Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 287 Chapter 287

Chapter 287 Chapter 287

Yang Fan's operation is not very harmful, but extremely insulting.

Nighthawk covered his face and quickly stepped back, fleeing back to his camp.

Yang Fan looked at Fat Nighthawk, then at Skinny Nighthawk, and nodded in satisfaction, "That's right, I'm already face-blind, if this is printed from the same mold, I won't be dizzy, this is good Yes, one big and one small, matryoshka combination."

Wu Wengen asked, "Are you Yang Fan?"

Yang Fan spread his hands and asked back: "Is my appearance not obvious enough?"

Leaving aside obvious topics, Wu Wengen pointed to shopkeeper Liu and said, "Everything you predicted has come true."

Yang Fan earnestly taught, "Then one word will become a prophecy."

At this time, I still teach people to speak idioms, and there is something wrong with this person's designation.Wu Wengen wanted to curse, but he was very educated.

Yang Fan said: "I'm sorry, I'm sorry! I've been racking my brains to teach children knowledge these days, and I haven't gotten rid of this habit of teaching children knowledge anytime, anywhere."

Wu Wengen briefly explained the layout of shopkeeper Liu and Yeying's identity.

Yang Fan nodded, and said seriously: "It seems that I was gentle when I just started. These people must not stay."

Shopkeeper Liu said: "How dare you talk nonsense by yourself? You two are super experts, and the three of us. Look around. We have a lot of people, and you are less trapped. It’s just that they are evenly matched, so it’s still unknown who will win the battle.”

Yang Fan picked up a thumb and praised: "This Chinese is very good. It's like talking nonsense, there are a lot of people, and the power is evenly matched. They are all very good. Not bad."

I can't stand it.

Shopkeeper Liu: "Obviously I've seen you twice, why do I feel that I hate you so much? It seems that every time I see you, nothing good will happen."

Yang Fan said humorously: "Maybe it's because you are jealous of my prosperous beauty."

It is true that for Han people, Yang Fan's appearance is indeed that of a dragon and a phoenix, but for foreigners... it may be a bit disgusting.

Sure enough, Ye Ying was the first one who couldn't take it anymore, and after the two brothers looked at each other, they rushed towards Yang Fan at the same time, their movements were neat and tacit understanding.

Even though Yeying and his party are foreigners, they also know the truth of "shooting people first, shooting horses, and capturing thieves first".

Yang Fan was calm as usual, he threw out the scalpel in his sleeve, and fought with the twins, ping-pong-pong, ping-pong-pong, jingling as fast as lightning.

After more than a dozen moves, there was a bang, accompanied by a cry of pain, and a figure was kicked out.

As soon as everyone's attention was on the person who flew out, Yang Fan had inserted the scalpel into Nighthawk's throat.

It was too fast, almost before the others started the group fight, Yang Fan had already ended the fight.

Shopkeeper Liu was terrified, and Nighthawk screamed out.

Shopkeeper Liu shouted loudly: "Go! Go together! Hack him to death together." All the dead men rushed to Yang Fan one after another.

Shopkeeper Liu spoke bravely, but moved back in the crowd honestly.

How could Yang Fan have the energy to lock shopkeeper Liu?Flipping the blade from the left and right, bowing from left to right, slashing at the throat, striking to death, killing the rise.

Wu Wengen and Black and White Wuchang went from the inside to the outside, and Yang Fan went from the outside to the inside, killing Xiao Xiao with just a cup of tea.

Everyone surrounded the last nighthawk, staring at it.

Yang Fan's clothes were blood-stained, and he said majesticly: "What are you waiting for? Wait for them to wash and let us kill them?"

How could the crowd talk to Ye Ying about the rules, they exchanged swords and swords, and sent him to meet God with just a few tricks.

Black and White Impermanence saluted Yang Fan respectfully, and praised: "Thank you, hero Yang, for saving your life. I have to say, you are the fastest man I have ever seen."

It was obviously a compliment, but Yang Fan felt weird.

Yang Fan said politely: "Where is that!"

Black and White Wuchang bowed again, and said: "The mastermind has escaped, we should hunt down and kill him both in public and in private, Hero Yang! We won't stay any longer, we will meet again someday, and we will never stop getting drunk with you." After speaking, he opened his body Form, leave at a high speed.

When Yang Fan saw their figures, he stood there in a daze.

Wu Wengen's palm shook again and again in front of Yang Fan's eyes, saying and saying what he called him.

Yang Fan came back to his senses, "What's wrong?"

Wu Wengen: "I still want to ask you what's wrong? Why are you in a daze."

Yang Fan: "No, no... nothing."

Wu Wengen asked eagerly, "Can you help me see my brother?"

Yang Fan hurriedly checked, turned his eyes for the pulse, looked at the wound and probed his nose. He shook his head helplessly and sighed: "The wound is too big and deep, and the internal force has eroded the internal organs. There is too much blood loss, and there is no way to recover."

Wu Wengen said: "Aren't you good at transfusion to save people? Hua Jingjing can be rescued by you in such a dangerous situation. I believe you can definitely save my brother. You can use my blood."

Yang Fan shook his head and smiled wryly, this moment and that moment are completely different.

Hua Jingjing's body was weak, but her blood loss was limited, while Wu Wenliang's internal organs were damaged, and she lost too much blood.Let's not talk about whether the blood types of the two brothers must match, even if they do match, it will be a drop in the bucket, and it will not help.

