Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 303 Chapter 303 Shameless, met a rascal

Chapter 303 Chapter 303 Shameless, met a rascal
Shopkeeper Ye scolded his mother in his heart, but said politely: "If you two heroes want to get some money, and the villain personally delivers it, why do you need to waste your energy so much?" Politeness is like the air in a tire. It seems worthless, but in fact it can not only protect yourself, but also make you roll quickly and comfortably.

When encountering such a smiling person, Yang Fan couldn't get mad on the spot, so he could only joke: "I don't want money! I only want to barbecue at your house."

Shopkeeper Ye: "That's a good relationship, that's a good relationship, just tell me what you want to eat, and I promise to satisfy you."

Yang Fan smiled and said, "It doesn't matter what you eat, I just need to use your Fulu ointment as firewood, do you have any objection?"

Shopkeeper Ye said tremblingly: "Hero! You want my life!"

Yang Fan said: "Why are you dying?"

Shopkeeper Ye: "All my worth has been put into it. If you set this on fire, you will destroy my seven souls and six souls. Please do me a favor, heroes, don't make such jokes Just let me do small business, let me go."

Yang Fan said helplessly: "No, for your old life, you have to take tens of thousands of old lives, it's not worth it."

Shopkeeper Ye said in a tearful tone: "I'm so humbled, can the hero still not let me go?"

Yang Fan said hard-heartedly, "No!"

Shopkeeper Ye straightened his back all of a sudden, and suddenly said forcefully: "Since this is the case, then I can only confess to you. Do you know who I am?"

Yang Fan said bluntly: "I don't know!"

Shopkeeper Ye smiled and said, "Actually, I am from Wanzhumen."

Yang Fan played with taste: "There are not one hundred or eighty medicinal material stores that cooperate with Wanzhumen. Everyone uses the name of Wanzhumen, so what has become of Wanzhumen?"

Shopkeeper Ye said solemnly: "I am different from others. In a sense, I have saved Wan Zhumen. After the Battle of Lanling City, everyone knows that many masters from Muchen Kingdom lived in Qingzhou and Demotion. After absconding, I accidentally found out that Mengcheng was plotting against Wanzhumen, so I worked tirelessly to report the news, which made Mr. Chen rush back to the sect in time, preventing Mengcheng from taking advantage of the situation. It was also me who sent a The woman with strange and murderous eyes tricked her away to prevent Wan Zhumen from getting worse."

Before Yang Fan could reply, Tong Tong had already drawn the bow and ignited it, and shot it directly. The flame pierced the night sky, and a brilliant flower bloomed.

Shopkeeper Ye cried: "Why don't you young people talk about martial arts? I've said that, why are you still setting fire?" He shouted loudly, "It's out of water, put out the fire!"

But in the wilderness, in the dead of night, there are many people watching the fire, but very few firefighters, right?Shopkeeper Ye saw that the situation was serious and there was no one to rescue him, so he sat down on the ground and cried.

The big man was crying, and Yang Fan couldn't bear it, so he asked Tong Tong in a low voice, "What's wrong? I feel like you're on fire."

Tong Tong said displeasedly: "I remembered him, I was deceived by him, the woman he said with strange eyes and murderous look was me, he caused me to still not know where Wan Zhumen is."

Yang Fan smiled and said, "No wonder. But, have you ever thought about how Yangyang would treat you as his mother without him?"

Tong Tong muttered: "It seems to be the truth."

At this moment, a black shadow suddenly came.

His movements were nimble and fast, and Yang Fan was so frightened that he paid great attention.

After a few rounds, Yang Fan was astonished. He really didn't know why his internal energy would be inexplicably lost.

The two fought back and forth in the dark, jumping up and down in the Ye family's warehouse.

A brick suddenly appeared, and hit Yang Fan's head with a "bang". For a moment, the bricks were flying, and Yang Fan's eyes were full of gold stars, and he kicked back to use his strength to back up, accidentally hitting him in his arms.

by the flames.The two finally saw each other clearly.

Yang Fan covered his head, hurt the upper head, and yelled.

Bian Dan clutched his crotch and hurt his head underneath, yelling.

Tong Tong drew his bow and wanted to shoot, but Yang Fan hurriedly stopped him, "Don't shoot, my own."

Bian Dan crossed his legs, blushing, and said in pain, "You are such an adult, why are you so shameless when you fight? You are already famous, so you are not afraid of others saying you are obscene?"

Yang Fan rubbed his head and said: "You are not much better, you are already a master, why do you still like to fight with bricks, if I am shameless, you are a scoundrel."

Bian Dan crossed his legs and squatted down unsteadily, "Unlucky thing, once I meet you, nothing good will happen."

Yang Fan bared his teeth and said, "It's as if meeting you will bring good things to me."

Bian Dan: "You still have the nerve to say, why did you abduct a new girl again? The martial arts are still so high."

