Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 40 Clear Soup Grandpa, Grandpa Chang

Chapter 40 Clear Soup Grandpa, Grandpa Chang
"My ideal person is the man you saw today."

When Yang Tielan said this, she dropped her chopsticks on the table in shock.

Yang Tielan was not surprised like a flower, and said neither high nor low, neither hurried nor slow: "Although there are many women who like him around a hundred miles away, what I have to say is that I not only like his women, but also It's her woman."

The chopsticks that Ruhua just picked up are slippery again. If it is said that beauties match beasts in this world, although people love to see them, it is not surprising.But... the combination of an ugly girl and a beautiful boy is really rare in the world.

Since ancient times, beautiful men and ugly men can still love each other, but who has ever seen a beautiful man and an ugly woman be consummated?If it is said that it is coveting the power and wealth of the woman, it is still in the past, but Yang Tielan's subordinates will shoot all Ruhua's thoughts to death.

Yang Tielan: "His name is Yang Fan. He is the number one handsome man in the top 17 parks in Jianghu, the owner of Wanzhu Island in Fengjiang, and a young genius doctor in Qingzhou. He has reached the first-class level at [-] years old and is a rising star in martial arts."

Ruhua's face turned red, thinking of the glances she gave Yang Fan, and what she said to him was the lady's concubine.

It's hard to be ashamed, I can't wait to find a crack in the ground and get in.

But thinking about what Yang Fan said to her "too much" and thinking about what Yang Fan did to her, Ruhua's face also turned pale, is this because he detested her?

Unknowingly, Ruhua's eyes turned red.

Yang Tielan only thought that Ruhua was afraid that she would scold Yang Fan and be disliked by him, so she comforted: "Don't worry! He is a strange man, he won't take your actions and words to heart. Otherwise, he wouldn't treat me Such a woman still takes pity and loves her, let alone take good care of me after I beat him and overtake him."

"Do you want to hear my story with him?"

The younger the woman, the more she likes to gossip, so Ruhua nodded hurriedly.

Yang Tielan told her in detail about her encounter and acquaintance with Yang Fan, which was twists and turns, bizarre, and grotesque, full of the psychological activities and profiles of girls.

The story is short with sudden turns.

It's more like a blessing than a story.

Xu Shi had no one to complain about and suppressed it for a long time, Xu Shi regarded Ruhua, the future roommate, as one of her own, but Yang Tielan didn't hide what she said, let alone pretend.

Yang Tielan blushed as she spoke, Ruhua blushed as she listened, until the end the two of them were completely silent.

Only then did Ruhua understand why Miss always reads in a daze and sleeps with a book in her arms; Wang Dao is in a daze and murmurs to Dao.Because the book was written by my uncle, who lives on the island, and my uncle's letter is hidden in the sachet...

Just when Ruhua was gradually clarifying these doubts, Yang Tielan suddenly changed the subject and asked, "Do you know why I told you these things?"

Ruhua thought about the embarrassing stories just now, and asked, "Is it possible?" Ruhua covered her mouth and looked at Yang Tielan's stomach.

Yang Tielan didn't deny it, nodded and said: "This is also the reason why I bought a maid. I wandered here with my father, and I don't have any relatives around me. If I have no one to take care of me, I will be in danger after pregnancy."

Ru Hua asked, "Miss, have you ever gone to see a doctor?"

Yang Tielan shook her head and said: "I haven't consulted a doctor, but nine out of ten I will be pregnant, and I really don't come to Tiankui this month, and I often vomit."

Ruhua immediately came to gossip and said, "Miss is amazing, she got pregnant in one go, can you teach me?"

Yang Tielan smiled slightly, "It's better to say that he is better than me."

Ruhua's face turned red again.

Yang Tielan said: "But I can really teach you a little bit, which can make it easier for you to rely on yourself."

Ruhua's eyes sparkled all of a sudden, but Yang Tielan smiled with ulterior motives: "But you have to practice martial arts, otherwise even if I teach you, you won't be able to use it."

Ruhua said discouragedly: "Forget it then. I'm a maid. I want exercises but I don't have skills. I want conditions but I don't have conditions. It's been twenty-eight years. What do I need to practice martial arts?"

Yang Tielan pushed a booklet in front of Ruhua, and said: "Do you really think that Yang Fan touches you and pinches you because he eats your tofu? He checks whether your bones are suitable and checks whether your talent is promising. If it is an ordinary person, he will meet with you once. Is there any behavior that is out of bounds? I asked him to test you, and he already knows that you are his, so he is also happy to see his people become stronger."

Yang Fan asked Yang Tielan to teach Ruhua, naturally to let her get this favor. Yang Tielan is not stupid, sometimes it can be said that she can tell a little bit, so her words and actions are more clever than Yang Fan thinks.

