Infinite Brilliant Scroll

Chapter 201 A Mecha Without Shortcomings

Chapter 201 A Mecha Without Shortcomings

Already known internationally for its violent entertainment, the Violet State has recently fallen into a far more frenzied atmosphere than usual.

People wandered in the streets and alleys in groups, observing wantonly and even breaking into those high-rise buildings directly. All the manhole covers on the street were smashed or lifted. Search carefully.

Large and small conflicts occurred in every corner of the city, countless, but those were still within the controllable range. After a little entanglement, it was found that there were no traces of hidden bases in the local area. There were two, three, or more parties fighting. Often they will give up and move on to other places.

There was only one place where the intensity of the fighting did not stop or decay, but continued to rise, and soon reached the level that could be called a "battlefield", and that was Goldfinch Island.

Goldfinch Island covers an area of ​​more than [-] square kilometers. It is the area with the most complete buildings, the most concentrated enterprises, and the wealthiest in the Violet State. It can be called a gathering of rich people.

No matter the old aristocrats or newly successful people, they used to live here as a proof of their upper-class status. Even after street fighting was legalized, the protective forces hired by various families and groups still had enough deterrent power. Rarely do fighters openly clash here.

However, after the gene tree project was made public on the Internet and the Violet No. [-] Fighting Competition was officially publicized, this place became the target of public criticism and the place most likely to be suspected.

When the fighters rushed into those gorgeous and historic houses, when they rudely searched the high-rise buildings of the enterprise, and the hired defenders couldn't bear to fight back, the situation got out of hand.

In less than two days, six skyscrapers with more than [-] stories collapsed on Goldfinch Island. The wreckage of many buildings blocked the streets, and cars were directly abandoned on the streets, crowded and messy.

The traces of the billowing smoke raged blackened one piece after another of the once luxurious residences. After nightfall, the flames in some places continued to burn.

Row upon row of high-rise buildings were silent under the moonlight. From time to time, large pieces of glass shattered in the distance, and debris fell from the high-rise buildings.

The fighting continued to this extent, and there seemed to be an endless stream of fighters gathered from outside. Many high-ranking people had to compromise, renounced their residences for generations, and fled outside of Goldfinch Island.

The sharp sound of car horns, the harsh sirens after the car body was damaged, loud shouts, and explosions from nowhere, gathered in such a crowd, flocking to the edge of the island, to the building across the Bay Bridge.

By car, on foot, by boat, there are well-dressed gentlemen everywhere on the bridge and under the bridge, as well as their bodyguards who dress very similarly.

Guan Luoyang looked at it for a while, then turned his eyes away from there and looked elsewhere.

He is now on the roof of a certain enterprise building on Goldfinch Island, with his right foot stepping directly on the low wall at the edge of the roof, with his elbows on his knees and his chin, overlooking the surroundings.

Not far behind him, there are sofas, parasols, full of nuts, drinks, and cakes that he specially brought up.

After the online information was made public, the response of Owen and others was somewhat beyond Guan Luoyang's expectations.

Before the flights, trains, and docks were closed, he had been to those places. He thought that many people would be busy leaving Violet. If there were not enough ships, he would not mind helping to "Several ships that were not originally used for passenger transportation came.

At noon that day, some tourists did leave in a hurry, but the funny thing is, before five o’clock in the afternoon, those who wanted to leave had already left, and those places clearly had vacancies for trains and ships, but they became cold. Desolate, no one cares.

Even if the chaos is right around the corner, there are still far fewer people willing to leave than Guan Luoyang expected. He can only applaud the people in this place for their "abundant martial arts and high purity", and turn back to Violet with peace of mind. After crossing the battlefields everywhere, I came to Goldfinch Island, found a good location, and watched the disputes everywhere.

The competition has not yet come to the climax, and he has no interest in ending it.

Theoretically speaking, it is very difficult to restrain the contestants in the competition that faces the entire Violet State, and there is no way to artificially divide the rules such as the quarterfinals, semifinals, and finals.

The prizes of 36 gene tree fruits are indeed attractive enough, but these prizes are not firmly held in someone's hands, waiting to be distributed after the competition is over, but directly scattered around Violet.

If some people are lucky enough to discover a certain base alone, swallow the fruit silently, and then quickly go out to sea to escape, not participating in the next duel, then this competition seems likely to end without a problem.

But Guan Luoyang was not worried about this.

Since Owen and the others proposed this game, they must have made corresponding preparations.

Guan Luoyang himself can think of several possible countermeasures. For example, maybe as long as he eats one fruit, he will have an uncontrollable desire to swallow other fruits immediately. Before, it was naturally impossible for someone to escape with some prizes.

