Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 286 Chapter 286

Chapter 286 Chapter 286
Hei Wuchang smiled and said: "You mean your identity is on the table? Aren't you a joke? People don't live to be praised by others, and they can't stop doing things just because no one knows. That's right, there are many unsung heroes in this world that you can't see. If a very heroic thing needs to be known by others, then the hero is not a hero. My life is really worthless, so It doesn't prevent me from choosing to die, it's worthwhile."

There was a burst of applause, and Wu Wengen and Wu Wenliang walked out of the reeds with dozens of brave personal guards.

Wu Wengen praised: "Well said!"

Heiwuchang said with a relaxed smile, "Thank God, if you don't come, I'm going to burp."

Wu Wengen said: "We eat official meals, so we have to go to the Yamen Road. We have to play tricks on the spot in the officialdom, make false appointments, and procrastinate will always waste some time. Don't be surprised!"

Hei Wuchang said: "I understand, I'm not surprised at all, but fortunately I'm lucky this time, otherwise you will become a ghost when you see me."

The implication is that if you don't see the blame, you will see the devil.

Wu Wengen said with a smile: "You are a killer and still afraid of death?"

Hei Wuchang said: "I'm not afraid of death, but I'm afraid of dying like this with the truth."

Wu Wengen looked at Heiwuchang, and asked doubtfully, "Oh? What's the truth?"

Hei Wuchang roughly repeated what shopkeeper Liu said.It is one thing to deduce these inside stories from the mouths of Yang Fan and others, but it is another thing to tell them from the mouths of the enemy.

Wu Wengen was startled when he heard this, and thought: So Yang Fan's worries and the Taoist's doubts are all true.

Wu Wengen looked at shopkeeper Liu and Yeying with murderous intent, and asked, "Have you thought about how to die?"

Shopkeeper Liu and Yeying looked at each other indifferently, with a relaxed face, Shopkeeper Liu asked back: "Then, have you figured out how to die?" As they clapped their hands, a black shadow suddenly rushed down from the tree, and a cold light suddenly appeared. Full of killing intent, he flew towards Wu Wengen at extreme speed, with powerful aura and leaking internal energy, he was obviously a super master.

Wu Wengen was startled, and stepped back quickly, but there were all his own people behind, so where could he retreat?
Wu Wenliang stood in front of his brother quickly with his eyes, and a cold light flashed, bringing out a flower of blood. Wu Wenliang was stabbed in the back, and he cried out in pain. The wound was so deep that bones could be seen, and the wound was as long as his waist.

Wu Wengen hurriedly fed Yunnan Baiyao Zhixue Pill to his younger brother, but it is easy to pass the breath, but it is difficult to save life, and it is easy to detoxify and hard to form scars. Where is the medicine that has immediate results, and where is the life that can be achieved overnight?

Wu Wengen: "Xiao Liang! Why are you so stupid! Why are you so stupid! Promise brother, you will have nothing to do! Brother promises that he will never hit you again."

Manpower is exhausted and beyond what we can do.

Seeing Wu Wenliang's bleeding and gradually stiff body, Wu Wengen closed his eyes in pain.

When people are close to success, they like to be frightened, they like to see each other struggle and resist, and they like to show off their own wisdom intentionally, and shopkeeper Liu is no exception.He just laughed and said, "Why do you think I wasted so many lines with a few killers? It's not because I waited for you, General Wu, to fall into the trap; why do you think I waited for you to talk so much? Not yet In order to catch all of you. Hahaha..."

As soon as the laughter started, countless people stood out from the bushes and reeds. Some of them were tall and tall with blue eyes and eagle noses, some had sunken eyes, their faces were miserable, and their breath was restrained.

Wu Wengen and Black and White Wuchang were ambushed.

Black and white Wuchang held hands and looked at each other, only then did they understand why the two super masters who clearly had the chance to win were willing to tell the truth to themselves, procrastinate, and not kill themselves?It turned out that they were also waiting for Wu Wengen to join him.

It turned out that they had fallen into a trap from the very beginning.

As a landlord and general, Wu Wengen had seen too much life and death. Although his heart ached uncontrollably, he was able to quickly adjust his emotions and calm down. Looking at the man in black who slashed his brother, he asked, "Who is your Excellency?"

The man in black pulled off his veil, revealing a face exactly like Nighthawk's.

Everyone suddenly realized that the tenth ranked Nighthawk in Jianghu was not a single person, but a pair of twins, one bright and one dark.

No wonder there are rumors in the rivers and lakes that they have never been defeated, no wonder there are rumors in the rivers and lakes that they are elusive, no wonder there are rumors in the rivers and lakes that they are getting braver as they fight.

Wu Wengen said calmly: "Sure enough, it's a good plan. You go all over the world to find someone to fight in the name of martial idiots. Naturally, you want to cut seven inches of our Central Plains. No wonder there have been no backward masters in the past few years. I don't know the two. How many talented martial arts juniors have you killed over the years?"

Nighthawk copied a weird accent, and said with a smile: "Not many, there are only 52 people who really make us feel talented, 214 people are next in line, and 41 people are famous masters."

