Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 28 Zhu Wenzhi, styled Qingshan

Chapter 28 Zhu Wenzhi, styled Qingshan

Everyone is still thinking about it.

Yang Fan paid homage to everyone from a distance, and said drunkenly: "Thank you! Thank you everyone!" He swayed as always.

Zhu Qingshan said with a smile: "This time Liu Cup is so drunk, it's a great improvement."

Chen Busan asked, "How many cups were there before?"

Zhu Qingshan said: "Three cups down."

Chen Busan nodded and stopped talking.He knew in his heart that his brother who slept under the tombstone of the willow tree drank a lot all his life, saying that it was to save people from being messed up and not trembling when he cut a knife, but in fact he was almost a fool who poured three cups.It seems that drinking capacity is hereditary.

Seeing Yang Fan walking like a dancer, Wu Qian was afraid that he would fall, so he hurriedly stepped forward to help him.

Unexpectedly, Yang Fan gently lifted her chin with his fingers, and teased her in public: "Silly girl! Give me a smile."

If it was in private, Wu Yan would naturally be beautiful, but under the watchful eyes of the public, Wu Yan would inevitably be ashamed and dare not raise his head, how could he cope with Yang Fan's shamelessness at this time.

Seeing that Wu Yan didn't smile, Yang Fan said viciously: "I tell you to laugh, but you don't laugh, since that's the case...then I'll show you the smile."

Yang Fan smiled brightly, and Wu Qian's heart trembled.

Everyone couldn't help laughing together, and those sensible and ignorant apprentices were also unavoidable.

Yang Fan approached Wu Qian, half of Wu Qian's body was supported by Yang Fan, and he couldn't avoid it, and he didn't want to avoid it, seeing the flushed handsome face narrowing his eyes and getting closer to her.Sigh... Who would have thought that this friend would ask for a kiss in public?Shy and happy at the same time, she simply closed her eyes and let her kiss her.

Wu Qian closed his eyes for a long time, but no pig's mouth touched his lips, but his shoulders sank. When he opened his eyes, he realized that it was Yang Fan lying on Wu Qian's shoulders.

Exhale rough, ear-shattering heart.

Chen Busan stepped forward to help, and joined forces with Wu Qian to bring Yang Fan into the inner room.

After Zhu Qingshan and Qinglian escorted him, they didn't join hands, but the dumb man wanted to hold him by the waist, but Zhu Qingshan stopped him with one hand, and shook his head slightly.

A dumb man is just stupid, not stupid.Immediately figured out the truth inside, who here can't hold Yang Fan, it's just creating opportunities for Wu Qian.

Putting it on the bed, Chen Busan said lovingly to Wu Qian, "Take good care of Yang Fan, but don't tire yourself too much."

He whispered softly again: "You are weak now, don't be too intemperate, overwork is not good, grandpa will make some nourishing food for you in private, for a period of time, you will be able to give birth."

Wu Yan stomped his feet in embarrassment, wishing to hide in Yang Fan's arms in shame, how could such a shameless old man say such shameless words.

She rubbed her clothes with her little hands, not knowing how to respond.

Chen Busan looked like someone who came here, guessed that she would not answer, and never thought about asking her to answer, turned around and went out, and blocked the door, dragged Zhu Qingshan and the others back to the table to continue drinking and chatting.

Zhu Qingshan is also knowledgeable and very cooperative.

Besides, in Yang Fan's room, is there anything inappropriate for children?
Yang Fan's drunkenness has three stages: blushing, talking nonsense, and falling asleep.

Now is of course the last stage.

Maybe I drank a little too much today, and my sleep was not as solid as the previous two times. I kept shouting hot and cold, and took off my hands to be open and aboveboard, only wearing an inch cloth.

Everyone has seen what is called a red face, but has anyone seen a person with a flushed body?
Wu Qi saw it today.

Looking at the red and naked Yang Fan on the bed, Wu Qian couldn't help touching him lightly, only to find that his body was hot, soft, and fragrant.Cursed: "Roasted sweet potatoes!"

Since then, Yang Fan has had a nickname in Wu Qi - Roasted Sweet Potatoes.

Silent all night.

On the second day, Yang Fan woke up early as usual, and saw Wu Qian leaning on his arm, falling asleep soundly, and seeing himself wearing Superman's eye-catching pants, he couldn't help but feel embarrassed. Fortunately, Wu Qian was dressed neatly, which made Yang Fan less embarrassed.

Yang Fan gently put down Wu Qian's pretty face, helped him cover his pillow firmly, then went to the disciples' dormitory, and woke them up one by one.

Only eight children survived the disaster, and they never woke up. They just tucked them in the quilt and took the disciples to run for morning exercises.

Running is a way to practice endurance and increase physical fitness. It seems simple, but in fact it is not simple.

After running a few steps, the disciples were out of breath.

"Breathe! Don't inhale through your mouth, use your nose."

"Speed ​​is not the key to running. The key is how long you can run. The longer you run, the better your endurance, and the longer you can walk in martial arts than others."

"Come on! Persevere! Only by getting stronger can we uphold justice, not be bullied, and protect the people we want to protect."

Under such encouragement and verbal stimulation, the six disciples ran the whole distance around the island.

