Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 290 Chapter 290

Chapter 290 Chapter 290
Yang Fan was so stunned that he was speechless, and was devastated on the spot.

Seeing Yang Fan like this, Tong Tong covered his mouth and snickered, overjoyed.It's not that she didn't help Yang Fan, it's that what Yang Fan said was wrong, and what Yang Sifan said was a woman's correct position.

Having sex with other girls, even if it's secretly fun is better than showing off happily.

Yang Fan understood that his language was inappropriate, and apologized hesitantly, "Son is right, what Dad said just now was wrong."

Seeing Yang Fan's appearance, Yang Sifan suddenly let go of his suspicions and laughed.

This is the charm of Yang Fan. He has the majesty of a man, but he does not have the vulgarity of a man. He is heroic in big things, not machismo in small things, romantic in his emotions, and has no solipsism in life.

As long as it is correct, the words of the daughter-in-law can be listened to, the words of the children can be listened to, and the words of others and even the enemy can also be listened to.

Yang Sifan said with a smile: "A man who can know his mistakes and correct them is the real man."

Yang Fan smiled embarrassingly, and thought: My son is too early to be smart, right?I'm a little bit awkward in front of him.Changing the subject, he asked, "How has Wan Zhumen been during the years I've been away?"

Yang Sifan immediately became interested, and he talked about his past experience clearly and clearly. When he talked about development and progress, Yang Fan felt relieved, and when he talked about competition and battle, he was very nervous.

When Yang Yang and An Xin came back, they were a little surprised. After learning that it was their "brother", they immediately sat next to Yang Sifan, one on the left and one on the right, and pestered them to listen to the "brother" talk about things in "home".

As big as the battle of Wanzhumen, as small as the love and love of the disciples in the school, Yang Sifan's treasures are poured out...

Yang Fan is proud of his son's intelligence and precociousness, and his outstanding memory. Although he is only nine years old, he speaks from the perspective of an adult.

What makes Yang Fan even more proud is that the school he founded is full of talented people. There are as many as 36 stunt masters alone, and there are four masters of ten thousand bamboos: Jintong, Zhang Zhongshan, Zhang Hudi, Zhang Baobao, and a jade girl. A medicinal flower on an island.

Bian Dan has practiced the great method of absorbing energy, promoted to super, saved lives and healed the wounded, and practiced medicine in the world.

Wu Qi is obsessed with business, and her business covers all aspects of clothing, food, housing, and transportation. Jianghu Tong covers the entire Qingzhou in her hands. The grain is piled up like a mountain, and the gold and silver are hard to count.

Chen Busan and Chang Le spent their entire life on the island, bickering, fishing and fighting all day long, just like a pair of old children.

Mojingruhua and Shiyu have become a family, and they voluntarily live in seclusion in the mountains to cultivate medicinal materials for Wanzhumen.

Senior brother Tiandi and senior sister Xuanhuang tied the knot, stood on the top of the mountain, and raised horses for Wan Zhumen.

Traveling far away in the cold mountains, Xiaoyu gets married.

Mengcheng guards the tomb, and his disciples are diligent.

Everyone has their own life, everyone has their own splendor, and everyone has their own choices.


Yang Fan said with emotion: "I used to think that my experience was wonderful, so I always regarded myself as the protagonist. Now after listening to your story and experience, I realize that while I am experiencing it, other people are actually experiencing their own experience. I am my own story. The protagonist of the story is also a supporting role in other people's stories. None of us can block the light of others, nor can we hide the splendor of others."

Tong Tong whispered softly, "I am your supporting role!"

Yang Fan smiled and said, "No, you are my heroine."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and the air was filled with a strong sour taste.

Yang Sifan coughed lightly: "Think about Yang Tielan, think about Wu Yan, think about us children."

Yang Fan said stupidly: "Yes, yes, not only she is the protagonist, but you are also my protagonists. It is you who have influenced my life, and you have made my life wonderful. It can even be said that without you, my life would be impossible." It's all empty. I am the beginning of your story, and you are the continuation of it."

Everyone is thoughtful.

Yang Fan smiled and said: "Children, I know that you may not understand what I said now, but I really want to tell you that you are actually my protagonists. I have flesh and blood because of you, and I am because of you." Only then can there be love and love."

Tong Tong smiled and handed the grilled chicken to Yang Fan, "They are still children, so don't be sensational, they can't remember if you say too much, and they can't understand if you say too much. No matter how much you say, you have to let you The protagonists are full of food and drink and grow up soon."

Yang Fan smiled and began to divide the meat, "I like to eat chicken butts, don't grab it from me, I'll give you two chicken legs, I'll give you two chicken wings, and I'll give you this..."

The children ate and chewed, laughed and said nothing, Yang Sifan looked at Yang Fan bewilderedly.

Yang Fan smiled and said: "It seems that it's not enough, I'll go catch the fish." He ran to the river, leaped lightly, and jumped into the water gracefully.

Not long after, a fish feast kicked off.

Before the trip that day, the dogs were allowed to have fun and the horses were looking for grass. Yang Fan sat by the campfire and took out Nighthawk's notebook, reading and writing, reading and translating.

