Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 285 Chapter 285

Chapter 285 Chapter 285
Tong Tong said distressedly: "The people who beat you are heavy enough."

Yang Fan said helplessly: "Isn't it? That girl's martial arts are probably at the super level."

Tong Tong joked, "It's good if you didn't get beaten to death."

Yang Fan smiled and said, "Yes."

Tong Tong asked casually, "Why are you staring at him?"

Yang Fan: "Because he looks like an old friend of mine."

Tong Tong: "Female?"

Yang Fan: "Girl, you died to save me."

Tong Tong saw the turbulent and changeable colors of Yang Fan's air column, and knew that Yang Fan was suffering in his heart. He must have remembered a deep-seated past, and his heart ached so much that he gently hugged Yang Fan from behind.

There was a sudden silence in the carriage.

Outside the carriage, two children were driving the carriage.

Yangyang: "Oh, don't beat the horse all the time, it will go away by itself."

An Xin: "Is it still called driving a horse if you don't beat the horse?"

Yangyang: "I'll teach you, if you want it to go, just say 'drive, drive', if you want it to stop, just say 'Woo~', if you want it to turn, then you can use the whip, now it's clear Don't you? My brother is a fool."

An Xin refused to accept: "Your brother is the fool, or a big fool."

Yangyang: "Your brother is the fool!"


Yang Fan couldn't help but laugh.

Tong Tong burst out laughing.

Tong Tong leaned on Yang Fan's shoulder and whispered in his ear: "Your son and daughter are idiots."

Yang Fan replied with a smile: "Your sons and daughters are the idiots."

Tong Tong said affectionately: "As long as it is your egg, I like it."

Yang Fan laughed and said, "I have eggs, but I can't lay eggs."

Tong Tong: "It's very awkward, I don't understand."

Yang Fan joked: "I will teach you in the future."

Tong Tong took a deep breath and said, "You smell really good."

Yang Fan smiled and said, "Are you sure? I haven't showered for several days."

Tong Tong: "It smells really good."

Yang Fan said generously: "Then you can hear more, I won't charge you."

"Screw you."

Suddenly there was a sound of fighting coming from a distance, and the two men trembled in their hearts. They looked at each other and hurried out of the carriage, only to find that the carriage had been driven to the narrow path by their two evil obstacles.Here, the grass reaches to the waist, and the bushes cover the eyes. I really don't know how the two children lead the way.

Yang Fan stuffed the child into the carriage, locked the door, and jumped onto the roof together with Tong Tong. Tong Tong looked at the distance, and Yang Fan looked at Tong Tong.

Yang Fan asked, "What did you see?"

Tong Tong: "I saw a large group of strange-looking people besieging a group of people. Well, among the besieged people, we know people."

Yang Fan: "Who?"

Tong Tong: "Wu Wengen!"


Here's the thing, but let me elaborate on the antecedents.

In the first line of the world, outside the City God's Temple, Yang Fan spent millions of orders to kill people before the battle, and finally revealed his true body in the final battle.

The elder brother was furious, and assigned three tasks. Others were easy to say, Black and White Wuchang and Wu Wengen had already completed them, but the only one who wanted to see the shopkeeper Liu was alive, and the dead shopkeeper Liu was dead, but everyone didn't complete it.

Black and white impermanence does not eat official meals, but sticks to loyalty, public and private, and emotion and reason, and must resolutely carry out tasks, so he mobilized people and chased shopkeeper Liu like a dog, and ran for hundreds of miles.

Although Wu Wengen was ordered by the imperial court to stop his actions, he couldn't let go of the brooding in his heart. He always paid attention to the current situation of Wuchang's pursuit.

After tracking all the way, shopkeeper Liu still lost the clue, but yesterday, he suddenly felt the aura of a super master in Shuangxiu Town faintly fluctuating.

Black and white impermanence is good at tracking, and he is the first to chase after it.

How do they know?This is actually when Zhenmei hit Yang Fan, the two of them didn't mind releasing the aura, and they accidentally hit and bumped into each other, which made the two of them move together.

The black and white impermanence side carefully searched for clues.

Shopkeeper Liu thought that he had been caught, so he planned to set up an ambush in a panic, planning to wipe out Black and White Wuchang and Wu Wengen in one go, so as to eliminate future troubles forever.

Black and White Impermanence tracked shopkeeper Liu here.

A man with blue eyes and eagle nose slowly emerged from behind the tree.

Hei Wuchang was startled: "Nighthawk outnumbered?"

Nighthawk nodded.

Hei Wuchang asked: "Are you his?"

Nighthawk smiled and said, "To be exact, shopkeeper Liu and I are both from the Condor Eagle Empire."

