Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 368 Chapter 269 You Trust Those Who Can Hurt You

Qinglian and Yang Fan were about to chat a few words in a roundabout way. The two seemed to have a harmonious expression, but the content was suspicious.

Qinglian chatted vigorously, while Yang Fan spoke cautiously.

While they were talking, a young man was driving slowly from the south with an ox cart half lying on it.

He heard him shouting from a long distance: "Master! Master!"

If this person is not Zhang Zhongshan, who else could he be?
Yang Fan left Qinglian behind, and chased after Zhang Zhongshan in a hurry. When he reached Zhang Zhongshan, he couldn't say a word, he just looked him up and down.

The eyes are full of love.

Zhang Zhongshan trembling lips, excitedly said: "Master!"

Yang Fan nodded, "Hey!"

It turned out that after leading the enemy into the urn that day, Zhang Zhongshan fled all the way along the river, and finally was shot by an arrow and fell into the waterfall, but his clothes were caught by the dead wood downstream, so he was saved by luck.

He climbed ashore, killed a blind man, occupied the cave, blocked the entrance, pulled out his arrows, applied Yunnan Baiyao, and fell asleep in the cave for an unknown amount of time.

By the time he recovered from his injuries, the war would have ended long ago.So he sold an ox cart, dragged his unhealed body, and bumped all the way home.

After Yang Fan listened, he kept muttering, "It's good to be fine, it's good to be back, it's good to be home."

The master and the apprentice are both you and me, and Qinglian feels that she is being ignored, so she said a few words of concern and then left first.

Yang Fan didn't care either, and took his disciples back to the island with him.

At this time, there are only a few people who Yang Fan knows about the huge sect.

Ru Hua, Shi Yu intentionally left her in the deep mountains and old forests because she needed to take care of the medicine garden.

The elder brother and elder sister of Wan Zhumen are newlyweds, and they have a horse farm to take care of them, so they are not allowed to go to the battlefield, so they were also left behind.

The rest of the dozens of people are all disciples of outer sects such as medicine farmers, blacksmiths, and carpenters.

Yang Fan didn't know what happened to Tong Tong and Wu Jie who were far away at the border?But seeing this desolate sect, he couldn't help feeling deeply moved.

The old house is still there, but the lonely grave has been reinforced.

Yang Fan stood under the willow tree by the river, quietly sitting in front of his grandfather's grave.

From morning to night, from sunset to dawn.

The disciples only dared to deliver food, but no one bothered.

After two days like this, Yang Fan suddenly locked himself in the study and did not allow his disciples to disturb him.

Another two days passed.

Yang Fan finally opened the door.

After the disciples were summoned one by one, they were sent out of the island one by one with a letter and an encrypted martial arts cheat book.

Seeing that the Wanzhu Sect brothers had their own missions, and seeing that the thriving sect became empty, but he was never summoned, Zhang Zhongshan's fingers began to tremble involuntarily.

Seeing Yang Fan walk out of the study, he immediately ran forward and shouted timidly: "Master!"

Yang Fan nodded.

Zhang Zhongshan: "Master! What are they doing?"

Yang Fan smiled and said, "They have worked hard, so I arranged for them to travel and practice."

Zhang Zhongshan opened his mouth, but stopped talking.

Yang Fan said with a smile: "I also wrote you a letter here. If you want to enter the rivers and lakes, I will give you the letter. If you want to stay with me, then I will take you with me. How do you choose?"

Zhang Zhongshan said without hesitation: "I want to be filial by Master's side."

Yang Fan smiled and said: "Silly boy!" After speaking, he took Zhang Zhongshan onto the bamboo raft and went up the river, he wanted to see the place where Xiaoqi lived, and the place where Wu Qian hugged him HLD.

Zhang Zhongshan said cautiously: "Master! What are you planning to do?"

Yang Fan said flatly, "Get ready to leave."

Zhang Zhongshan asked, "Where are we going?"

Yang Fan replied, "I don't know either."

Zhang Zhongshan wondered, "What about Wanzhu Island?"

Yang Fan said flatly: "Leave it to the world."

Zhang Zhongshan wanted to ask again, but Yang Fan walked into the room of "Doctor Ah" with nostalgic eyes.

Gently stroking the tables and chairs, lightly stroking the threshold, lightly stroking the bed board...

Zhang Zhongshan stood out obediently, leaving enough space for Yang Fan to remember.

Yang Fan sang softly: "Ten years of life and death are boundless, don't think about it, and you will never forget it. There is no place to talk about desolation in a lonely grave thousands of miles away. Even if you don't know each other, your face is covered with dust, and your temples are like frost. Youmeng suddenly returns home at night, Xiaoxuan Window, just dressing up. There is no words for each other, only a thousand lines of tears. It is expected that the place where the heart will be broken every year, the moonlit night, short Matsuoka."

This word is actually not appropriate now, but Yang Fan knows that it will definitely be appropriate in the future.