Yang Sifan asked in a low voice, "Can you understand foreign languages?"

Yang Fan smiled and nodded, "Why don't you play with your younger siblings?"

Yang Sifan said: "They are too young to play together."

Yang Fan smiled and said, "You don't have to go, just follow me, I won't fly away, so there's no need to keep an eye on me."

Yang Sifan: "You can't fly, but you can walk by yourself. Since I was a child, you have not been by my side. I have to look back."

Yang Fan smiled and said, "That makes sense, Dad is translating, you stay quiet, Dad will sleep with you tonight."

Yang Sifan's face flushed, and he gave him a little grace.

It was night, Yang Fan and Yang Sifan were lying on the roof of the carriage.

Yang Sifan asked in a low voice, "Do you love my mother?"

Yang Fan said, "I love you."

Yang Sifan asked earnestly: "My father is so good, and there are so many beautiful women around me, and my mother is so ordinary, and even has some flaws, why do you still love my mother?"

Yang Fan: "Stupid child, why do you have such an idea? Although your mother has a birthmark on her face, she has good features and is not ugly at all. Moreover, compared with beauty, kindness is more reassuring. Compared with facial expressions, it can make people happier."

Yang Sifan thought for a moment before saying, "Well...it sounds like something so common, it doesn't seem so common at all."

Yang Fan smiled and said: "If you can tell that you are not ordinary, you are not an ordinary child. Son! Let me ask you a question. If there are two girls with the same conditions and similar facial features, but one has freckles on her face and the other has fair skin. , who would you choose to be your daughter-in-law?"

Yang Sifan: "Naturally she is beautiful and fair."

Yang Fan chuckled, "If it were me, I would choose the girl with freckles."

Yang Sifan wondered, "Why?"

Yang Fanyu said earnestly: "Self-righteous people are not smart enough to be educated, self-righteous people are not attractive enough to be beautiful, and self-righteous people are not good enough to be smart. This is the reason why there is no perfection in the world, because ah, as long as a person thinks that he is perfect, then this It is impossible for people to be perfect. If you think you are good at martial arts, people will flatter you. If you think you are smart, you will flatter yourself. What we care about often becomes a trap for us. So...why do I choose freckles? What about girls? Because a girl with freckles knows that she is flawed, she thinks she is not good enough, so she will not judge people by their appearance, know how to cherish others, and is less likely to be self-righteous. If you choose her, life will become more pleasant, life will be closer to happiness."

It turns out that choosing people with minor flaws or low self-esteem is often closer to happiness than choosing people who are glamorous and self-righteous.Giving her love and confidence in the front will make her happy, but the latter will usually be dissatisfied with her desires, and even backfire.

Yang Fan's words touched the heart of "Yang Sifan". This man's knowledge is extraordinary, and his character is even more fascinating.

After a long silence, Yang Sifan asked again: "Then who is your favorite?"

Yang Fan asked back: "Then do you love mother or father the most?"

Yang Sifan pretended: "I asked first, you have to answer first."

Yang Fan smiled and said, "Didn't I already give you the answer?"

Yang Sifan: "Huh?"

Yang Fan said: "You say you love your mother the most, and you hurt your father's heart. You say you love your father the most, and you hurt your mother's heart. As long as you compare, it will definitely hurt. Why bother? In fact, comparison is the most meaningless of."

Yang Sifan: "Why is it meaningless?"

Yang Fan: "Compared with companionship and devotion, the first is meaningless. The greatest pain for people is to miss what you can't get, what you miss, and what you regret. But in fact, the most important thing in life should be to cherish what is with you and wait for you." Yes, love you."

"There used to be a girl named Roper who liked me and pursued me. I never cared much about it, but when she sacrificed for me, I felt that she was the one I loved the most."

"Really, at that time I really felt that she was the one I loved the most. If she could be resurrected, I would rather just marry her and love her alone."

"Later I found out that I was wrong, because when Cheng Qing died in front of me, I felt that the one I loved the most was actually her."

"Son! Do you understand what I want to express?"

Yang Sifan: "I seem to understand, but I don't seem to understand."

Yang Fan said with a smile: "It's right if you don't understand, because in fact, I don't really understand it. I only know that it is better to cherish everyone around me than to tell who loves me the most and who loves me the most. Don’t disappoint, don’t cheat, don’t complain, don’t compare. Miss those who are no longer there, not only let yourself fall into the devil’s way, but also make people around you worry and sad.”

Yang Sifan gave a soft acknowledgment.

Yang Fan said: "Son! Next time if your mother asks you this question, I hope you will answer - the one you love the most is mother. Whether you love me or not, I love you as a father, and I don't need you to love me the most. , I just hope you grow up happily and become a person who makes me proud."

Yang Sifan sniffed, and said, "I'm still a child, aren't you afraid to tell me that these are playing the piano to the cow?"

Yang Fan: "Don't be afraid, you are very smart. If you don't understand it now, it doesn't mean you won't understand it in the future. The key point is that I didn't tell you alone."

Yang Fan was naturally heard by the children and Tong Tong in the carriage.

(End of this chapter)

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