Chapter 70
The crowd watched curiously, wanting to find out, but they were driven out by Yang Fan's "wait and see", even Cheng Qing was no exception, Cheng Song and Qi Fan were even more inevitable.

The two brothers and sisters in the wooden house muttered to each other.Outside the cabin, the siblings of the Cheng family and Qi Fan looked at each other.

Yang Fan: "Crush the herbs into powder first!"

Bian Dan: "I know."

Yang Fan: "Then do you know why it needs to be ground into powder?"

Bian Dan: "This... I really haven't thought about it."

Yang Fan: "Increase the contact surface of the drug and fully improve the reaction efficiency."

Bian Dan: "It makes sense."


Yang Fan: "Preheat the cauldron for the fire first, and you bring the dry firewood in front of me, and I'll watch the fire."

Bian Dan: "I know this, but how do you understand this move?"

Yang Fan explained with a smile: "Isn't this the same as warming a wife's bed? If you warm the bed well, things like cold body or cold feet won't happen? If a daughter-in-law is in good health, the baby will be even worse." Are you healthy?"

Outside the window, Cheng Song and Qi Fan heard this and looked at Cheng Qing at the same time, Cheng Qing blushed and turned his head away, thinking in his heart: "You warm the bed for me, not for me, but for your child?"

Bian Dan laughed and said: "Then according to what you mean, stirring the medicine vigorously during the period when the medicine is first put in can be likened to undressing the daughter-in-law?"

Yang Fan said solemnly: "Your really ingenious. Now you divide the medicine, weigh it, grind the powder, and blend it, just take off your clothes before going to bed. Put it in and stir it later. With the help of the elixir, there is a full contact reaction, no agglomeration, and no bottoming out. This is why you think I can make five or six pills, but I made seven pills for you."

Cheng Qing outside the window spat, blushed, turned and left.It's just that Cheng Song and Qi Fan are still not satisfied, and they are stealing lessons with smiles.

Maybe it was warming up for the "daughter-in-law". After a while, Yang Fan in the room said, "It's almost there. Check the type and dosage of the medicine. After confirming that it is correct, you can start the trip."

Bian Dan: "Okay, I'm going to start."

Yang Fan said earnestly: "Put hard medicinal materials first, such as keel and fairy stone; then put more toxic ones, but must be poured in slowly, and it will be bad if you put more. These medicines are less beneficial than more; add five more Root water, mixed with auxiliary medicine."

Bian Dan: "And then?"

Yang Fan: "Stir for half an hour first."

Bian Tan sighed and said, "It's not fair. I exercise hard on the top, and you stay motionless on the bottom. If the baby doesn't have the effect we expected, don't blame me for not working hard."

Yang Fan laughed and said, "You think I'm comfortable down there? I'm so hot that I'm sweating all over, and my wound hurts so much."

Bian Dan laughed and said: "For the sake of your injuries, I will allow you to steal and play tricks."

Yang Fan: "I'll give you a chance to learn and grow, and you'll have to play it."

Cheng Song's carefree voice sounded outside the window: "Brother-in-law! Since you are so uncomfortable down there, why don't I come in and take care of you?" As soon as the words fell, the door frame slammed, Cheng Song entered uninvited, and Qi Fan followed thereafter.

Of course there are no indecent pictures.

Yang Fan squatted under the medicine cauldron and added firewood to control the fire, while Bian Dan sprinkled medicine on the kiln and stirred.

Yang Fan smiled and said, "This is meticulous work, can you calm down, a rough guy?"

Cheng Song said: "Isn't it just to watch the fire? That's not a problem."

Yang Fan said: "It's not cooking. It's not as simple as you think. The fire can't be too big or too small. It will lose its effectiveness due to unevenness, and even scrap a good medicinal material."

Cheng Song looked at Bian Dan, and Bian Dan nodded and said, "The lines are like a mountain. In fact, these things are not afraid of you to read. You can't remember them after reading them. If you can't remember them, you don't understand them. If you understand them, you can't make them. If you make them, you can't make them." It can’t be done well either, so we two brothers and sisters worked behind closed doors. This is definitely not for selfishness. It’s not because I’m afraid you will learn it. Just like watching the fire, what my brother said is not alarmist at all. Even watching the fire is a delicate craft."

Cheng Song froze all of a sudden, but asked curiously, "What is the effect of this medicine?"

Bian Dan looked at Yang Fan, the meaning was self-evident.Yang Fan said with a smile: "The medicine I am refining now is an upgraded version of Pojing Pill - Poyi Pill. It has a little effect and can help the second-rate peak realm directly advance to the first-rate ranks."

Cheng Song's eyes widened and he exchanged a glance with Qi Fan, unable to hide his shock at all.

Cheng Song smiled and said, "Brother-in-law! I'd better hang out with you!"

Yang Fan glanced at Cheng Song and said, "Your sister belongs to me, should we still divide each other?"

Cheng Song hehe said, "That's that, that's that!"

Qi Fan laughed and said, "Brother Yang! Actually, I also have a younger sister!"

Everyone burst into laughter upon hearing this.

Yang Fan said suddenly: "You guys have to be careful."

Everyone looked at Yang Fan, wondering why this sudden caution was?
Yang Fan smiled and said: "Have you ever thought about it? This bandit has so many connections, why the enemy can directly find the location and block the gate? It is not impossible to find out where you are, but if you directly block the door of your house, don't you wonder? "

Cheng Song said sternly, "You mean?"

