The perfect ten evils rise again

Chapter 541 Entering the Heaven

Chapter 541 Entering the Heaven
Time passed, and decades later, Emperor Zun and Wushi Great Emperor of Immortal Realm successfully advanced to the rank of Immortal King. The two of them accumulated a lot of money, and as soon as they entered the Immortal King, they became the best among them.

Ye Fan, Ruan Ren, Qing Di, Duan De, and the Red Dust Immortal in the strange world all succeeded successively in the following tens of thousands of years.

And the dark side, which had recovered its vitality, also inquired into the details of the fairyland, knowing that Lei Di was not there.

Thus, a war broke out inevitably.

Because there are many mortals who became immortals in the fairyland and became immortal kings, leading the immortals to attack the darkness.

Therefore, under the first battle, the darkness was defeated and defeated.

Many fallen immortal kings were killed and suppressed, and the remaining dark true immortals all died, leaving no one behind.

Since then, the dark forces threatening the heavens have been completely destroyed.

The Immortal Realm dispatched troops to quell the darkness and turmoil, and it became a holy place for practice that all the heavens and all walks of life yearn for.

Those huge ancient worlds back then were all exploded into pieces because of the dark ancient Yi devouring the essence, and the environment of heaven and earth was naturally not as strong as a complete fairyland.

For those coming from other fragmented worlds, Xianyu welcomes them. After all, Xianyu is too big and sparsely populated.

However, Emperor Zun and others have formulated strict rules, but anyone who joins the Immortal Realm needs to fulfill their responsibility to protect this realm and make an oath.

For the sake of a better cultivation environment and future, the creatures who wish to go to the Immortal Realm are naturally willing to make a grand oath to protect the peace of the Immortal Realm after successful cultivation in the future.

With more and more creatures and ethnic groups entering the fairyland, and the vigorous development of the native creatures in the fairyland, the entire fairyland became more prosperous and entered an extremely bright era.

In this way, millions of years have passed, besides the first batch of advanced mortals, the quasi-immortal kings of the fairyland also began to break through one after another, becoming kings and ancestors.

The number of quasi-immortal kings is even greater, and many great emperors and ancient emperors from the nine heavens and ten places all stepped forward, striding forward, and established themselves in the quasi-immortal king realm.

As the most powerful people in the world, they have their own pride. They can become emperors in the doomed world. There is no doubt about the talents of these people.

There are countless creatures who have become true immortals, and the fairyland has gradually grown, reappearing some of its former glory.

What's even more rare is that the immortals of the world are advancing by leaps and bounds one by one, constantly extending the avenue system and opening up the way forward.

Even if it is not out of troubled times, and there is no deadly threat to drive people forward, their entry is fast enough.

Ye Fan, Wushi, Ruthless, Emperor Zun, etc. have all reached the realm of the supreme immortal king, only one step away from the quasi-immortal emperor.

Although this speed can't be compared with Chi Cang Shi Hao and the others, it is normal that they are in two environments and have different encounters.

Between Immortal King Jue Dian and Immortal Emperor Zhun, there is an insurmountable gap, which may be called a natural moat.

In the chaos of the ancient era, countless immortal kings were stumped. In order to break through the king realm, they set foot on the boundary sea one after another, wanting to cross to the other side, looking for a chance to break the king. Unfortunately, in the end, no one succeeded in the boundary sea.

The seller of counterfeit medicine followed Chi Cang and Liushen through time travel to ancient times, and got a great opportunity, and then was oppressed by the ancient artifacts of origin, and luckily succeeded.

People like butchers, chicken farmers, etc., only succeeded in advancing after reaching the heavens and having a broader world environment.

Today's heavens are separated by Shi Hao's sword light, without a boundary sea suitable for immortal kings to practice, it is undoubtedly more difficult to become a quasi-immortal emperor.

However, Ye Fan and others did not give up, but discussed with each other, and jointly explored the method of becoming a quasi-immortal emperor.

In this way, after another million years, Ye Fan and others finally embarked on a journey to break the king. They each opened up a road of their own, and they wanted to be the ancestors of that road.

After an arduous and arduous journey to break through the realm, after nine deaths, or even ten deaths, several people succeeded in hundreds of thousands of years.

Afterwards, they did not immediately cross the sea of ​​thunder and enter the sky, but recuperated in the fairyland for 10 years.

You must know that breaking through the King Realm is extremely dangerous, and if you are not careful, you will die in Huangquan. Many supreme figures in ancient times were killed in this way.

Back then, the butcher and others almost died because they failed to break through.

