Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 284 Chapter 284

Chapter 284 Chapter 284

Tong Tong laughed and said, "You speak so well of me, can it be regarded as a love story?"

Yang Fan said: "Forget it."

Tong Tong: "I like to hear your voice, I like to listen to your speech, but I don't like you comparing me with so many women. I'm not as good as you think. I'm just a woman, and I can be jealous and Jealousy can also have emotions. The reason why you only see my goodness is because I like you more than you like me, because you don’t see me at that time. I... I’m not so good, you see My womanly demeanor is just because I don't see a black woman around you, if there is, you will see my bad side."

What Tong Tong said was meaningful, Yang Fan felt that he had been taught a lesson, but he smiled happily: "I know, if you see a stranger and say he is not a good guy, damn it, I will kill him He. If in the den of thieves, you say that someone is not a bad person, he should be let go, and I will let him go without hesitation. When the master was alive, he said, you are my lucky star, and I know what he is referring to. "

Tong Tong touched his eyes and said with a smile: "I always thought my eyes were a defect, but today I realized that they are the best gift from heaven."

Yang Fan: "You have low self-esteem, but I have always been envious of you."

Tong Tong: "What are your plans next?"

Yang Fan said: "Go to Shaolin Temple to cherish the memory of Master Yideng, see how Liu Baobao is doing, walk around more, see more, and others, just follow the fate."

Tong Tong said, "That's not what I asked."

Yang Fan: "Huh?"

Tong Tong: "I mean how do we sleep today?"

"This, this, this..." Yang Fan hesitated, not knowing which one he wanted.

Tong Tong blushed and said, "Do you think this is okay? Tomorrow we will make an adjustable partition in the carriage. It should not be too long. It will be lowered when you sleep and propped up when you are not in use. This way... this... this... We can...together...en."

Yang Fan: "Yes."

The two were stunned for a long time, and gradually moved closer and closer together, unknowingly building together.

Yangyang rubbed his sleepy eyes, walked over in a daze, tugged at the corner of Tong Tong's clothes, and said timidly: "Mother! I have to wake up at night!" What can Tong Tong do?This is the burden of happiness.

When Tong Tong came back with the sheep in his arms, the little princess pulled Yang Fan and Tong Tong directly into the carriage with each hand. Seeing An Xin who was spreading all over the place, she pushed him into the innermost part with a few feet, and patted the place beside her. , signaling Yang Fan and Tong Tong to sleep on both sides of her.What is rain and dew evenly?That's it.

There is a woman like this, what can the husband ask for?
Yang Fan: Then...you're welcome.

This is a good woman with a good man, the bed pillow is not important, let's see the breakdown below... and break down a wool, do you think men's brains are full of ****?The two were very innocent, with no distractions, and fell asleep not long after lying down.

In the early morning of the next day, the two children made a fuss, and the adults couldn't be lazy on the bed.

After grooming and washing, the son does morning exercises, the daughter studies, and the "wife" cooks, each has its own affairs and performs its duties.

After the carriage turns, drive to the next story.


Chaste beauty is difficult, chastity is also difficult, beauty is also difficult, and life is even more difficult.

She is the twin sister of Luo Po, with a more stable personality than Luo Po, good talent, and diligent cultivation, so she has always been placed in high hopes by her master.

The so-called high hopes can actually be understood as preference.

The master prefers Zhenmei, there is no doubt about it, a young girl in the blooming season can have a super high-level influence, and anyone will prefer it, so it is not surprising that the position of master is passed on to Zhenmei.

After Zhenmei took over the Shuangxiu sect, she naturally hoped that the sect would flourish in her own hands, so she had to encourage and encourage the sisters in the sect to practice hard, and she was even more strict with her younger sister, Brando.

Under high pressure is rebellion.

Luo Po couldn't stand her sister's restraint, and finally turned against her sister...leaved the sect, and practiced in the world of mortals.

After this walk, there has been no news since then.

A year ago, when Luo Po left for more than a year, Zhenmei suddenly felt a pain in her heart, feeling that she seemed to have lost something very important, and that night she dreamed that her sister was chatting with her.

Ropper said: "She met a man.

Ropper said: She misses her sister very much.

Ropper said: She hopes that her sister can love this man for her.

Zhenmei couldn't make a sound, couldn't ask questions, and only remembered these vaguely.

On the second day, for no reason, I couldn't help crying, and then I had a high fever, and it was difficult to recover from the illness.

The house leak happened to rain overnight, and the ship was late and hit the wind again.

Just when Zhenmei was dying of illness, a woman in black sneaked into the sect and took her away by surprise.