Yang Fan: "Well, it's a long story, you'd better not inquire about this as a single dog, lest you feel uncomfortable."

Bian Dan: "Single dog? This word is strange! Hi?! How dare you say I'm single?"

Yang Fan: "Why don't you dare, aren't you a bachelor? A single dog."

Bian Dan: "If you have the guts, you can call me again?"

Yang Fan: "Single dog!"

Bian Dan: "You two bitches!"

Yang Fan: "We are a happy couple, what's wrong?"

Yang Fan asked, "How did you get here, and why did you suddenly come out?"

Bian Dan: "Why did I come here? That's a long story, but in a nutshell, I just came here. I traveled all over the world, first to study medicine and practice medicine, second to find you and see you, and third to visit every place unannounced The drug dealer who saw you burning other people's medicinal materials, do you think I should stand up for them? And this person is right, he did send news to us Wan Zhumen, do you think I should stand up for him? ?”

Yang Fan said: "You are in the early stage, there is nothing wrong with it."

Bian Dan: "Then what's wrong with you, why did you burn down the warehouse of your partner?"

Yang Fan: "Do you know Fulu ointment?"

Bian Dan: "I know, the special tribute in the palace is a good medicine for pain relief. I heard that it can be used to make Mabosan."

Yang Fan: "Fu Lu Ointment is a drug, do you know that?"

Bian Danqi said: "Is it a drug? I really don't know."

So Yang Fan carefully explained the function and harm of Fulu Ointment.

Bian Dan sat on the ground with his legs crossed, and listened carefully. Yang Fan sat next to him, and the two of them chatted about medical skills and pharmacology very selflessly.Tong Tong, Xiao Nan, Shopkeeper Ye and the guards around him didn't even pay attention, the two chatted excitedly and shared their medical skills.

Although the bystanders understood what Fu Lu anointed, they still only had a half-knowledge of why it was a drug.

Bian Dan said seriously: "It's well done!"

Yang Fan: "Let's go, you go back with me, I have something to discuss with you."

Bian Dan laughed and said, "Do you want me to clean up the medicine dealers cooperated with Wanzhumen and destroy Fulu Ointment?"

Yang Fan smiled and said, "It's really comfortable to chat with smart people."

Bian Dan: "Then have you ever thought about how to compensate those bosses like Shopkeeper Ye?"

Yang Fan said with a smile: "Compensate half of the loss, and compensate them all without heartache. If you don't have heartache, you won't have a long memory. If you don't have a long memory, you will repeat the same mistakes."

Bian Dan played with taste: "Do you have so much money?"

Yang Fan: "Write a letter, bring a note, and either go to Wu Yan's to exchange it, or go to Zhou Junjun's to exchange it."

Bian Dan: "Do you know Zhou Junjun? I heard that he is the richest man in the demoted state. How did you know him? He can write a letter with a note and ask him to pay for you?"

Yang Fan laughed and said, "He got hemorrhoids, and I helped him suck out the poisonous blood to save his life. Are you satisfied with this reason?"

Tong Tong patted Yang Fan with a smile, and he had never seen him speak so bluntly.

Bian Dan smiled and said, "Don't disgust my wisdom, I can believe in any other way of saving lives, but this...does the poisonous blood have a smell?"

Yang Fan said angrily, "Get lost!"

Bian Tan smiled and said, "The problem of compensation for burning Fulu ointment has been solved, but there is still not enough manpower. Do you have any suggestions?"

Yang Fan thought about it: "About compensation, I actually have some ideas."

Bian Dan: "Say it!"

Yang Fan: "Do you think it can be like this? For example, I burned 2 million taels of Fulu ointment from shopkeeper Ye. I have to give others a way to survive. After all, they don't know the harm of Fulu ointment, right? We will compensate him with 1 million taels." , Let him find another way out. If he confesses to the upline or other businessmen who buy and sell Fulu ointment, for example, the person he confesses, the total value of Fulu ointment is 1 million taels, then we will reward the shopkeeper Ye with 200,000 taels. What do you say? Sample?"

Bian Dan: "Market supervision, business rewards, economic fission, kills many birds with one stone."

Yang Fan: "In this way, Fulu ointment can be removed from our country as soon as possible, and the manpower problem can be virtually solved."

Bian Dan laughed and said: "It is true that part of the manpower problem has been solved, but new manpower problems have also arisen. The convenience we get is the cheapness of inquiring about information, but if we get several confessions at once, the manpower must be insufficient. Then What should I do? Will I be cheated, will I be dropped if I go late, will I encounter a counterattack? Will I encounter an ambush? Will I be exhausted?"

Yang Fan asked: "Why does the sect cultivate disciples? You are an honorary master, why don't you use them?"

Bian Dan: "Yes!"

Yang Fan laughed and said, "Besides, it's not like you don't know how to make pills, so are you afraid that no one will follow you?"

(End of this chapter)

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