Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 370 Chapter 271

The wind blowing from the river is the coolest thing.

But walking along the river for a long time is really full of northwest wind.

This is also a real experience of what is called "eating in the wind and sleeping in the open".

Luo Die took Luo Meng down along the river. When passing through Hulu Valley, the mountains along the river were steep.

Just in case, Luo Die tied his son with a long rope and tied it around his waist.

As I was walking, I saw several swords falling from the cliff, plopping down into the river.

Luo Die's heart trembled, and she hid in the mountain depression with her son in her arms.

With sharp eyes, Luo Meng saw the black hole in the concave corner, clapped his hands and applauded: "Mother! Look there is a hole, let's go and have a rest."

The sooner he arrived at Wanzhu Island, the more disturbed Lao Die felt. When he heard that his son wanted to rest, Luo Die naturally obeyed.

One big and one small, after pushing aside the corn stalks, they entered together hand in hand.I saw that the cave was clean and tidy, with straw bedding in the shelter from the wind, and a kang stove was repaired at the entrance of the cave.

It is obviously a good place to be warm in winter and cool in summer.

Luo Die looked around and saw the engraving on the stone wall, and couldn't help being stunned, because Yang Fan's name was clearly engraved on it.

The font is delicate and elegant, obviously from the hand of a woman.

Luo Mengyi asked: "Mother! What is written on it?"

Luo Die shook his head and smiled, "Nothing!"

As soon as Luo Meng said "Oh", he sat on the straw-padded kang and began to shake his short feet.

Luodie said distressedly, "Are you tired?"

Luomeng [-]: "My feet are sore."

Luo Die: "It's really hard for you to wander around with you at such a young age. If I knew it would be such a trouble, I would have fostered you in the Shuangxiu Sect."

Luo Meng smiled and said: "Tired is tired, but I am not suffering. I am happy no matter where I am with my mother. Without you, I am an orphan. And I have seen a lot of scenery, which is very interesting. "

Butterfly smiled brightly.

Yes, as long as you are with your parents, your home is your home.

Luo Mengyi jumped off the kang suddenly, grabbed his pants and hurried out of the cave.

Needless to say, it must be water.

The dream of branding pours down a pair of rivers.

He pulled up his trousers and twisted the top of his trousers on his waist.

Then put his hands together, closed his eyes and prayed: "God, let Meng see Daddy sooner!"

When he opened his eyes again, he saw a person descending from the sky.

With a "snap" it plunged into the water.

Luo Meng shouted: "Mother! There is only one person left in the sky."

Luo Die had already heard the sound, grabbed the long rope with one hand, grabbed his son with the other, and threw it out without any explanation.

Luomeng has been very good at water all his life, falling hands is a deep dive, after hugging the person who fell into the water, he immediately surfaced.

Mother and child are connected, needless to say.

Luo Die pulls them together.I saw a man in ragged clothes with a dagger stuck in his back.

Take a look.

Luo Mengyi exclaimed: "Father!"

Luo Die yelled: "Yang Fan!"

Luo Meng smiled and said, "God really gave me face."

Luo Die picked up Yang Fan, hid in the cave, and blocked the entrance with corn stalks.

Luo Mengyi was smart, and after seeing his mother's actions, he also became cautious.

Qinglian and Gelao sent people to search, but they were able to search along the lower reaches of the Fengjiang River. Although some people have been here, who would have thought that there would be a cave behind the corn stalks in the depression?
There are not so many fools in the world who are looking for a sword. There will be people who look for it from the starting point, but no one will look upstream.

Therefore, searching for seven days along the river for thousands of miles will definitely not yield results.

Yang Fan woke up leisurely on the third day.

After seeing the butterfly, he smiled sweetly and called out, "Honey! I finally see you!"

Luo Die joked: "Do you still remember me?"

Seeing the dim light around him, Yang Fan asked, "Which floor of the underworld is this?"

Luo Die: "Why do people like you go to hell?"

Yang Fan said with a smile: "Then there is no heaven and hell. In fact, everyone who dies will go to the same place. It's just that if you are evil, you will see hell; if you are kind, you will see heaven."

Luo Die took out a jade pendant and asked, "Why didn't you give it to my sister as I said?"

