Infinite Brilliant Scroll

Chapter 202 Fantasy Mecha

Chapter 202 Fantasy Mecha

When the Onimusuto broke into the wall of smoke full of biochemical viruses, the response of the former governor was not untimely.

Although he used his speech skills to pinpoint the fighters outside the poisonous wall, he didn't really take chances and completely let go of his vigilance, thinking that those people would not do anything.

No one understood better than him how likely creatures like "Desperado" and "Madman" would appear in the Violet State after street fighting was legalized.

When the wall of poisonous smoke was knocked out of the ripples, he swished back into the drill chariot. The entrance and exit on the top of the chariot were immediately sealed by the armor, and the two exhaust pipes at the back of the car sprayed out a large amount of scorching heat at the same time. airflow.

Onimusuto's head and the big knife waving in his hand broke into the smoke wall, but half of his body was still inside the smoke wall. When it was blurred, the drill chariot had already accelerated instantly and slammed into it.

Without even thinking about it, Balotte manipulated the mecha's arms to drop, and the big knife was pressed down like a guillotine.

The timing was just right, when the drill chariot hit Holzman's shield and slowed down, it would inevitably be chopped off by the knife.

However, when the chariot rushed halfway, the front of the chariot suddenly lifted, and the rear wheels dug out two huge gravel ditches on the ground. The head of the human mech.

If the angle is changed, this chariot will still be affected by the energy field that tightly wraps the entire mecha, and the speed has to be reduced to below 30 meters per second. It's fast enough, hard enough to be unresponsive.

——When the drill chariot will be affected by the energy field, it means that the drill is less than one meter away from the head of the mech.

At least, the big knife that was swung down just now had no time to forcibly reverse it, and then go up to block or attack.

In the eyes of the ghost-shaped mech, a red light shines brightly.

The former governor, who was looking out from the inside of the chariot, was violently illuminated by the red light, and only felt that his vision was slightly blurred, and the situation took a turn for the worse.

The head of the mech, which was really close at hand, suddenly disappeared, and then a huge force struck from above, smashing on the top of the chariot, forcibly pressing the vacated chariot back to the ground.

Boom! ! ! !
The chariot deformed violently, and under the deeply sunken ground, the surrounding large pieces of cracked and arched concrete made extremely harsh friction sounds against the metal on the surface of the chariot.

The observation channel inside the chariot was immediately broken and damaged. The ex-governor, who was dizzy and nauseated after being shaken by the fall, hadn't figured out what happened.

On the contrary, the fighters outside vaguely saw the scene just now through the violently disturbed smoke.

That is equivalent to a mecha that is several stories high and its shoulders are as wide as the street. When the drill chariot is about to hit the nose of the mecha...

Do a backflip.

Just for a moment, the body movements of turning back and forth, so smooth and light that one almost forgets how heavy and solid a metal body is, like the most brilliant dancer, flexible, slender, and fit.

Flipping on the spot, soaring upwards, there is no need to support the ground with hands, the hands of the mech are still tightly holding the big knife.

In the process of turning over, Baluot hooked the flying chariot with the toes of the mecha, pressed it back to the ground, and trampled it hard.

"Sir, do you remember me?"

Barot laughed, and manipulated the soles of the mecha, rolling it continuously on the drill chariot. The friction of the metal made a lot of noise.

Such a gesture is like stepping on a discarded and worthless cigarette butt, or crushing a hateful and despicable bug.

"When you were the governor, we met in a speech. You praised me generously to my family, and praised me for being good everywhere, but after all, I was in poor health. I suggested that they treat the Balot family What about my cousin?"

"Remember? Remember? Remember?"

Every time Balot asked a question, he raised his foot and kicked hard, trampling the chariot beyond recognition, and the four tires were crooked and fell off.

"I want to thank you very much!"

Onimusuto's feet moved away, and the big knife in the mecha's hand was raised high.

Steel engine oil and flames shot out like blood, and the chariot was split in two by the blade and exploded.

When the big knife was raised again, there were only a few pieces of smoking car wreckage left on both sides of the knife mark, and there was not even a trace of the flesh and blood of the former governor.

Onimusuto straightened his body, as far as he could see, the thick and stagnant wall of smoke was like thousands of dark gray ribbons, flowing rapidly, converging towards the back of the mecha.

The rotating shaft at the neck of the mecha made a slight friction sound, and he turned his head to look behind him.

The wind whistled, the faint thunder staggered, and all the biochemical virus smoke was gathering into the blue-gray thundercloud vortex.

