Chapter 77

Inside the Beiming Gang, in the meeting hall, Wang Ren'er was helpless and restless.

According to reports from his subordinates, a super master went to Cheng Jinmen to seek revenge and was killed in front of the gate.

The Poison Valley disciple Jiang Ningzi he bribed also turned his gun and returned to Yemenmao for some reason. This was what Wang Rener liked to hear, but the following news made Wang Rener unhappy.

Gui Yemen was destroyed, Jiang Ningzi was killed, Cheng Jinmen's fisherman benefited, and his strength was not what it used to be, and it went to a higher level.

A Cheng Jinmen who can kill super experts, and a Cheng Jinmen who can kill poison valley disciples, how can he feel at ease?

The spies came to report that the number of Cheng Jinmen's first-class masters had increased dramatically, and there was even an astonishing news-Yang Fan was not dead, but had married Cheng Jinmen's eldest daughter of the Cheng family, and became Cheng Jinmen's second head.

Yang Fan is not dead, Wang Ren'er thinks the news is good, at least he can convey information to the higher authorities and ask for help.

Wang Ren'er quickly wrote eight words on the note: Cheng Jin is rising, Yang Fan is not dead.

A moment later, a white pigeon jumped up, heading towards Lanling County with hope.

Yang Fan woke up leisurely, three days later.

Cheng Qing looked at him half joyfully and half annoyed, with indescribable bitterness in his eyes, as if there was something unspeakable hidden.

Yang Fan asked in bewilderment, "How long have I been asleep?"

Cheng Qing said: "Not long, just three days."

Yang Fan: "Oh! No wonder you have a headache." Looking at Cheng Qing's face, he said, "What's wrong with you? Are you tired of taking care of me? Your face is a bit haggard."

Cheng Qing smiled awkwardly, with a rather embarrassed expression on his face.

Yang Fan said softly: "What's the matter, you said it."

Cheng Qing said: "I thought that to fall in love with you, I just need to beware of those vixens with ulterior motives. I never thought that I would have to worry about men taking my man away."

Yang Fan was dumbfounded and speechless.

Cheng Qing sighed softly, and said magnanimously: "Forget it, marry a chicken as a chicken and marry a dog as a dog, and you can't blame it all. I heard from the military adviser that you were born with blindness and couldn't remember other people's faces. If you think about it, you will share it." Don't know men and women well? It's not a crime to like men, as long as you don't blame me."

Yang Fan asked in surprise, "What are you talking about? Why can't I understand."

At this moment, Qi Fan walked over.

Perhaps Cheng Qing was restless and distracted, even Qi Fan standing behind her didn't notice it.

Cheng Qing continued: "I know you have a good impression of Qi Fan, from Qi Fan's words of admiration to you, and the adoring eyes when he looks at you, it is not difficult to see that he is interested in you, I am an enlightened person, I don't object to you being together, just don't neglect me, and our family of three will be happy together in the future. I am such an open-minded lady, you have to make it up. "

Qi Fan, who was standing behind, blushed instantly.

Yang Fan coughed, coughed, coughed.He looked behind Cheng Qing vaguely.

Cheng Qing was unmoved, and said to himself: "Actually, I was very ashamed and annoyed when I found out that you like men, and I was troubled by it for a long time, but when I calmed down and thought about it, I felt like this Very good, at least let me know your attitude towards those vixens outside, and I don't worry about you messing around outside."

Qi Fan's cheeks twitched, he was dumbfounded.

Yang Fan coughed, coughed, coughed, coughed.

Cheng Qing leaned forward and said softly to Yang Fan: "I warn you, don't treat the third master roughly..."

A cough suddenly interrupted Cheng Qing's topic.

Cheng Qing trembled in shock, and suddenly turned around, Qi Fan stood behind her with an embarrassed expression.

I am most afraid of the sudden silence of the air, and the most afraid of friends suddenly looking at you.

Cheng Qing grinned, which was uglier than crying, and hurriedly said: "Ah! Aah, the chicken soup is still simmering in the pot, I have to go and see, otherwise my husband will have nothing to drink later."

Cheng Qing fled in a panic, leaving Yang Fan and Qi Fan behind even more embarrassingly.

Yang Fan smiled wryly and said, "Listen to my explanation..." He was interrupted before he could speak.

Qi Fan: "You don't need to explain anything, I believe you." His tone was gentle and his expression was sincere.

Obviously gentle words, obviously fair treatment, obviously kind eyes, obviously very moved...but a man is treating you like this.

Alas... There are mixed flavors and mixed feelings, and the taste in it is beyond words.

Yang Fan said: "I think it's better for you to let me explain." Smiling, he explained in another way: "Look, it's not like we haven't shared the same bed before, if I'm really that kind of person , right? You understand!"

Qi Fan blushed, covered Yang Fan's mouth with both hands, and said falteringly: "Don't...don't say it."

At this moment, Cheng Song and Bian Dan entered one after another, seeing Yang Fan and Qi Fan touching each other with ambiguous movements.

If he could cry, Yang Fan really wanted to cry.

Yang Fan: "I said it was a misunderstanding, do you believe me?"

Cheng Song nodded sluggishly.

Qi Fan chimed in, "It's really a misunderstanding."

Bian Dan laughed and said, "It's a misunderstanding, it's a misunderstanding."

Cheng Song smirked: "Yes, yes, yes."