Another example is to install sufficiently conspicuous warning devices in all 36 bases. As long as any base is discovered, everyone around will be able to notice it immediately, or there are...

Bang! ! !
Guan Luoyang turned his head to look.

In the northwest corner of Goldfinch Island, the headquarters of the Violet Daily collapsed one after another amidst the sound of explosions, and a red light shot straight into the sky amidst the smoke and dust of the ruins.

At the same time, the extremely annoying beeping noise was also transmitted from that area.

Don't say it's night, even if it's day, I believe no one will ignore the abnormality there.

The people who were still fighting all over Goldfinch Island stopped on the spot, smashed windows, smashed doors and walls, climbed over the roof, and rushed at full speed to the place where the light appeared.

Even some of the wealthy people who were evacuating through the bridge rushed back to Goldfinch Island with their bodyguards and rushed in that direction.

Among the ruins, a strange chariot resembling a tank crashed out, and tons of concrete were shattered and shot out, scaring away the fighters in front.

The front end of the dark green chariot is equipped with a drill ram, two pairs of wheels with a small front and a large rear, and a bald man in a white suit protrudes from the top of the chariot, constantly throwing a disc-shaped device outward.

More fighters were about to approach from other directions, and the armed helicopter flying in the air immediately sprayed out two chains of firepower, sweeping towards those people.

With two [-]mm caliber six-barreled cannons, even ordinary four-star fighters would not want to waste their strength to carry them hard.

When the fire snake sprayed and fired, it encountered several abandoned cars on the surrounding streets. Whether it was a car or a truck, they were easily pierced through the body, and amidst the sound of glass cracking and metal deformation, fireballs exploded.

The helicopter was still firing infrared-guided missiles, and for a while, it actually restrained many fighters.

"The man in the car... is the former governor!"

Someone recognized the identity of the man in the white suit.

After Brad came to power, the former governor, who was famous all over the world for presiding over the legalization of street fighting, was not very active in the upper class of the Violet State.

In the eyes of everyone, he has lost his aura, and he can't even remember whether he still lives in Violet.

But no one expected that the former governor, who was lost in the crowd, could actually mobilize armed helicopters to do things.

In the blink of an eye, the chariot had circled the ruins, and the disc-shaped devices thrown out by the former governor quickly sprayed a large amount of condensed smoke, forming an extremely high wall of smoke.

A few extra-thin black discs were thrown to the top of the smoke wall by the former governor, and they hung there without falling, and soon a layer of smoke ceiling was built on the smoke wall.

Several gunships have been managed to be shot down by peripheral fighters.

A man in a hunting suit lifted up half of the roof and smashed it over. He was shattered by the guided missile, but the debris got stuck on the propeller.

When the helicopter rolled over, the figure in the medieval silver armor flew across the sky, his hands got stuck on the bottom of the helicopter, and he shifted its direction with the help of inertia, and hit another helicopter.

Amidst the explosion, a hot girl with twin ponytails and hair dyed in different colors yelled and laughed at the wall of smoke: "Fat pig, do you want to stop us with this kind of thing?"

Although she screamed arrogantly, she didn't rashly attack the smoke. Obviously, she also had some scruples and wanted to test out what the smoke was.

"Do you think these are ordinary highly poisonous gases? The savannah virus is hidden in these smoke walls."

The voice of the former governor came from inside the smoke, "Owen, this old man with evil intentions, I have known for a long time that he has other plans. Unlimited fighting competitions, haha, then it is normal for me to use viruses."

The hot girl froze for a moment, jumped back a long distance, and screamed, "Savannah virus, how dare you hide such a thing!?"

A few years ago, a terrible disaster occurred in the Savannah area of ​​the Boston United States.

The virus leaked from nowhere turned tens of thousands of local people into zombies that yearn for the flesh and blood of the living. Even the local fighters could hardly resist the virus and turned into terrifying mutant living dead, defeating the local people. The army fell to the entire city.

Later, two five-star fighting kings were invited and released to the local area, destroying all zombies and mutant fighters. It took another four months for the international organization to solve the problem of the local virus residue.

The expressions on the faces of the fighters all changed. Even if someone had never heard of this thing, he would know that this thing is extremely dangerous just by looking at the faces of other people.

"Hahahaha, don't worry, I have increased the adhesion of this virus, as long as you don't come into these smoke, you won't be infected, and if there are no infected people, after 48 hours, the virus activity in these smoke will be reduced." will be completely lost."

The former governor tried his best to make his voice sound more sincere, "Gentlemen, I only want this fruit. I have been isolated from inside and outside for 48 hours. I have no way to go out. You can go and find the other 35. Why bother with this fruit?" What about a dangerous virus standoff?"