After everyone recovers from their injuries, rectify the fairyland, select soldiers and horses, and prepare to march into the sky.

Some creatures with peerless talents were left behind, because Ye Fan and the others knew that making a breakthrough in a difficult environment would bring great benefits. ground, for grinding.

And those creatures who had no hope of advancing and were destined to stay in the Immortal Territory were destined to miss the quasi-immortal emperor, and they were taken along.

Take the immortal king as the general, and the real immortal as the soldier.

For so many years, the Heavenly Court established by Emperor Zun and the Heavenly Court established by Ye Fan have long been merged into one.

After some rectification, the Heavenly Court army assembled, bid farewell to relatives and hometown, and went to a vast world to fight on the battlefield.

On this day, many people of Xianyu came out to see them off, quite reluctant to part with them.

Ye Fan and the others arranged the matter in this area, and then they were ready to set off.

With the Immortal King and Quasi-Immortal King in the Heavenly Court, the order in this domain should not be disordered. Besides, they are not gone forever, if they can gain a foothold in the sky, they will definitely come back.

"The army sets off!"

A heavy horn resounded through the sky and spread throughout all walks of life. It was a horn cast from the bones of a real dragon, and it always had incredible power.

Raising troops from the heavenly court and marching into the sky together is a memorabilia that shakes the era for this domain.

Countless immortal beings sent each other off, calling the names of the great heavenly emperors.

"Finally able to march into the heavens, I don't know what state Lord Lei Di is in now.

Back then, he came to Kunlun in the future, and when he returned, he was in the quasi-immortal emperor realm. "A stalwart figure said with a sigh.

He is a supreme emperor in heaven.

"The Lord Lei Di came from the future, and his real body sat cross-legged in the chaos, that is to say, he became a quasi-immortal emperor in the chaos of the ancient era. Moreover, according to some ancient books in the fairyland, Lei Di My lord and my lord Huang Tiandi went to the heavens after the ultimate turmoil in the Jiehai was quelled.

At that time, they should have become immortal emperors. Now, after so long, they may have already become the best among immortal emperors. "Qingdi guessed on the side.

He was fortunate enough to have served Lei Di for a period of time, so he naturally had the right to speak.

"The best among the immortal emperors."

Emperor Zun muttered to himself, remembering the conversation with Lei Di back then.

The Immortal Emperor Zhun is too far away from the Immortal Emperor, and they don't know when they will reach that step.

Ye Fan, Ruo Ren, Wushi Great Emperor, etc. all showed yearning looks, Immortal Emperor, what kind of powerful field is that?
The army marched out, under the protection of the heavenly emperors, entered the sea of ​​thunder, and the thunder that could pose a threat to the immortal emperor could not affect the progress of this army at all.

Soon, they passed through the last barrier and reached the vast boundary sea.


The waves are turbulent, the waves are heavy, and the waves emerge, and then disappear.

It was broken ancient worlds one after another, forming this vast and boundless ocean.

The collision and friction between the ancient world and the ancient world exudes terrifying "water vapor", which contains unimaginable power of rules, even if it is a true immortal, it is difficult to gain a foothold.

Seeing this magnificent ocean, the heavenly army felt a sense of confusion.

"Is this the boundary sea? It's really vast." Ye Fan and others sighed.

Even the quasi-immortal emperor can't cover the whole territory with his divine consciousness spread out. He can only see some islands standing alone on the boundary sea.

"According to the records in the ancient books in Immortal Realm, the road leading to heaven is on the other side of the boundary sea, and it is also the birthplace of darkness and turmoil. Let's go there immediately." Ye Fan said, and everyone naturally agreed.

"The boundary sea is so vast. If you want to go to the other side, even the quasi-immortal emperor will not be able to reach it without hundreds of thousands of years. When I dug the ancient tomb, I learned many secrets. "Things can go straight to the other side.

It's a pity that we don't have a way to control it. However, among the islands standing above the boundary sea, there are some special islands engraved with a teleportation array. We can use the teleportation array to greatly reduce the distance. "Duan De said out loud.

He has always been fond of archaeology, and he has obtained many secrets from the underground, so he obviously knows this sea of ​​realms very well.

All the heavenly emperors in the heavenly court nodded after hearing the words.

However, just as the army was about to go to those islands, the sea surface in the distance suddenly cracked, and infinite rays of light shone down.

It was as if someone had torn the sky open.

You know, this is the boundary sea, and it is difficult for a true immortal to gain a foothold. It is impossible to imagine what kind of power it is to make the sky like this.


The waves were monstrous, and the boundary sea was also affected, boiling up.

