Daming Taoist Medicine

Chapter 78 I Love You

Chapter 78 I Love You
The mountains and rain are about to come, and the wind is all over the building, and the heart is restless before the war.

After Yang Fan held mobilization meetings one after another, some people began to sharpen their swords, some were always in high spirits, some whispered, and some trembled.

Some people are in a daze.

Qi Fan dazedly stroked the pigeon in his hand, speechless for a long time, as if hesitating about some difficult decision, finally nodded, as if he had made some kind of resolution, threw the pigeon, and ended his wandering.

Bian Dan's voice suddenly sounded from behind, "Are you still asleep?"

Qi Fan turned his head in shock, and replied, "Military teacher!"

Bian Dan said, "What are you thinking about?"

Qi Fan smiled and said: "I was born in the army, and today I suddenly heard such a good tactic from Brother Yang, and I couldn't calm down. I thought that if this tactic was popularized in the army, and used in forest warfare, I don't know how many people would die every year. So I thought about it for a long time. , Only then did I make up my mind to send this tactic to my brothers in the army, I don’t know if my plagiarism, will the military adviser blame me?"

Bian Tan shook his head with a smile, and asked, "Tomorrow you will fight more with less, will you feel uneasy?"

Qi Fan didn't answer the question, "Brother Yang said something today, which left a deep impression on me."

Bian Dan asked curiously, "What are you talking about?"

Qi Fan said seriously: "A group fight where the strong defeat the weak, and the many defeat the few can only be called a fight. Only a group fight where the weak fight the strong, and the few annihilate the many is a real fight."

Bian Dan smiled and said: "This is very provocative, but it is really not easy to win more with less every time? Isn't that a myth?"

Qi Fan said: "Military masters don't know that war is a stage for creating myths." After speaking, he turned and left, waved his hand and smiled at Bian Dan: "I'm going back to rest first, I have to lead the team tomorrow."

Bian Dan nodded with a smile, but forgot to answer.I kept thinking about what Qi Fan said just now, "War is a stage for creating myths."

Miracles are actually myths.


Whoosh!An arrow pierced through the forest, pierced the throat of a bandit soldier, and nailed him to the tree stump behind him.

"Enemy attack! There is an enemy attack!"

More than a hundred people gathered in the Beiming Gang's camp at the foot of the mountain. Judging by their speed and equipment, they must have been prepared long ago.

Little boss: "Scout! How many people are there?"

Scout: "Report! Only 20 people."

Little Boss: "20 people dare to come to your door to provoke, isn't it too contemptuous? Brothers! What do you think should be done?"

Everyone: "Kill back, kill!"

So Beiming helped the tiger out of the mountain.

Cheng Jinmen turned his head and ran away before he came into contact with the battle.

The Beiming Gang pursued him relentlessly.

Cheng Jinmen's troops were divided into two groups.

The Beiming Gang split up and pursued in two ways.

Cheng Jinmen suddenly rushed out from behind, and the Beiming gang who killed them directly wailed and howled, regardless of their heads.

The Beiming Gang had no choice but to leave five or sixty people behind, turned to break through, and returned to the camp in the right direction, disheartened and embarrassed all the way.

On the way, a small group of bandit soldiers from Cheng Jinmen suddenly rushed out and fought for a while. Just after they calmed down and planned to fight back, Cheng Jinmen suddenly retreated. The Beiming gang watched the dozen or so surviving brothers look at each other.

It was one hundred and eighty out, and it is only eighteen now. I guess the other way to divide the troops and pursue it is not much better.

This is not scary, the most shocking thing is that so far no one from Cheng Jinmen has been found on the ground.

They should have taken away the corpses of their own people, it must be so, it must be.

Don't think this is the worst, Cheng Jinmen will tell you with practical actions that there are only worse things in this world, there is no worst.

These eighteen second-rate peak experts encountered three ambushes on the way back, one time they fought out from behind the hillside, one time they sprinkled poisonous powder, and one time they shot at trees.

Of the 180 people, only one escaped in the end, and this one was deliberately let go by Cheng Jinmen.

With a bang, the crystal tiles were scattered all over the ground.

Wang Ren'er pointed at his younger brother with the cup lid in his hand and yelled, "Trash! It's because of your greed for meritorious deeds that you commanded the brothers to chase the enemy and fall into the ambush circle, which eventually led to the annihilation of the entire army. Come here, pull them down and cut them down. To serve as an example to others."

The little leader wept bitterly, shouted for help, and cried out for being wronged.

Wang Ren'er waved his hand coldly, without any pity or hesitation.

How could it be possible for his subordinates to be merciful, with so many people dead but he couldn't even explain the opponent's tactics clearly. Giving him a way out would only bring panic to his subordinates, and he could not give a reasonable explanation to those brothers who died.

To kill someone who has been taken advantage of, and to change his subordinates to have peace of mind, for this reason, he should die.

Looking at his trembling subordinates, Wang Ren'er, who was sitting high in the hall, waved his hand to signal to back down.

All the subordinates retreated respectfully and cautiously, lest they be affected by anger.

Looking at the empty lobby, Wang Ren'er felt a touch of melancholy lingering. The brothers who had been with him in life and death all disappeared in the battle to wipe out Yang Fan, and now he was the only one left struggling.

It was all because of that person. His appearance broke the tranquility of Bandit Mountain, and he was beaten to pieces.

