Chapter 39

After receiving the letter from Ruhua, Yang Tielan was a little agitated, and her fingers even trembled slightly.

Seeing her young lady's behavior, Ruhua wisely chose to shut up.

Ruhua was born in a peasant family and was sold into slavery by her parents.It is not uncommon in this world to be born lowly and live as a slave.

It can be said that a personal maid is like a commodity.Before getting married, serve the main family’s food and daily life, meet a good main family, get along with the main family day and night, have a long-term relationship, and be treated like sisters.But no matter how close the maid is, she is just a maid, and there are many examples of giving away her own maid for the sake of friendship and relationship.

As for close maids like Ru Hua, their destiny after marriage is to become a roommate, and become a bargaining chip for the lady of the main family to improve her status and voice in her husband's family. The housekeeper or servant, in order to consolidate the influence of the hostess lady in the husband's house.

The reason why Ruhua said this to Miss today is because she has her own standpoint.

Ruhua knows that although Yang Tielan is a very good person, but she is neither born in a famous family nor backed by a famous family. To be able to marry a decent man is mostly to marry a man of a certain age, and he may not necessarily have any strength, financial resources or rights.

If it was the past, she would follow whomever Yang Tielan married, and a maidservant must have the consciousness of a maidservant, whether good or bad is her own fate.

But Ruhua is a beautiful girl like a flower and jade after all, how could she not have any illusions about love?When she saw that young man named Yang Fan today, her heart was in full bloom quietly, and Xiao Jiujiu couldn't help cracking in her heart.

Ruhua thought in her heart, how wonderful it would be if my man was him?After learning Yang Fan's name, she began to think, the young man's name is Yang Fan, and the young lady's name is Yang Tielan, so their relationship is likely to be related, if the young lady can transfer herself to him, that would be great.

So the real situation is not what Hua just said, but...

Yang Fan knocked on the door looking for someone.

After Ruhua asked his name, he welcomed Yang Fan into the house. He made tea and water, asked questions, and inadvertently touched Yang Fan's warm and strong hands.It takes a while to enter the body like electricity, the whole body is weird.

Yang Fan was naturally indifferent, but asked about Yang Tielan's situation with concern.

Ruhua brought melon seeds for a while, and a few pieces of sweets for a while, either accidentally touched Yang Fan's hand, or slipped and fell into Yang Fan's arms.

After several repetitions, Yang Fan naturally understood Ruhua's thoughts, so he looked at Ruhua seriously.

Seeing this, Ruhua was overwhelmed with embarrassment and joy, and Yang Fan naturally asked about Ruhua's information.

So Ruhua quietly said that she was a personal servant girl, and that she would be a roommate girl in the future. The original intention was to remind Yang Fan that if you want me, you have to do it as soon as possible.

Yang Fan said lightly: "It's unnecessary!"

Yang Fan's "excessive action" means more.

Yang Tielan's low self-esteem is superfluous.

Ruhua's thoughts are superfluous.

Yang Tielan's worry was superfluous.

The flowery Quying is superfluous.

How could a girl who didn't know the inside story know what Yang Fan meant?She looked at Yang Fan half ashamed and half annoyed.

Yang Fan still had a childlike innocence, he tapped Ruhua's acupoints, and pinched her shoulder half teasingly and half teasingly.

In the end, Ru Hua was asked to close her eyes, and drew a cat on her pretty face in a mischievous manner.

Ruhua's cheeks are flushed, her heart beats faster, and she seems to be refusing to welcome her.Where will you yell?

Yang Fan teased and asked her: "Does your lady do any weird behaviors? For example, take a towel out every day?"

Ruhua blushed and said: "My young lady is a bit strange. She always looks at the book and stares in a daze. She sleeps with two books in her arms every night. From time to time, she hides in the forest by the river and stares at the island in a daze. She always likes it. Holding the sachet and muttering to myself, I didn’t see her carrying any towels, but she packed up her things every day in the evening and went out. When I asked her why, she said that she could walk a hundred steps after dinner, and she could Live 99."

Yang Fan smiled.

I don't know when, swimming was added to Yang Fan's training program, and he didn't know when, every time he went ashore, he would see a towel not far away.

After Yang Fan played a prank, he let her stay there without moving.Yang Fan cooked the kitchen himself, cleaned up the meal, and then left a letter to leave. He did not do anything wrong with Ruhua, let alone said anything out of the ordinary to her.

The reason why Ruhua said Yang Fan to Yang Tielan was just to let Yang Tielan think that her relative, Yang Fan, was interested in her, so that Yang Tielan could consider it from the standpoint of relatives, so as to fulfill Yang Fan and herself.

It's no wonder that Ruhua's mind is impure. In fact, no matter who it is, once a person meets someone he likes, he will have some scheming.