The ground beyond the wall of smoke trembled, the concrete arching.

Wrapped in a white scarf, wearing a gold bracelet, a fighter dressed in Tianzhu style jumped out from below, and everyone looked at him.

"The central area of ​​the underground base is also surrounded by this virus smoke."

The Tianzhu fighter explained, "His subordinates also placed radios below, repeatedly emphasizing the horror of these virus smog."

The fighters in the Savannah area have used their lives to prove that the aura and body of fighters below five stars cannot stop the damage of this virus.

Half a minute later, a group of fighters turned their heads and left on the outermost perimeter.

At this moment, the nine-meter-tall Onimusuto mecha descended from the sky and rushed over. The iron rod held by the mecha extended out with an indestructible blade, and all fighters who blocked his way forward were cut open.

The man in medieval armor cursed in a low voice, changed his footsteps, and instantly drew a few "Z" shapes on the wide street. A cross spear appeared in his hand, and attacked at the speed of pulling out a long and narrow phantom. Onimusuto Mecha.

When this mecha ran over, it could use its strength to jump on the roofs on both sides. In the huge group of mechas that gave the overall impression of being bulky, it was already extremely flexible, but compared with the speed of a skilled fighter Up, it's still too far away.

Anyone can see that the armor knight's speed is far higher than that of the mecha, and after approaching, he can calmly dismember the entire mecha.

But when the cross gun was within one meter of the Onimusu mecha, it suddenly stopped.

It was not directly hindered by a powerful force, but when the strength of an armored knight was used here, it just failed.

Before he could change his moves, the wide blade in the mecha's hand had already cut him to death like cutting a doll.

In the "belly cavity" of the Onimusuto's mech, a set of equipment that cost almost half of Barot's net worth was emitting a low light and continued to operate.

The Holzmann shield generator, which comes from the science fiction world "Dune", is a mysterious invention that can be said to have affected the fighting style of the interstellar society.

The actual effect of the "shield" generated by the Holzmann generator is to surround the wearer and form an energy field that does not hinder the wearer's own actions. Only objects whose speed is lower than a certain standard can through this energy field.

The working principle of this energy field is not like a solid shield, which strongly hinders the attack of foreign objects, but a mysterious effect that even the creator himself may not be able to understand, which can reduce causality to a certain extent, Deprive of inertial potential energy.

For example, a cannonball can be bombarded at supersonic speed because it has a strong enough initial power, the impetus is the cause, and the high-speed shooting is the effect. When the energy field of the Holzmann shield works, the cause The connection with the fruit has been weakened. After being pushed by the mighty force, it may not be able to exchange for the "fruit" of high-speed movement, but it may be exchanged for an instant kinetic energy failure.

The technology in the world of "Dune" has developed to the point where human footprints can be spread all over many planets, and the development of military weapons has also jumped rapidly. All kinds of extremely intelligent space battleships and individual armed forces should have Pull the war into an era of terror of mass genocide.

But it is because the relatively cheap "Holtzmann Shield" was invented and widely used, directly turning those sky-high and efficient individual armed forces into tasteless things, so that the battle between the human elite had to return to the The primitive era of close combat with cold weapons.

Balot didn't know that the Holzman shield came from another world, and it was even improved by the reincarnation, but when he bought this equipment from a secret website at a huge price, he personally tested this energy field shield. How unreasonable the effect of the shield is.

As long as the movement speed is higher than 30 meters per second, anything will trigger the mysterious shield effect and lose its lethality.

It doesn't matter if the nine-meter-tall Onimusuto mecha can't keep up with the movement speed of those skilled fighters, just lower the speed of the opponent to the same level as yourself.

At the same speed, the blade of the Onimujin mecha is unstoppable.

Baluot, who was lying in the mech, relied on the nerve sensor device, as if he could feel that he was using his hands and feet to kill these strong people with a knife.

This unprecedented experience made him shed tears of joy.

Through the transmission of the mecha loudspeaker, the voice of crying and laughing reverberated on the street, whimpering and crashing into the virus smoke.

The poisonous smoke was hit by this, rippling and scattered away, many fighters scattered around, when a few of them turned their heads, they saw a cyan rainbow light passing by in the air by chance.

hum! ! !
The cyan thundercloud with frighteningly high temperature fell here like a comet.

Guan Luoyang's feet were an inch above the ground, and the airflow that should have exploded under his feet was restrained by him to form a devouring vortex, gathering in his hands, and he raised his hands to press the poisonous smoke.

(End of this chapter)

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