Infinite Brilliant Scroll

Chapter 203 Skyscraper 1 slash, pure Yin Xuangong

Chapter 203 Motian One Slash, Pure Yin Mysterious Art
There are many wreckages of buildings floating in the air, and the fighter's body is also slightly weightless and floating.

However, the thrust of the Onimusuto mech itself was no longer on the ground, so the impact was minimal, and the speed was actually a bit faster.

The green energy was so strong that it formed a dark turbid current, which pulled the ubiquitous gravity and converged on Guan Luoyang's palm.

He raised his eyebrows, facing the tip of the spiral knife that had come in front of him, he slashed out the palm knife.

Dao Qi Dao is often characterized by sharpness.

And the characteristic of sharpness is often inseparable from "thinness".

Thinner things are sharper.

But Guan Luoyang's slash did the opposite. It didn't feel fresh and sharp at all, but it could only feel extremely "thick" and "heavy".

After pressing it with a palm, the spirally rotating high-energy mecha sword was not cut open, but crushed.

The shocking gloomy wind broke away from Guan Luoyang's palm and rolled forward.

The speed of this gloomy sword energy naturally far exceeded 30 meters per second, triggering the mysterious effect of Holzman's shield.

The energy field, which should be indistinguishable to the naked eye, emerges under tremendous pressure, like a thin film built along the outline of the mech's body, with a distance of one meter between the mech's surface.

And now this film is emitting an extremely unstable light.

The energy field shield of the Holzmann effect has a certain probability of triggering a fusion reaction at the subatomic level when encountering a pure energy attack, causing the attacker to suffer a nuclear energy counterattack.

But Guan Luoyang's saber energy was formed by plundering gravity. The essence of gravity is gravity that can interfere at the microscopic level.

The preconditions of the fusion reaction were disturbed, and the energy field suddenly went silent, and was broken through by the gloomy wind.

In the cockpit, Balotte saw the night sky pressing down in a trance, and then fell into permanent darkness. The entire Onimusuto mecha was greatly compressed and deformed, and then it was crushed by the disordered gravity. field tear.

The gray wind, wherever it passed, the wreckage of the building, and the dust on the ground all had the same fate. First, the fragmented matter floated up, gathered into a larger group, and then was torn into smaller shapes.

The waves of dust, like an undulating curtain, traversed the block.

Guan Luoyang is 800 meters ahead, leading directly to the coast. All obstacles have been turned into such floating fragments. There are also balls of water on the sea surface, floating in the air.

He lowered his palm, and many broken concrete fell, and the sea water scattered and returned to the sea surface.

Some of the surrounding fighters looked at his profile, some looked at his back, but no one could be in front of him, everything was silent, and there was no sound.

The crowd was silent for a few seconds, like frightened young animals in the mountains, jumping, running and sprinting, and quickly dispersed.

After all, this is only one of the 36 bases.

No one wants to make an enemy of that kind of person just for such a place now.

Guan Luoyang walked towards the underground base, and suddenly felt something, and turned his head to look.

On a tall building about six miles away, a dazzling golden beam of light scattered and penetrated the tall building horizontally.

Before the golden light dissipated, another icy white air flow swept away from the damaged stairs, the thunder was furious, and the electric light danced among the cold air.


When the first base was discovered by the former governor, the red light went straight into the night sky, casting a large light red circular spot on the night clouds.

The building where Owen was located welcomed several uninvited guests.

The dark floor was alarmed by the flickering lights of the flashlight and the sound of gunshots. The guards on the bottom floor pulled the trigger on the three figures who came to visit without paying attention.

When the bullets slid past the sides, the airflow disturbed Fang Ping's hair that covered his eyes, revealing the cold eyes underneath.

Di Shaolong, who was standing by his side, took a step back so that he could take out the knife more calmly.

When Fang Ping's inseparable knife was out of its sheath, no one saw the body of the knife, and what was reflected in everyone's eyes was just a sad blue circle of light.

Whether it was the momentary flame of the gun muzzle or the light of the flashlight, they all seemed insignificant under the blue light, and the unforgettable desertion swept the hall.

The hazy dark blue full moon rose slowly, and the moment it touched the ceiling, it shattered like a dream and disappeared without a trace.

The curved knife had already returned to its sheath, as if it hooked the souls of all the gunmen on this floor and put them into the sheath together.

Everyone's bodies drew a red dividing line from their foreheads, and they fell down one after another.

Di Shaolong shook his head and said, "Fang Ping, you go up, I'll go down, Xiaorou, you're stuck here."

The girl with silver-gray hair nodded, and there was a long and narrow gap in the ceiling, through which Fang Ping's figure had penetrated, tracing upward layer by layer.

Di Shaolong shouted at the gap: "Be careful, don't be anxious, and be careful not to be attacked."

Come on, Di Shaolong walked to the elevator first.

The elevator door, which was not powered, did not respond to the arrival of the guests. He reached out and inserted his hand between the cracks in the door, pulled his palms back, and tore off the elevator door.

