Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 276 Chapter 276 Treasure Map

Chapter 276 Chapter 276 Treasure Map

Seeing Yangyang defending them, Yuan Nong, Kong Ru, and Yang Fan smiled at each other, and most of the unhappiness brought about by the poisonous worker girl was forgotten.

Yangyang thought that he was powerful, so he laughed proudly.

The worker girl had a bumpy love life and suffered repeated setbacks. She always felt that it was because of her poor appearance that she truly betrayed her.

She numbs her mind with work, needless to say she is diligent and motivated, and it is reasonable to be able to be in a high position in the car dealership.But at the beginning, she thought that as long as she was good, she would be happy, but then she thought that when she made achievements, not only would she not be happy at all, but it would be counterproductive and even more lonely.

How did she know that her misfortune was never because of her appearance, but because of her poisonous personality.

Now, the older she is, the longer she has been in charge, the sharper and vicious her mouth is, and the more menopausal syndrome her temper is.

Obviously she said she had won, but seeing Yang Fan and the others chuckled lightly, the woman in charge thought she was laughing at her appearance, and the resentment in her heart could not be suppressed.

The worker girl couldn't get angry with Yang Yang, so she vented her anger on Yang Fan and sneered, "Don't think that Yang Fan is the one whose hair is dyed white?"

A few seniors knew that since the image of Yang Fan's re-emergence was spread, many people in the arena deliberately dyed their hair white, imitating his image and borrowing his chicness.

So when they heard this "shock" suddenly, Yang Fan and the others burst out laughing after a moment of astonishment, and walked out of the car dealership while laughing.

The worker girl was puzzled, and she still couldn't forget to sarcastically say when they saw them leave: "A group of country bumpkins, who can't afford a car, still look at the car like others, and they don't know how to be ashamed."

Yang Fan turned back, pointed at the three carriages casually, and said calmly, "I want three."

The worker girl said in an indifferent way: "You are not afraid of the pain if you brag, and you are not afraid of being broken if you talk nonsense. Do you know how much money these cars add up to? You just open your mouth and dare to ask for it?"

Yang Fan took out a stack of bank notes from his pocket, and waved it in front of her eyes.

The worker girl had nothing to say, and stepped back resentfully.

Yang Fan bought three of them at once, and the three brothers each shared one.

The three of them each chose a car they liked—Yuan Nong chose a "Five Grain Harvest" flower-carved carriage, Kong Ru chose a "hands-on" carriage, and Yang Fan, who was more vulgar, chose a carriage house.After paying 7000 taels, I got the car number, thinking that everything would be fine, but unexpectedly, when pulling the horse, I had to pay a high registration fee. Yang Fan was dissatisfied, and he complained a few words, but was ridiculed again After a bit of sarcasm, the boss felt unhappy, but he couldn't do anything with a group of women.

The three of them went out of the shop and left, never looking for the bad luck of the worker girl, and didn't even look at her.

The worker girl looked at the backs of Yang Fan and the others, her anger was still high, she took a sip, and said softly: "A villain who succeeds in getting rich quickly! What's so great about being rich?"

Yang Fan paused for a moment, and left straight away.

The three each set up a carriage, talking and laughing, they came to a fork in a short while, Yang Fan pulled the horse to stop, looked at Yuan Nong and Kong Ru reluctantly, the three got out of the carriage, and stood side by side, the atmosphere was dull.

Yuan Nong said: "Are we going to divide?"

Yang Fan nodded and said, "There is no permanent banquet in the world."

Kong Ru sighed, took out a bamboo card from his body, and handed it to Yang Fan. The card had the word "Kong" on the front and the word "Book" on the back. It was simple in style but beautiful in font.

After Yang Fan took it, he couldn't put it down. Obviously, his hobby of collecting nameplates was hooked up, and he smiled: "I like it!"

Kong Ru: "I carved this myself, and it's worthless."

Yang Fan chuckled and said, "I like the one you engraved even more."

Yuan Nong smiled and said, "Since you like it, I'll give you a piece too." Then he took out a bamboo card from his pocket, with the word "Yuan" on the front and the word "Rice" on the back. Apparently he carved it himself.

Yang Fan looked at this piece, flipped through that piece, and carefully hid it next to his body.

Yuan Nong said amusedly: "Weirdness!"

Kong Ru patted Yang Fan's shoulder and said, "Don't worry, I will publicize your encounters in the past six years along the way."

Yang Fan used to use rumors to create momentum in Jiancheng and plan for revenge. Who would have thought that now he would use rumors to reduce his guilt.It shows that public opinion is a double-edged sword, a gentleman holds it upright, and a villain holds it for personal gain.

Yang Fan bowed to salute, he couldn't laugh or cry and said, "Then I'll have to thank Senior Brother!"

The three of them were speechless for a while, and after standing still for a long time, Yuan Nong and Kong Ru got into the car and drove away slowly.

Yang Fan stood at the intersection and watched.

The sheep and goats whimpered and cried, very reluctant to give up.

