The Red Chamber: The Rise of the Shuzi

Chapter 161 Tatar's Request for Help

Chapter 161 Tatar's Request for Help

Hall of Supreme Harmony.

Emperor Hongde and all the ministers had unconcealable smiles on their faces.

Today's event, everyone has the opportunity to be famous in history!

You must know that the Tatar Khanate in the north of the Great Wall is completely different from the small country around Da Zhou.

As an empire that is nearly one-fifth the size of the Great Zhou Empire and dominated by nomads, Tatars have been in constant confrontation with the Great Zhou Empire since the founding of the Great Zhou Empire.

Decades have passed, and with today's Tatar Khan proclaiming his surrender, this confrontation has quietly come to an end!


Emperor Hongde's heart had already blossomed with joy.

The Tatar begged to surrender, this was a feat that even the founding emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, the Taizu Emperor, had never achieved!

Now it is realized in my own hands!

Emperor Hongde has decided that after he retires from the court, he will enshrine the credentials of the Tatars as ministers in the Taimiao. He wants to show off to the ancestors of the Great Zhou Empire:
I, Hongde Emperor Yang Chong, am so awesome!

In a good mood, Emperor Hongde even took the initiative to ask the Tatar envoy in the hall, "Meng Yuan took the initiative to proclaim his minister. I am very relieved. I wonder if you have any rewards you want?"

It was just a casual polite remark.

Unexpectedly, after hearing Emperor Hongde's inquiry, the Tatar envoy knelt down again, and said excitedly: "Your Majesty, the Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty, when the villain came, I, the Emperor Molun of the Yuan Dynasty, had an account. There are two things that Fan asked for, and I also ask the great emperor of the Shang Kingdom of the Great Zhou Dynasty to give me permission!"

In the Hall of Supreme Harmony, the corners of the ministers' mouths twitched slightly when they heard the words, everyone could see that Emperor Hongde was just being polite to the Tatar envoy.

Unexpectedly, the Tatar envoy actually climbed up the pole.

Listen to what this said again, talent!

For a moment, dozens of thumbs have been raised up in the hearts of the officials.


And Jia Jing, who was standing at the front of all the military officers, couldn't help but praise from the bottom of his heart when he heard the Tatar envoy's words.

Listen, this is called flattery!

It's just that, isn't it tiring to add so many words to a title?Not ashamed?
Well, the emissary certainly doesn't look ashamed.

However, this trick is really good for Emperor Hongde!
Sure enough, when he heard the address of "the great emperor of the Great Zhou Kingdom", the smile on Emperor Hongde's face was about to overflow, and he said immediately: "Let's talk about the matter, if it is reasonable, I will not deny it." !"

After hearing what Emperor Hongde said, the Tatar envoy hurriedly kowtowed his head to thank him, and then said loudly: "His Majesty the Emperor of the Shang Kingdom of the Great Zhou Dynasty, I, Emperor Molun of the Yuan Dynasty, have two requests:
First, I hope that Dazhou can send troops to help Mongolian Yuan repel the invasion of the Oirats, and protect the peace of the people of Mongolian Yuan!

Afterwards, I asked the Emperor of Great Zhou to agree to open a few more trading markets around my Mongolian Yuan..."


As the Tatar envoy's voice fell, the Hall of Supreme Harmony gradually became quiet.

"Opening a mutual market is nothing, but sending troops to support it..."

Emperor Hongde and all the ministers were weighing and thinking quickly in their minds.


"You mean that Oara gathered an army and invaded your Tatar... Mongolian territory? Then do you know the size and number of Oara's army?"

Among the ministers, Xu Yao, Duke of the State of Wei, stepped forward first.

The Tatar envoy replied: "This time, the Wala army has assembled, and the number is about [-]. Our Mongolian and Yuan army now has less than [-] soldiers capable of fighting, and it is really powerless to resist.

I also hope that the Kingdom of Great Zhou can dispatch an army as soon as possible to help us! "

Above, Emperor Hongde said: "Since Meng Yuan has submitted a petition to proclaim himself a minister, I will certainly accept the request to set up a mutual market!
As for sending troops to aid, because my army soldier of the Great Zhou Dynasty is also a squadron teacher who has returned to Beijing not long ago, and we still need a period of rest, I wonder if you can wait? "

The Tatar envoy bowed down and prayed: "The Oala army is pressing down on the border, the war is imminent, and there must be no delay! I also hope that the emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty will have mercy on my thousands of souls in Mongolia, and show mercy!"