Thinking about that time, he lived in seclusion in the mountains and forests, not caring about world affairs... and his women... oh...

Just when Yang Fan was feeling sentimental, Zhang Zhongshan's cry for help suddenly came from outside the window.

Yang Fan's heart trembled, and he ran out of the room immediately.At this critical juncture, his subconscious is still rational not to destroy a window or a door here.

In Calabash Valley, dozens of men in black were besieging Zhang Zhongshan.

Zhang Zhongshan was wounded and had no weapon in his hand, so he could only dodge being beaten repeatedly.

Yang Fan stepped forward, pulled out the scalpel, and the knife flashed, killing several people instantly.

He shrunk the man in black into a ball, not daring to disperse his attacks.

Zhang Zhongshan picked up the sharp sword and was about to step forward to strike.

Yang Fan scolded: "Don't do anything! Go! There are strong people!"

As soon as the words fell, two strong men in black, a man and a woman, flew out of the forest and attacked Yang Fan.At Yang Fan's current state, what can make him a strong man, what else can he be if he is not a super strong man?
Seeing that Yang Fan was being besieged, Zhang Zhongshan refused to listen to persuasion and fled, insisting on joining the battle group.

"Don't hurt my master!"

"Unless you step on my dead body, I will never let you touch even a single hair of my master."

Yang Fan doesn't talk too much harshly, he only cares about killing people and doesn't speak lines.

Seeing more and more people in black, Yang Fan and Zhang Zhongshan had no way out.

Yang Fan gritted his teeth, blazed a trail, and headed towards the cliff.It may be because there is a cliff behind this direction, so the defense is relatively weak, but they have overlooked a key factor. The cliff is not the abyss, but Fengjiang.

For Yang Fan, this is life.

Yang Fan fought while retreating, and had to take care of the injured Zhang Zhongshan. If it weren't for the narrow mountain roads, Yang Fan might have died from the enemy.

Yang Fan shouted: "Qinglian! Elder Ge!"

The two masters, a man and a woman, were all shaken, and even the men in black stopped.

At this time, Yang Fan was covered in blood, and said loudly: "Don't think that I can't guess it's you if you wear a mask, why do you want to kill me?"

No one answered.

Yang Fan grieved and said, "Is it my elder brother who wants to kill me?"

"No!" The voice was old and kind, but it was really Ge Lao's voice.

Yang Fan laughed at himself, "It's really ironic, it's really ironic, it's really ironic!"

The old man was embarrassed.

Beside Qinglian, she suddenly shouted, "Do it!"

As soon as the words fell, a dagger pierced Yang Fan's body.

Yang Fan looked back with difficulty, who else could it be if it wasn't Zhang Zhongshan?

Yang Fan's feet went limp, and he was about to fall to the ground. With tears in his eyes, Zhang Zhongshan supported Yang Fan, and murmured: "Master! I'm sorry! I'm sorry! Master! In fact, I have always belonged to His Majesty, and I don't want to Yeah, I really don't want that."

Yang Fan pushed Zhang Zhongshan away, took a few steps back, and stood facing the suspension.

"I was originally a child who was abused and discarded by my stepmother. It was His Majesty who rescued me on the streets of Lanling City. It was he who cured my illness and improved my talent in martial arts with the treasures of heaven and earth. I have feelings, but His Majesty is also kind to me... Your Majesty is kind to me, I didn't want to hurt Master, I didn't want to..." He knelt in front of Yang Fan, crying bitterly.

Yang Fan is such a smart person, he figured out many problems in a flash.

It turns out that he has always been a pawn in Zhu Qingshan's hands.

Xiaoqi's arrangement was just to let Yang Fan walk in the direction he wanted.

Later, because Xiaoqi loves Yang Fan, under Yang Fan's scheme, Jin Chan escapes her shell and becomes a "doctor".

Yang Fan thought he was very smart and that he was in control of everything.A red tear flowed from Yang Fan's left eye, and he looked up at the sky desolately.

Yang Fan, Yang Fan, do you think you are smart?Do you feel that you are great? Now think about it, how self-righteous you are?

Why don't you think about it, why Zhang Zhongshan is called Zhang Zhongshan?

Why don't you think about it, why does the huge Lanling City need you, a person from the rivers and lakes, to point out the country?
Why don't you think about why the young Zhang Zhongshan was safe and sound in such a situation?

Why don't you think about it, why Wan Zhumen has been so smooth all these years?
Why don't you think about...

Yang Fan said miserably: "Master is right! Those who can hurt me are people I trust."

Qinglian felt ashamed in her heart, and she was unwilling to step forward to make a move.

Yang Fan faltered and said, "Give me a reason to kill me."

The elder Ge said solemnly: "Second young master! The young master didn't actually order you to be killed! But your existence really makes the young master have a grudge, and even a lingering fear."

"Second son, you are too smart and excellent. The key is that you are out of control. You can see this from the fact that you are only Xiaoqi."

Yang Fan smiled wryly and said, "So you know that Xiao Qi is alive."

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