Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 29 Waiting to pick up the scabbard

Chapter 29 Waiting to pick up the scabbard

Qinglian straightened her clothes and asked, "Master! Where shall we go next?"

Zhu Qingshan said lazily: "Go to the demoted state to make a layout and win a name."

Qinglian: "Young master's plan is so confident that the emperor will adopt it?"

Zhu Qingshan patted a book and said: "I don't believe in myself, but in the master who wrote this book."

Qinglian was surprised: "You mean this book was written by Yang Fan?"

Zhu Qingshan said seriously: "Remember! From now on, everyone has to respect him as Second Young Master and respect him from the bottom of his heart. He has great talent, and those trash in the court should be thrown away if they compare with him."

Seeing Qinglian's lips pursed slightly, Zhu Qingshan naturally knew that it was Qinglian who was angry with him and raised his tone.

Immediately she smiled softly and said, "Look at the words in the book, and then at the words he mentioned." Qinglian took the "Mathematics" book, read it carefully and carefully.

Qinglian said: "I think Second Young Master should know your identity."

Zhu Qingshan laughed loudly and said: "If he knows, pretend he doesn't know. I know he knows, but I also pretend that he doesn't know."

Qinglian thought about it for a while, "No wonder when you said goodbye, the atmosphere was weird and you faltered."

Zhu Qingshan smiled and said, "It's because I gave him the gold medal."

Qinglian: "What does this have to do with gold medals?"

With a big wave of his hand, Zhu Qingshan supported his head and began to doze off in the carriage, and said leisurely: "Think about it yourself."

Wanzhu Island.

Chen Busan looked at Yang Fan and asked, "Aren't you curious about who I am?"

Yang Fan smiled and said, "Aren't you my grandfather?"

Chen Busan was taken aback, and said slowly: "It seems that I don't need to introduce myself solemnly."

Of course, Chen Busan is not just Chen Busan, his real name is Chen Zhiji, and his name is Yunyou, and he likes to travel around and find people to fight.

Yang Fan: "However, you are a super master, why did you get internal injuries?"

Chen Busan cheered and said, "Didn't you go to Yaozhou in the extreme south of Zhu Chao?"

Yang Fan: "Yaozhou is like spring all the year round, and it is rich in medicinal materials. It is divided into two by Lujiang, and the territory is divided equally by Yaogu and Poison Valley. There are many masters there. Poison Valley and Medicine Valley each have a super old monster. It’s not easy to mess with, let’s not talk about Poison Valley, if you meet them, it’s like stabbing a hornet’s nest. If you beat them to death, they can poison you to death. As for Yaogu Yiren, he has always been wise. People are vying to help him fight."

Chen Busan snorted, and said with a bitter face: "I still regret going so far away."

Yang Fan naturally didn't know that Grandpa Chen had a dream before his grandfather died, and of course he couldn't understand the real regret in this sentence.

He said lightly: "Don't worry! With me here, I guarantee that your internal injuries will heal within a month."

Chen Busan was noncommittal, looking at the new vitality that filled the island, he asked, "You know how to call bone strength endowment?"

Yang Fan nodded.

Chen Busan: "Oh, this is a seemingly useless but in fact unparalleled stunt in the world. It will definitely be of great benefit to the establishment of a sect. I used to pester the old doctor to teach him, and he taught it, but I can't even learn half a bucket of water."

Yang Fan smiled: "This is a combination of medical skills and martial arts. You are not a doctor. If you can learn a little knowledge, you are considered a smart person."

Chen Busan asked, "How is your bone-touching skill?"

Yang Fan said with a smile: "You will fulfill your mission."

Chen Busan smoked his pipe with a smile on his face and asked, "How are the qualifications of these children?"

Yang Fan: "That little kid who doesn't like to talk and protects his sister every day has a heaven-level talent. I didn't test the little girl. She is protected by her brother. As for the others, they are all earth-level talents."

Chen Busan smiled more sincerely, "Let me teach, let me teach, if you can teach so many masters, you will be famous forever even if you die."

Yang Fan: "Grandpa is the leader, Fan'er can't wish for it, but some training items must be added." As he spoke, he handed Chen Busan a booklet, and then said: "You have good qualifications, but you can't express your joy and love. Come out, not to mention too much praise, just give him more care in private. And don’t let his realm rise too quickly, if the foundation is laid, the road ahead will be more solid.”

Chen Busan looked at Yang Fan in surprise: "How old are you, and you know so much? Was it taught by an old doctor?"

Yang Fan had an expression of "or else".

A flat boat sailed down the river and landed steadily on Wanzhu Island.

A middle-aged man with a square face appeared on the board of the ship, with a gentle and fierce look.Looking around the island for a week, his eyes quickly fell on the bamboo courtyard.

With a big knife on his back and a box hanging on his waist, he strode towards the bamboo courtyard.

A stone was thrown and hit the man's thigh.

Turning his head to look, he saw a little boy holding a stone in his hand, eager to try him.A little girl next to her was holding a water spoon in her hand and staring at her angrily, her appearance was indescribably cute.

"Bad guy! You stepped on my food." The voice of the baby was childish, and the milk was fierce.

