Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 304 304 is not a daughter, but a daughter-in-law

Chapter 304 304 is not a daughter, but a daughter-in-law
Bian Dan clapped his hands and said happily: "By the way, I can use the upgrade pill as a gimmick to encourage people in the world to actively join in the movement of burning Fulu ointment. Anyone who confiscates more than one ton of Fulu ointment can get an upgrade piece." Dan, what do you think?"

Yang Fan shook his head, "Not good!"

Bian Dan asked, "Why not?"

Yang Fan: "Say, there is a country where poisonous snakes are rampant, so the king expressly stipulates that anyone who kills a snake can be exchanged for a tael of silver. Do you think there are more or fewer poisonous snakes in this country?"

Bian Dan smiled and said, "Of course it's less."

Yang Fan shook his head and said with a smile: "On the contrary, not only are there no fewer poisonous snakes, but they are becoming more and more rampant."

Bian Dan: "Why?"

Yang Fan said with a smile: "If poisonous snakes and getting rich are equated, then it is not a poisonous snake but a door, don't you think so? If the snakes are killed, how can people make money and get rich? Based on this cognition, so this country The common people have changed from catching snakes to raising snakes, and the poisonous snakes will naturally become a disaster.”

Bian Dan: "It makes sense!"

Yang Fan: "So the idea of ​​exchanging one ton for one upgrade pill is not feasible. This will not only prevent the spread of Fluo ointment in the Central Plains, but also cause the flood of this drug. I don't know how many people will smuggle this drug , so that I can exchange some pills that are valuable to the family with you, do you think this makes sense?"

Bian Dan: "Then what do you think?"

Yang Fan: "Not yet, let's go back and add up the sum first?" Shopkeeper Ye looked at Yang Fan like a pug, and his intention was self-evident.Yang Fan patted him on the shoulder and said with a smile: "You heard what we said just now, I will make up for your loss. I am Yang Fan and he is Bian Dan. Are these two names enough for you to trust? Don't worry! When the time comes, I will write a letter to you and bring your bills to find Wu Qian and Zhou Junjun, and then you can receive the property loss compensation."

Shopkeeper Ye nodded and bowed, even saying yes, and watched Yang Fan and the others go away attentively.

Bian Dan followed Yang Fan and asked curiously, "Go back? Where are you going? Could it be that you have a home outside?"

Yang Fan: "I bought a carriage and turned it into a garage. Now I'm like a snail, leading my family to bravely travel the world."

Bian Dan said unhappily: "If you are more fun, then you are more fun, and you say it so nicely, what kind of chivalry is bravely going to the world? Isn't it irresponsible? You have not fulfilled the responsibility of the master, and you have not fulfilled the obligation of the master." You didn’t do it, and you didn’t fulfill your responsibilities as a husband and father. Tell me, what should I say about you?”

Yang Fan smiled wryly, and said weakly: "When Cheng Qing was here, I promised her that I would take her to travel around the rivers and lakes and eat delicious food. Although she is gone, I have to... finish this matter .”

Bian Dan was silent for a long time, then sighed, "Is the child six years old?"

Yang Fan nodded.

Bian Dan said softly, "What's your name?"

Yang Fan: "Cheng Yi Yang, whose baby name is Yang Yang."

Bian Dan said, "Show me the child."

Yang Fan: "One thing you need to keep in mind is that Yangyang doesn't know about Cheng Qing, she always treats her mother as a slut, so..."

Bian Dan looked at Tong Tong, then at Yang Fan, and nodded, "Understood! Tong Tong?! This name seemed to be at the top of the Jianghu Inn's word list before, but now your realm has reached the peak. It must be on the Tianzi list soon, right?"

Tong Tong said: "I don't care about these false names!"

Yang Fan said: "I don't care either!"

Bian Tan interjected: "It's as if I care. I don't care about fame, but I'm more happy to see that the woman who takes care of my niece and replaces my step-sister is good enough."

Yang Fan said with a smile: "What Brother Shi said is true, but you forgot one thing, if she doesn't really want to be my lover, or the mother of Yangyang, no matter how good she is, it's useless."

Bian Dan nodded, "That's true."


In front of the carriage, Yang Sifan didn't know what to do after seeing Bian Dan, so he just stayed where he was.

Fortunately, Bian Dan's attention did not stay on her, and his eyes were quickly attracted by Yang Yang.With a smile on his face, he picked up the sheep and sheep, and called out the truth.

Yang Yang disliked it very much and tried hard to push it away.

Yang Fan smiled and said, "This is your uncle!"

Bian Tan chuckled and said, "Uncle, no, no, I almost fell for it. I am your father's elder brother, your mother's brother-in-law, you have to be called Uncle!"

Yangyang asked: "I call you a big-headed ghost, do you have no children yourself?"

Bian Dan smiled and said, "How do you know?"

Yang Yang said seriously: "I think you not only have children, but you probably don't even have a daughter-in-law."

