Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 55 Qi Fan

Chapter 55 Qi Fan
Cheng Qing said to himself: "Why is a man so good-looking?" A faint sweetness rose in his heart, and he lifted Yang Fan's quilt like a prank.

Inevitably seeing the injuries on Yang Fan's body, the anxiety and distress in his heart overwhelmed the sweetness of the little girl, Cheng Qing got up and left, reluctantly and reluctantly looking for his brother to find a doctor.

Outside Bian Dan's study, Cheng Qing knocked on the door politely.

Bian Dan turned his back to the door and faced the bookshelf. It was his brother Cheng Song who opened the door.

Cheng Qing drooped his head, and called out to his brother in a rare womanly manner.

Seeing my sister like this, I thought: "Could it be that she knew the bad news of Yang Fan's death?"

Cheng Qing: "Brother! Military advisor! I have something to talk to you, but you don't want to say it." Cheng Qing rubbed his skirt with embarrassment.

Neither Cheng Song nor Bian Dan replied.

Cheng Qing: "You may not believe me, but when I was taking a bath last night, I touched 'a' husband under the hot spring." After speaking, the voice was like a mosquito, and it was difficult to hear it all.

Bian Tan turned around in confusion, only to see his eyes were red and his face was sad.

Cheng Song: "What?"

Cheng Qing said: "I was bathing and playing in the water last night. I accidentally touched a soft mass. I was curious and dived to check. I saw a person lying in the water under the hot spring. When I fished it up, I realized that it was me. My husband, Yang Fan, originally wanted to..." Before he could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Bian Tan.

Bian Tan was surprised: "He's not dead yet?"

Cheng Qing went to bed late and woke up late, knowing the information about Yang Fan outside, and asked with innocent eyes: "What's wrong?"

Cheng Song said urgently: "Take us to have a look."

After a while, the three gathered in Cheng Qing's room.

Cheng Qing was always worried that he would be angry and scold him because he was in the same room and shared the bed with a man. Then he thought that not only did Cheng Song not, but he seemed to care more about Yang Fan than himself.

How did she know that it was because Cheng Song already knew that the strange man who attracted the tiger was Yang Fan, and even heard the news that Yang Fan was dead. My brother-in-law, who cares about being in the same room, naturally cares about his life.

Cheng Song asked with concern: "How is it?"

Bian Dan smiled and said: "There are internal injuries, but nothing serious. My junior brother's medical skills are not inferior to mine. After eating ginseng, he entered the turtle's breathing state, and entered the warming state. There is no need for me to do anything."

Cheng Song: "Military commander, don't underestimate yourself. You can tell what kind of medicine he takes. Your medical skills are naturally on par with him."

Bian Tan smiled: "That's because he still has a small half of ginseng in his mouth."

Cheng Qing asked curiously, "Why does my husband keep the medicine in his mouth?" Cheng Song also looked at Bian Dan, expressing his doubts.

Bian Dan said with a smile: "He can't know when he will wake up in the turtle's breathing state, so he swallowed a piece of ginseng to catch his life."

Cheng Qing: "So you don't know when he will wake up?"

Bian Dan nodded honestly, "As long as he is breathing and his heart is beating, it will be fine. If something happens, I will rescue him immediately. This turtle breath is not only a recovery for him, but also a breakthrough."

Cheng Qing asked: "Why were you surprised to hear that my husband was injured just now? And oh, you are such a big man, military commander, why are you crying?"

Bian Dan was embarrassed, and said: "Where did I cry, how could I cry? My eyes were squinted."

Cheng Qing looked at Bian Dan inexplicably, and thought to himself: "How can you squint in the room?"

To relieve the embarrassment, Cheng Song said with a smile: "A brother reported this morning that Yang Fan led a tiger to stir up the enemy yesterday evening, and took advantage of the chaos to kill Voldemort who returned to Yemen, Mr. Meilang and Sissy from the Beiming Gang. Under the siege of the bandit leader, he was injured and fled far away, fell off the cliff and died."

Cheng Qing looked at Bian Dan, with an expression that I understand, I understand, and I don't make fun of you.

Bian Dan turned a blind eye, looked at Yang Fan who was sleeping on the bed, and said, "Led wolves into the house, fished in troubled waters, slammed east and west, golden cicadas escaped their shells. You are worthy of being my master's grandson, and worthy of being my junior brother."

Cheng Song laughed and said, "As expected of my brother-in-law."

Cheng Qing did his part, "You deserve to be my man."

The three looked at each other and smiled.

Three days later, Yang Fan was still asleep, and Cheng Qing dominated Yang Fan and refused to let Bian Dan move into his room to take care of him, the reason being that he could not let other people know about Yang Fan's existence.

Cheng Qing took care of him every day and stayed with him every night, Cheng Song didn't blame him for this, on the contrary he felt that it should be so.Bian Dan came to check on Yang Fan's condition once a day.

Cheng Qing: "Military teacher! Tell me about my husband's childhood."