When Zhenmei came back to her senses, she was already sleeping in a stone house. Although her illness was cured, she lost her freedom. No matter what she said, she couldn't get a single word out of those people's mouths, because... …the women who fed her were deaf.

Not knowing what to ask for her is the most terrifying thing.The restlessness in Zhenmei's heart is indescribable.

The two broke out of the siege, and they were able to return home due to the poison.

Finally, one day, she smelled a scent, and lost her strength in a daze. Then several deaf-mute people came in, fed her medicine, bathed her, changed her clothes, put on an iron helmet, and finally took her into the another room.

In the middle of the room was a handsome young man with gray hair. He was slender and dressed in ambiguous clothes. His limbs were bound by iron chains, and every movement made a clanging sound.

Zhenmei saw him with an indescribable feeling.As if I knew him in my previous life, as if I had waited my entire life just to meet him, as if he was mine.

Maybe, maybe, maybe, maybe... just the drug.

After a month like this, she became a super master.

After three months, I consolidated my realm, but I often felt nauseous, retched, and lost my appetite. After thinking about it for a while, I guessed that I was already happy.

Zhenmei is well-behaved, she doesn't cry or make trouble, she doesn't shout or shout, she is quietly cared for by others, and she is nurturing life in an ordinary way.

After giving birth in October, after confinement, after a long period of coma, when I opened my eyes, I was already in the inn room at the foot of Shuangxiumen Mountain.

Like a dream, if it wasn't for the child in her hands, she would have thought it was a long dream.

She named her son Canmeng.

It is not only the meaning of greedy dreams, but also the meaning of residual dreams.

Back to the sect, the master has passed away, the head has changed, the sisters kept her fate in their hearts, kept her secret, and arranged for her to live in Keqing Bieyuan.

Over the years, she has been muddled and confused.

I want to find my sister, but I have no clue; I want to find the man, but I have no direction.

I want to travel to relax and gain knowledge, but I suffer from stumbling children. The key is that I don't know where to go.

Hearing Yang Fan's rumors today, he connected his own experience with his. It is not difficult to guess that the man with gray hair is him.

Zhenmei's face was calm, but her heart was turbulent.

After going up the mountain, he packed his luggage, put his four-year-old son on his back, and left the head and sisters, and walked into the rivers and lakes.

After many years, I don't know when I will be able to return, maybe I will never come back in this life, and I don't know. I feel tired of this land where she was born and raised, and I feel reluctant when I leave. It must be this kind of land. Taste, Zhenmei decided to take a serious walk in the streets and alleys before leaving.

Just walking around like this, I met a pervert.

Painting herself like a ghost, Zhenmei doesn't want to say too much about this point, not to mention that she drew a ghost face herself, even if he self-mutilates, that's his own business, and he will suffer his own sins, if he doesn't harm others, whoever cares ?
But when she patted her butt in broad daylight, and brought her children to buy palace picture albums, Zhenmei's temper could no longer be suppressed, she raised her fists, and beat him so much that she didn't want it.

But I didn't expect such a person to have such good martial arts, he could dodge her attack, and run like the wind. If he didn't have a child on his back, Zhenmei would have the confidence to catch up with Du, but the child on his back ...Let's quietly be a beautiful young woman.

There are tens of thousands of bad people in the world, and he is a fortune teller.Zhenmei said in her heart: Luckily for you, next time it falls into my hands, I will keep you from getting out of bed for three months.

How did Zhenmei know that the pervert she hit was Yang Fan, the man she was looking for, the father of her son, and even the man of her dead sister.

She didn't even know that this man even went to the sect to look for her.

She didn't know that she really made Yang Fan unable to get out of bed, but it was...

Zhenmei heard that Yang Fan was in the sky, so needless to say, she headed east with Remnant Meng on her back. She looked at the family who came down from the train house in the early morning, turned and left enviously, and passed him by.

In the carriage, Yang Fan took off his shirt and carefully massaged his bruise.

Tong Tong: "This Yunnan Baiyao Huayu wine is an excellent drug developed by Wan Zhumen. It has the effect of disinfecting and removing stasis, and it is a must-have medicine for walking in the rivers and lakes."

Yang Fan laughed and said, "Are you still advertising? This is the medicine I got by stealing the achievements of the sages, how can I not know?"

Tong Tong: "Yeah, why are you telling me this? Habits are terrible."

Yang Fan asked: "Do you often recommend this to others?"

Tong Tong said softly: "In the past few years when you were away, I always unconsciously inquired about everything about you, your medicine, and I would boast to others whenever I had the opportunity. Just praise it in front of others."

Yang Fan smiled and said, "Stupid, but extremely cute."

(End of this chapter)

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