At this time, Ruhua was also looking at Yang Tielan curiously. Yang Tielan read it very seriously, not missing every word and every word, and even read it over and over several times, as if she was going to memorize the letter.

Yang Tielan's face also gradually turned red, red to the ears, red to the neck, red to the eye sockets.

Yang Tielan cried, there was joy, happiness, but more sadness.

Ruhua couldn't read a few big characters, and she didn't know the tricks in it. Just as she was about to comfort her, Yang Tielan got up suddenly and asked Ruhua, "How long has he been gone?"

Ruhua said: "It's been a long time."

Hearing this answer, Yang Tielan seemed to have lost her soul, walked into her own room in a daze, and closed the latch instead.

Ruhua was nervous outside the room, she could only keep doing things with her hands and feet, for fear of making people angry.

Yang Tielan lay on the bed sobbing and complaining for a long time.

Yang Tielan picked up the letter again and read it again.


Today I have experienced the rivers and lakes. I don’t ask the direction when I go, and I don’t know when I will return.I don't have to swim across the shore every day to see if your room is lit, and you don't have to go to the shore every day to put a towel in case I catch a cold.

I wear your soft armor next to my body. Since I owe you my whole life, I am not afraid to owe you another.

Building on the island, taught by disciples, cultivating by myself, there are so many trivial matters, I don’t have time to care about you who is close at hand;

I have a secret to tell you, although I have a face that is still fresh in people's memories, it is difficult for me to remember other people's faces, but I saw your face once, and I never forgot it.

I know you feel inferior because of that birthmark, but I always want to tell you something in a whisper, your birthmark is beautiful, like a butterfly stopping.Naturally, you couldn't see how you were poisoned that day, your face was flushed like a ripe apple, red and attractive, so beautiful, you don't know that kind of beauty, how can it be discounted by a birthmark?
I tell you this just to let you know that you are beautiful, at least in my eyes.

Your maid is like a flower, I have tested it, she has the qualifications for martial arts, although she missed the best age for martial arts, but she can still make up for it because she is soft-boned and has worked since she was a child.

She is weak and weak, and is more suitable for swordsmanship, and only swordsmanship can make up for the delays caused by her age.I specially wrote a local level swordsmanship, you teach her martial arts and help her embark on the martial arts.

Knowing that you are now living and working in peace and contentment, I'm very relieved, but you left soon, and I can't wait for you for too long, so let's do it, anyway, I don't like the scene of separation, it's not good to be too sensational.

Cook a table of meals, and you can eat some, although you can't be at the same table, but you can still be at the same table, and you should eat with me as a practical banquet, and try whether my craftsmanship can conquer your stomach.

Handwritten by Yang Fan.

Crying and crying, Yang Tielan suddenly felt nauseous, and wanted to vomit as soon as she opened her mouth.

Although she was uncomfortable, Yang Tielan's expression did not show pain, but a hint of joy.

Yang Tielan opened the door, Ruhua came to help tremblingly.

The corners of Yang Tielan's eyes were still dripping with tears, but she said with a smile on her face, "Let's eat!"

Ruhua said: "But dinner hasn't arrived yet."

Yang Tielan: "But I want to eat."

Ruhua: "I'll do it now."

Yang Tielan: "No, we'll eat what's left of him."

Ru Hua: "Then I'll heat up the dishes."

Yang Tielan said urgently: "No, absolutely not, I don't want to burn his heart."

Yang Tielan lives in a petty bourgeoisie and has always been frugal, while Ruhua was born at the bottom, so she can't see it being wasted. Naturally, the food Yang Fan has eaten will not be disposed of.

Ruhua served Yang Fan's meals one by one, not to mention delicacies, but they were decent.Yang Fan cooks more and eats less, and each dish is only missing a little corner. From this detail, it can be seen that Yang Fan is a delicate, gentle, and caring man.

Yang Tielan ate very happily and happily.

Ruhua eats very nervously, and eats very cramped.

Yang Tielan asked, "Is it delicious?"

Ru Hua replied, "It's delicious."

Yang Tielan asked: "Do you know who that man is today?"

Ruhua nodded, then shook her head again.

Yang Tielan smiled, and asked again: "I'm a quack girl, I'm used to being self-sufficient, and I don't like being served by others, so do you know why I bought you to be my maid?"

Ruhua said: "Ruhua doesn't know!"

Yang Tielan said: "I think I'm ugly, so I bought you, who is handsome and lovely, and hope that through you, he can get him to look at me more."

Ruhua asked: "Who is he referring to when Miss said?"

Yang Tielan smiled and said, "He is naturally my favorite."

Ruhua nodded, Yang Tielan's thoughts and concerns were actually the thoughts of many wealthy daughters, but everyone did it, and no one said it.

(End of this chapter)

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