Chapter 162
Zhaowuhou Mansion.

In Xue Baochai's courtyard, Ying'er was tying the net familiarly, and said to Xue Baochai who was sitting on the kang embroidering flowers: "Miss, I went to the Rongguo Mansion yesterday to find embroidered oranges, guess what I heard? "

After hearing Yinger's words, Xue Baochai said seriously, "Yinger, I told you last time that since I have entered the house as the third brother's concubine, you will call me aunt in the mansion in the future. Don't break the rules! Do you understand?"

Speaking of the latter, there was already a bit of sternness in his expression.

Being reprimanded suddenly, Yinger's face was quite aggrieved, and she said: "Miss... no, aunt, I feel sorry for you! With your demeanor and talent, it is really wronged to be a concubine!

It is said that it is better to be a chicken head than a phoenix tail, but when it comes to you, it is the other way around! "

Seeing Yinger's expression of displeasure for her, Xue Baochai was not only amused, but also moved a lot.

Xue Baochai said: "You girl, it's okay to tell you to be smart all day long. Why do you lose your eyes and can't see clearly when something happens?"

"Why can't I see the Tao clearly?" Ying'er was not convinced.

Hearing this, Xue Baochai laughed and said, "Let me ask you, how did the servants treat you when you went to the Rongguo Mansion today? But they are much more cordial and warm than when we were in Lixiangyuan?"

Ying'er thought that yesterday, when she was in Rongguo Mansion, even when she sneaked into the provincial house to see something strange, the daughter-in-law who was in charge found out, and gave her a gift with nice words.

Thinking about it again, when I was still living in Lixiangyuan, I encountered a scene where she was needed, even if I gave her money, she was not very willing to help.

Comparing the two, Yinger nodded involuntarily, "It is so!"

Xue Baochai asked: "Then you haven't thought about why those sons who used to have eyes on their foreheads treated you so warmly?"

"It's because of our Lord Hou?!"

Yinger instantly had an answer in her mind.

"You can turn your mind quickly!" Xue Baochai nodded with a smile.

Immediately afterwards, Xue Baochai said again: "Then let me ask you again, two days ago, together with Daiyu, we were invited to be guests at the residence of the Marquis of Zhongjing. Among the people invited that day was Lord Liu of the Duke of Liguo Ma'am?

Later, when you servant girls and daughters-in-law were being entertained, what was the difference between how the big maid of Zhongjinghou's mansion treated you and the personal servant girl of Mrs. Liu Jue?Did the servant girl of Liguo's mansion change her expression? "

Ying'er replied: "The people in Zhongjinghou's mansion treat me a little more warmly, compared to the maids in Liguo's mansion, they take care of me a lot more!

Even so, the expressions of the servant girls in the Duke of Li's Mansion did not change at all. "

At this time, Ying'er gradually understood.

The smile on Xue Baochai's face remained unchanged, "As a maid, your master is just a concubine, but her master is a wife. If there is such a gap in your treatment, what do you say about me?"

"I understand! This phoenix tail is also a phoenix in the sky after all!" Ying'er was stunned.

"It's good that you understand, don't act like I've been wronged in the future!"

Xue Baochai smiled.

At the same time, he secretly said in his heart: "Even if it's a chicken head, we have to see if it's just an ordinary rooster or the Pleiades Star Official?!

The choices that Xue's family could find at that time were to choose the best one among them, and it was not even half the level of Lord Liu of the Duke of Liguo's Mansion. Compared with today's, that is really a big difference.

Not to mention, there was also a sneak attack by Mrs. Wang next door.

At that time, if I hadn't made up my mind very simply and married here, what would happen to me in the future..."

Naturally, the following words are naturally beyond the knowledge of Ying'er, a maid.


Putting the bandage in his hand into the basket, Xue Baochai rubbed his eyes lightly, and then continued to chat with the previous topic: "By the way, you said just now, what did you hear yesterday?"

Ying'er's face at this time had long since lost the previous annoyance. Hearing Xue Baochai's question, she hurriedly replied, "Yesterday, I heard that the Provincial Family Hospital in the Rongguo Mansion next door will be available soon!"

"Your news is very well-informed!"

Xue Baochai smiled and said, "Where did you get the gossip this time?"

Ying'er laughed and said: "I heard this from the daughter-in-law who is in charge of the other courtyard of the province!
Xiuju invited me to her place as a guest yesterday, saying that she wanted to learn how to make a network with me, and then we talked about the matter of the provincial hospital, so we sneaked in to see what was new.

Don't tell me, Auntie, the garden is full of cigarettes and colorful flowers. It really is a very rich and romantic place! "

"After spending such a large amount of money, it will naturally look much better!"

Afterwards, Xue Baochai asked again: "So, Concubine Xian should be going home to visit her relatives soon?!"

"It's almost there! She will definitely invite you over then!"

Outside, Jia Jing's voice came in.

Before the words were finished, the curtain of the back room was lifted, and Jia Jing strode in.


"I have seen Hou Ye!"

Ying'er hurriedly stood up to greet her.

Jia Jing looked at Yinger's half-punched net, and said with a smile: "It's okay, you have something to do, just sit there, don't be so cautious."

Xue Baochai also nodded and said: "The third elder brother has already spoken, you can just sit down and finish this network with peace of mind!"

Looking at the stone blue net in Yinger's hand, Jia Jing smiled and said, "The net of this color is not like your usual style!"

Hearing this, Ying'er just pursed her lips and smiled in silence.

Xue Baochai next to him said: "This is for you, third brother!"

"For me?"

Xue Baochai nodded, "The other day I saw that the ties on your red scarf were worn out and useless. I thought Yinger was good at this, so I asked her to make two new ones today. There's a black web already tied and put there."

As he spoke, he stretched out his hand and pointed to the other side of the kang.

Jia Jing reached out to pick up the net from the kang, looked at it, and praised with a smile: "This one looks much better than my old net!"

Hearing Jia Jing's praise, Ying'er's face was also bursting with pride.


Suddenly, as if remembering something, Jia Jing slapped his forehead, "I almost forgot the business!"

Immediately, he asked Xue Baochai, "I just came back from the palace, and I have some things to explain to Brother Xue, so I am going to invite him to come over.

I came here to ask you, but is there anything I need, so that I can tell Laifu and ask Brother Xue to help bring it over? "

Xue Baochai thought for a while, then shook his head and said, "There is nothing lacking in our house, so how can we bring anything?"

Jia Jing nodded and said with a smile: "Since that's the case, then I'll just call Laifu to invite someone!"


More than half an hour later.

Under the leadership of Laifu, Xue Pan came directly to Jia Jing's outer study.

Seeing Xue Pan coming, Jia Jing put down the book in her hand, and greeted with a smile: "Brother Xue is here, please sit down!"

(End of this chapter)

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