Heiwuchang: "I seem to understand something, and there seem to be many things I can't understand."

Shopkeeper Liu said with a smile: "If you don't understand, I'll let you understand."

Hei Wuchang: "I understand that there is a relationship between the two of you who came from the same country. What I don't understand is that since you have come to our country from thousands of miles away, you have already gained fame and fortune. It can even be said that your treasurer Liu has become a pivotal figure in the Zhu Dynasty. Character, why are you still relentless, abducting people, forcing the good into prostitution, harming the poor, doing all the bad things, and killing the good people? You have done so many evil things and harmed so many people, are you not afraid of retribution?"

Shopkeeper Liu laughed, "You are so naive. I am a foreigner who came here all the way. Do I have the obligation and responsibility to help your country develop? Besides, the bad things you mentioned are not a bad thing for our own country. What's good?"

Hei Wuchang choked his throat and was speechless.

Shopkeeper Liu smiled triumphantly: "I'm not afraid to tell you now that we are here to create chaos for your country. Nighthawk travels around the world to compete in martial arts. One is to kill potential talented youths in your country; Cultivate at home, so that you can break out civil unrest."

Black and white impermanence gritted his teeth, his fingers trembled slightly, and asked, "What about you? Is your purpose even more terrifying?"

Shopkeeper Liu said with a smile: "That's natural. My purpose is to use pornography to erode your thoughts, obliterate your spirit, and let you immerse yourself in happiness. Do you know how to boil frogs in warm water? It's a kind of slow comfort, but in the end it's The method of torture is really wonderful."

"Do you think what I want is money? Hahaha, joke, what's the use of money? No matter how much money you make, you can only get rich in your country. You can't enjoy it for a few years, and you can't take it away when you die. But I stole it. Or exterminate your talented underachievers, abolish your spirit, and erode your culture, so that you can't ruin your country and family, and become the objects we can enslave at any time? You say that you will be enslaved from generation to generation, and the one who manipulates you is What is money compared to life and death?"

Hei Wuchang was furious.

But Bai Wuchang had already rushed forward, with that indomitable momentum, completely disregarding his own life and death, it was obviously a way of fighting to the death.

Hei Wuchang was shocked, "Mother, be careful!"

Liu Zhang blocked Bai Wuchang's attack with "Turn Hands into Clouds", and then sent her flying with "Turn Hands into Rain".

Hei Wuchang took over Bai Wuchang, and stepped back a few steps to vent his strength.

Heiwuchang: "He deliberately provoked us, don't be impulsive."

Bai Wuchang gestured and said: I know he is provoking us, but I also know that what he said is true.

Hei Wuchang nodded, gestured and said: Knowing this is true, shouldn't it be more careful?If we are all in danger, who else will reveal their true colors?
As he spoke, he gestured to the disciples behind him: I order you all not to die here!Somebody has to get out, tell the world about their plot, let their face be seen.

All the disciples bowed and said yes.

Shopkeeper Liu said with a smile: "What kind of dumb fans are you playing? You don't think we can get a bargain with our two subordinates, do you?"

Heiwuchang said viciously: "Even if I can't please you, I can't make you too nice."

The battle was about to break out, Black and White Wuchang and others flew out their hidden weapons without any money, but shopkeeper Liu and Ye Ying were able to hide with ease.

All of a sudden, the long spear pierced the hole, the sharp sword cut through the air, and all kinds of weapons attacked the two of them.

They raised their hands and feet with ease, fell to the ground with a single blow, and lay down on the ground in a short while. They either vomited blood, fell into a coma, or didn't know whether they were alive or dead. .

Shopkeeper Liu looked at Impermanence in Black and White, and said with a sneer, "I heard that your lightness kung fu is the best in the world, you can try to escape and see."

Heiwuchang calmly said: "Although we have escaped many times, but this time, we decided not to escape again."

Shopkeeper Liu: "It's just a killer, I really think of myself as a hero."

Hei Wuchang spoke clearly: "We are killers, but we are also descendants of China."

Shopkeeper Liu: "Isn't it a joke? A group of people who hide in a dark corner and are shameless now think that giving up their lives for righteousness is the return of the prodigal son? Who would know why you died? Who would care why you sacrificed? After you die, People will only remember that your identity is murder, talk about your past, talk about your killing, mention your sins, spit on you, arrange you, and say that you deserve what you deserve and deserve to be killed."

"Why do you do this? Why are you obsessed with obsession? Isn't it good to live well? Isn't it good to be my person? When the time comes, I will eat delicious food, drink spicy food, wear gold and silver, and enjoy the blessings of everyone."

(End of this chapter)

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