The person who manipulated this vortex was an acquaintance that Barot had never met.

As early as when Faqi and the others were still alive, they casually passed on the news of cooperating with this person to those old nobles.

Balote had seen Guan Luoyang's photo at that time.

Then when I saw Guan Luoyang on the Internet for the second time, it was already the scene where the three of Faqi and the others were killed on the street.

"It was you."

Balotte's voice was amplified by the mecha speaker, and even the weakest tone could become loud and lofty, "You should also be considered as one of the organizers of this competition, this is the first base, you Are you going to rush to get involved?"

"Don't get me wrong, it's your own choice to kill yourself, I can wait. But..."

All the poisonous smoke had gathered into the vortex, and the diameter of the vortex expanded to almost the same height as Guan Luoyang.

While he was speaking, he bent his five fingers slightly, and the whirlpool suddenly tightened, exposing the upper half of his face.

The air was booming, and many turbid liquid droplets were compressed in the vortex of smoke, still spinning and gathering.

"But you shouldn't litter this kind of diffuse garbage, it's too immoral!"

Guan Luoyang's fingers bent again and clenched into fists.

Many dense air streams, like tense bowstrings being torn off at the same time, made a dull trembling sound, and the entire smoke vortex was completely compressed into a liquid sphere, only the size of a basketball, suspended in front of his fist.

Without the barrier of the vortex of smoke, Balotte was able to look at Guan Luoyang.

Being in the most heavily protected cockpit of the Onimusuji armor, there is a channel to observe the outside, but the sight of the outside world is strictly isolated.

But Balotte, who was looking at each other, still couldn't help but feel a sense of being seen through.

Under Guan Luoyang's gaze, the strong and reliable metal structures around him seemed unable to serve as safe shelters.

Barot experienced the feeling of being disarmed and thrown alone on the wheelchair. No matter how much desire to attack in his heart, his weak limbs could not support his actions, and his emotional ups and downs would even damage him again. organ function.


The originally cautious and forbearing thoughts were thrown out of the sky in an instant, and Barrot laughed angrily twice.

"Do you think it is a great thing to kill the three of them? If I am not sick, I will be stronger than all of you."

"I can't walk. God is jealous of me. Why do you look like that!"

Balotte, who spoke at a sudden speed, controlled the mech to take a big step forward, and slashed at Guan Luoyang with his saber.

With a flick of his left hand, Guan Luoyang took out a plastic bag from the small Qiankun Technique, filled it with poison balls, and put it into the portable space. His body had already spiraled along the trend, and he came to the side of the big knife, and slapped it with his palm.

When this palm was just swung out, it triggered the mysterious effect of Holzman's shield. Guan Luoyang only felt that his palm power was suddenly empty, and he didn't know where it went.

But he had expected it, the palm jumped, and immediately the second palm force exploded, the speed of the palm was pressed to the extent that it would not trigger the shield effect, and it hit the handle of the knife.

His shots are so natural that outsiders can't see the failure of the first palm force and the connection of the second palm force, just like a wave of flowing water, he hits the target.

He slapped the alloy thermal sword, which was more than ten meters long, away from it, and the blade scraped off sand and stones on the ground.

Fighters in this world who pursue physical strength often have to go through arduous training, climb mountains with huge stone balls on their backs, jump over mountain streams, punch and kick against mountain walls, sharpen their skin and muscles, and bury themselves deep in quicksand. Exercise the internal organs under the swamp.

They practiced until their teeth, hair, and eyebrows fell off and regenerated, allowing "Qi" to flow like engine oil in this barbaric human machine. Among the ranks of fighters, it can be called "excellent".

And these strength qualities are just the most basic attributes for Onimusuto mechas.

It was originally a humanoid machine that surpassed the times, was excavated from the dust of history, and was rewashed with the capital of the new era!

The main material of this mecha is super nano-alloy, which has a very high resistance to any type of physical damage such as penetration, vibration, blasting, high temperature, and freezing.

Its body is half shorter than the armored giant after Faqi's transformation, but its own weight is much higher than that of the armored giant. Such a strong and heavy body can be squeezed with its thighs and back even for a seemingly small movement. Collapsing shop buildings.

Between the mecha surface and the interlayer leading to the driver's cab, there are multiple insulation designs, attack and defense, all taking into account that there are no shortcomings.

Guan Luoyang's hand came with a violent mental current, and when he slapped it down with his palm, jumping and flickering electric sparks spread across the entire mecha, but it did not interfere with the internal power transmission device.