The elevator didn't stop at this floor, there was an empty and dark elevator passage behind the door, Di Shaolong looked at it with his head, and jumped down directly.

It has to be said that although Fang Ping was reticent, his efficiency was indeed high enough. He killed layer by layer, but anyone who attacked him was cut in two by the desolate sword light.

When the power outage floor was built, it was divided into several work areas. No matter how good a swordsman is, it would be very troublesome to distinguish who is the target from the sound of footsteps and breathing.

But after the dead bodies were everywhere and the sound of breathing on the entire floor disappeared, it was easy to confirm that the target should not be here.

——If Owen was killed so easily, then he was not a target, but a dead man.

Of course Owen is not a dead person, he is sitting cross-legged on the soft and warm red carpet on the highest floor, watching a fighting video.

The lights in the hall on the floor were not turned on, only the faint light from a few computer screens shone on the short-sleeved shirt and beach pants that hung down to his knees.

The short battle sounds from downstairs were mixed in the volume of the video. Owen listened for a while, and he was sure that it wasn't Guan Luoyang or Shenwu Maha who came.

A man with a knife.

There shouldn't be a single swordsman like this in the Violet State.

In Owen's impression, there is no good knife that can kill from the bottom to this level so quickly.

puff! ! !

The blue light is fleeting.

The floor cracked, covering the red carpet of the entire hall, and the concrete partition was cut together. The concrete in the center of the crack was crushed by the knife air, making the long and narrow crack into a diamond-like shape.

Fang Ping's figure jumped out of the rhombus, stood on the edge of the gap, and met Owen's eyes as soon as he turned his face.


Owen sighed imperceptibly, and missed his odd number of troops again. If those few people were still there, at least it would not be so easy for the enemy to kill him, the big boss.

If you don't have strong enough subordinates to support you, if you have to fight every character you meet, you won't have the style you should have as the master.

"Foreign guests, I don't think I have dealt with people like you. If you are only searching for the fruit of the gene tree, you should go underground. What do you mean by killing all the way to the top?"

Fang Ping glanced up and down, comparing the young man in front of him with the photos that Brad had shown them. Although the age difference was a bit big, the bones were the same.

"Are you Owen?"

He said, "We have received a report from the current governor of Violet State, Brad, that your actions have seriously violated international regulations and caused extremely bad effects. The executive officers of the Red Star War Beast East Sea Division will arrest you. If there is resistance, it will be killed on the spot."

Owen was surprised at first, and said, "Brad?"

This guy has the guts to betray me and take the initiative to find outsiders to intervene?

Even if he really has the heart, these people can't come so fast.

After thinking about it, Owen had already guessed what was wrong, and said with a smile: "Are you here for Brad, or for the Shenwu family? I heard that most of the Shenwu family's property was seized by the Red Star War Beast. Deported, after many years, Shenwu Guiyi or someone else has caught your attention again?"

In just a few seconds, he was able to guess the real situation. This ability of observation, association and deliberation is worthy of being a self-made person who has accumulated a huge fortune.

But Fang Ping has seen this kind of people a lot, and his face is not moved, he still said coldly: "Frankly, let me be lenient, if you are willing to actively cooperate and give more information about the conspirators, it will be good for you of."

"Hahahahaha, coincidentally, I don't like the word wide."

Owen laughed and said, "The road is wide, which means that too many people have already walked on it, which means vulgar, ordinary, and trivial. But those narrow and harsh paths often mean [-]%. Even ten times, a hundred times the profit."

"Thousands of mountains and ravines are dangerous, there are many mistakes on the cliffs of the ladder, and there is a dead end."

Fang Ping grasped the handle of the knife, and a desolate atmosphere enveloped the place in an instant, with cold wind and bitter rain, hazy as if dead.

Objectively speaking, in the lobby on this floor, there is still no misty rain, no cold moon and cold wind, only the light of the computer screen and the dry air environment.

However, Owen's body surface has already felt a wet touch, and his nose seems to smell the cold smell that only rains for too long.

He didn't reject the discrepancy between his senses and reality. Instead, he took a deep breath, full of rain, and looked expectantly at Fang Ping.

Looking forward to seeing Fang Ping's knife with my own eyes.

Fang Ping just grabbed the handle of the knife and stared at the opposite side. The color of his pupils became darker and darker, giving people a feeling that his eyes had expanded to occupy the whites of his eyes.

"No knife?"

Owen waited for a few seconds, "Let me guess, is it because you can only kill the enemy when you use a sword, and my intelligence is still useful, so you are still..."

Kaka Kaka, a huge ice cube like a natural crystal cluster suddenly grew in the hall, starting from the crack in the ground, and filled every corner of the hall in an instant.

The ground covered with red carpet, the walls hung with famous oil paintings, the cold white ceiling, and the floor-to-ceiling windows made of tempered glass, are full of such ice crystal clusters, and they are still growing.

Even in front of Owen, the computers were frozen suddenly by the ice, and the ice blocks in all directions extended to encircle him at the same time, surging, cold and hard.

Bang! !

Owen's figure was sealed by the ice, and half of the hall on this floor was occupied by this huge ice block.

