Go and take them to collect all the property in the village."

The bandits thanked them endlessly, and followed the man to stand up and take orders.

After hearing the young man's voice, Wu Qian stood there blankly, staring at the young man firmly, as if he wanted to see into his eyes and engrave it into his heart.

The boy is Yang Fan.

With a sound of Ding Ling, the knife in Wu Qi's hand fell to the ground, and the tears in his eyes quietly formed threads.

Yang Fan straightened his arms, revealing his only teeth that were still fair.

Wu Qi trotted towards Yang Fan.

Yang Fan thought he was going to throw himself into his arms, but what he didn't expect to welcome was Wu Qian's "Mingjin Little Jade Hammer".

Wu Qian closed his eyes, punched Yang Fan's chest, and cried, "I made you leave me, I made you not listen to me, I made you worry me, I made you cry. "

In fact, Wu Qian's fists were not heavy, but Yang Fan had internal injuries after fighting for a long time, and a mouthful of old blood flowed out from the corner of his mouth.

But Wu Qian cried tens of decibels, hugging Yang Fan and groping up and down.

"How are you? Where are you hurt? Are you hurting any vitals?"

Yang Fan shook his head and smiled, "It's just an internal injury, it's better to vomit blood."

After finishing speaking, Yang Fan opened his inner jacket with great interest, and pressed Wu Qian's head to let her see. There was a knife mark left on his chest, and there was a small circle around the knife mark, and the middle of the copper coin in Yang Fan's hand was also bulged. Come.

"The fatal blow was blocked by the copper coins you sent."

Seeing Yang Fan's chest, Wu Qian's face turned red all of a sudden, and he said in embarrassment, "We seem to be different."

Yang Fan slandered: "It's weird if it's the same." He said with a smile: "If I don't meet you, you won't give me a penny, and if you don't give me a penny, I will die, and I will die for you." You can't avenge your parents. What do you think this proves?"

While examining Yang Fan's body, Wu Qian replied: "Prove a problem, save an extra penny, and save a life."

There seemed to be crows whizzing past Yang Fan's head.

Wu Qian paused suddenly, squatted down suddenly, and lifted Yang Fan's trousers.

Blood-stained and empty.

With a loud cry, he burst into tears: "The bottom of you has been chopped off, what should I do?"

It turned out that Yang Fan's pants were already open and aboveboard after a long time of leg work.No wonder it is a little refreshing.

Hearing Wu Yan's sad cry, Yang Fan suddenly felt his head was completely dark, and he was speechless.

Emotional Wu Yan was pretending to be innocent just now, and he knew to ask me that there is nothing left, what should you do?
How do you ask me to answer?

Seeing Wu Qian crying non-stop, Yang Fan replied with a wry smile: "It's okay, just hide it in the underwear."

"What are panties?"

Yang Fan was speechless immediately, how could there be a concept of underwear in this world?Yang Fan could only say, "I will make it for you to wear in the future, and you will know."

With red eyes, Wu Yan choked up and said, "Didn't you lie to me again?"

Ignoring the word "again" who doesn't know where to start, Yang Fan swears that he will definitely make underwear for you.

But I heard Wu Yan say: "There is so much blood down there, are you really going to be fine?"

When Yang Fan patted his forehead, he had a feeling that a scholar met a soldier, and he couldn't explain why.This girl is still concerned about this matter?

"Return to your son! The property has been ordered!" A man said to Yang Fan nervously, and apologized to Wu Qiangong: "I disturbed the young lady."

That man is naturally Yang Fan's subordinate, Liu Erniu.

Yang Fan asked him to take stock of his belongings, but the first thing he asked was the number of people, "How many people do you have under your command?"

Liu Erniu paused for a moment, and replied: "57 people." When he said this, he couldn't help but twitched, and said to himself: "You have killed a small village of about two hundred and five. Even if you count the fleeing monks, you still have breath." Yes, you also killed about 200 people."

Yang Fan twisted the clothes on his body, and with the sound of splashing water, he forcefully squeezed out a puddle of red liquid, and looked at Wu Qian who was standing beside him.Wu Yan stared straight at him, without turning his head.

This battle was really cool, and it vented the grief that my grandfather had suppressed for a long time.

Take off your clothes with a smile, and you will see bronzed muscles, healthy and sexy, women will admire them when they see them, and men will envy them when they see them.The criss-crossing knife wounds on it are cadenced, wild and sturdy.

Yang Fan stretched out his hand to beckon to Wu Qian.

With a blushing face, Wu Qian shyly placed the little jade hammer in Yang Fan's palm.

Yang Fan smiled and said, "Little nymphomaniac, what are you thinking? What I want is my coat."

Wu Qian hurriedly took off his coat and returned it to Yang Fan, feeling at a loss and ashamed.

Liu Erniu next to him wanted to laugh but didn't dare to.

(End of this chapter)

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