Yang Fan's words made everyone fall into deep thought.The current banditry is no longer as good as it used to be. Gui Yemen and Beiming's generals are exhausted, and the two are retreating at the same time. It seems that the situation of the two tigers fighting remains the same, but secretly there has been a three-legged confrontation. .

They have already sensed the threat from Cheng Jinmen, and on the surface they are still waiting for you to throw yourself into your arms. In fact, they no longer have the Spring and Autumn Dream of annexing Cheng Jinmen, and their plans for Cheng Jinmen will naturally follow suit. It came.

Yang Fan said lightly: "Return to Yemen, Ye Gonggong."

Qi Fan asked curiously, "Why are you so sure?"

Yang Fan smiled and said: "He is an eunuch, and he is not that interested in my wife. Wang Ren'er is not the same. He has illusions about my wife, so it is unlikely that he will kill someone with a knife. But he must know Ye Gonggong For these actions, he turned a blind eye and let people into the mountains. If we were killed by the enemy like a dog in mourning, he would have to fight out halfway, and come to give charcoal in the snow. The hero saves the beauty. , maybe you still have a beautiful heart, wouldn't that kill three birds with one stone, and good things come in pairs?"

Cheng Song sighed: "Do you want to be so smart? Are you taught by gods?"

Yang Fan said earnestly: "To be honest, my grandfather is really a fairy. He knew astronomy first, and geography secondhand. He pushed forward 500 years and counted 500 years later. He was nicknamed Immortal."

Cheng Song looked at Bian Dan, and Bian Dan knew that Yang Fan's words were meant as a joke, but out of admiration for his master, and the great image of his master in his mind, Bian Dan nodded very seriously, and expressed his respect for Yang Fan's words. Jokes express approval.

Cheng Song said very seriously: "Brother-in-law! You also know now that my sister and I were born in a martial arts family, and we were killed by traitors because we had to go to the mountains to become bandits."

Yang Fan: "Brother! I understand, I don't have any prejudice against the green forest hero, let alone the slightest prejudice against my brother and my wife."

Cheng Song: "I understand you, and I know you understand me. But you don't understand the true feelings of me and my sister. In fact, I don't want to be a bandit, not because I don't want to be with bandits. I was born in a family of escorts. The gods respect the heroes of the green forest, but I am a bandit and a thief, and I am dusting my ancestors, do you understand what I think?"

Yang Fan was blinded, and didn't understand what the big brother was trying to express behind.

Yang Fan looked at Bian Dan and said in his heart: Brother!explain?
Cheng Song also looked at Bian Dan, and said in his heart: "Military teacher!"You tap him!
Bian Dan looked at Yang Fan, then at Cheng Song, then at the stirrer in the medicine cauldron, turned a blind eye to the two coming, and kept silent.

Qi Fan was an onlooker, and couldn't help secretly praising Bian Dan for his mastery of human relationships and sophistication.

Qi Fan smiled and said, "Brother Cheng wants to join Brother Yang's sect, I wonder if that's what he meant?"

Cheng Song nodded hastily.

Yang Fan understands Bian Dan's non-response, one is his senior brother, the other is his brother, and the senior brother and the brother are in-laws. It seems that he is the best candidate to thread the needle, but in fact he is the person who should avoid suspicion.

The resources of one school are always limited, and there will eventually be gaps between the bowls and bowls. At that time, it will not be the same as the left and right, but the inside and outside will be different.

Yang Fan is Yang Fan after all.He laughed and said, "Wanzhu Island is not just a sect, it will be a comprehensive sect. This is what I have planned for a long time."

Cheng Song and Qi Fan all listened attentively, and even Bian Dan turned his ears sideways and stared at the medicine cauldron, listening attentively to the lecture.

Cheng Song: "What is a comprehensive school?"

Yang Fan said with a smile: "Comprehensive sect is a large sect composed of many sects. The comprehensive sect has the power to restrict, control, and regulate the subordinate sects. It is also obliged to distribute resources to the subordinate sects every year according to the performance of the students, but it does not interfere with the management of each sect. , Who do you accept, what method do you use to train your disciples, how many disciples you accept, and what rules you set, Wan Zhumen can't even ask."

Cheng Song: "Isn't this messy?"

Yang Fan: "If you lead a hundred men, you must be as handy as you are, but what if it is 1000 people10,000 people? Can you still control everything at your fingertips? Can you intuitively understand the abilities of your men? Can you not miss talents? "

Cheng Song: "I will definitely use and promote loyal and capable subordinates and separate them out."

Yang Fan laughed and said, "Isn't it the same to combine the relationship between sects and sects, the relationship between generals and commanders, and the relationship between big families and branches? I have so many disciples, but I can't take care of them. Why do I have to accept so many disciples?" ? If I accept 10,000 disciples, it is better to teach ten super-level disciples, no matter what you think, anyway, that’s what I do.”

Qi Fan was thoughtful, but not surprised.

Bian Dan was startled and said, "Have you already done this?"

Yang Fan nodded: "When I left, there were two hundred disciples from the outer sect, more than [-] disciples from the inner sect, one direct disciple, and a hidden sect."

(End of this chapter)

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