Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 72 Meeting Poison Valley Disciple Again

Chapter 72 Meeting Poison Valley Disciple Again
Although Yang Fan's movements were simple and even a little boring, everyone still watched carefully and meticulously.

Yang Fan said without raising his head, "Go and cut a piece of meat."

Cheng Song took the order and left, and when he slammed the door out, Yang Fan's voice sounded from behind, "Remember to sprinkle some salt, otherwise there will be no taste."

Cheng Song almost fell down.

After a while, Yang Fan looked at the pork belly that Cheng Song had brought, nodded, and after putting it on the medicine cauldron, he continued to light the fire seriously, but he would look up from time to time to check the quality of the pork belly.

Everyone understood that this was to estimate the temperature in the medicine cauldron based on the degree of doneness of the pork belly.Bian Dan nodded, and learned another trick.

It wasn't until Cheng Qing brought the food box that everyone noticed that everyone was so focused on the elixir that they didn't even realize it when it was noon.

At this moment, Yang Fan stood up specially, poured a tank of clear water on the fire, and only heard a sound of "呲咲", and a burst of smoke rose from the medicine cauldron.

When the fire is extinguished, the medicine is completed.

Everyone ignored the food at hand, put it aside, and looked at Yang Fan together.

Yang Fan stood up, patted the dust, wiped the sweat off his face, and immediately turned into a cat face.Yang Fan picked up the pork belly on the medicine cauldron, put it into his mouth, and praised: "It tastes good."

Cheng Song yelled: "I'm so anxious, you should hurry up and test the pills. The powerful women and children are all born, but you are still struggling to make a move."

Cheng Qing glared at his brother, but Cheng Song didn't know yet.

Yang Fan said: "Hurry up, don't you know that something bad will happen if you start early?"

Cheng Song looked at Bian Dan, and Bian Dan nodded and said, "It's easy to break the pill if you drive too fast."

Yang Fan said with a smile: "As soon as the rice is cooked, eat it right out of the pot. How can there be a smell of stewing for a while? This is common sense."

Everyone said "oh", and they were very impressed by his preaching metaphor that simplified the complexity.

Everyone had no choice but to look at the medicine cauldron while picking and pulling the food in the food box, like a husband waiting outside the delivery room, with a calm expression on his face, but extremely anxious in his heart.So if you are absent-minded about eating, you don't even know what to eat.

Yang Fan looked calm, but he was actually very nervous.

Yang Fan held the lid with both hands, opened his lips slightly, and turned the lid suddenly, and the huge pressure sent the lid flying away.

In the medicine cauldron, five brown pellets lay impressively in the cauldron, steaming hot and in a dignified appearance.

Yang Fan quickly took out one and handed it to Bian Dan. Since the last time he took the Breaking Realm Pill, Bian Dan has risen to the second-rate peak, so it is perfect for him to verify the efficacy of the medicine at this time.

Although taking medicine continuously without consolidating the state will harm future cultivation, but will it make Bian Tan fight?This is not a master who likes to practice and is good at cultivation, and it is enough to let him see a doctor.

Bian Dan didn't say anything, just stuffed it into his mouth.

Over the years, Bian Dan has given himself all kinds of medicines, but this time is the most exciting.

Once this pill is completed, it will not only improve the realm, but also the national destiny.

Cheng Song: "How is it? How do you feel?"

Bian Tan closed his eyes and did not answer, immediately put his legs crossed on the ground, and meditated quietly.

Only then did I realize that the time to break through the realm had come, and everyone dared not show their spirits, for fear that the noise would affect Biandan's breakthrough and attract demons. It's sad.

Half a moment later, Bian Dan's chest puffed up, and he let out a long breath of foul air.

Looking around for a week with piercing eyes, Bian Dan said with a smile: "We have advanced to the first class, we have succeeded."

Yang Fan smiled and said: "Qingqing! You are really my goddess of luck! Every time you appear, I will have good luck." After finishing speaking, he kissed Cheng Qing on the mouth.

Can't help but hugged Bian Dan and then Qi Fan, danced, sang and danced.

He opened his arms to hug Cheng Song, but suddenly remembered that this was his brother-in-law, so he lowered his arms timidly.Hey, in front of relatives, especially elders, everyone tends to let go of themselves.

Cheng Song didn't notice those details, and hugged Yang Fan tightly, as if he couldn't show his liking without using force.

Yang Fan begged for mercy with an "ouch" and said, "Brother! Take it easy, I'm hurt, you almost squeezed out the food I had twelve hours ago."

Cheng Song smirked and said: "Actually, you are the lucky male god of our Cheng Jinmen. Since you appeared, my sister has calmed down, and masters have come to the door. One after another, people have been promoted to the first-class, with a look of prosperity and vigor. scene."

Yang Fan said: "It's okay for me to be a male god, but the lucky male god is out of the question. You take the rest of the elixir. My experience in pharmaceuticals is more valuable than getting this elixir."

When the rough guy was also cramped, Cheng Song rubbed his head, wanting to pick it up but too embarrassed to pick it up.

At the same time, the alarm bell rang again.

Trouble come, trouble people.

Yang Fan stuffed the elixir into Cheng Song's hands, and without looking at the others, he took the lead to face the difficulties and find the root cause to solve the disaster.

The cause of this disaster is just a man, a... wild man lying at the gate of Cheng Jinzhai.

The man's face was pale, with sunken black eye sockets, and his hairstyle was weird and shocking. A scorpion was vaguely crawling on it.

The painted hands hung their heads, sitting casually on the boulder, looking towards the direction of the stockade.

