Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 291 Chapter 291

Chapter 291 Chapter 291
Yangyang's voice came from the carriage, "Daddy! Mother is eavesdropping."

The father and son on the roof of the car laughed a lot, and then there were cheers of An Xin's misfortune and disaster, Tong Tong's angry scolding, and the sheep and sheep yelling for help.

"Daddy! Help me! Someone is going to beat your daughter!"

Yang Fan laughed and said, "Whoever dares to beat my daughter, I will beat her daughter!"

Yang Yang climbed onto the roof of the car, lay down beside Yang Fan, looked at the stars, and said with a smile, "Then you pretend I didn't say anything."

Yang Fan: "It's dewy outside, I'm afraid you'll catch a cold."

Yangyang smiled and said, "What is dew? Is your brother wet with urine?"

An Xin became furious in the carriage, calling out for the thief to catch the thief.

The family talked and laughed, and gradually fell asleep.

In this way, the car rolled forward slowly and happily for nine days, and the journey was safe and sound.

It was just that when passing by a certain town, Yang Fan specially found a carpenter, sold some materials, made a bed board that can be adjusted up and down in the carriage, and made a bed frame that can be adjusted up and down at the back and on both sides of the car. .

Tong Tong was driving a weird new car, and joked with a smile: "It's obviously a gorgeous carriage, but you have suddenly turned it into a big movable bed."

Yang Fan thought of the quilt on the roof of the car, and couldn't help but laugh and said: "I don't want to prepare a few more beds, I'm afraid we will be the only martial arts masters in the world who dare to travel around with the smell of urine on their bodies."

An Xin didn't make a fuss about herself, she blushed and argued, "It was the puppy who peed last night, not me." The conscience of heaven and earth, the kennel was hung outside the car, it wasn't bullying Wangcai who couldn't speak, it was What?
Yang Fan smiled and didn't expose it.

At this moment, several burly men suddenly jumped out of the grass beside the road.

"I opened this road, and I planted this tree. If you want to cross this road, you will leave a lot of money."

Yang Fan and Tong Tong looked at each other and smiled without saying a word.

How could the two pay attention to such a few young people?

"Hey! Do you hear that? You can either leave your money or your dog's life, you can choose for yourself."

An Xin picked up the puppy, a little bit reluctant, but still hugged the puppy and ran towards the robber, and said seriously: "It's still young, can you take its life after you raise it? It looks like... a lot of meat." .”

The robber was a little confused.

Although Wangcai is well-behaved, there are piles of fleas and the journey is inconvenient. In fact, Yang Fan already had the idea of ​​giving someone away, so he said with a smile: "I've given you the life of a dog, can you move away?"

The robber shouted: "Are you making fun of the old man?" He pinched the puppy's neck and twisted it in one direction, then reached out to grab An Xin.

Without waiting for Tong Tong to take the bow and draw the arrow, Yang Fan stretched out his hand and pointed, and shot out a burst of internal force, which directly penetrated the robber's neck.

Before the robber could react, a child flew out of the carriage, jumped into the crowd, rushed left and right, and passed by.

After a while, there was no one standing.

An Xin looked at "Yang Sifan" adoringly, and said seriously, "Brother is really amazing!"

Yang Sifan smiled and said nothing.

An Xin: "Will my brother and I sleep well at night?"

This turning point was a bit sudden. An adult would probably be beaten. An Xin was innocent, mischievous and cute. Yang Sifan just smiled when he heard this, "Why?"

An Xin: "Some people say that being with the good is a person, and I can become good myself, so I want to sleep with you." This "someone" is naturally Yang Fan.

Yang Sifan laughed and said: "Some people are not all right. When you are with excellent people, you have to learn from others to be excellent. If you don't learn from others, it is useless to be together every day. You have to get up early and exercise like me. , you can be as powerful as me."

Yang Fan got out of the car, pulled Yang Sifan up and looked him up and down, "Aren't you injured?"

Yang Sifan said: "You think too highly of me, and you too look down on the strength of the super realm."

Yang Fan said: "I know you are powerful, but I am also worried that you will be injured." He picked up the dead puppy and sighed: "Poor Wangcai, he was killed by a stupid master like this."

An Xin said seriously: "Shall we bury it? I want to send it on its last journey."

Yang Fan laughed and said, "Why did you bury it? Is not eating meat worthy of its vigorous growth? Is it worthy of the delicacy it has cultivated?"

An Xin said: "You bad guy, it's my brother, you can't eat it."

Yang Fan didn't pay attention to the evil, got into the car with the dog, and drove the horse to look for the geomantic treasure.

An Xin looked at Yang Fan burning the fire and roasting the dog angrily, and said viciously: "I want to ask Ali to change my father, hmph, I must change you."

Yang Fan calmly said: "Even if she can change her husband, you can't change Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu is your own."

A hearty laugh came, and then a person flew out of the woods, rushed towards Yang Fan at a high speed, and then stopped firmly in front of Yang Fan.

It was Wu Wengen who said he would come to find Yang Fan.

Yang Fan first led the army, "The dog's nose is really good, so you can smell the smell of meat?"

