Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 27 Especially after cutting the chili

Chapter 27 Especially After Cutting the Peppers (Driving)
After cutting the pepper, I didn't wash my hands before going to the toilet, so at this moment... my cheeks are flushed.

"I didn't wash my hands before going to the toilet." Wu Yuchu didn't take it seriously, but couldn't help laughing when he thought about it.Haha laughed, leaning forward and backward.

Wu Yan covered his belly and bent down laughing, then raised his head and gave Yang Fan a shy and cute big white eye, and said: "Go take a shower, it's not good if it's broken, I'll cook the rest of the dishes."

Only then did Yang Fan come up with an idea, and rushed to the bathroom in a hurry.

The dishes had already been cut and prepared. Thinking about the time was still early, and Yang Fan was not yet ready, Wu Qian, who was blushing, snickered and wanted to tease Yang Fan, so he tiptoed into the bathroom.

The bathroom is not too big or too small, with two bathtubs on the left and right, a screen in the middle, and a pool dug in the corner.Yang Fan has such a design, because medicinal bath is an indispensable practice method for cultivating Yuan Guyuan.The rich people practice quickly and easily become generals, and the poor people cultivate slowly and rarely get geniuses. This is the essential reason.

Think about it, if there is only one bathtub, will it smell like medicine after soaking for a long time?If you don't use a clear water bath to soak, wouldn't it be marinated in the long run?

Yang Fan came in in a hurry and didn't even lock the door. In fact, when he lived with his grandfather, he didn't even close the door, because when his grandfather was alive, he often needed to come in to test the temperature of the water, and add medicines.

With a blushing face, Wu Yan pushed the door open, saw the clothes on the screen, and grabbed them in his hands.

Yang Fan: "Who?"

Wu Qi laughed lightly.

Yang Fan smiled and said: "You are really bold, you dare to come in while I am taking a bath, are you not afraid that I will stand up and insult you?"

Wu Yan smiled foolishly: "You dare not."

Yang Fan: "Why don't I dare?"

Wu Qian said: "You just don't dare, if you dare to stand up, I dare to watch."

Yang Fan: "If you dare to look, I will dare to stand."

Wu Qi rested his feet on the wooden barrel, rested his head on the screen, and looked at Yang Fan: "Husband! You stood up to scare me."

Looking at the playful girl who suddenly appeared, Yang Fan was so scared that he crossed his arms and folded his chest. He was obviously molesting her, but she was molested by her.

Yang Fan was speechless.

Think about it, since I am a man and promised to be responsible to others, why am I so shy and took a bath by myself.

But after all, he was still embarrassed and turned his back.

Returning to the forest at dusk, Chen Busan drank the river wind for a long time, and felt somewhat empty in his belly. Passing by the front hall, he saw Zhu Qingshan leaning against the window writing and writing, frowning and thinking.

The children played happily in twos and threes, full of vigor and excitement.A happy smile appeared on Chen Busan's old face.

The little girl who was chasing after Yang Fan and calling her father, followed by her brother who was a brat, found a broken bowl from nowhere and went to the river to fetch water for the ginseng flowers in the yard.

Chen Busan said to the dumb man, "Go and watch, don't let Niuniu fall into the water."

The dumb man nodded and followed.

When Chen Busan stepped into the kitchen, he saw that the dishes full of dishes had been placed properly, but he did not see Yang Fan and Wu Yan, looking around with their cigarettes in their hands.

Chen Busan held his breath and came out of the bathroom window lightly.

Hearing Yang Fan's voice, "Can't you tell others what happened today?"

Wu Qian: "What's the matter?"

Yang Fan: "That's the thing."

Wu Yan laughed and asked, "Which one?"

Yang Fan: "It's just... the embarrassing thing just now."

Wu Qian laughed and said, "Silly husband! How could I say such shameless things?"

Yang Fan: "I haven't married you yet? Why do you always call me husband?"

Wu Qian: "Aren't you going to be irresponsible to me?"

