Chapter 41
"Grandpa Chang made fun of me again!" Yang Fan said while setting up the table and chopsticks, "Grandpa Chang is also really good, why did you see that the one I brought last time was a girl?"

Chang Lao laughed and said, "I've lived for a long time, and I've seen many people, so I can tell that it's a woman disguised as a man."

Yang Fan nodded without answering, and ate the clear soup.

Chang Lao didn't say much, he turned around and went to entertain the new ladies, as old as ever, but as nimble as ever.

Yang Fan sucked and ate, and the women passing by while shopping looked at him gruntingly, because he didn't like being spied on, so Yang Fan ate a little faster.

Chang Lao neither asked him for money, nor came to entertain him.

Yang Fan didn't say hello, and walked to the counter without seeing anyone.

It’s not so much a counter, it’s actually just a table with drawers. The table is dirty, and the rice, oil, salt, soy sauce, vinegar and tea have been rendered on it—five poisons, colorful, mixed flavors, just like a person’s life.

Yang Fan opened the drawer, put down the money and notes, and looked for a direction, heading towards Jianghu.

When Mr. Chang finished his work and went to look for it again, Yang Fan had long since disappeared.

When tidying up Yang Fan's bowls and chopsticks, Chang Lao's hand stopped in the air, because Yang Fan only ate one bowl, and the other bowl was neatly placed beside him, like a sacrificial offering.

Chang Lao fell into deep thought, this child Yang Fan, he watched Yang Fan grow up step by step, and he understood very well that Yang Fan didn't like to waste food, he ordered as much as he ate, and he ate as much as he ordered.Yu Yangfan said that one bowl of two bowls is stuffed with teeth, and he will definitely not eat one bowl and pour the other, otherwise the old man will teach him a lesson.

Is it possible...

Chang Lao felt bitterness suddenly in his heart, did that shameless old man go?
Chang Lao didn't clean up Yang Fan's bowls and chopsticks, took a diner's food, opened a corner of the drawer and threw the copper plate in, at this moment, he saw the corner of a silver ticket, he opened the drawer, and saw a The 100 taels denomination of banknotes is lying there quietly, and it is often a small business. The people who come to eat at this roadside stall are small servants and small farmers. It is impossible for them to have a large denomination of banknotes, and they may not be able to make 20 taels a month. Silver, how can there be a silver bill of 100 taels?

After thinking about it for a while, he knew the origin of the bank note. He didn't look ecstatic or frightened. He just picked up the bank note and folded it in half and hid it in his bosom.

A note under the bank note suddenly appeared.

The note said: I wish Grandpa Chang a long life, be strong every day, and be healthy every year.

Chang Lao took a look, laughed and cursed: "Little bastard! Isn't this cursing me?"


Shuinan County, Guiyan County, Qingzhou is adjacent to Lanling County, the capital of Qingzhou, on the map. How adjacent is it?Just pass through the Baili Nanling Mountains and walk through the Baili Mountain Road.

Kewangshan is a dead horse, and it will take some time to really walk through this mountain range.

A man carrying a scholar's bag was walking on the mountain road. The man had a handsome appearance and a slightly slanted mustache. It was not difficult to see that this was the effect of disguise, and the mole on his face betrayed his true identity.

At Wu's request, and for his own convenience, Yang Fan wisely chose to disguise himself, put on a beard, and tied his hair into a scholar's bag.

He thinks that he is highly skilled, but in fact... how can a person who can't even tell his face change his face?

Yang Fan looked at the road ahead and saw pedestrians; he also looked at the road and saw no travelers behind him.He secretly breathed a sigh of relief, stood on the side of the road and began to pull up his pants, revealing the faucet, and began to relieve his hands rustlingly.I have to say that Hanfu is good for everything, but it is not convenient when it is convenient.

At this moment, a handsome man suddenly jumped from the tree on the side of the road behind Yang Fan, and shouted: "Robbery!"

Yang Fan was startled and immediately turned his head, a jet of water made a circle in the air, and poured it impartially on the pants of the handsome man.

Seeing the shining dagger gesturing in front of his eyes, Yang Fan raised his hands reflexively.

For some reason, the water jet rose high and hit the handsome man's clothes.

Hearing a loud cry of "Ah", the handsome man immediately slapped his hand with the dagger, and there was only a sound of "Ouch", obviously the knife in his hand cut himself.

The handsome man began to cry, turned around and ran towards the forest.The cry seemed to be endlessly wronged, and the figure was as helpless as a girl who had encountered a pervert.

Yang Fan stared blankly at the direction in which the robbers were going away, fastened his pants in a hurry, he couldn't help but laugh, he didn't know why.