After a pause, he continued: "In addition, Molun Khan has something to say, as long as His Majesty sends that general who can drive the white tiger and lead more than ten thousand troops, it will be enough to solve my Meng Yuan's calamity!"


The general who can drive the white tiger, isn't that Jia Jing?
Hearing that more than [-] troops would be enough to relieve the danger of the Tartars, Emperor Hongde raised his eyebrows lightly, and said, "Should more than [-] troops be enough?"

There was a bit of hesitation in his words.

"More than [-] people are enough!"

The Tatar envoy was very sure: "The general has a brilliant record and is good at using troops. Even if there are only more than [-] troops, it is enough to beat Oala's [-] troops!"


Hearing his former enemy praise him so much, even Jia Jing couldn't help showing a smile on his face at this moment.

At the same time, I have to sigh in my heart:
This person's way of flattering people is so terrifying!

On the dragon chair, Emperor Hongde fell into deep thought.

Judging from the current situation, part of the reason why the Tatars surrendered was because they were completely disabled by the Great Zhou in the previous battle.

But the more important reason is probably that Oala invaded, and they were powerless to resist.

That's why he was anxious to recognize a big brother to help him fight through the difficulties.

Emperor Hongde was a little embarrassed.

Because it stands to reason that after the country surrendered, the first thing it asks for is not easy to refuse, but if Jia Jing is asked to lead the army to go out, then the safety of his family in Shenjing...

"How does Jia Aiqing view this matter?"

Having no clue, Emperor Hongde simply threw the question in front of Jia Jing.

Jia Jing came out and said: "Your Majesty Qi Zuo, I believe that since Meng Yuan has been proclaimed as a minister in the above table, it is a country affiliated to my Great Zhou.

The subordinate country is in trouble. As the suzerain country, I, Da Zhou, should have the courage to solve its problems for it!

What's more, there are few things in Shenjing recently, and there are not many ministers.

If you don't ask your ministers to lead the troops to support Meng Yuan, you can fulfill our obligations as the suzerain state of Dazhou, and demonstrate our own military strength.

Furthermore, if we return victorious, how can Molun Khan tell us to return empty-handed? !No matter how bad it is, the minister can also escort Meng Yuan's tribute this year back to Beijing, right? ! "

"Reward? Tribute?"

The eyes of Emperor Hongde and the officials of the household department all brightened.

This year they sent troops to the north of Saibei twice in succession, spending countless money, food, grass and so on. In addition, there was a severe drought in Guanzhong this year and the harvest failed.

Originally, Emperor Hongde and the ministers of the Ministry of Household Affairs were still worrying about where the expenses for the next year would come from. Unexpectedly, the Tatar envoy came to the door on his own initiative!

Hubu Shangshu Wang Le immediately came out and said: "Your Majesty, what Marquis Zhaowu said is very true. The suzerain country protects the subordinate country under its wings, which is what it should have meant. I ask your majesty to send troops to help Meng Yuan!

Afterwards, Niu Jizong, Chen Ruiwen, Ma Shangde and others from the founding line of the country, together with the two servants of the household department, stepped forward and said: "The ministers and others seconded the proposal!"


On the dragon chair, Emperor Hongde was already moved.

What Jia Jing meant just now, Emperor Hongde also heard it, nothing more than everything in Shenjing has been handled properly, even if Jia Jing leaves Shenjing, his own safety is guaranteed!
That being the case.

Naturally, making money is important!
Emperor Hongde waved his hand and said: "Then order Marquis Jia Jing of Zhaowu to lead the army and go to support the vassal Meng Yuan as soon as possible!"

The Tatar envoy hurriedly saluted again, and shouted: "Your Majesty the Emperor of the Great Zhou Dynasty is holy! On behalf of the countless people of Mongolia and Yuan, I thank His Majesty the Emperor of the Great Zhou for your kindness!"

In the hall, all the ministers also bowed and said: "My emperor is holy!"

Nodding his head, Emperor Hongde said: "The quantity of soldiers, horses, food and grass needed to rescue Meng Yuan, as well as the rescue needs, after Marquis Zhaowu decides on his own, report directly to me for approval!"

Jia Jing bowed and said: "Minister Jia Jing, accept the order!"

(End of this chapter)

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