Yang Fan: "I didn't mean that!"

Wu Qian: "Since you will be responsible to me sooner or later, why can't I call you husband?"

Yang Fan: "You're still young..."

Wu Qian: "Can you bully me when I'm young?"

The room was silent.

Chen Busan walked away quietly, this brat bullied others before dark.

Young, headstrong, nice.

Chen Busan is gratified in his wretchedness, and sweet in his dirty.

After thinking about it, this is not good, the girl is not yet full grown, how can she hurt her body, next time I have to talk about that boy Yang Fan.

The banquet began at night, and the banquet was divided into three tables.

Yang Fan sat in the main seat, his thighs were occupied by the little girl, Zhu Qingshan, Qinglian, Dumb Man, Chen Busan, Wu Qian, surrounded them one by one, and ate at the same table.

Yang Fan held the little girl in his arms and raised his glass to Zhu Qingshan and said: "Brother is leaving tomorrow, and today I specially set up this banquet as a practice. , success and fame. Two brothers, one of us."

After a pause, he justified himself and said, "I'm just a villager. I've never seen the world. I don't know etiquette, and I don't know much about delicious food. I cook it myself to show my sincerity. If it's delicious, eat as much as possible. Drink more if it tastes good. Also, Sister Qinglian! Please take good care of my elder brother, the three of us will do one."

Qinglian quit, "Why do you want to take me with you to respect the young master? There is no sincerity. I want you to respect me personally."

Yang Fan showed bitterness, and looked at Qinglian eagerly: "Good sister! I respect you sincerely, but it's true that you don't drink well."

Zhu Qingshan smiled and said: "Okay, Qinglian! Haven't you seen how much he can drink? According to what you said, my second brother may not be able to eat a few mouthfuls of food, so he will just lie on the bed."

Chen Busan, Wu Qian and the dumb man had never seen Yang Fan's drinking capacity, so naturally they couldn't understand Zhu Qingshan's meaning.

The three of them clinked their glasses and drank to the brim.

All of a sudden, the toasts were staggered, and the cups were pushed and changed.

Although the disciples at the two tables gave them a full cup, they put it aside and ate separately.They are all hard-fated people, just out of the miserable land, the food is naturally a bit messy.

Yang Fan had already taken precautions and added more food to them.

Yang Fan raised his glass to Chen Busan, and only shouted: "Grandpa Chen!" and said no more.

Chen Busan said "Hey" without speaking, the two touched each other and drank the wine in their glasses.

Deep affection and few words, the closer you are, the less you talk.

The dumb man also stood up, and invited Yang Fan, needless to say, first of all, as a respect.

After drinking as usual, Yang Fan ate with vegetables, as if he was afraid of being eaten up.

Zhu Qingshan nodded: "Not bad, four cups."

Yang Fan smiled foolishly, and gave Chen Busan a piece of chicken head.

Chen Busan smiled and said, "How do you know I like chicken heads?"

Yang Fan paused with his chopsticks, and said with a smile, "Grandpa said, eating chicken heads wins you a lot of money." Yang Fan wanted to say that, because grandpa likes it, but it would seem like a little girl to say that.

Zhu Qingshan: "I don't know what the second brother plans to do in the future?"

Yang Fan: "First arrange to take care of the house, and then venture into the rivers and lakes and travel around."

Zhu Qingshan: "I hope we can meet again in Jianghu."

Yang Fan: "That's for sure."

Seeing that Yang Fan's face was getting redder and redder, Zhu Qingshan said with a smile: "You drink less, as long as you feel good, there is no need to pour wine."

Yang Fan said: "Is there any chance that I won't pour the cup when I pick it up?"

Yang Fan raised the wine in his glass and brought it in front of Wu Qian: "Let's have a cup of wine!"

All of a sudden, everyone's expressions were in different poses and with different expressions, and their smiles were in different shapes.

