Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 54 Picking up a handsome guy under the hot spring

Chapter 54

Cheng Qing: "Military teacher! You continue to talk, I still want to listen, I want to hear interesting stories about my family Yang Fan."

Bian Dan was helpless, "My eldest lady! Can we be more reserved? We are not married yet, so why is it yours?"

Cheng Qing said shamelessly: "No, no, it would be bad for such a lovely husband to be reserved."

Bian Dan looked at the sky and said, "It's getting late, so let's talk about it next time."

Only then did Cheng Qing realize that night had fallen, "Okay! Then I'll come to you tomorrow."

The moonlight was alluring, and Cheng Qing was holding a set of clothes, and slowly walked into the restricted area of ​​the back mountain.

Undressed and unclothed in the wooden house, approaching the spring vortex with shame.

Jade feet shatter the moon and make ripples, Nuwa created human beings with partiality.

Cheng Qingquan poured his jade body, his face smiled and his eyebrows spread.

Looking at the bright moon in the night sky, I couldn't help recalling the encounter with Yang Fan.

Cheng Qing likes to go out in the green, and he even likes to go to untrodden green places.

That day, she stole the clothes of other brothers in the cottage, so she disguised herself as a man, rode a horse to the market, went to a small town that she had never been to, enjoyed the scenery that she had never seen along the way, and saw some faces that she had never seen before.

For her, the most beautiful scenery in life is not all scenery, but the most interesting ones are often people, feelings, events and stories.

Cheng Qing just saw an interesting scene at a roadside stall or on the street - that person was handsome and gentle, sitting on the dirty ground with people coming and going, but he didn't have the worldly atmosphere at all.

There was such a good-looking face in such a big bandit, even the master nicknamed "Mr. .

Thinking it was interesting, Cheng Qing sat on the floor opposite him. Anyway, this stolen coarse cloth was not women's clothing, she didn't care about the clothes, nor did she care about the image.

The boy on the opposite side ordered two bowls of clear soup, one bowl was placed neatly, and the other bowl was eaten clean.

With just one glance, Cheng Qing knew that it was used to remember the old man, and he felt that the young man was a kind and righteous person.

The young man was as gentle as jade, with a generous demeanor, and walked north alone after paying the bill, Cheng Qing had a panoramic view of all this.

She turned around and led the horse, and left without thinking, she just saw a good-looking passer-by, and then went on her own way after seeing it, she didn't take it too seriously.

After shopping for an hour, I realized that I seemed to be back on the street again, but I saw the young man distributing food to the little beggars on the side of the street. Tongue, then see a doctor, write a prescription, and pay for it.

This is the dirtiest boy Cheng Qing has ever seen, and also the cleanest boy she has ever seen.

Some people you like at one glance, and never forget them after one more look.

Cheng Qing subconsciously followed the young man, watched him put on his beard quietly, saw him walking on the road alone, and saw him galloping.

Only then did he realize that the young man was also a martial artist, and for some reason Cheng Qing felt a tinge of joy.

Looking at his whereabouts, it was Cheng Qing's bandit who wanted to go home.Cheng Qing thought, he is a handsome scholar, even if he has practiced martial arts, how high can he be?In such a dangerous place, even a first-class person would fail, let alone a scholar with a meager foundation?
Cheng Qing rolled his eyes wide and thought of a plan.Cheng Qing rode on horseback, ambushed the young man on the only way, and then took advantage of his unpreparedness to loot him and take him back to the village, leaving the other things aside for the time being, it's better than being met by other robbers, right?If he really insisted on leaving, he would ask his brother to send him out of the realm. If he didn't leave... that would be very interesting.

It is said that the old horse knows the way, Cheng Qing let the old horse go back to the village when he got there, but he climbed up the small tree by the roadside and began to laugh secretly.

Everyone will know what happened next.

Thinking of the important point, Cheng Qinghong smirked, secretly happy.

He patted his face and sank into the hot spring.

The underwater of the hot spring is not like the cool water of a river, it is inconvenient to open your eyes, and it is difficult to see with your eyes open.Um?What is this?
Cheng Qing wanted to open his mouth and yell, but the spring water gushed down his mouth and nose and poured into Cheng Qing's nose, the uncomfortable feeling was self-evident.

A lot of bubbles came out of the hot spring, Cheng Qing suddenly got out of the hot spring, took a small mouthful, the river water that he choked in flowed out of his mouth, and he started to cough violently.

How could there be a "corpse" under this spring?
Cheng Qing was also a courageous person with a high level of skill. He dived into the water again and salvaged the "corpse" not long after.

Taking a closer look, Cheng Qing was speechless. Isn't this Yang Fan who he followed all the way and wanted to hijack him back to the village, but was "shot" on him?

At this time, Yang Fan had his lower body covered with an inch of cloth, his upper body was protected by soft armor, and he had several bruises and injuries.His eyes were closed tightly, his breathing was hard to detect, his brows were slightly furrowed, and his chest was calm.

Cheng Qing went from being surprised and terrified at the beginning, to being shy and secretly happy after seeing Yang Fan, to finally being surprised, worried, and heartbroken after discovering Yang Fan's state.Obviously the time is short, but it is like the changing seasons, the complexion is changeable, and it is beautiful everywhere.

Cheng Qing's anxious tears rolled down his face.

Lying on Yang Fan's chest, looking for the breath of life.