"This is the secret book of swordsmanship that Yang Fan wrote to you. It is an earth-level exercise. Do you know what he said about you in the letter?"

Ru Hua immediately became beaming, and hurriedly asked: "What did you say about me?"

"He said that your talent is good, but you missed the best age for martial arts, and your bones are weak. But it is better because you are weak, born as a woman, and worked since childhood, so you can practice swords that don't require much strength. There is no way to make up for the shortcomings brought about by your age, as long as you practice hard, practice hard, and practice seriously, you can reach the special level."

Ru Hua's eyes sparkled, she said unsurely, "Really?"

Yang Tielan: "Why did I lie to you? When Yang Fan saw you for the first time, if he thought you were worthless, why did he bully you, draw cats on your face, and write this exercise before leaving? Little girl! I can tell you You, a man will only bully a girl if he is interested in her, if he doesn't like her, he will be too lazy to talk to you."

This is really the truth!
Ruhua is in good spirits, with a sweet heart.

Yang Tielan said again: "He also said in the letter that if you have a special level, then you will be taken with you on this trip, and even if you don't go, you will be tricked with candied haws."

Ruhua burst out laughing and said, "I'm not being fooled!" Suddenly she came back to her senses, and said, "Young master! This is going to wander the rivers and lakes, do you want to be a hero?"

Yang Tielan smiled lonely and said, "Otherwise, why should I waste those tears?"

Ruhua: "When will the uncle come back?"

Yang Tielan said: "The whereabouts are uncertain, and the date of return is indefinite."

Ruhua: "That... that, that's really hard for Miss."

Yang Tielan smiled sadly, and said: "It's a blessing to have some love, but it's counterproductive to force it around. A man like him cannot be monopolized by any of us. Sister, I have self-knowledge, and I still dare to stand behind him with my strength." Guard against sneak attacks for him, but as far as my appearance is concerned, how could I have the nerve to stand by his side and let him be criticized in front of others and criticized behind him? As for you, so what if you are pretty and lovely? Jianghu Will there be a shortage of girls who are prettier than you? If you don’t have a certain amount of strength, what courage do you have to walk side by side with him? If you don’t have strength, wouldn’t you become a burden to others? Wouldn’t you be squeezed to be round or flat? Just flat? Even if you really meet happiness, you can't keep happiness, it will only become more unfortunate."

Ruhua's hearing was deafening and enlightening.

Ruhua stood up, and earnestly bowed to Yang Tielan, "Ruhua wishes to follow Miss forever and ever, be faithful and loyal until after death."

Yang Tielan lifted Ruhua up: "There is no need for such a big gift, you and I are poor people, without father or mother, without family and family, wouldn't it be better if I were your sister and you were my sister? We are in the same room now , we will serve a husband together from now on, what do you think?"

Ru Hua said coyly, "But it's up to my sister to make the decision."

Yang Tielan is serious: "From now on, I will teach you how to read at night and martial arts during the day. You must not slack off, be lazy, be afraid of suffering, or give up halfway."


Yang Fan, who was more than ten miles away, didn't know that he had been divided equally by the two women. At this time, he was squatting on the side of the street, saying "two bowls of clear soup" to the bowing Grandpa Chang, and then Wait quietly.

This is the place where Yang Fan’s grandfather often brought him here when he was a child. The clear soup here has thin skin and fresh meat, and the soup is delicious.

It's just that for some reason, the kind-hearted and kind-hearted Qingtang Chang always looked down upon him every time, and the two often bickered and quarrelled again and again.

Grandpa Chang: "Little medical boy! Why don't you take your seat?"

There are three tables on the stall, one of which is full, one is not cleaned, and there is only one person at each table. Roadside stalls like this are not so well-mannered, and you can sit if there is a seat, so Grandpa Qingtang asked this question.

Yang Fan shook his head and said, "I don't want to sit."

In fact, it's not that Yang Fan doesn't want to sit on a chair, but simply wants to sit on the side of the street.This is the place where grandpa was punished to sit every time after quarreling with Grandpa Chang.

After seeing Yang Fan, several girls and young women walked into the clear soup stall with their heads poking around, sneaking glances at Yang Fan from time to time.

Yang Fan has long been accustomed to it and doesn't care.

Clear Soup Grandpa put a bench in front of Yang Fan, put two bowls of clear soup in front of him, and asked, "Where's your little beggar lady?"

Yang Fan carefully placed two bowls of clear soup, and said with a smile, "It's on the island."

Grandpa Clear Soup, as usual, was not surprised, "Why didn't you bring it out? Could it be confinement?"

(End of this chapter)

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