The other half of the hall where Fang Ping was located was also covered with ice crystals.

The freezing air came blowing in, and Xu Xiaorou appeared beside him.

"Be careful, this person is not so easy to be blocked."

Fang Ping still stared at Owen in the ice and reminded him.

When he didn't move his sword just now, it was naturally not because he was afraid of killing the opponent by mistake, but because his saber technique was essentially an extremely complicated and simple move.

From a rough look, no matter who you want to kill, what weapon you face, or how many obstacles you have between yourself and the enemy, they are all just cut off with one knife.

But before the knife that went straight to the topic, it already included countless ingenious calculations in space, so that it was unavoidable, unstoppable, as if full of divine and demonic edge.

And just now Owen was sitting on the ground so unkempt, Fang Ping couldn't find a killing angle.

Xu Xiaorou's big clear eyes turned slightly, and she flicked her finger at the ice cube.

From the light-white fingertips, a ray of blue light and inconspicuous cold air was bounced out. It looked ethereal and soft, but at the moment it touched the ice, thousands of blinding electric snakes burst out.

The superconducting phenomenon at ultra-low temperature reduces the resistance to an extremely low level. As long as there is a slight voltage, the amount of current can be as large as a raging thunder beast, barking and destroying the creatures surrounded by the cold air.

Sacred Heart Art, Ditian Kuanglei!
Under the roar of the electric snake, the frozen computers were first destroyed like dust, and then the huge ice cubes expanded due to the internal cracking, causing the supporting floor to sink and the ceiling to bulge.

The tempered glass that was in contact with this large ice block was also broken and fell off.

Owen's figure disappeared at the most dazzling moment of the electric light.

The ice that occupied half of the hall was knocked out of a human-shaped passage by him, and it sprayed out of the floor with surging lightning and debris.

It seemed that at the height of hundreds of meters, a gleaming fountain of ice suddenly spewed out horizontally from the inside of the building.

Clang!clang clang clang! ! !
Owen's figure was suspended in the sky, and the ice chips and electric light all over his body were blown away by the wind, but there was no scorched smoke emitted by ordinary people after being shocked by the electric shock.

There was a clanging and powerful sound from the muscular body that didn't even damage the clothes, the loose skin of the palm was tightened, and the fingers were closed one by one.

The sound his knuckles made during this process was like bearings made of fine steel, which were tightly arranged one by one under the stamping of the machine tool.

If the slack and tension of ordinary people are just the difference between curly hair and strings, then the tension shown by Owen is like a few bundles of loose gold wires as thin as a hair, integrated with the body The difference between the highest strength alloys.

From the closed fingers to the turning wrist, the entire arm and even the entire body, every muscle fiber is merged to the point where there is no flaw.

The texture of the skin on the back of the hand becomes smoother, without pores or wrinkles.

"This is the first serious battle with my body..."

Owen lowered his voice, and showed a somewhat obsessed look at his palm, "My body, my skills, don't let me down!"

He extended a palm.

Under the support of capital, watching thousands of genres from all over the world, and the images of countless fighters who have fought, Owen also summed up his own fighting theory.

In his view, the true meaning of fighting is nothing more than arcs and straight lines.

Let people's limbs, human energy, and human strength tend towards the most perfect arc or straight line infinitely, which is the only truth for fighting skills to pursue the highest destructive power.

This thorn is the absolute style that represents a straight line...

Primordial Martial Art·Sunshine Thousand Spears!

The straightest thing in the whole world is light.

Spear-like rays of golden light erupted from Owen's arm, burst into the floor, and hit the remaining ice blocks in the hall of the floor.

These rays of light have no substance, and those ice cubes are as strong as steel.

But this time when the two touched, it seemed that illusion and reality were reversed.

Those ice cubes are like phantoms, pierced by substantial beam rays, easily and silently, not to mention hard blocking the lethality of these rays, even the most basic, using the characteristics of ice cubes to make the light refract , reflection phenomenon, have not been able to do.

This light is not like light at all. After the ice cubes are smashed into a sieve, it is like piercing the illusion, leaving dense holes on the wall of the hall, penetrating through the barriers of the walls, and on the other side of the entire building. One side shot out.

Hundreds of rays formed a cone, with Owen's arm as the apex, destroying the entire floor in the process of expanding and scattering.

The walls full of holes collapsed, the ceiling shattered and fell down, and the whole building visibly felt the shaking, permanently missing a floor.

Owen stared at the collapsed building, quite satisfied with the power of his blow, but he also noticed that the people in the building were not dead.

The ice-white air flow is still spreading, and wherever the cold air passes, the lightning always follows.

Even though there were many obstacles, Owen seemed to see a girl standing up among the ruins.

Is it a girl? ?Such majesty and fighting spirit have blurred gender, and even blurred the species of mortals.

It still has the two attributes of ice cold and lightning, but this time it is not the sacred heart formula created by the old turtle who has lived for thousands of years by luck, but a set of palm techniques.

"Flying Waterfall, Furious Tide!"

(End of this chapter)

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