Why is it that a first-class mid-term person has such destructive power?
Why did so many people chase and intercept him and still escape?

Why was he able to make Cheng Jinmen, who was not well known, rise from the clouds in so much time?

How did he kill Liu Zilong, a super master of the Jincheng Gang?How did he let Poison Valley disciple Jiang Ningzi and Gui Yemen kill each other?
Wang Ren'er sat down on the tiger leather chair, and murmured: "The reinforcements should arrive, right? I really hope Master Liu can arrive sooner."

At this moment, an orderly rushed into the door in a panic, and said eagerly: "The boss! Something is wrong, something is wrong!"

Wang Ren'er forced himself to remain calm, and said, "What does it look like to be flustered? Talk about something."

The messenger: "Cheng Jinmen surrounded the stronghold with a hundred people and invited them to fight, saying that they would use only a hundred people to destroy our Beiming Gang."

Wang Ren'er was very angry and said with a smile: "Mere? He is too embarrassed to be mere? He has nearly ten first-class masters out of a hundred people. What is the difference between this combat power and a thousand?"

The messenger bowed his head and did not dare to answer.

Wang Ren'er pondered for a while, and asked, "How much strength do we have now?"

The messenger: "Back to the head of the family, there are still 860 people."

Wang Ren'er: "Pass down the order to tell the brothers to prepare the army and wait for the whole army to attack."

The messenger led the order and left, and Wang Ren'er was the only one left in the hall.

Wang Ren'er slapped her hands, paused for a moment, slapped her hands again, paused for a moment, slapped her hands three times, and only heard a creaking sound. A compartment was slowly opened, and a man covered by a black robe walked out of it. He was as tall as Wang Ren'er. It's similar.

The black-robed man knelt down and said, "Master!"

Wang Ren'er said in a low voice: "It's time to play your trump card."

An hour later, Wang Ren'er dressed up and led eight hundred bandit soldiers to fight at the foot of Beiming Mountain.

When the two armies were in full swing.

Yang Fan carried an iron shoe and led Qi Fan up the Beiming Cliff slowly.

Yang Fan asked curiously: "Why do you think these people like to set up their strongholds on the mountains? Aren't they afraid of being overwhelmed by the cold? Are they not afraid of being burned to the sky and have nowhere to go? This is not in line with the common sense of military strategists. "

Qi Fan said thoughtfully: "People who are being trampled on all the time, often want to see the scenery from high places."

Yang Fan stopped suddenly, looked at Qi Fan and said with a smile, "Your answer is wonderful and very philosophical."

Qi Fan: "I just said it casually."

Yang Fan smiled noncommittally.

Qi Fan asked: "Why don't you preside over the overall situation at the bottom of the mountain, but take me up the mountain?"

Yang Fan laughed and said, "Because the real enemy is on the mountain."

Qi Fan: "Huh?"

Yang Fan: "That Wang Ren'er at the foot of the mountain should be a fake."

Qi Fan was at a loss: "How is it possible? You obviously can't remember other people's faces, how do you know it's fake? And I've seen him before, it's indeed Wang Ren'er."

Yang Fan looked at Qi Fan thoughtfully, and said with a smile, "Don't trust your eyes too much, what your eyes see may not be true."

Qi Fan was speechless.

Yang Fan went on to say: "Last time he was at the peak of first-class, but this time he was at the middle stage of first-class. I suspect that Wang Ren'er used a trick to get out of his shell, and wanted to escape by himself while we were fighting."

Qi Fan: "He obviously has [-] subordinates and is more capable of fighting. Why should he avoid and not fight?"

Yang Fan smiled and said, "If you have ever met an opponent like me, are you afraid?" This is a bit embarrassing.

But Qi Fan didn't think that Yang Fan said this out of embarrassment, thinking back on what Yang Fan had done, he would feel apprehensive if it had been changed.

Qi Fan said curiously: "It seems that not being able to remember the face is not completely useless."

Yang Fan turned his head to look seriously at Qi Fan, and said with a smile, "You kind of look like a friend of mine?"

Qi Fan smiled and said, "Who?"

Yang Fan said: "I rescued a girl who was bitten by a poisonous snake, and she always followed me to make me responsible."

Qi Fan smiled awkwardly and said, "You must be annoying her, right?"

Yang Fan: "I don't bother her, but I actually like her."

The breeze caressed his hair, and he was speechless for a while.

Qi Fan said: "Why did you bring me? I mean, so many people say that we have Long Xue Zhiqian, why don't you avoid suspicion, but bring me instead?"

Yang Fan smiled and said, "Will they suspect us if we don't bring you?"

Qi Fan: "This..."

Yang Fan: "I've thought about bringing you along. Cheng Song is my brother-in-law. Although he has high military strength, he is the master of the Cheng Jin Sect. I can't command him too much due to emotion and reason. Bian Dan is my brother-in-law." Brother, you can help me in medical skills, but if you say it is a fight, it will definitely slow you down. As for other people, after all, they are my brother-in-law. They are not close, familiar, or understand me. I think it’s best to take you with me.”

Qi Fan said seriously: "Are you thinking clearly about everything?"

Yang Fan: "How is it possible, I am a human being, not a god, how can I think of everything?"

Qi Fan smiled and said, "Then do you think I like you? If I really like you, are you afraid?"

On Beiming Cliff, a man said to another man, "I like you, are you afraid?"

Well, the mountain is high and a bit cold.

(End of this chapter)

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