Wu Wengen countered: "I just found out today, so you were born to your son?"

Yang Fan smiled and said, "Otherwise? Are you my son's own?"


The two laughed and sat by the campfire.

Tong Tong is sensible, knowing that there will be important matters to discuss between men, so he took the children to play elsewhere.

Not to mention, these two men really have something important to discuss——

Wu Wengen: "Dog meat is not eaten like this."

Yang Fan: "Then how should we eat?"

Wu Wengen: "A hodgepodge of dog meat and vermicelli, extremely tender and delicious."

Yang Fan: "There is no material!"

Wu Wengen: "Wait for me, I'll be back right away." As he spoke, he got up and pulled his legs, and flew away, really coming and going in a hurry, like smoke, rain, and wind.

A moment later, Wu Wengen came leisurely with a big black pot on his back, vegetables in one hand and wine in the other.

Yang Fan: "Slow down, slow down, don't run so fast with so many things, be careful, be careful where you step, hey hey."

Wu Wengen: "Don't worry! My foot is steady and I won't fall."

Yang Fan: "Am I afraid that you will fall? I am afraid that the wine bottle will be broken."

Wu Wengen smiled and said, "You look so pleasing, why do you speak so unpleasantly?"

Yang Fan asked: "Since you are pleasing to look at, why are you talking pleasingly?"

Wu Wengen: "That's right. If you are too pleasing, you will be envied and jealous. You are actually quite capable of attracting hatred. Every time you appear on the stage, you can set off a bloodbath."

Yang Fan chuckled.

The two of them set up a pot and added firewood to create another brilliance. A pot of steaming hot potpourri appeared in front of the two of them in a short while, but they were not yet cooked.

Wu Wengen asked, "Did you kill someone just now?"

Yang Fan: "Well, I met a group of robbers and they killed me."

Wu Wengen: "Your martial arts are so high, the key five people have three super realms, isn't it that the person who wants your dog's life is mentally ill? Wait... wants your dog's life? Isn't your dog's life here?"

Yang Fan tapped the cauldron with a spatula, and said with a smile, "Here is the life of a dog!"

Wu Wengen laughed, "So many people with so many feelings are killed by dogs?"

Yang Fan laughed and said, "It's not my dog ​​Jingui, it's just that their nature is bad. I let them get out of the way, and they killed the dog and then arrested my son. Do you think they should be rehabilitated?"

Wu Wengen said with a smile: "That's right. Don't worry, the problem will be solved for you. The route you have traveled, if there are any unsightly ones, you will kill them and the government will bury them."

Yang Fan took out a book from his arms, handed it to Wu Wengen, and said seriously: "In order to repay you, please read this book."

Wu Wengen read it carefully, but he couldn't take his eyes off at a glance, and he closed it slowly after half an hour, and asked, "Is this the book on Nighthawk's corpse?"

Yang Fan: "En!"

Wu Wengen: "Did you translate?"

Yang Fan: "Aren't you talking nonsense? Can it still translate by itself?"

Wu Wengen: "I just didn't expect you to know foreign languages."

Yang Fan: "It doesn't matter whether I know foreign languages ​​or not, the important thing is, what do you think after reading this book?"

Wu Wengen: "Chilling, restless, as if a knife was hanging above his head."

Yang Fan laughed and said: "The enemy always understands us better than ourselves. We are spending time and drinking, drunk and dreaming, enjoying leisurely, slowly weakening, sitting in the sky, self-righteous, what about others? They have been trying to make our country fall apart, racking their brains to kill us one strike."

Wu Wengen sighed softly.

Yang Fan: "Why sigh? Sighing is worse than farting."

Wu Wengen looked at Yang Fan strangely, "Why are you talking so cheaply?"

Yang Fan laughed and said, "I mean, instead of you sighing here, it's better to bind this book into a volume and sell it at a low price across the country, refresh everyone's knowledge, show everyone what other people think, and let the world see this knife. Seeing this knife hanging on the land of the Central Plains, you don't care how many people wake up, this fart is for the world to hear."

Wu Wengen said seriously: "This fart is good, it can keep you full."

Yang Fan joked, "Why are you talking so cheaply?"

Wu Wengen: "Isn't this just close at hand, isn't the one who is close to ink dark?"

Yang Fan said seriously: "Suddenly I feel that your words are delicious."

Wu Wengen fanned the hot air from the side of the pot, and praised: "It does have a fragrance."

Yang Fan said seriously: "You are a guest from afar, wait a minute..."

Wu Wengen: "I know, I won't be polite to you."

Yang Fan said seriously: "I mean, wait a minute, you eat less, my family has more children."

Wu Wengen let out a hey, and said with a smile, "Why do you think I want to hit you so much? I never thought it would be such a stingy Yang Fan."

Yang Fan laughed and said, "I just intend to fill you up, so you can eat less after a while."

Wu Wengen smiled for a moment, his expression suddenly became serious, and he asked earnestly, "Do you know Fulu ointment?"

Yang Fan's heart trembled, "I know, what's wrong?"

Wu Wengen asked seriously: "What kind of medicine is it?"

(End of this chapter)

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