It's okay, it's slow but it still jumps.How slow is this heartbeat?He took thirty breaths, but Yang Fan only pulsated once.

That's right, Cheng Qing remembered, this should be the tortoise's breath that Bian Dan said.

After knowing this, Cheng Qing was relieved.Dressed neatly, he quietly went back to the room with the wet Yang Fan in his arms.

Yang Fan was hunted down by two gangs, Gui Yemen and Beiming Gang. Even if he knew that Cheng Jinmen was united as a monolith, Cheng Qing still didn't dare to make it public.

Don't be afraid of [-], just be afraid of what happens.

Cheng Qing carried Yang Fan into his boudoir, put him on the dragon and phoenix bed, and began to feel overwhelmed and emotional.

That's not good?
Cheng Qing turned to look for his elder brother, but his elder brother was not in the room; Dubu went to look for Bian Dan, but the room was also pitch black.Alas, why do these people go to bed so early?

Cheng Qing returned to Yang Fan's bed with complicated emotions, staring blankly, stupidly, and obsessively at Yang Fan lying on the bed, not knowing when he went to bed or when he fell into a dream.

Thousands of people scattered in this huge forest, looking here and there, looking for it.

"found it!"

Ye Gonggong and Wang Ren'er arrived one after another.

Under a cliff more than ten meters high, a dark corpse with a knife stabbed in its back lay quietly there.

The knife is Wang Ren'er's throwing knife, and the clothes are the same as yesterday, but the face was worn out when it fell.

Wang Ren'er said: "That's right, you can still run this far after being stabbed by me."

Ye Gonggong said out of nowhere: "I'm afraid the golden cicada escaped its shell?"

Wang Ren'er said with a sinister smile: "Is there any need to make trouble? We just need to cooperate on the surface this time, and we don't stab each other in the back. As long as he is dead, don't we all have the same effort? You don't want to make something out of nothing." , don't let us dog bite the dog's mouth hair, and we won't get half a hair if we make people laugh. We have completed this task, handed in this task, and divided the exercises. Are we afraid that we will not have time to fight? "

Ye Gonggong snorted and said no more.What Wang Ren'er said is also true. If this task is not completed, the bandit channel will not be opened for a day. If the bandit channel is not opened, the toll fee will be lost for a day. The longer the time, the greater the loss.

On this day, Shuinan County and Lanling County were passing through, and the commercial bodyguards that originally planned to spend time diverting or finding waterways finally embarked on the road to wealth. Of course, they had to buy roads before going on the road to wealth.

No one knew what was the reason that forced the bandits to seal the line, and no one noticed that by the Lanling River, a white-haired man and a burly man respectfully watched off a masked man wearing a bamboo hat.

Ye Gonggong patted the breast pocket in his arms, glanced at Wang Ren'er, and went away with lightness kung fu.

Wang Ren'er looked at Ye Gonggong's fluttering back and snorted.Their enmity has been around for a long time. Ye Gonggong eunuched Wang Ren'er's son, and Wang Ren'er killed Ye Gonggong's clansmen. They fought from the rivers and lakes to the walls of the powerful, from the official family to the bandits and forests.The hatred between the two has long been entangled.

Wang Ren'er couldn't kill Ye Gonggong, because he couldn't catch up, Wang Ren'er kept teasing about this matter: No egg is light.

Ye Gonggong couldn't kill Wang Ren'er, because she couldn't, and Wang Ren'er said one thing about it: It just has the strength of a hammer.

This time they all got a copy of Tianji Kung Fu, they naturally treasured it very much, and raced back against the clock, they all wanted to comprehend it earlier, they all wanted to comprehend martial arts faster than their opponents, cross the gap, and advance to the special level.

In Cheng Jinmen, Bian Dan's study.

Cheng Song sighed, Bian Dan sobbed softly with red eyes.

Cheng Song patted Bian Dan on the shoulder: "Don't do this, although it's a pity, there's no need to cry like a little girl, it's just that Qingqing is suffering, we just need to find another good match for Qingqing."

Bian Dan said: "I didn't tell you before, but Yang Fan is actually my fellow apprentice."

Cheng Song: "Why didn't you say it earlier?"

Bian Dan said: "I studied under Wan Zhudao's miracle doctor, but I was not accepted by the master, so my relationship with him is not justified. Besides, Yang Fan was still a child when I was learning art. That's true. He was calling out his baby name, so I don’t have a deep impression of his full name, if it wasn’t for finding out that he was a teacher of Wan Zhudao, I wouldn’t even know that I have such a relationship with him..."

Cheng Song: "So that's how it is. Sigh... It seems like a good thing to get closer, but I never thought it would turn into a pain that sprinkles salt on the wound. I will write down this account."

Old Bian burst into tears, "Master is just such a grandson. If he knew that his little bastard was gone, how would he be hit? Ye Gonggong! Wang Ren'er! I want you to pay for your life!" At this time, he still didn't know , his mentor, Yang Fan's grandfather, is gone.

Cheng Song looked at Bian Dan, and didn't think that Bian Dan was venting his emotions, let alone unrealistic bragging.It is true that Bian Dan's martial arts skills are mediocre, but people who are good at medicine naturally also know how to use poison.

They were moaning and sighing, while Yang Fan was having a peaceful tryst with Duke Zhou on the other side.He was breathing slowly, and his inner strength was restrained. A little girl next to him quietly looked at his side face, giggling.

(End of this chapter)

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