Chapter 79
Yang Fan smiled and said, "Xiao Qi, don't make trouble."

Qi Fan stared at Yang Fan seriously, and said, "I'm serious."

Yang Fan was stunned all of a sudden, at a loss for what to do.

Qi Fan burst out laughing suddenly, and said, "I was joking, did you scare you?"

Yang Fan smiled embarrassingly.

The Beiming gang is deeply rooted, and it is estimated that they have been rich and powerful after many years of operation, and they even hollowed out the mountain to build a company.

Extending in all directions, all roads are connected.

This made it take the two of them a lot of time to find the warehouse. As for the door lock, it was just a display in front of violence.

Yang Fan directly filtered the glittering gold and silver jewelry, but also ignored the dazzling array of rare treasures.

Yang Fan has only one purpose - to find shoes.

Qi Fan shouted: "Here!"

Yang Fan smiled comfortably, and while stroking the lost and recovered shoes, he said, "Aren't you proud of lying among so many gold, silver and jewels? People regard you as a treasure because you can pretend, be tough, and fight. If you are in the If you fall into these 'beauties', then you are not a baby, but a scrap iron with stinky shoes."

Qi Fan smiled and said, "How did Brother Yang teach you about shoes?"

Because "shoe" and "child" in many dialects of Zhu Dynasty have the same pronunciation, Yang Fan said to himself: "Don't speak for him, 'child' can't be used without teaching, and 'child' is not the fault of the father." I sniffed the two shoes, and I didn't know if the smell was sour or not.Yang Fan put the shoes together, and said solemnly: "Yes! I am not infected with the vulgar 'jewelry', this 'out of the mud but not stained' temperament is very gratifying for my father."

Qi Fan laughed like a silver bell when he saw his teeth but couldn't see his eyes.

Yang Fan said to the shoes again solemnly: "Come on, let Weifu wear you, let's fight together."

While joking, suddenly a dagger came galloping, followed by a second, and a third.

Qi Fan exclaimed, "Ah... be careful!"

But Yang Fan just put on the iron shoes at this time, how could he have the best reaction speed just now?
Qi Fan raised his big hand and blocked Yang Fan without any hesitation, seeing that Qi Fan was about to sacrifice his life for righteousness.

The incident happened suddenly, and the disaster was imminent.

At this critical moment, Yang Fan hugged Qi Fan by the waist and fell back directly.Three daggers flew past Qi Fan's back, one after the other, and plunged into the stone wall one after another until the hilt disappeared.

"Boom" sound.

The back of Yang Fan's head hit the ground, but he couldn't cry out in pain because his mouth was covered by Qi Fan's.

Yang Fan is a brain bumper.

Qi Fan kissed him to death.

Yang Fan lifted Qi Fan's face and said, "Why do you block the knife for me without even thinking about it?"

Qi Fan: "I..." Before he could say it, the sound of a sharp weapon piercing the air came from behind his head.

Yang Fan picked up Qi Fan and rolled over behind the treasure chest, covering the warehouse with his foot.

Qi Fan's pretty face was flushed, and he folded his hands on his chest.

Yang Fan smiled awkwardly, and propped himself up from Qi Fan.

According to the normal plot, the two should look at each other coyly and secretly fall in love.

But now... But what's going on now?
Yang Fan rubbed his head, smirked and said, "Brother, your breath is quite fragrant."

This was originally a joke to resolve the embarrassment, but Qi Fan's answer made the embarrassment even more embarrassing.

I only heard Qi Fan say coyly: "You are also very fragrant, the key is sweet."

Yang Fan... Does this sound like the words of a man flirting with a woman?Why is there a little joy in my heart, should I "bend" myself?Yang Fan turned his face away in embarrassment, and stopped looking at Qi Fan's delicate and outrageous face.

Qi Fan asked in a timely manner: "Do you think it might be Wang Ren'er who sneaked up on us?"

Yang Fan nodded and said: "It is undoubtedly him. Have you noticed that he chose the right timing and position. The timing is just right when I put on my shoes, not to mention the position, we can't even see him." Said: "But it's not us that he sneaked up on, but me."

Qi Fan: "What should we do now?"

Yang Fan: "What else can I do? Find it out."

Qi Fan: "How to find it?"

Yang Fan smiled and said nothing, took out a porcelain bottle, poured out two pills, gave one to Qi Fan, and said, "Do you understand?"

Qi Fan took the pill, raised his head and swallowed it, and said with a smile: "You are really bad."

Yang Fan said: "The way you speak and your tone really look like a woman."

Qi Fan: "Many people have said this about this point."

Yang Fan laughed and said, "What a pity!"

Qi Fan: "What a pity?"

Yang Fan: "It's a pity that you are not a woman, otherwise I would definitely fall in love."

Qi Fan blushed and turned his back.

Yang Fan took out the fire folder and lit a bonfire, sprinkled a bottle of poison on the fire, billowing white smoke gushed out, and soon filled the entire interior of the mountain.

Yang Fan and Qi Fan casually walked out of the cave.

On Beiming Cliff, a figure with a knife on his back stood abruptly in the breeze, watching Yang Fan and Qi Fan walk out of the smoke intently.

The man looked at Yang Fan, looked at the shoes on his feet, and asked, "Yang Fan?"

Yang Fan looked at the man and asked, "Wang Ren'er?"

The two nodded as an acknowledgment and as a greeting.