As soon as the blade of the Onimujin mecha was slapped away, his toes suddenly took a small half step forward.

Its small half-step is a distance that ordinary people can't cover even in seven or eight steps.

On the toes made of metal, you can still vaguely see the outline of the boots and the dust stains that have just been stained, like a dump truck out of control, crashing into Guan Luoyang in front of Guan Luoyang.

Guan Luoyang's speed was restricted, but his skills were engraved in his bones. As soon as his figure floated, the air around him was under his control, like a fallen leaf blown by the wind pressure, avoiding the impact of the mecha's foot knife.

He pulled the windbreaker on his back in mid-air, and quickly glided to the knees of the Onimusu mech, with his toes a little bit, almost clinging to the surface of the mech, skipping his chest, and soaring towards the head of the Onimusu mech.

But at this moment, Balotte controlled the mech to slam forward, using the entire mecha's chest as a weapon, bursting out with a short and violent force like an avalanche.

Guan Luoyang kicked on it, because there was no other foothold, he was blown away from far away.

"Hey, this trick..."

The way of using this move is slightly similar to Guan Luoyang's familiar Baguazhang holding the tiger back to the mountain, and the Arhat boxing fit to fight the tiger.

Balotte may not be practicing these two martial arts, but they are definitely exquisite martial arts in their own system.

Although the mecha is powerful, it lacks a lot of parts compared to the human body. It is indeed an extraordinary talent for Barot to be able to control the mecha to perform close-up martial arts.

What Guan Luoyang didn't know was that because of his physical condition, Balotte had never had the opportunity to practice martial arts before. Even standing up and doing a set of gymnastics, he probably couldn't complete the first three movements of the first section.

The way he learns martial arts is just watching videos and fantasizing in his mind.

But today he controlled this set of mechs and killed all the way. After pulling the enemy's speed to a similar level as his own, no one could break his weapon or block his blade.

This made Balotte's confidence swell, and he felt that most of his wishes had been fulfilled.

As long as he is given a chance, even if it is only based on fantasy, he can defeat the experience of thousands of times in actual combat.

"Come again!"

Balotte waved the big knife in his hand, and the long handle of the knife actually spun in the hands of the mecha, and the blade turned into a phantom.

Without fine wrist muscles, hand flesh, and by no means relying on pre-installed rotating machinery, the difficulty of this trick is the same, so I used two dead wood to pick up the red beans, and then without the help of any other energy, Just relying on the control of strength, the red bean in the dead wood can be rotated and peeled by itself.

Balotte was able to do this kind of thing by relying on his mastery of fighting skills in his head.

Guan Luoyang naturally couldn't fail to see the difficulty of this move. Seeing the phantom knife head pressing down on him, he moved his index finger and couldn't help feeling a little itchy.

However, at this time, more and more fighters rushed over. After the biochemical virus was extracted, the deterrent power of this place was greatly insufficient. Some people were going to go directly to the base.

Guan Luoyang, who listened to all this, raised his head and laughed, his body was flying like a hurricane, he avoided the blade, and stood still 50 meters away.

"Your sword technique is also considered ingenious, so come and try to pick me up."

Intentionally or unintentionally, he pressed the dantian lightly with his left hand, put the four fingers of his right hand together, clasped the thumb to the side, and pointed the fingertips obliquely to the ground.

Balotte didn't care what he was talking about. The rotating shaft at the waist of the mech and the liquid supercharger at the crotch combined power into one, and the long knife was raised flat. The nano-batteries installed on both shoulders received the power vibration transmitted from the waist, Unleash more power.

The waist and hips are united, the shoulders and arms are united, and the eyes and gun are united.

The rotating broadsword was used by Balotte as a spear, stabbing forward with one shot.

The Onimusuto Mecha originally belonged to the Empire of the Rising Sun in the Red Alert world, and it is a humanoid mecha controlled by the most fanatical warriors.

But if the current Balotte is allowed to appear in that world, even if the mecha operators are in a state of fanaticism, I am afraid that they will be shocked by such a scene and deeply doubt——

Who in the end can be called "ghost, martial arts, human"!
All the fighters around who were still on the ground couldn't help but be attracted by this scene, witnessing the twilight red light alloy ghost's attack.

Guan Luoyang raised his right palm.

"This knife is called, Ferris!"

The wreckage floated in the air, and the audience lost weight! !

(End of this chapter)

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