Yang Fan gave different praises to everyone, but he only praised the six-year-old boy who was outstanding in his performance - very good.

Sweating all over, dancing a set of moves.

Then he led the disciples back to the courtyard for breakfast. At that time, the smoke from the bamboo courtyard was already rising, and the parcels outside the courtyard had been carefully checked by Qinglian.

Parting with Zhu Qingshan was imminent, but Yang Fan didn't know how to say goodbye.

It was Zhu Qingshan who groaned and said: "Woke up so early? Didn't you say that you will not get up to see you off?"

Yang Fan: "I know you're leaving, so there's no reason not to send it off."

Zhu Qingshan took out a gold medal and handed it to Yang Fan, saying: "This is my token as a big brother. Using it can save you a lot of trouble, and it can also allow us to meet soon."

Yang Fan was also polite. After taking it, he took a bite and said, "I thought it was gold? It's really hard."

Zhu Qingshan said angrily: "This is Tianwai Xuantie, what's the matter? Can't you exchange it for money?"

Yang Fan smiled embarrassingly, but did not answer.

Zhu Qingshan smiled slowly and didn't say any more.

After breakfast, we bid farewell.

"Young Master Zhu's identity is not ordinary." Chen Busan came out of nowhere, and suddenly said this.

Yang Fan didn't feel abrupt, and replied: "You said it earlier, and I knew it too."

Chen Busan asked: "Then can you guess his identity?"

Yang Fan held up the gold medal and said, "Isn't the answer obvious?"

Chen Busan: "I still want to know if you really know."

Yang Fan: "My eldest brother is the younger brother of today's emperor. His real name is Zhu Wenzhi. He has no official position, no title, and no fief. He was ordered to come out to investigate the general's treason case."

Chen Busan: "Is that why you offered advice inadvertently?"

Yang Fan: "He has saved my life, and he is my sworn brother. It is his duty and duty to solve his problems for him."

Chen Busan: "Isn't it afraid that he won't know that you intend to help if you don't offer advice to identify your identity?"

Yang Fan: "Not necessarily, he may know that I know his identity, but he is not sure if I really confirmed his identity, but it is inconvenient to reveal his identity, so I used the gold medal to clarify his identity, thank you The act of not revealing my identity after I know it."

Regardless of whether you are dizzy or not, Chen Busan was dizzy anyway.Smash the cigarette holder and blow out the smoke leisurely.I thought to myself, the cubs born by the old fox are all vixen.

Chen Busan said with a solemn expression: "I also need to say something that you should not know."

Yang Fan: "Huh?"

"Although your elder brother is the emperor's younger brother, he is not favored by the queen mother."

"This is what I said, if you are favored, how can you have no titles or lands?"

Chen Busan: "What you know is inference, what I want to talk about is reason."

Yang Fan: "Grandpa! I won't interrupt, you go ahead."

Chen Busan: "Because Zhu Wenzhi's biological mother is the Queen Mother's maid, not the Queen Mother's flesh and blood, so in essence, Zhu Wenzhi and the current Holy Majesty are not brothers, but a master-servant relationship."

Yang Fan nodded and said irrelevantly, "Anyway, I'm not here to hug my thigh."

"Being the son of the Tian family, winning the world. Some things are not as simple as you think. The emperor sent Zhu Qingshan into the rivers and lakes, not to let him be the problem-breaker, but to let him be the bait. You cross your legs , it’s true that Zhu Qingshan helped, but he might be feared by others.”

Yang Fan: "Although they are not biological, they have been together since childhood, so there is no such deep water, right?"

Chen Busan narrowed his brown old eyes slightly, and said: "There are some old things that even the emperor doesn't know about. The emperor wanted to reuse you as a rich brother several times, but was blocked by the queen mother every time. Do you know why?"

Yang Fan: "The mother is afraid that someone will threaten her son's rule, right?"

Chen Busan neither affirmed nor denied, and gave a heavy message: "Because Zhu Qingshan's biological mother was poisoned to death by the Queen Mother."

Several sneezes came from the carriage facing the rising sun, and Zhu Qingshan's voice came out: "Why do you sneeze so many times? Who misses me?"

Qinglian's voice came out: "Maybe Xiaoqi, who you threw to Yang Fan, is scolding you?"

In the carriage, Zhu Qingshan held a thousand-character memorial, clapped his palms, shook his head and said, "Arranging Xiao Qi to follow my second brother is something she can't wish for, why would she miss me when I go ahead?"

Qinglian: "Master, you really understand women."

Zhu Qingshan smiled softly: "I don't know any women, but I understand you."

Qinglian smiled shyly, her face flushed slightly.

There was silence in the carriage for a while, Qinglian got out of the carriage again, but her flush didn't fade away, instead she seemed to be burning her ears and temples.

Qinglian handed the groom a booklet, and said calmly: "Be sure to send this memorial to the palace. If you don't finish the job well, please come and see me."

The groom nodded yes, a whistle sounded, and five figures floated over.

It was copied in triplicate, one was submitted to the local government, one was forwarded to the Imperial Ministry of Etiquette, and the other went straight to the imperial city with the gold medal.

The text is divided into three ways, and there is nothing wrong with it.

(End of this chapter)

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