Yang Fan asked: "I have no grievances or enmities with you, why do you want to chase and block me?"

Wang Ren'er didn't answer and asked instead: "How did you escape from being chased by so many people, how did you turn the little Cheng Jinmen into the strength you are now in such a short period of time, and how did you kill him?" Master, how did you return it to Yemen and Poison Valley disciples? To me, you have too much puzzlement, too much confusion."

Yang Fan laughed and said, "Since you have the answers I need and I have the explanations you need, why don't we ask and answer each other to solve our knots."

Wang Ren'er nodded and said, "That's fine."

Yang Fan asked, "Why did you kill me?"

Wang Ren'er said: "We just obey orders."

Yang Fan asked: "Whose order?"

Wang Ren'er: "I don't know about this. I was originally the slave of Liu Jiren, the prefect, and Ye Gonggong was the slave of Ye Zigui, the general of Qingzhou. We were ordered to fall into the grass and become bandits. We seem to be at ease, but we have to fight every year. Work hard every year. Otherwise, how do you think a first-class master can get away with it for so long?"

Yang Fan and Qi Fan looked at each other, their eyes were full of shock, and they thought of eight words in their hearts: "A family of officials and bandits, support the soldiers and respect yourself."

Yang Fan: "You mean to kill me was ordered by Qingzhou prefect or general?"

Wang Ren'er shook his head: "I didn't say such a thing, and I dare not say such a thing. I have a priest above me, and the priest provides us with exercises and cultivation resources, and we directly obey the priest's orders."

Yang Fan asked, "Don't you know why you wanted to kill me?"

Wang Ren'er shook his head and said: "I don't know much about this either. At first I thought it was a kung fu method, but this idea was overturned later. Because of killing you, my old enemy and I each got a piece of heavenly kung fu method as a reward." He said that you killed the bandits in Xiemapo by yourself, but after thinking about it, I don’t think this should be a reason to kill you, because the bandits in Xiemapo were attached by themselves, and their value is limited after all. It’s not worth a super expert’s painstaking efforts to follow him all the way, let alone his painstaking efforts to trade at a low price.”

Although Yang Fan got the answer, he felt that he was farther away from the truth.

Wang Ren'er said, "Should I ask now?"

Yang Fan nodded and said, "Ask, I will answer selectively. After all, you have too many questions, and some of them involve privacy."

Wang Ren'er asked, "How did you escape?"

Yang Fan said: "Borrowing the corpse to revive the soul, the golden cicada escapes its shell."

Wang Ren'er: "What's your relationship with Cheng Jinmen?"

Yang Fan smiled and said, "I am Cheng Qing's husband, and Bian Dan's junior."

Wang Ren'er nodded, and asked again: "How did you kill Liu Zilong?"

Yang Fan: "Enrage him, attack him in groups."

Wang Ren'er thought for a moment, then continued to ask: "What about Gui Yemen and Poison Valley disciples?"

Yang Fan: "I used Tianji Gongfa as a reward and bait to deceive Jiang Ningzi and Gui Yemen to kill each other, and then reap the benefits."

Wang Ren'er: "I thought you would talk a lot, and use this to promote your achievements."

Yang Fan said with a smile: "Some small things are not enough to brag about. Besides, if I talk endlessly, wouldn't it be in your favor to help you delay time?"

Wang Ren'er said seriously: "You are the only person whose realm is not as high as mine, but I am very afraid of you."

Yang Fan: "Do things in a high-key manner, but behave in a low-key manner. Being jealous of you shows that I am not low-key enough."

Wang Ren'er sneered and said, "It's not that you don't keep a low profile. Is there anything you do that isn't high-profile? How can you not make people feel jealous? If my prediction is not bad, my [-] subordinates may be more dangerous than good." right?"

Yang Fan nodded: "Almost."

Wang Ren'er pulled the wrench and said, "Xie Mapo, Gui Yemen, now it's my Beiming Gang. It's really creepy for you to destroy so many sects at such a young age."

From the foot of Beiming Cliff, the sound of shouting and killing could be faintly heard up the hill, and white smoke rose in bursts.

Yang Fan felt relieved, and the smile on his face became more relaxed and freehand.

He chatted for so long is actually wasting time.

He didn't have the confidence to defeat a potential super expert, even if he teamed up with Qi Fan, he didn't have absolute confidence.

What's more, judging from Wang Ren'er's flying dagger and restrained breath, Wang Ren'er is not a potential super master, he is already a super master.

Wang Ren'er smiled and said, "Can I surrender?"

Yang Fan paused, never thought that Wang Ren'er would have such an idea.

After thinking for a while, Yang Fan said, "I'm sorry, I'm afraid I can't accept it."

Wang Ren'er said "Oh" and asked, "Why?"

Yang Fan smiled and said: "If you are a first-class expert, I will agree, but you are a super class."

Wang Ren'er asked curiously, "Isn't it better that the strength of your subordinates be as high as possible?"

Yang Fan shook his head: "The higher the strength of Zhongyong's subordinates, the better, but the subordinates who become monks halfway and are stronger than you, do you dare to use them with confidence?"

Wang Ren'er thought for a moment, nodded and said, "What you said makes sense."

Yang Fan: "You are still the prefect in name, if you stay, will I have a lot of trouble?"

Wang Ren'er let out a long breath and said, "Then we can only let go and fight."

(End of this chapter)

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