The man looked at his feet, but it was an unknown weed.

The child is so cute, he treats the grass as a vegetable.

The man raised his foot to avoid it, and quickly said, "I'm sorry! I didn't mean it."

The man stepped into the lobby, but saw Yang Fan sitting on the main seat with a smile, an old man with a cigarette stick standing behind him, and a girl who had met once was sitting on the side chair.

The man bowed and bowed, and shouted: "My subordinate Liu Erniu has seen the young master!"

There was a sudden movement behind him, he raised his eyes and saw that the old man just grabbed him from a distance, and the treasured knife behind his back flew towards the old man.

Holding the knife, the old man said calmly: "Since you have recognized the Lord, you should have the consciousness of trusting your life. From now on, you are not allowed to bring a knife on the island." After finishing speaking, the old man swung the knife towards the gate, and the precious knife Then it flew straight to the river, and plunged into a big rock with a bang.

Liu Erniu was breaking out in a cold sweat. Could this strength be super strong?He hurriedly replied, "This subordinate remembers it."

Yang Fan smiled and said: "This is my Grandpa Chen, Yunyou Chen Zhiji, you just need to know it, and don't disclose the information to the outside world."

Liu Erniu's back was wet. Today, he saw a legendary figure on the Tianzi list. This is a legendary figure, but he was standing behind his master... Liu Erniu's loyalty to Yang Fan was unmatched. Feeling added another point.

Liu Erniu respectfully said: "Yes!"

Yang Fan: "Tell me about the work progress in the past few days."

Liu Erniu took out a booklet from his bosom, put it respectfully on Yang Fan's desk, bowed back, and said loudly: "Those famous calligraphy paintings and agate jade are on board at this time, and the subordinates are rough people from the countryside. I understand their value, so I dare not deal with it rashly, so please ask your son to deal with it. For the 100,000 taels in cash, I bought and opened an escort agency. Although the location is remote, it is better than that. It only cost 8000 taels. The subordinate will still treat you Ordered to buy 500 mu of fertile land, and in order to do things cheaply, I also bought a mountain forest behind the Escort, the location is [-] miles upstream, and it cost a total of [-] taels."

As he spoke, he handed the box hanging at his waist to Yang Fan respectfully, and said, "Is this a land deed, a house deed, or property converted into bank notes, please check and accept it, my lord."

Yang Fan opened the side cabinet of the table, took out four books from it, and said, "Since you use knives, I will give you a book of Tianji's knives."

Liu Erniu hurriedly knelt down and said excitedly: "This subordinate will swear to die to follow the young master. He will be loyal until death. If there is any rebellion, there will be a thunderbolt."

Yang Fan nodded slightly, and said: "Whether you are loyal or not, time will tell. What I want is not only a loyal subordinate, but also a courageous and resourceful subordinate who is chivalrous and responsive. There are also three local-level exercises here. , help you get the support of your subordinates, and use it to cultivate your own backbone, if you meet someone who is talented, diligent in martial arts, and loyal, you can also recommend him to practice martial arts on the island."

Liu Erniu said loudly: "Yes!"

Yang Fan put his finger on the box and clicked it, thinking: "I will keep the land deed, as for the fertile land, you will help manage it, rent it to the poor, and only charge 30,000% of the tax. As for you and your subordinates, I will I leave you [-] taels, practice in seclusion, and sharpen it hard. If you are not in the first-class realm, don’t open the mountain gate. In the future, if you have any accounts to report, you will find my little daughter-in-law Wu Qian." He pointed to Wu Qian and said: " You have seen it before, and whenever there is a business problem in the future, you should discuss it with her, she is the daughter of a businessman, I can’t guarantee that she is proficient in business, but she must know a little bit more than you rough men.”

Liu Erniu said yes, and shouted at Wu Qian: "From now on, I will bother you, Young Madam."

Wu Yan blushed and turned sideways to respond.

Yang Fan: "Buying Linjiang Mountain Forest is a good job. You can build a small port. From now on, you will send firewood, rice, oil, salt, and medicinal materials to the island every week. Wu Qian will settle the purchase account for you."

Liu Erniu responded again and again.

Yang Fan: "Okay, you can step back."

Liu Erniu didn't dare to stay and left straight away.

But he saw that the treasured knife stuck in the stone by the river had been taken down by a five or six year old kid, and he was waving it decently by the river.

That child was the one who raised a stone to throw himself in front of the little girl. He was very cute.

Liu Erniu was very surprised, for a child, he was already very good at holding a big knife, but he didn't expect to be able to pull it out, that's really amazing.

Liu Erniu looked at the treasured sword, then at the little brat.

Seeing Liu Erniu's eyes, the little boy touched the treasured sword, and handed it over obediently.

Liu Erniu smiled and said, "This knife is for you."

The little boy grinned silly and opened his mouth, drooling without knowing it, and followed Liu Erniu, carrying boxes of things to the lobby.

Yang Fan laughed and said, "Why don't you guard your sister, but follow him!"

The little kid opened his mouth for the first time, and said in a low voice: "With you at home, my sister doesn't need my protection. I'm with him, so I can pick it up when he drops the scabbard."

(End of this chapter)

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