Under the watchful eyes of several heavenly emperors and the heavenly army, one after another magnificent ancient temples fell from the torn dome of the sky, filled with golden light, covering the sea and the sky, forming a long passage, deep and mysterious, I don't know where it leads.

"This...could it be the ancient Jieyin Temple in the legend?" Duan De was dumbfounded, he just said that just now, but he did not expect that the road formed by the Ancient Jieyin Temple really appeared.

There are countless ancient temples, each of which is majestic and magnificent, surrounded by the power of time, it has existed for an unknown number of years, and it is extremely ancient.

The several heavenly emperors looked dignified, and through the long river of history, they saw many strange things about the ancient temple.

In the distant chaotic era, the "Ancient Temple of Jieyin" represented misfortune and ominousness, and was related to darkness.

Later, the source of darkness at the end of the sea was solved by Lei Di and Huang Tiandi, and the ancient palace of receiving and guiding seemed to be purified, and it no longer represented unknown.

"Are we going up? We haven't mastered the method of guiding the ancient temple. I don't know who is manipulating the passage that appears now." Duan De asked.

"Go, why not go? Even if there is danger, we will meet sooner or later. Since we have to meet sooner or later, why spend hundreds of thousands of years on the boundless sea?" Emperor Zun said, his eyes staring.

Several others mean the same.

"Besides, I think that this passage may be the way that Lord Lei Di and the others noticed our existence and gave us a way." Emperor Zun continued.

Emperor Qing nodded.

"Yes, Lord Lei Di is so powerful that it is unimaginable. He travels between ancient and modern times, which is awe-inspiring. We passed through the sea of ​​thunder left by his old man. He must know that we have reached the sea of ​​​​boundary."

When everyone heard it, they immediately felt reasonable.

Lei Hai was left by Lei Di, and there must be his imprint in it. When the Heavenly Court army passed by, no matter where Lei Di was, he should have known of their arrival.

With Lei Di's ability, connecting the ancient temples into a bridge is just a thought.

After everyone figured out the mystery, they boarded the passage connecting the ancient temples.

After entering this passage, except for a few heavenly emperors, everyone else was amazed, as if they had reached the end of the world, and fragments of time were flying around. Here, time seemed to lose its meaning.

Maybe it was a moment, maybe ten thousand years, they didn't know how long they had been walking in the passage, when the army passed through the last light curtain and regained their sight, they finally saw the vast boundary sea again.

Ahead, there is a long section of dam stretching across the coastline, dusty, ancient and obsolete.

Behind the dam, it was extremely bright, forming a stark contrast with the dimly-sighted boundary sea.

Standing on the border sea where the sea fog spreads, looking behind the dam, it is like standing in the dark and looking up at the light.

"Is this the other side at the end of the sea?" All the generals in the heavenly court were stunned.

The backside of the dam is so sacred and full of vitality, similar to the characteristics of the other shore in their hearts.

"Hey! The other side of the chaotic ancient era is not so sacred. It is said that the darkness that troubled the heavens flowed from this land.

That era was known as the chaotic ancient times, which shows the chaos and horror.

If Lord Lei Di and Huang hadn't solved the source of darkness, the dark turmoil in our era would not have been of that scale. "Duan De gave a low laugh and mentioned Luan Gu.

Speaking of which, he was a creature of that era, active in the era of the rise of Lei Di and Huang, and later, because of the road, he was buried in the soil, until he was born in later generations, becoming the Heavenly Venerable of Transcending Tribulation.

"The kings fought, the quasi-immortal emperors fought, and the immortal emperors fought to the death. It's hard to imagine how fierce the wars were in those days." Ye Fan sighed.

"It is said that I am waiting for the God who is about to go, the flames of war will be even more brutal, everyone should be prepared." The Great Emperor Wushi reminded.

Hearing the words, the heavenly army nodded their heads one after another. Since they decided to follow the heavenly emperors to fight against the heavens, they have already put life and death aside.

Afterwards, everyone boarded the embankment and walked on the vibrant land.

The dark matter here has long been cleaned up by Chi Cang and Shi Hao, and has brought down vitality. After such a long period of development, it is no longer the incomparably dead and dark place back then.

The army of the Heavenly Court marched out, passed through the vibrant land on the other side, and entered the ultimate place where the ancient palace was laid.

Here, they saw the stele left by Chi Cang and Shi Hao, which recorded the information from the sky, and the method of controlling the ancient temple and so on.

Several heavenly emperors kept it in mind, and then led the army to the big hole where the strange blood and original matter had dripped.

"Is this here? It leads to the sky."

(End of this chapter)

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