Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 369 Chapter 270

Ge Lao said: "Second Young Master is extremely intelligent and has unparalleled strategies. We were indeed fooled by Second Young Master's tricks. But Second Young Master, don't forget that time can help people find out the answer. Since Xiao Qi is under Young Master Her personal guard, the brothers and sisters who are close to her are naturally the young master's subordinates, and someone later discovered the traces of the tomb being touched when worshiping Xiao Qi, so they found out the truth that Xiao Qi was not dead."

Yang Fan nodded and said, "I let Xiaoqi Jinchan out of its shell just because I don't like being manipulated."

The elder Ge said: "We all understand the second son's thoughts, and His Majesty also understands. Your Majesty has lived under the prying eyes of the Queen Mother since he was a child, and his desire for freedom is exactly the same as yours. This is also the reason why we acquiesce. Since you and Xiao Qi If we feel happy like this, then we should all pretend we don’t know the truth.”

Yang Fan: "So... I am the master of all achievements, so I have to die?"

The elder Ge said: "If someone else has made great achievements, it is naturally doomed, but the second son is Feng Qingyang's disciple, the son's sworn brother, and the head of the Taoist school. Naturally, His Majesty will not kill you. "

"But... second son, don't forget, you are Princess Zhu Qian's man, you are the father of the emperor's relatives, we all believe in you, but will anyone in the court stand in your team? Will you help him to the throne because you love your child?"

"The most important thing now is that you are still the man of Empress Mu Chen, the father of her son, and she is even more ambiguous, and you are related to her by flesh and blood."

"The second son is a smart person. If you change your identity with the son, will you be worried?"

"Second Young Master and our subordinates change the angle, tell me, should we regard you as a threat?"

Yang Fan smiled desolately and noncommittally.

Ge Lao sighed: "Seeing you dispatch all the disciples out, seeing you secretly laying out the layout, the old slave is flustered! You are a monster who can kill the country!"

Yang Fan said sadly: "Obviously I was betrayed by the world, but I can't hate it." As a tear slipped from the corner of his eyes, he staggered back two steps, only a short distance away from the cliff, Zhang Zhongshan knelt for a few steps, stretched out his hand to go Help him, reach halfway but dare not touch.

Yang Fan looked up to the sky and sighed, "Grandpa! You've been hurting me! Why...why, why can't you be a civilian girl? Is it okay now? I was guarded against it."

Qinglian and Gelao felt ashamed, and they didn't have the face to take off their masks when they knew that the other party knew who they were.

No one did it, or in other words, no one had the face to do it.

Yang Fan glanced around and sighed, "That's all! I'll make you feel at ease!" After speaking, he opened his hands and fell backwards.

Zhang Zhongshan jumped up and stretched out his hand to pull.

But he was kneeling, how could he jump enough distance with this jump?He could only barely grab Yang Fan's sleeve.

Hearing a "呲啦", Yang Fan's clothes were torn, and he fell into the abyss after all.

Zhang Zhongshan grabbed a letter, a letter that was originally intended to be written to Zhang Zhongshan.He knelt at the mouth of the cliff and called out to Master.

There was no echo but the sound of wind and water.

Qinglian and Gelao stretched out their heads to look, and they saw that there was a lot of water vapor under the cliff, and the fog was so thick that they couldn't see anything.

Everyone looked at each other in blank dismay, obviously they were done, but they felt an inexplicable sense of loss in their hearts.

Everyone was on the spot, speechless for a long time.

At this moment, three more waves of men in black rushed to the scene.They walked up to Elder Ge, bowed to Qinglian, and after whispering a few words to Elder Ge, they each handed over the seized letters and three secret books to Elder Ge.

It turned out that while they were chasing and killing Yang Fan, they also surrounded and robbed the disciples arranged by Yang Fan.

Gelao and Qinglian each opened a letter, read it before exchanging letters, and after careful review, they were all full of shame.

Ge Lao said in a deep voice: "Cancel the operation and let the disciples of Wanzhu Sect leave on their own."

Qinglian added: "If they are killed by you, they will be buried generously; if they are injured by you, they will be sent to treat them."

Three waves of men in black took orders and left.

Zhang Zhongshan's eyes also moved away from the letter, he said with trembling lips and red eyes: "Master! To the death, one's heart is all about the world...Are we wrong?"

These three letters, together with the letter to Zhang Zhongshan, have the same content except that they are addressed differently.

It expresses five meanings:

One, Master, I have been in the rivers and lakes for more than ten years. I have lost many loved ones and experienced many great events. Now I am tired of the rivers and lakes and just want to go back to the mountains and forests.

Second, Wanzhumen has many kinds of elixirs that are of great significance to the country. I have returned to the mountains and forests, and Wanzhumen will belong to the country from now on. You don't have to worry about it.

