Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 277 Chapter 277

Chapter 277 Chapter 277

Yangyang giggled, raised her head and said, "There's nothing you can do about being smart."

Yang Fan slowed down the speed of the car, spread out the book, and chose a short and concise sentence, "If you don't learn less, you will be incompetent."

Yangyang joined in to study, read it a few times, and said, "It's not difficult, I don't know two words in it, but I can do it now."

Yang Fan said with a smile: "Yangyang is really good, he can know so many words at a young age, do you know the meaning of this sentence?"

Yangyang thought for a while and said, "If you don't know how to learn when you are young, you will be powerless when you grow up."

Yang Fan smiled and said: "Little elf, although this explanation is biased, but at your age, you have such an explanation, which is already very good. The correct understanding should be - when you are young, you don't study hard. There will be no talent in the future."

Sheep is all smiles.

Yang Fan: "I'll teach you something today, I can't let you surpass me so quickly."

Yang Yang smiled dejectedly, seeing Yang Fan's carriage turned around, and asked curiously: "Daddy! Where are we going, why did you drive back?"

Yang Fan asked back, "Do you want to be a heroine?"

Yang Yang's eyes lit up, and without thinking, he said, "Think about it."

Yang Fan asked, "Do you like Grandpa Yuan and Grandpa Confucius?"

Yangyang nodded and said, "I like it!"

Yang Fan: "Then can you tolerate your favorite grandfather being slandered?"

Yang Yang looked at Yang Fan strangely, "Do you want to seek revenge on that woman?"

Yang Fan gave a thumbs up.

Yangyang: "Obviously your kung fu is so high, why didn't you do it then?"

Yang Fan: "Because your two grandpas are high-spirited and upright, they wouldn't be happy to see me stand out in this kind of matter."

Yangyang: "Then what do you want to do now? Grandpas can't see it either."

Yang Fan: "I don't do things for your grandpa to see, and I'm not the one who stands out."

Yangyang: "Who is that?"

Yang Fan: "It's smart, strong and brave, extremely cute, beautiful, and the best sheep in the world."

Yangyang blushed from being praised, and said with a smile: "You just want to fool me. Why don't you do it yourself?"

Yang Fan smiled and said, "If you really want to do something, who are you and I afraid of? But we can't."

Yangyang: "Why not?"

Yang Fan said helplessly, "Because we are men."

Yangyang suddenly realized, with an expression that I already understood, and asked: "Do you want me to be a female thief?"

Yang Fan said seriously: "No, I want you to be a heroine!"

Yangyang: "How?"

Yang Fan smiled slightly, and explained such and such to Yang Yang's ear.

That night.

At the Lanling car dealership, he was thrown into the wall of the inner courtyard by jumping the rope. She slowly climbed down from the wall with a sheep and sheep face wearing a mask.

After looking left and right, he moved cautiously against the shadows, and slowly touched into the exhibition hall of the car dealership.

Then she took out a dagger from her bosom, and gesticulated casually on those exquisite carriages.

The dagger made a sound on the wood, which attracted the attention of the guards.


The sheep and sheep were frightened, and hurried back to the corner where the rope was hung. The panic showed their true colors, and they were surrounded by people in an instant.

When the guards saw Yang Yang's appearance, they looked at each other in disbelief.

Yangyang forced himself to be calm, with a small waist, and said in a childlike voice: "You guys better not mess around, I'm not afraid to tell you, I'm a master of martial arts."

The guards laughed and relaxed their vigilance unconsciously.

A guard said: "Children, what's wrong with learning, why do you want to learn heroes?"

One displeased said: "What are you doing here in the middle of the night? There is no food or drink here, and you can't take these carriages away."

One of the guards pretended to be angry and said, "Tell me, do you choose to be beaten in the butt, or go to jail before seeing an official?"

The guards said something to each other, and the sheep and sheep didn't know who to answer, and said angrily: "Are you finished? This hero is here to make you angry, not to make you happy."

Everyone either laughed out loud, or couldn't help laughing.

Yangyang said displeased: "Are you polite? Don't you know how to find someone in charge to speak out?"

The guard leader came out in a row, and asked with a smile: "Then how do you want to make us angry, hero?"

Yangyang said seriously: "Scratch your car."

The guards were shocked, and hurriedly sent people to check the car. The guards rushed to see and reported quickly. Sure enough, as the child said, the car was scratched several times.

The guard asked, "What's your name?"

Yangyang: "I don't change my name when I'm in business, and I don't change my surname when I sit. My name is Yangyang."

This... is called not changing your name when you are going, and not changing your surname when you are sitting?What's your last name?What's your name?
Guard: "Children nowadays are really lawless. You are not responsible for this matter. You tell me who your parents are, and you stay here and let them take care of the aftermath for you."

Yang Yang: "Let me betray my parents, that's not what a chivalrous man would do. If you want to keep me, you have to beat me."

A guard came up nonchalantly.

Yangyang pointed away, and the man let out a scream and fell to the ground.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then two more people came out and approached the sheep.

Yangyang pointed her finger, and the two fell to the ground screaming in pain.

All the guards panicked and took two steps back, as if they were facing a formidable enemy, they did not dare to take it lightly.