Bian Tan looked embarrassed, "Is there any crime for bachelors? Why is everyone so unfriendly to bachelors? You can be ridiculed if you hug your niece, it's heartbreaking."

Yangyang: "Fool! Do you know how to hug someone? How can you strangle someone's waist like this?"

Bian Dan put down the sheep and sheep, and said with a smile: "It's because I'm inexperienced, it's because I'm inexperienced."

Yang Yang ran up to Yang Fan and reached out for a hug.

Yang Fan smiled all over his face, and gently hugged him.

Yang Yang looked at Bian Dan, and said solemnly: "Did you see that? This is how you should hug a girl, have you learned it?"

Bian Dan smiled and said, "I learned it, I learned it. By the way, the other two children are..."

Yang Fan said: "The story of my disappearance for six years has been spread all over the world, you must have heard about it, this kid is Jing Jing's gift to me, as for... No, why don't you know Yang Sifan? Didn't you watch him grow up?"

Bian Dan: "I don't know about Yang Sifan, isn't he always in the sect?"

Yang Fan opened his eyes wide and said, "You mean this child is not Yang Sifan, not my daughter?"

Bian Dan: "Yang Sifan is a kid. When he was a child, I was pissed all over by him. How can I not know whether he wears a handle or not?"

Yang Fan looked at "Yang Sifan", Bian Dan looked at "Yang Fan's Daughter", and everyone looked at "Sister".

Yang Sifan sighed: "It seems that I can't hide it."

Yang Fan asked curiously, "Who are you?"

Yang Sifan laughed and said, "I'm not your daughter!"

Yang Fan: "I know."

Yang Sifan smiled and said, "I am your wife!"


The whole place was silent.

"I am really Yang Fan's daughter-in-law, and I am Yang Tielan."

Yang Fan: "How is it possible? Are you kidding me? She is an adult, but you are a child..."

Yang Tielan said: "Selling yourself to bury your father, teasing on the street, blocking your hands for a hundred taels. Killing and poisoning, meeting the king at home, a moment of gold...do I need to say more?"

Yang Fan: "Well...how did you...become a child?"

Yang Tielan smiled and said, "Do you still remember the cheat book that I took after killing the disciple of Poison Valley?"

Yang Fan: "Remember, I gave it to you after I got rid of its poison."

Yang Tielan: "Yes, you not only helped me get rid of the poison in that secret book, but also gave me a secret book on health preservation, remember?"

Yang Fan: "In this case, I think you earned that secret book by yourself, and it should be yours, so I gave you another one that you don't have. That is the "Turtle Sutra" created by Grandpa Chang. A book on health preservation, I think it is good for you, so I renamed it "Longevity Classic" and gave it to you. Well... After all... After all, you are my first time, you are my woman, I take it as a matter of course to give you something nice."

Yang Tielan blushed and said with a smile: "The problem lies in these two cheat books."

Bian Dan said: "What's wrong with these two books? Let's put them away first. If you are really Yang Tielan, you should remember the experience that "Longevity Classic" brought you when you were pregnant."

Yang Tielan smiled and said: "Of course I know! At the beginning, I practiced the "Longevity Classic" seriously to understand my pain of lovesickness, but after practicing, I found that my stomach was warm, but my internal strength did not increase at all. My body was very comfortable and my spirit It's also very good. I won't vomit like other pregnant women and feel irritable and depressed. The most amazing thing is that I didn't realize that the saying 'beginning to cultivate from the womb' is true after giving birth to Yang Sifan, because Yang Sifan was born There is a third-rate realm. And the bones are clear and strange, and the three flowers gather at the top."

Tong Tong pulled up Yang Fan's sleeves untimely, and said coquettishly, "I want to practice the "Longevity Classic" too."

Yang Tielan snorted: "Now you should believe that I am the original wife, right?"

Seeing the wind, Tong Tong said: "Eldest sister! How did you become a child?"

Yang Tielan calmed down a little, and said: "Isn't it because of practicing these two kinds of exercises with opposite attributes? That year when Wumu Khan was buried on the island in Mengcheng, we thought he was going to make trouble, so we fought with him, so I suffered an internal injury. But after that, our Wan Zhu Sect worked hard, worked hard, and practiced hard. Many disciples consciously hid and retreated, and I was no exception. Just practice like this, and wait for me to rush up It was only at the Super Realm that I realized that my body had turned into that of a child."

Bian Dan asked, "Then why didn't you say it?"

Yang Tielan said: "This kind of Arabian Nights story will cause endless troubles. If you don't believe it, it's fine. At most, I will be dismissed as a monster, but if you believe it? Will I be said to be possessed by a goblin? Will it become the target of public criticism? Will it be arrested and studied? Have you ever thought about it? If I practice like this, I will really be immortal and eternal youth. Such a good thing, even the king of a country will covet it, you say Will people from all over the world come to fight for it? Will it harm Wan Zhumen? Will they use my son to threaten me? Have you ever thought about these possibilities?"

(End of this chapter)

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