Wu Yan blushed pretty, and gave Yang Fan a shy look, but he was not afraid. He took the wine glass and held Yang Fan's arm, and drank the wine.

The table was full of applause.The startled disciples all looked back.

Driven by an older boy, the disciples at the two tables got up one after another, raised their glasses to Yang Fan and said unevenly: "I wish Master all the best, all wishes come true, every bet will win, every calamity will be turned into good luck, success and fame will be achieved. "

Well, this is what Yang Fan said to Zhu Qingshan just now, and now they are using what they have learned.

Yang Fan slapped the table and shouted: "Okay!" He raised his glass and drank it down.

Zhu Qingshan pressed down on Yang Fan, and said to Wu Qian, "It's almost done, can you help him down to rest? Otherwise, something cute will happen again."

Wu Qian asked with a smile: "What's the matter? Can you still sing and dance?"

At this time, Yang Fan had already started to shake his head and speak incoherently.

Zhu Qingshan said with a smile: "I've never done singing and dancing, but the first time he got drunk, he said he wouldn't let us support him, he only supported the wall, and fell asleep sitting in the corner after walking a few steps; the second time, he used the table as a bed, Sleeping in the open air with the sun like an oil lamp."

Everyone smiled.

Qinglian said: "Since he hasn't sung yet when he's drunk, we might as well ask him to sing, maybe he can sing?"

Everyone looked at each other and smiled.

Zhu Qingshan pushed Yang Fan forward and said, "Second brother! Sing a song!"

Yang Fan raised his head blankly and asked, "What song do you order?"

Now even Chen Busan, who secretly sat on the edge smoking a pipe, became interested. Although it was a little awkward to hear "what song do you order", he could still hear the meaning of the words: I can sing, but I can sing a lot .

Qinglian: "Just sing what you are good at."

Yang Fan: "It grows everywhere in my place."

When Chen Busan, who was smoking, heard this, he couldn't breathe smoothly and was choked by the smoke.

Zhu Qingshan jokingly said with a smile: "Since we are all going to walk in the rivers and lakes, let's sing a song about the rivers and lakes."

Yang Fanteng stood up, covered a chopstick with his hand, put it next to his mouth, bowed to everyone, and said: "Next, I will sing "Jianghu Laughter" for everyone, and give it to everyone."

Everyone has never seen Yang Fan like this, interesting, novel, cute, and funny.

Everyone was just looking for happiness, they didn't ask Yang Fan to really sing, let alone ask Yang Fan to be able to sing.

But as soon as Yang Fan opened his mouth, everyone stopped making fun of him and listened intently.

The rivers and lakes laughed at their grievances, people made tricks, and they laughed and hid their swords.

The world of mortals laughs, laughs lonely, and has too high a heart to reach.

The bright moon shines, the road is far away, people will grow old, but the heart will not grow old.

Can't love, can't let go, can't forget, you are good.

It seems that the flowers are not flowers, the fog is not fog, the surging river can't stay, and the hero is proud and ambitious. It turns out that the hero is lonely.

The rivers and lakes laugh, love disappears away, qin or flute, wine comes and goes.

Smiling up to the sky, forgetting everything, chic and light like the wind.

The rivers and lakes laugh, grievances and resentments, people make tricks, laugh and hide the knife.

The world of mortals laughs, laughs lonely, and has too high a heart to reach.

The bright moon shines, the road is far away, people will grow old, but the heart will not grow old.

Can't love, can't let go, can't forget, you are good.

It seems that the flowers are not flowers, the fog is not fog, the surging river can't stay, and the hero is proud and ambitious. It turns out that the hero is lonely.

The rivers and lakes laugh, love disappears away, qin or flute, wine comes and goes.

Smiling up to the sky, forgetting everything, chic and light like the wind.

Jianghu laughs, love disappears away, love or hate, neither.

Smiling up to the sky, forgetting everything, chic and light like the wind.

This song is bold and clear, rare in the world; the sound is beautiful, and it will circle the beam for three days.

(End of this chapter)

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