Yang Fan said weakly: "I went, but I didn't meet him. I remember seeing a person who looked very similar to you in the town at the foot of your mountain gate the other day, and he was beaten up as a pervert."

Luo Die remembered something, and shouted: "Who told you to buy unscrupulous books?"

Yang Fan cried out for grievances and explained the oolong incident that day.

It was only then that Luo Die felt the wonder of fate. Who would believe that what he was looking for all this time turned out to be the "pervert" he beat up when he went out.

As soon as Luo Meng heard Yun Li Wu Li, he asked, "What are you talking about?"

Yang Fan, who was originally lying on the kang, looked sideways and asked, "This is?"

Luo Die couldn't pretend anymore, so she had to explain the ins and outs in detail.

Now Yang Fan has solved all the mysteries of the mummy.

The four women kidnapped by the mummy are Princess Daming Zhu Qian, Princess Muchen Tana, Luo Po's twin sister Lao Die, and his direct disciple An Jing.

Yang Fan smiled and said, "So I'm not dead."

Luo Die smiled and said, "Not dead."

Yang Fan: "Yang Fan is dead."

Branded Butterfly: "En?"

Yang Fan smiled and said, "However, Yi Bufan is still alive."

Luo Die: "Who killed you and jumped off the cliff, don't you intend to take revenge?"

Yang Fan sighed, and then explained all the details.

After Luo Die heard this, he was also speechless.

Luo Die asked: "Then what are your plans?"

Yang Fan laughed, "Can I return to the hidden forest? I think I can still live."

Luo Die blushed, "I want to give birth to you."

Yang Fan smiled and said, "Don't, without you, I can't do it at all."

Luo Meng jumped and clapped his hands, "I want a sister, I want a sister!"

Yang Fan and Luo Die looked at each other and smiled.

Luo Die: "Your name is engraved in this cave, do you know who engraved it?"

Yang Fan felt very lonely, and said softly, "It's Xiaoqi."

Luo Die knew that she had asked the wrong question, so she changed the subject and said, "Where shall we go to hide in the mountains?"

Yang Fan: "Stay here for a month first, and when the wind and waves calm outside, we will take a raft and go down the river until we reach a place where there is no river or lake inn. Well, I heard that there is a small island by the sea in the extreme south, and we can live there. There we can dry salt, hunt, farm...and have children."

"Bah! Big villain! He just likes to take advantage of others."


Three months later, Tong Tong and a group of children appeared at the junction of the river and the sea in the extreme south.

It is sad to be desperate, but sad to see no hope.

Suddenly seeing a human-shaped gap in the bushes, she took the lead and entered. After turning around, she saw several wooden houses and several fertile fields in front of her.

And Yang Fan was working in the face with a hoe.

What does it mean that there is no way out after the mountain is heavy and the river is full of doubts, and the willows are dark and the flowers are bright and another village?
Now Tong Tong really understood what Feng Qingyang said that day.

Tong Tong flew back to the forest and threw himself into his arms.

Yang Fan hugged hard and smiled happily.

Yang Fan: "Did you see the mark I made on Wanzhu Island?"

Tong Tong nodded, "I see. But tie a red cloth on the big rock in the south, so it's hard to guess your intention."

Yang Fan: "Where's Wu Qi?"

Tong Tong had no choice but to tell Yang Fan the cause and effect.

Yang Fan sighed, "Those who are destined will come back eventually, and those who are not destined will be useless for me to go out and look for them."

"As Wu Yan said, if I go out, it will only accelerate the suffering. The point is, if I appear in front of the world again, Daming will also become complicated."

Although Tong Tong didn't understand, he still nodded his head to express his understanding.

Yang Fan confessed: "Tell the children clearly that my name is not Yang Fan, but Yi Bufan. When you meet outsiders in the future, don't reveal my identity."

Another five years passed.

The children have grown up, some have gone out to roam the rivers and lakes, some have gone out to do business, and some have gone out to study.

Luo Die gave birth to a daughter for Yi Bufan, and Tong Tong gave birth to a pair of dragon and phoenix twins.

Today the magpies are chirping.

A big boat came from the south, it stopped at the shore, and went straight to Yi Bufan's house.

If it's not Wu Qian, who else?
Followed by Yang Sifan and Yunu holding the baby.

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