Xu Shi heard the cries of sheep and sheep, Yuan Nong and Kong Ru stopped their horses and came back.

Yangyang rushed over and was grabbed by Kong Ru.

Yuan Nong's eyes were filled with love, and he stroked Yang Yang's little head.

Yang Fan saluted respectfully: "Brother!"

"Second Senior Brother!"



Obviously there are thousands of words, but when he opened his mouth, he couldn't help laughing.

Yuan Nong said: "You gave me the carriage, and let me go comfortably. Although it is not necessary to accept your gift, but as the saying goes, it is not indecent, and I will feel uneasy if I don't return something." He took out a cloth bag, handed it to Yang Fan, and said embarrassingly: "I never carry valuables with me, but I always take this bag with me every time I go out. Don't look rough, there are twenty small bags in it." , are all seeds, you understand? Don’t be disgusted with it, just take it as a commemoration.”

Yang Fan smiled and said: "I like it very much, really, this is the best gift in the world."

Kong Ru held the sheep and sheep and stood aside.

Yang Fan joked: "Second senior brother also has a gift?"

Kong Ru nodded and said: "Yes, it's just a little incomplete. I was wondering whether I should give it away, but then I thought, what else can I give away if I don't give it away? Sigh... Poor scholars, poor scholars, poor students have to send it away. This book, I wish you not to be poor from generation to generation." While speaking, he took out a book called "Kong's Family Instructions" and handed it to Yang Fan, embarrassedly said: "I know what I think, say, and write may not be right After all, people’s hearts are fickle, and the world will also change. But no matter how the world changes, the law of heaven remains the same. I think the lowest moral standard of human beings can be summed up in one principle: Do not do to others what you do not want yourself to do to yourself.”

Yang Fan said with a smile: "What the second brother said is that the younger brother has been taught, the book has its own golden house, and the book has its own Yan Ruyu. I will study the essence of this book carefully and pass it on as wealth."

Kong Ru smiled gratifiedly, and gradually left with Yuan Nong.

Yang Fan stood at the fork in the road and watched them drive west until they disappeared.

While Yang Fan was in a daze, Yang Yang took over "Kong Family Instructions" and carefully read it.

Yang Fan smiled and said, "Are you literate?"

Yangyang said seriously: "Know a few words."

Yang Fan asked, "Do you understand?"

Yang Yang shook his head, "I don't understand."

Yang Fan asked: "Then why are you flipping? Do you flip it so pretentiously, so well?"

Yangyang said seriously: "I'm looking for a bank note."

Yang Fan's brain circuit was blocked, and he asked, "What bank note are you looking for?"

Yangyang: "Didn't you say that there are gold and jade in the book? Didn't you say that this is wealth?"

This brain circuit is so strange.

Yang Fan thought it was funny, but he didn't laugh out loud.

Yangyang said angrily, "There is nothing."

Yang Fan said earnestly: "What do you know? There is a treasure map here, and you need to master the knowledge in it, so that you can find the location of the treasure map through clues. By then, let alone gold and jade, what rare treasures?" There will be treasures."

Yang Yang's eyes lit up, "Then, don't I have endless snacks?"

Yang Fan nodded seriously, "You can be a pig."

Yang Yang said: "I won't eat like a pig."

Yang Fan smiled and said, "Yes, you won't turn into a pig."

Yang Yang smiled like a flower.

Yang Fan continued: "Because you are still a pig if you don't eat."

Yangyang said: "You can't speak so much, you have been beaten a lot, haven't you?"

Yang Fan laughed and said, "When I can't beat someone, I speak nicely."

Yang Yang said angrily, "Aside from bullying your daughter, what else would you do?"

Yang Fan picked up the sheep and put them on the carriage, and said with a smile: "I know a lot, I can eat, I can sleep, I can beat sheep and sheep."

Yangyang shook his head and sighed, "I never thought you would be such a father. If you don't learn well at all, you will always play tricks on me."

Yang Fan said with a smile: "Birth is for fun, why not have children if you don't have fun?"

Yangyang: "I will grow up and you will grow old. If you come out to mess around, you have to pay back."

Yang Fan asked, "Where did you learn this?"

Yang Yang: "I have traveled to many places and seen many people."

Yang Fan looked at Yangyang with heartache, yes, since she was born, her parents were not around, and Tong Tong took her to travel around the rivers and lakes, running around, who knows how much they walked and suffered.Thinking of this, I didn't say a word.

Yangyang asked: "What are you thinking? Are you thinking about how to play tricks on me again?"

Yang Fan: "No, I was thinking about how to understand that book, how to find out the secret of the treasure map."

Yangyang: "I want to too."

Yang Fan: "You can't recognize a few words."

Yangyang: "You can teach me. Teach me a word a day, and I will have a lot of words in a year."

Yang Fan reluctantly said: "Okay, you can teach you, but you don't want to learn so fast, you are so smart, if you discover the secret of the treasure, how can I make a fortune?"

(End of this chapter)

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