Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 71 Alchemy Elements

Chapter 71 Alchemy Elements
After hearing Yang Fan's words, everyone was shocked for a long time without recalling it.There was only one thought in everyone's mind: "Why is there only one direct disciple?"

Yang Fan didn't explain either.In fact, it is a low-key statement for him to teach ten super-level disciples. To train disciples, it is natural to train them to the super-level.

But he couldn't say it like that, otherwise, the suspicion of bragging would be inevitable.In this world, killing a commoner may be able to get money for personal gain, but killing a cow will lead to three months in prison.

The huge Zhu Chaocai has more than a dozen super masters. If you say that you want to train ten super apprentices, it is not a fantasy, or you are talking absurdly.

With some doubts, Cheng Song had to ask: "How can the comprehensive sect surpass the sect, how should the sect attach itself to the comprehensive sect, and how do they get along with each other? How can one island be placed in multiple sects?"

Yang Fan said earnestly: "I have already bought the Liangjiang forest land and [-] acres of fertile land in Wanzhu Island, and I will continue to buy land in the future, so I don't have to worry about the land. As for things like being attached to Wanzhumen, people like to be loyal. A talented general, but no one likes a warrior who relies on others blindly, don’t you think?”

Seeing everyone nodding, Yang Fan went on to say: "The reason why my Wanzhu Sect dares to be the master of this comprehensive sect and can surpass other sects is because of three reasons: First, there are many exercises, whether it is the heavenly or earth-level exercises, There are not a few of them." Speaking here, he slowed down and looked at the crowd.

Everyone gasped, even Bian Dan was not spared.Although Bian Dan learned art from Wanzhu Island, he only knows that his master's medical skills are top-notch in the world, but he doesn't know how good the island's martial arts are.

Qi Fan had a worried look on his face, but he quickly covered it up.

Cheng Song was surprised, recalling the exercises that Yang Fan gave him casually, he also knew that Yang Fan was not just talking about it.

Bian Dan said: "On this one, I don't know how many small sects and sects have attached themselves."

Yang Fan said with a smile: "It doesn't matter who you are attached to. If you don't have martial arts, no matter how good your talent is, I will definitely not keep it within the door wall. This is not a big talk, but a principle."

Yang Fan said: "In the matter of martial arts, it is not beneficial to benefit more. It is very rare to be able to cultivate a skill. If you want to be greedy, I am afraid that it will backfire. I only entrust the sword skills to those who love swords, and give the sword skills to others. For those who are crazy about swords, let all kinds of martial arts belong to the family. This is beneficial to each. My Wan Zhumen can't teach swordsmanship and swordsmanship, can I teach swordsmanship and spearmanship? What do you mean my swordsmanship is the best in the world? One, say that my family's sword skills are unparalleled in the world, and say that my family's marksmanship has swept thousands of armies, isn't this contradictory?"

Everyone nodded.

"In this world, there is no skill that can be number one in the world after practice. Only people who can be admired by the world can be cultivated. If people want to be admired, killing martial arts alone is not enough. Martial ethics and martial arts, hard work and perseverance, hard work and perseverance. Continuity is indispensable. Only in this way can one become a master admired by thousands of people and famous all over the world. Master Yideng's "Arhat Sutra" is not the best exercise in the world, but he has made it famous all over the world. Why? Because he used few He used his perseverance to cultivate a rare strength in the world, but he used his rare virtues to be respected by the world. Although there is no news about the legendary immortal and half-immortal Chang Le, and the dragon sees his head but never ends, the descendants of the Chang family inherit the Chang Le. Lemen, have you heard that there was a second Changle? Is it that Mr. Chang’s self-created exercises are not good? I don’t think so, it’s hard to find a second Changle.”

"People in the world place too much emphasis on kungfu, so they are limited by kungfu. The Buddha wanted to be crowned with bliss, so the kung fu created at random, the sect of heaven, and the sect of heavenly kung fu created by Shaolin later broke away from the Buddhist scriptures? The Taoist ancestor wanted to become a fairy, and the dross left in the world, whether it was cheats, military techniques, medical skills, or the way of doing things, made future generations talk about it endlessly; What we were looking for was nothing more than the art of immortality, but we created the "Chang Le Jing", also known as the "Longevity Sutra" by mistake. We got the earth-level exercises, but we couldn't ascend to the super-level realm, and we got the heaven-extreme exercises, but we couldn't reach the super realm. Why? Because we seek the high to get the middle, and seek the middle to get the low, because we practice for the sake of practicing, not for perfecting the exercises. We cannot control the exercises, but are controlled by the exercises. Because the world believes too much in the scriptures, So it’s all solidified by the scriptures.”

Yang Fan unknowingly spoke out what his grandfather taught him when he was a child, one was to persuade everyone, and the other was to encourage himself.

Cheng Song, Bian Dan, and Qi Fan looked at Yang Fan seriously.

Bian Dan was the first to speak: "Thank you for the instruction!"

Cheng Song and Qi Fan also bowed and sang: "Thank you for your teaching!"

Yang Fan smiled and said: "This is getting too far, let's talk about Wanzhumen. Just now I only said that the exercises can make Wanzhumen become a comprehensive school that surpasses other schools. Now I will talk about the second point, which is the comparison of skills." There is something more important than medicine—elixir.”

Flat and flat as usual.

Cheng Song and Qi Fan are naturally excited, a sect that focuses on medical skills and can restrain the poison of Poison Valley, its elixir can be imagined.