The boulder was flat on one side and popped out of the road suddenly, so there was no need to guess that the man with kidney deficiency had moved it specially because he felt weak and had a heavy buttocks.

Cheng Songgong cupped his hands and said, "I don't know the name of the hero Gao?"

"Poison Valley! Jiang Ningzi." His expression was lazy, but his voice was clear.

Cheng Song and the others gasped, no wonder a first-class mid-term master would scare this group of people to ring the bell, not to make a fuss over a molehill, but to be cautious.

Cheng Song looked at Yang Fan and signaled him to call the shots.

Yang Fan smiled and asked the visitor: "We have no hatred in the past, and we have no hatred today. I don't know why the hero Jiang blocked my door?"

Jiang Ningzi said honestly, "For money."

Have you seen it? Only when the reputation spreads far and wide can we dare to act unscrupulously.For other people, even if they are in the super-level realm, they would not dare to be arrogant and domineering. The people in Poison Valley not only dare to speak, but also dare to act.You know he can't beat you, but can you, dare you?
Jiang Ningzi drew a line on the ground with a branch, and said flatly, "If you walk out of this circle, you will die of poison within five steps."

This is painting the ground as a prison, I wish you a long sleep.

Cheng Song: "Can you tell me who hired you to kill us?"

Jiang Ningzi shook his fingers and said, "First of all, I can't tell you buyers, this is the rule; secondly, they didn't hire me to kill you, they just hired me to block you. Of course, you have to come out to seek death Then it's not my fault. I declare in advance that as long as your price is high, I can not only tell you the benefactors behind the scenes, but also help you block the gates of other people's villages. It's not out of the question. When the money is gone, there is no deception."

Sure enough... there are principles.

Cheng Song: "Then I don't know how much money we need to buy you an answer? I don't even know how much money we need to hire you to do things."

Jiang Ningzi stretched out his two fingers again.

Cheng Song smiled and said, "2000 taels, easy to discuss."

Jiang Ningzi smiled and said, "2000 taels, did you send the beggar away?"

Cheng Song: "We can't get 20,000 taels."

Jiang Ningzi laughed angrily, "What are you thinking? What I want is 20 taels."

Everyone was stunned, even Yang Fan was not spared, is it so profitable to be a bad guy?
Yang Fan patted Cheng Song on the shoulder, and more people came out.

"Hero Jiang has a soft spot for 'two'."

Jiang Ningzi cast a sideways glance.

Yang Fan laughed and said, "I don't know if Hero Jiang knows Han Chengzi."

"How do you know, and what if you don't know?"

Yang Fan said: "To tell the truth, in fact, among you Poison Valley disciples, there are my best friends."

Jiang Ningzi sneered and said: "It's a joke, we in Poison Valley practice the killing of the weak and the strong, and we don't even have any ties to the family. How could we have too many friendships with people in the Jianghu, and we are still close friends? I'm afraid it's not the friendship ordered by Wu Ni." ?”

Yep, another idiom was spoiled.Yang Fan smiled and said: "You don't know about this. People have feelings, and if they have feelings, they need friends. Aren't you lonely in the dead of night? Don't you want someone to take care of you when you are alone? Are you from the same family? Advocating mutual love is the culture cultivated by the sect, but it doesn't mean that the people in it have no feelings, don't you think?"

Jiang Ningzi sneered and said, "The more emotional you are, the sooner and more miserable you will die. Presumably my senior brother named Han Chengzi is dead now, right?"

Yang Fan thought to himself: "Okay! You can't deceive people by talking about relationships." He replied: "Hero Jiang is really wise and powerful, and he knows things like a god. Brother Han is indeed dead."

Jiang Ningzi narrowed his eyes and asked coldly, "Who killed it?"

Yang Fan: "Why do you ask this?"

Jiang Ningzi: "Of course it's revenge."

Yang Fan asked curiously: "Since the friendship between your brothers and sisters is weak, and you even kill each other, why do you want to avenge your fellow disciples?"

Jiang Ningzi sneered and said: "This is the school's rules. It's our own business to fight among our own people. Even if we are unfortunately poisoned by our own people, it can only show that our skills are inferior to others. However, if outsiders kill our people from Poison Valley , we must take revenge, if we kill one of us, we will go to two people; if we kill two of us, we will come in a group; if the younger one can’t do it, the big one will come out of the mountain; if the big one can’t do it, the old one will come out of the mountain.”

A culture like a poisonous snake, no wonder it can make the whole rivers and lakes silent.

Yang Fan rolled his eyes, and said with a bad mouth: "I... know who killed Brother Han, but that man is very skilled in martial arts, I dare not say..."

Jiang Ningzi sneered and said, "You mean, if you are afraid of that person, you are not afraid of me?"

Yang Fan: "That's not what the villain means. Han Chengzi and I are life and death friends. I wish you could avenge him, but I have one thing on my mind. It's just that the people who killed Han Chengzi not only had many subordinates, but also had a high level of cultivation. Although your poison art is one in a million, what's the use if you can't enter the human body?"

Jiang Ningzi smiled and said: "No wonder even the people in my Poison Valley regard you as a friend. There are really not many like you. I am here to block the gate of your village, but you are worried that I will die unfortunately. You boldly say that, We people in Poison Valley never use force to win, but use poison to injure the enemy, and use poison to be proud."

Yang Fan lowered his voice and said, "Can you really avenge Brother Han?"

Jiang Ningzi: "That's natural."

Yang Fan smiled and said: "I tell you, you can't say it, otherwise I don't know if you will have a big disaster, anyway, I will definitely have a big disaster."


Yang Fan: "I wonder if we can take a step to talk?"

(End of this chapter)

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