What is the most intimidating thing?Not powerful, but unknown.

The leader of the guards gave a wink to the person beside him, and the guard understood, squeezed into the crowd, and went back to report to his master.

The commander of the guards guessed the master's origin in a blink of an eye, bowed to Yang Yang and said: "It turns out that it is Yang Sifan, the child grandmother. I can see you today. The villain is really lucky."

Yangyang: ...Do you think I understand what you are talking about?
Commander of the guards: "It is said that Child Elder has cultivated the art of immortality and rejuvenation. The villain used to think that it was a lie, but now I see it and realize that what I said is true. In the past, it was the martial arts that limited the imagination of the villain."

Yangyang: ...My father didn't teach me how to deal with these words.

Commander of the guards: "I don't know if Child Elder is visiting today, what advice do you have?"

Yangyang: "It's either to see the teaching, or to be unhappy."

Commander of the guards: "Please also ask Child Elder to show you clearly!"

Yangyang: "Your car dealership is not good, the cars are expensive, cheat people, and the service is poor."

The commander of the guards smiled and said: "For these things, please ask the child elder brother to talk to my boss later, after all, the shop is owned by the boss, and the prices and rules are also set by the boss. You can ask for justice, you can get compensation, or you can have fun. , I can’t give it to you as a housekeeper, what do you think?”

Yangyang said disapprovingly, "How long will you wait?"

Commander of the guards: "It won't be long."

Yangyang nodded, took out a bunch of candied haws from his arms, and said with a smile, "I'm shocked!"

Everyone thought: You are pure and innocent, as long as you are happy.

Sure enough, not long after, a handsome man walked quickly surrounded by a group of guards, and the commander of the guards whispered something to him.

The man was not angry at all when he heard this, but said happily, "Yang Sifan? You are Yang Fan's son? Great, I have been looking for your father for a long time, and this time I can meet my family. I am your parents." Zhou Junjun, your old friend, do you know?"

Yangyang shouted to the dark night sky: "Daddy! Here is a man who calls himself Zhou Junjun and says he is your old friend."

In fact, Yang Fan has been hiding in the dark and pretending to be a ghost. Without Yang Yang's reminder, he has already drifted down.

When Zhou Junjun saw it, he hugged Yang Fan happily, "I finally see you, I finally see you."

Yang Fan smiled and said, "You are a first-class mid-term player, not bad."

Zhou Junjun: "It's all thanks to you. Let's stop talking standing up and go in and sit inside." While talking, he led Yang Fan and Yang Yang into the inner room.

During the Battle of Lanling, Yang Fan handed over a huge amount of wealth to Zhou Junjun, and asked the husband and wife to purchase food, grass and medicines after the war, and organize and plan post-war urban construction.

Zhou Junjun lived up to everyone's expectations, but by chance, he was valued by the princess Zhu Qian, so it was not easy to be too close to Yang Fan in front of people. After that, Yang Fan and Zhu Qian became acquainted in Lanling City. .

Yang Fan noticed that Zhu Qian was in a different mood, and he didn't dare to fall in love, and was eager to leave. But at that time, Cheng Qing was about to give birth and couldn't be jolted, so he drew several drawings of the carriage, and secretly gave it to Zhou Junjun, asking him to help.

Only then did he leave without saying goodbye and ask Zhu Qian.

Zhou Junjun already had a business eye. After seeing this blueprint, how could he not understand its value?So I have been collecting and researching.

After Yang Fan disappeared, Zhou Junjun secretly sent someone to look for him. He kept his original intention in mind, planned and constructed, and proceeded step by step. He used the method of installment payment to speed up the circulation of capital and promote labor activity. , Entering real estate, animal husbandry, grain, silk, salt, ironware, and porcelain. The only thing you can see is for the country, and the thing you can't see is to facilitate Lin Chao to indirectly serve the country.

Two years ago, Zhou Junjun's family had a big business, and he had a thorough understanding of Yang Fan's design drawings back then. He bought [-] big stores successively, and started the expensive carriage industry across the country. He has both advanced technology and Lin Chao. This overseas horse dealer is blessed with an interface terminal, and the business is booming, which makes people greedy.

Fortunately, his capital is strong, his status has already risen, and his status is extraordinary. In addition, he has Zhu Qian's guard of honor and is inextricably linked with Zhu Qingshan, so...it's hard to think things go well.

He heard about Yang Fan's news, so he rushed from Lanling City in a hurry, and it took only two days to reach the Yumenguan branch, but he was delayed by something, so he didn't look for Yang Fan immediately.

What to say?

Looking deeper, in fact, the culprit is Yang Fan, who somehow wanted to purge Yumen City. First, he overwhelmed several forces, and then used righteousness to turn pornography and Taoism into opposites.

After Daomen paid attention to it, the elder brother let go, the second elder brother silently agreed, and Wu Wengen took the lead, wouldn't he shut Yumen completely?
Lanling Automobile is actually located in a remote area, but it is still a big business here, so it will be affected to some extent. Fortunately, Wu Wengen knows Zhou Junjun, otherwise, it would be a mess when the investigation is carried out.

Even so, his car dealership has lost a lot of people these days, which means that it can only be felt, but it is hard to say it clearly.

(End of this chapter)

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