You may not believe it when you say it, but what happened is so and so, so and so.

My name is Yang Fan.

In the middle of the sun, I ate a bowl of clear soup at a roadside stall to relive my childhood, remember my grandfather, and give 100 taels to Grandpa Chang and wish him a long life. As for the stinginess, why did I get angry , that's not for nothing.

Because Grandpa Chang watched me grow up, and he and my grandpa were "disobedient" friends. My fortune and misfortunes are unpredictable in the world, and Grandpa Chang is very old. Basically, this meeting between me and him is the last Once, so I respect hundreds of taels to show my filial piety.

As for the so-called "disobedient" friendship, it is a bad friend who understands and respects each other, but when they meet each other, they fight, fight, pinch and scold each other.

It's the first time to walk in the rivers and lakes, and I have no experience.

I thought it would not be a problem for me to walk seventy or eighty miles a day, but I didn't expect that after putting on those 23kg iron shoes, I walked to the end of the night and was in the mountains and forests of Shuinan County and Lanling County. .

Originally hearing and eyesight, sensitive perception.But because I ate clear soup at noon, I have been hungry for a long time, and I feel that there is not much left.

The key... The desire to urinate accumulates, and it is rare to vent it.

I saw this winding road in the mountains, no one came, no shadows went, no way to the village or shop, so I took off my belt and settled it by the roadside.

To be honest, this is the first time I urinate anywhere in my life. Although I know this kind of thing, I am embarrassed to say it, and it sounds disgusting, but a living person can't be suffocated by urine, right?
Just as I was flying thousands of miles away and the pores of my body were stretched, a "big sister" sounded from behind suddenly. I didn't react at all, so I turned around and saw a person holding a shining dagger dangling a foot in front of me. At that time, he was engaged in a major event in his life, so he had no energy to resist, and even the matter of his own martial arts was left out of the blue, so he raised his hands reflexively.

Then I felt the rubber band on my underwear tighten, and when I lifted the gun head, I urinated on the robber.

I thought the robber would get angry and stab me, but I never thought that the robber would stab me with a dagger, and then ran away crying.

You may not believe it when you say it, because even I can't believe it: I was scared to pee by a robber, but the robber cried because of me.


Yang Fan stood where he was, staring blankly for a while.

who I am?where am I?what happened?what happened?
Still can't figure it out, shook his head, and then walked forward.

He wanted to try to find a suitable place to sleep before nightfall, not seeking shelter from the wind and rain, but seeking to resist wild beasts.

Cheng Song walked out of his younger sister Cheng Qing's room. It was a black thread at one end. This younger sister was a tomboy who would go to the house to expose the roof tiles every three days and make a fuss about the cottage.

No, he changed into a man's clothes again and slipped out.

Do you really think that her second-rate peak three-legged cat kung fu is amazing?It's just that there are not many pretty young women in this hundred-mile banditry, and among the few women, her kung fu is still eye-catching, and she is always given way when competing with those men.

At this moment, a handsome figure hurriedly came from outside, with blood on his clothes and trousers, sobbing, he didn't greet him, let alone greet him, and ran straight to the room where Cheng Song had just come out.

Isn't this Cheng Qing who gave him a headache?Otherwise, who in this cottage except his sister would dare to be so rude to him?

The two younger brothers walked past Cheng Song, only to hear him say: "This lawless girl is causing trouble, see if I don't take care of him today."

He was walking like flying, and was about to enter his sister's room, when he heard a bang, Cheng Song stepped back, clutching his nose.

Grinning his teeth and dripping tears, he pinched his nose and wiped his snot again.

Cheng Song knocked on the door loudly and shouted: "Open the door for me! Open the door for me quickly!"

Cheng Qing opened the door, looked at his brother sadly, and let Cheng Song in without saying a word.

Seeing the rainy face of his sister Lihua, listening to the sobbing and choking.Cheng Song started to get confused and didn't know how to deal with it.

Cheng Song said the most protective words in the most aggressive tone, "Who? Tell me who is bullying my baby sister. I brought someone to beat her even if the mother doesn't know her."

Cheng Qing pursed his mouth aggrievedly, flattening it.

Cheng Song's heart ached very much, it was because he had suffered a great grievance that he had such an expression.Only then did he take a closer look at his younger sister, her clothes were torn, blood was stuck to her trousers, her body was wet in several places, and most importantly, there was a lingering smell of urine.

It won't be... But it must not be possible.

My younger sister is beautiful, and I don't know how many toads in the bandit gang want to eat swan meat, staring at my younger sister eagerly, which is why I control my younger sister so tightly.

(End of this chapter)

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