Every ordinary number may be the country's hope for tomorrow. At this time, Yeying said it casually, but Wu Wengen's heart ached when he heard it.

Nighthawk continued to laugh and said: "Don't doubt the authenticity and accuracy of what I said. Every time we two brothers kill a person, we will exchange a gold coin with the king after returning to the mother country. Older and famous masters can exchange ten gold coins. , You can exchange [-] gold coins for young and talented people, and [-] gold coins for those with extraordinary talents, do you think we can not record it seriously?" The twin brothers laughed triumphantly while talking.

Wu Wengen clenched his fists, and scanned "Nighthawk" and shopkeeper Liu with eyes that were selective and devouring.

Nighthawk hid behind another Nighthawk, jokingly said: "Don't look at me so fiercely, I'm afraid, by the way, I forgot to tell you, killing a super expert is worth [-] gold coins, so... Guess what? How many super masters have we killed?" The last sentence was almost uttered by the twins in unison.

Wu Wengen's heart trembled.

Nighthawk smiled and said: "Don't worry, we don't dare to attack the super realm rashly. It's not because we are afraid that they will hurt us, but because we are afraid... if one escapes, there will be endless troubles."

Shopkeeper Liu said with a smile: "But today you can kill a super expert as you wish." He took the lead in attacking.

All of a sudden there were killing sounds.

Wu Wengen fights one against two, black and white impermanence fights one against one, and the guards and killers behind him carry the enemy's impact.

Although Wu Wengen's martial arts skills were high, he lost all his advantages and retreated steadily. He tightened his grip and formed a circle.

Seeing that I can't take care of myself, I can't be kind.

Wu Wengen said: "Heiwuchang! You go quickly."

Hei Wuchang: "If you want to go, you go, my mother-in-law and I will be happy if we die together."

Wu Wengen shouted: "Show a fart of love at this time, if we all die here, who will reveal their true colors to the public? If I leave, we will not survive, and if you leave, there will be a chance of life. I am not hypocritical, if Bai Wuchang is not dumb, I must have let your mother-in-law go."

Bai Wuchang nodded to Hei Wuchang.

Hei Wuchang naturally understood the overall situation, and as soon as he gritted his teeth, he was about to rush out.

But where can I rush out?

It's scary enough that the enemy is not afraid of death, but what's scary is that they don't seem to feel pain yet.

Shopkeeper Liu said with a smile: "It's useless. Where can you repel the dead men I trained? They have all taken Fulu ointment, so they won't be afraid of pain."

Hearing the "Fu Lu Ointment", Wu Wengen's heart was shocked. Isn't that the sacred medicine that the Condor Empire pays tribute every year, saying that it is a holy medicine that can refresh the mind and relieve all kinds of pain? Isn't it the opium that the queen mother and the emperor have been smoking?
When Wu Wengen was distracted, shopkeeper Liu immediately seized the opportunity, and when you were not prepared, he would kill you.

Hei Wuchang shouted: "Be careful!"

The big knife slashed like a mighty force, and Wu Wengen regained his senses, and it was too late to avoid it.


At the very moment, a flying arrow roared towards it with white light.

Ding sound.

The treasured sword in shopkeeper Liu's hand snapped at the sound.

The battle ends with arrows.

Shopkeeper Liu looked around and shouted, "Who?"

Looking up, looking intently, I can vaguely see a figure standing on the roof of a car in the distance outside the bushes, with a bow and arrow, and a heroic figure, facing here from afar.

Another flying arrow was shot, listening to the Pokong to know the situation, how could Shopkeeper Liu dare to trust it?Taking a few steps back, he barely missed the arrow. The arrow flew into the crowd and stopped after killing three birds with one stone.

Nighthawk exclaimed: "Climbing to the top in half a step, nine-grade divine arrow." This is the division of archery in their country, and there is nothing more than one meaning they want to express: extremely powerful archery.

Weeds are overgrown and rustling.

Pushing aside the bushes, Yang Fan walked out with a smile.

At this time, Yang Fan was unfortunately beaten in the street yesterday, his mouth was dark red, his eyes were slightly purple, and his temperament really had little to do with the beauty of the world.

However, our protagonist didn't know it. He raised his head and chest, stood with his hands behind his back, walked unhurriedly, smiled and said nothing to everyone on the field, and nodded with a "look like he deserves to be beaten".

Shopkeeper Liu: "Who are you?"

Yang Fan smiled and said, "I am your grandfather!"

The two "Nighthawk" brothers looked at each other, and one of them walked towards Yang Fan.

Yang Fan made a big fuss and said, "Hey, there are twins here, they look alike, hey~ Will you both fall in love with the same woman?"

Nighthawk didn't talk nonsense and attacked directly.

Yang Fan's feet drifted, he bullied him, grabbed his wrist, made a slight mistake, and snatched the white blade with his bare hands.

He slapped the twins on the face and said angrily, "Why are you so rude?"

Backhanded a second slap, "Why don't you answer people asking you questions?"

The third slap, "Do you look down on me?"

(End of this chapter)

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