Seeing that Yang Fan didn't speak, Wu Wengen turned his back and fell into a peaceful silence. His slightly trembling shoulders showed the unrest in his heart.

Yang Fan rummaged through the corpse, and even opened his belly to take out the liner. For the sake of picking up waste, it was really frightening.

Wu Wengen looked at his younger brother quietly. The personal guards were all colorful, but they still stood by his side.

Yang Fan flipped through the records he found from Ye Ying, and the more he read, the more absorbed he became, and his expression became more dignified.

Look at the first sentence of the article: I want the motherland to last forever and stand upright; it is necessary to let other countries be overwhelmed and difficult to develop.

The next step is to summarize the results, Zhu Chaojunjie who got rid of: 52 people with extraordinary talents, 214 people in the upper class of Tianzi, 41 people who became famous masters, [-] times of direct martial arts group battles, and [-] indirect ones, causing casualties. More than three thousand people.

There are 240 brief introductions of the five sects, and 260 sects' grievances and hatreds.

In a relaxed and cheerful tone, it narrates how the two "Nighthawks" provoked the grievances and grievances of the Jianghu by various means such as contests, instigation, and frame-ups, and caused Zhu Chao's unforeseen losses.

It even describes the humanistic characteristics and martial arts characteristics of the Kyushu in the Central Plains:

The demoted people in the north are bold and uninhibited, impulsive and irritable, and like to show off their power. If you want to find fault with them, you just need to stare at them, and they will follow them carelessly. When the time comes, you can get rid of them when you lead them to sparsely populated places. .

People from Yangzhou along the coast are smart and snobbish, with a restrained and steady personality, and they can't afford to be early without profit.If you want to calculate, you only need to give them benefits.Here is a record of three vendettas provoked by "Nighthawk" with money and women. It only records details and skills, and does not pay attention to the scene. .

The people of Chuanzhou are united and righteous, with a chivalrous heart, but they are very competitive and want to save face.If you want to calculate, you just need to find an excuse. If you say heads-up, he won't let others help, and others won't help. Acting in the name of fighting duels is the most relaxed and comfortable.

There are many ethnic groups in Yaozhou, with bright culture and different martial arts, so they are very happy, self-righteous, and they can meet each other if they like it, which is the lubricant for the turmoil in the world.

Xizhou has a vast land and rich resources, is physically strong, believes in the god of war, has no sense of belonging in culture, and has a heart of disobedience to the heavenly kingdom.

Yuzhou in the south is rich in aquatic products and simple in folk customs. It is a land of fish and rice in the Celestial Dynasty. The people are comfortable and lazy.However, if there is a talent, it must be a very brilliant character, so it needs to be paid attention to all the time. If there is an outstanding character, it must be eliminated.

In Northwest Khan Prefecture, there is a lack of rain and water, and there are often droughts and floods, so the folk customs are sturdy and there are many strong people.If there is no external force, they must attack each other. If they are suppressed, they will unite with the outside world.

Qingzhou in the hinterland has beautiful mountains and clear waters and pleasant seasons, so the folk customs are mild, and the love between children is the most important, but the mountains are high and dense, and gangs are mixed. If the interests are sufficient, they will kill each other.

Dirty capital of the country, at the foot of the emperor, the political center, where literati and inkmen gather, chivalrous masters bow here, discuss the world with eloquence, and sleep in the attic with drunken paper and gold, or there are capable people and generals, it is difficult to get out of the circle, even if you have ambition It is also difficult for Gao Yuan's scholars to make the best use of them.

The more Yang Fan looked at it, the more frightened he became, and the more he looked, the more panicked he became.

It's not that I was frightened by others' bragging, but that they were right.

This is like writing a novel, and suddenly saw the diary of a shepherd boy. What literary talent do you think a shepherd boy can have?What famous aphorisms can you write that can be recited by people?However, what if this sheep-herding boy is called Zhu Yuanzhang?

You talk so much about the principles of governing the country, but others write about who was killed, how many people were killed, and who will be killed. I ask you if you are afraid?
Yang Fan's panic was due to the naked killing and division in his notes, and his fear was due to his plan that hit the nail on the head.

Yang Fan closed the book, the battlefield has been cleaned, and Tong Tong and Wu Wengen have been standing beside him for a long time.

Wu Wengen said: "You have finally regained your senses. I'm leaving first. I'll come to you after I finish my business."

Yang Fan understands that the dead are the most important and cannot be sloppy, "I have something on my mind, no matter what I say, I can't hold it, you should pour out what is on your mind first, our family is driving the garage, wandering around is unhappy, you are easy If you inquire, you can also catch up."

Wu Wengen nodded, expressing his understanding.

Seeing that Yang Fan hesitated to speak, he finally said with concern: "Brother is a person who has been here, and I said something for fear that you would not like it, but if I didn't say it, I felt sorry for it. I also did it for your own good."

Yang Fan said: "Brother, it's okay to say."

Wu Wengen said seriously: "In this world, there are only cows that die, but no fields that are damaged. Young people, don't overindulge in sex."

"I'll send you a poem: traveling five miles a day is not far, and it won't be long to enjoy yourself in time; the long stream of water will make you happy, and this love and hatred will never be resolved." After finishing speaking, he turned and left as if relieved of a heavy burden.

(End of this chapter)

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