Bian Dan put down the medicine box and said with a smile, "Okay! Let me think about where to start... Well, let's continue after he was caught by a crab last time."

Cheng Qing burst out laughing.

Bian Dan said: "After Yang Fan was caught by the crab, do you want to know what happened to him?"

Cheng Qing: "What's the matter?"

Bian Dan laughed and said, "He has been drying the birds for half a month."

Cheng Qing looked blank, "What do you mean?"

Bian Dan said solemnly: "I don't wear trousers every day, and after applying ointment, I put it in the sun in a big way. Yang Fan said it was sterilization."

Cheng Qing giggled, covered his mouth again, and asked with a restrained smile, "Will we wake him up like this?"

Bian Dan said: "No, he has entered a certain state of martial arts, and his five sense organs have been closed. Taoism calls this state meditation, and Buddhism calls it sudden enlightenment."

Cheng Qing patted his little heart, no longer worried that his wanton laughter would wake him up.

Bian Dan smiled and said: "You don't know, in those days, Yang Fan was making trousers, clothes, and all kinds of needlework with a needle and thread every day." rowed.

Cheng Qing smiled and said, "It's really cute and interesting for a little boy to do needlework."

Bian Dan said: "You think so, but my master doesn't think so. Yang Fan's behavior scared the old man to death. He secretly took me into Yang Fan's room at night, carefully, seriously, and carefully Check Yang Fan’s little sparrow. I was dumbfounded holding the medicine box next to me. At this moment, a bubble of urine poured on the master’s face, and I heard the master say: ‘It’s okay, it’s okay, it’s not bad.’”

Cheng Qing squatted on the ground laughing again and exclaimed that his stomach hurts. It took him a long time to stop laughing and said with a flushed face, "Your master is good or bad."

Bian Dan: "What do you know, patriarchal thinking has existed since ancient times. Does Liu Jiren, the prefect of Qingzhou, know? After giving birth to seven daughters, he just couldn't have a son. I don't know how much I want a son. Every time I hear about a famous doctor somewhere He paid a lot of money to teach the secret method of having a son. He didn’t have a son until he was 52 years old. He happily snatched the son from Mrs. Wen’s hand on the spot and kissed his own son’s little bird. In comparison, the [-]-year-old master was worried that he would bring up his grandson Isn't it normal to become a eunuch?"

Cheng Qing just blushed and said, "I don't care whether the prefect Liu Jiren or the general Ye Zigui, I will listen to Yang Fan and his grandfather."

Bian Dan sighed: "Didn't I say it last time? After meeting Yang Fan, my arrogance was wiped away. Because I didn't know Yang Fan, I always thought I was very smart. Only after I met Yang Fan did I realize how unintelligent I am. "

Cheng Qing: "Oh?"

Bian Dan: "At that time, I thought that Yang Fan was doing sewing for fun, and my master was only worried that Yang Fan would be caught as a woman. But we never thought that Yang Fan was inventing pants to wear inside, which he called underwear."

Cheng Qing asked: "What does that look like?"

Bian Dan looked at Cheng Qing jokingly, and said in a strange tone: "Didn't Yang Fan sleep on your bed every day? You still don't know, don't you see it?" After speaking, he quickly put his medicine box on his back and turned to leave.

Cheng Qing's face was blushing, and he twitched.

Bian Dan's voice came from the back of the distance, "Stop always saying that you are a woman and don't give in to men, and you only use swords and guns but not needles. Your wishful man is not only a hero who can write and fight, but also a female celebrity. Woolen cloth."

Cheng Qing was ashamed and annoyed when he heard this.Looking at Yang Fan on the bed, and then thinking about his childhood, the tenderness in his heart flooded Jinshan.

At the gate of Cheng Jinzhai, a young man held a sword and carried a bag, blocking the exit.

The young man was handsome in appearance, thin and frail, and looked a little frail; his skin was fair, his facial features were correct, and he looked a little bookish.

"Who is coming?"

"Qi Fan."

Guard: "What's the matter here?"

Qi Fan: "Enter the mountain and get started."

Guard: "Do you know where this place is?"

Qi Fan: "I know!"

Guard: "Then you still dare to come?"

Qi Fan: "Take me to meet your village master."

Guard: "You'd better go back. Seeing how weak your writing is, the three moves of sword dance must be weak. If you come here to be a bandit, you will be killed."

Qi Fan didn't answer, and went straight inside.

The guard raised his hand to block it, "Hey, hey, who allowed you to come in, did you hear me when you went out?"

Qi Fan was unmoved.

The guard: "If you don't listen to my advice, don't blame me for being rude to you."

Qi Fan: "Just don't be polite to me, don't worry! I will be polite to you."

The guard: "You're looking for death." After speaking, he geared up and drew his sword.

The young man named Qi Fan's figure flickered, left and right, fast and slow.

After a while, five or six guards fell on the soil and began to feel down-to-earth.

(End of this chapter)

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