Yang Fan put his palm on his forehead, well, let's not talk about it.Do not misunderstand that explanation is a cover-up, misunderstand that explanation is superfluous, and it is useless to say more.

Yang Fan asked, "Where's the inner alchemy?"

Bian Dan replied: "During the days when you were in a coma, I have already refined the elixir, but there are not many loyal and brave men who are in a suitable state, and there are still three Po Yi elixirs left, waiting for you, the leader, to distribute." As he spoke, he took out a porcelain bottle from his pocket.

Yang Fan took the porcelain vase and asked, "How many first-class masters does Cheng Jinmen have now?"

Cheng Song said with a smile: "Including the military adviser and the younger sister, there are twelve."

Yang Fan nodded, and then asked: "What about the soft hedgehog armor and butterfly knife? Have you found my iron shoes?"

Bian Dan: "I have already eliminated the poison on the soft hedgehog you mentioned. We agreed that the soft hedgehog is more suitable for the young lady, so we gave it to her without permission. We haven't taken back the butterfly knife. After all, it was inserted into it. It was too indecent, so we buried it together."

Yang Fan was disappointed for a while, that knife is a good knife, with exquisite workmanship and ingenious design, it is of great research value.

Of course, in the eyes of others, this expression is a bit... playful.

Yang Fan: "Where are the iron shoes?"

"Oh..." Bian Dan laughed and said, "You mean the pair of shoes you used to wear, right? We found them in the warehouse, but there was only one. I guess the other one is in Bei Ming's hands."

Yang Fan sneered and said, "They treat a pair of shoes as treasures, and put one of them in the warehouse. They have never climbed up from the well before."

Cheng Song asked, "What do you mean?"

Everyone looked at Cheng Song.

Yang Fan said, "Have you ever heard of the term frog in a well?"

Cheng Song said with a smile: "Oh, I see, you said that it is useless to ridicule them that their shoes are separated, it is the behavior of a frog in a well."

Yang Fan said: "If you fall, you won't be able to jump up."

Cheng Song patted his head, feeling like a monk of Zhang Er, confused.

Of course Yang Fan didn't know, in fact, the things he didn't take for granted were really rare treasures in the eyes of many people, such as the pair of iron shoes.

Bian Dan smiled and said, "Next, should I help Beiming?"

Everyone looked at Yang Fan with piercing eyes.

Yang Fan chuckled and said, "For justice and shoes, there is no reason not to fight."

For a while, Cheng Jinmen prepared his troops and prepared his horses and horses, and everyone was in high spirits. Everyone was gearing up and eager to try.

Bravery is the accumulation of victory after victory.

Yang Fan convened a meeting, during which Cheng Jinmen was divided into ten teams, each team was led by a first-class expert, and the vice-captain was selected by each pair of members themselves, both to supervise and to assist.

A few ideas were discussed during the meeting:

One, it is necessary to fight a war of annihilating the enemy with less.

Second, not only can you fight but also learn how to lead troops.

After the small meeting, there is the big meeting.

Called the general mobilization, divided into ten teams, and Yang Fan started to teach with a small wooden board.The name of the tactic is just three words: guerrilla warfare.The main idea of ​​tactics is only sixteen words: When the enemy advances, we retreat; when the enemy is stationed, we harass; when the enemy is tired, we attack; when the enemy retreats, we pursue.

Yang Fan spoke in detail, thoroughly and humorously.

"Guerrilla warfare is a typical 'hooligan' tactic. This hooligan is not a real hooligan, not a hooligan who molested someone else's daughter, but a hooligan who molested his own wife."

The crowd roared with laughter, many looked at Cheng Qing, and some even looked at Qi Fan.

Qi Fan blushed, trying to stay calm.

Cheng Qing spat, but looked at Yang Fan intently.

"Everyone, don't underestimate the wisdom of the rogue. Have you noticed that the rogue has bright eyes. He knows who is stronger than him and who is weaker than him. He knows who to provoke and who needs to be avoided. He has a deep understanding of his own strength and the opponent's strength, so He can bend and stretch, he can be soft and hard, he knows how to advance and retreat, and he knows how to make choices."

"The word rogue actually has two other meanings, 'flow', flowing. Leading the enemy's nose to consume the enemy, we exert our greatest strength in the flow, and destroy as many enemy forces as possible while preserving ourselves. , This is the essence of Liuzi. "Rogue" is busy, which means to keep the enemy busy in finding, coping, parrying, and running for his life."

Yang Fan also talked about many methods of fighting in the jungle, as well as various surprise attacks using the advantages of the jungle.

It is absolutely impossible for such a good god-level tactic to be understood by everyone through the lecture. Yang Fan dared not say how much he knew with his rudimentary knowledge.

But even so, it benefited everyone a lot, and they were mesmerized by it.

Yang Fan looked at the little star in everyone's eyes, and felt a little proud for no reason.

Someone below praised: "Since the second master can invent such a tactic, he is really a god."

Yang Fan chuckled, but he didn't dare to take the credit, and said, "I didn't come up with this, how can I be so good?"

Everyone still wants to flatter.

But Yang Fan waved his hand and said loudly: "Go and get ready, rest early, recharge your energy, and go to 'molest' the Beiming Gang tomorrow."

The crowd roared with laughter.

"The second master also molested the eldest lady as soon as possible..."

"Second Master, please take it easy today..."

"Second master, hehehe... rest early."

(End of this chapter)

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