Even if there are only a few people in a sect that can refine and upgrade elixir, people will not dare to neglect and despise it, even if such a sect is enshrined, it is normal.

Yang Fan didn't go into details about the pills, it's a secret, so of course it's useless to say it, let alone playing the piano to a cow.

Yang Fan said: "Thirdly, Wanzhumen's self-made weapons will be famous all over the world in the future. With these three points, I am not afraid that the affiliated sects will not surrender."

Inside the wooden house, Yang Fan talked eloquently, and everyone listened eagerly.


In the wing room, Yang Fan felt uncomfortable being watched by Cheng Qing.

"What... what's wrong?"

Cheng Qing just laughed.

Yang Fan: "They said I was injured, so they must let me come back and rest."

Cheng Qing sneered: "You mean, if they don't ask you to come back, will you not come back?"

Yang Fan smiled apologetically and said, "Is that possible? Such a beautiful daughter-in-law, if she doesn't want to return home, and always wants to go wild outside, then she is either a fool or a eunuch."

Cheng Qing said two words lightly: "Fool!"

Yang Fan was very happy, at least he didn't say he was a eunuch, right?So he smiled foolishly.

Yang Fan said naively: "My lady! Can I go to bed today?"

Cheng Qing said: "Go! You heat the 'medicine cauldron' first!"

"What?" Yang Fan was dumbfounded.

Cheng Qing continued: "Wait a minute, I will take off my clothes and help you deal with the 'medicine materials', and try to practice the magic pill as soon as possible."

Yang Fan: "Daughter-in-law! I was wrong."

Cheng Qingpi smiled and said, "You're wrong?"

Yang Fan: "I was wrong."

Cheng Qing: "I don't know where I'm wrong, so what's wrong with me?"

Yang Fan smiled and said, "My mistake was talking nonsense."

Cheng Qing: "How come? What you said is vivid and vivid, how can you be so nonsense?"

Yang Fan said with a bitter face: "Grandma, what did I do wrong?"

Cheng Qing turned his back, with a smile on his face, and then turned to Yang Fan with a stern face, and said, "Your fault is that you warmed my bed not because you love me, but because you want to practice the 'divine pill'."

Yang Fan smiled and explained: "It's not what you think, you reflect on a question, if I don't love you, why do I want to refine our own 'magic pill' with you?"

Cheng Qing also laughed, yes, the crystallization and sublimation of love is the continuation of life after all.However, Cheng Qing still argued selfishly: "Then after I gave birth to the 'Shen Dan', didn't I turn into medicine dregs?"

Yang Fan said: "How could it be! You can give birth to one after another, how could it be medicine dregs?"

Cheng Qing's complexion immediately changed, and he scolded angrily: "You think I'm a pig? I gave birth to one after another. Come on, come on, give me a try."

Yang Fan thought: "It's broken, I said the wrong thing again."

I gave myself a slap in the face, and with a flash of inspiration, I said, "I mean, you are a fairy. Think about it, if someone else gave birth to the 'Shendan', I'm afraid it will hurt your vitality, and youth will be easy to lose." , eventually reduced to a yellow-faced 'medicine dregs'. But you are different, you are as beautiful as a fairy, and your martial arts are like a god. After you give birth to the 'Shendan', you will still be beautiful and youthful. How much do you want to have?" There are only as many "divine pills" as there are "divine pills", and all the "divine pills" are full of aura and cute, so how can you be a medicine dregs? You are clearly a fairy."

Cheng Qing smiled with open eyes, like a flower.

Family strife is finally resolved peacefully.

When the night is innocent, it's boring to mention more.

At dawn the next day, Yang Fan forced himself to get out of bed, and rushed straight to the pharmacy where Bian Dan was located.

Bian Dan and Qi Fan stayed up all night, taking care of Yao Ding seriously, not daring to neglect anything.

Cheng Song was one step ahead of him in the room, asking questions, because of the appearance of this elixir, Cheng Song didn't fall asleep at all that night.

Seeing Yang Fan's arrival, Bian Dan suppressed his fatigue and said slowly, "Here we come? The more important it gets to the end, let's see when we can increase the fire to form a pill?"

Yang Fan took some vegetables and pasted them on the medicine cauldron, then took them out to test the temperature on the vegetables, and said, "It's ok, now we don't need so many people, just come alone, brother, watch me carefully .”

Yang Fan's operation is actually not fantasy at all, what kind of internal force is added to the fire, what kind of magic is added to it, if this is the case, why did the ancient Taoist priests invent alchemy when there are already spells?How could gunpowder be invented by mistake?
Yang Fan's operation was as fierce as a tiger, but in fact it was as simple as two words: add firewood.

Of course, laymen watch the excitement, while experts watch the way.Bian Dan next to him could still see Yang Fan's skills. The fire was not added randomly. Yang Fan weighed position, firepower, and coverage.

Yang Fan said without raising his head, "Go get a tank of water."

Cheng Song didn't ask the purpose, turned around and left, and after a while, he brought a jar of clean water, and then asked, "Why do you need clean water?"

Yang Fan raised his hand, pointed at Bian Dan, and continued to add fuel to the fire seriously.

Bian Dan laughed and said: "When the medicine is ready, quickly put out the fire under the tripod, lest the residual heat of the charcoal fire in the furnace damage the medicine."

That's right, that's the reason.

What makes the rice burnt is often not too much heat, but the remaining charcoal.

(End of this chapter)

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