Three, the disciples of Wanzhumen can only uphold the chivalry of Wanzhumen in the future, but if they can't leave, then they can say that they are disciples of Wanzhumen.Think about being a teacher, there are so many brothers who were born and died with the master, many of them have died, many of them are disabled now, they are not my disciples of Wanzhumen, but they voluntarily handed over their lives to me to protect their family and country, I have no way to protect them for the rest of their lives, how can I let my disciples enjoy better treatment than heroes?If they can't use "Wanzhumen" as amulets, how can you disciples have the nerve to talk about "Wanzhumen"?Master does not want you to be proud of the sect, but Master hopes that you can make me proud.

Four, you were sent by me to scatter across the borders of the country. I gave you all the cheats and money. I hope that you will take root in the borderlands and spread your branches and leaves. I hope that you can become an invisible Great Wall.

Fifth, if one day I die, don't think too much, it must be the Condor Empire who murdered me and wanted to blame the court, so don't let people take advantage of you.

Zhang Zhongshan said: "Why didn't Master give me a letter? If I read this letter, I wouldn't be..."

Ge Lao said: "You are still a half-grown child, how can you rest assured to let you go out and spread the leaves? And you are talented, if it were me, I would bring you by my side to train."

After Zhang Zhongshan heard it, he shouted: "I killed Master!" He raised his knife and wanted to kill himself.

The elder Ge easily grasped it, and said seriously: "If you die, Wanzhumen will really exist in name only. Only you are here, and the signboard of Wanzhumen is there, and it will continue forever. Do you understand what I mean? Second Young Master In fact, we are all responsible and guilty, but I still want to say that we are not at fault. I don't expect you to understand these words now, but you will gradually understand them in the future. "

Zhang Zhongshan put down the knife and silently wiped away his tears.He really hoped that the signboard of "Wanzhumen" could continue.

Qinglian said: "Suppress the news first, and we'll talk about it after we find his body."

The man in black bowed to accept the order and ran away.

When you enter the cold and warm Fengjiang River, you will know when you enter the water. It is sometimes deep and sometimes shallow, sometimes urgent and sometimes slow like a heartbeat.

Qinglian and elder Ge led people to search for thousands of miles along the river for seven days, but they still couldn't find it.

The two sighed endlessly, and reported to Zhu Qingshan on the grounds that "the corpse was eaten by fish".

Zhu Qingshan, who is already the Ninth Five-Year Supreme, looked at Yang Fan's letter, lamented Yang Fan's backhand, and sighed about Yang Fan's ending, and shed tears uncontrollably.

Take a deep breath.

Said: "Feng Yang Fan is a Daoist doctor of the Ming Dynasty, and he is named as Wushuang, a national scholar. He mentioned Wanzhumen as a school in the world, and Wanzhu Island as a holy island in the world. Changed Fengjiang to Fanjiang, set up a tomb in Wanzhu Island, and a golden body in Qingyang. Watch, let him enjoy incense offerings with the master. Announce the wailing to the world, lower the national flag in half, and eat vegetarian food today."

"Also: change Gaofeng pass to Ouyang pass, mention 'housewarming valley', 'jiese mountain', hero monument, martyr's tower..."


When the news of Yang Fan's death came out, the world was in an uproar, and countless people began to cry loudly.

Countless people rushed to Wanzhu Island from all directions, and worshiped Wanzhu Island on both sides of the bank.

Those heroes who came down from the battle of Guangfeng were crying with their military caps on their hands, beating their chests and feet, and tears streaming down their faces.

When Lu Xiongshen saw that there was meat on the table, he overturned the table, pointed at his underage child and yelled at him.

After hearing the news, Wu Wengen shut himself in the study silently.

Zhong Shan, who was doing the experiment, sighed and put the herbs in his hands, expressing that he was in a bad mood and needed to rest.

Chen Shusheng and Mu Chenguo discussed the detailed rules of trade, and after hearing the news of Yang Fan's death, he hung up his letter of resignation shortly after returning, and left without saying goodbye.

Wen Wu, who was far away in Qingyangguan, was unable to go to Guangfeng because of the expansion of Guanyu and the village community. At this moment, he suddenly heard the news of Yang Fan's death, and cried and rolled on the floor, like a child.

After Tong Tong heard it, he didn't tell the children the news, but hid himself and cried secretly at night.After crying, she made up her mind to find Yang Fan along the river.

I don't believe that Yang Fan will die, let alone that Yang Fan will die in the water.

After all, Yang Fan is like a water god in Tong Tong's mind.

Even if Yang Fan really died, he would have to walk with him along the river.

The older generation called this behavior water delivery.

It is said that after giving water to the deceased, the deceased will not only be blessed in the next life, but also meet each other in the next life.

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