Chapter 542
Although this cave no longer has the strange blood and terrifying original matter, it still exudes a palpitating aura.

Several heavenly emperors were convinced that if an immortal king-level existence forcibly broke in, it would be turned into dust in an instant.

Therefore, they took action to protect the army of heaven and jumped towards the top of the big hole.

The moment they rushed out of the big hole, everyone's eyes lit up, and they had already arrived in a brand new world.

However, the scene that caught their eyes made them a little silent.

The sky is full of blood, converging into rivers and seas, overflowing the horizon, the setting sun is like blood, several towering tombs stand silently, let the blood float by, no one knows what kind of creatures are buried.

"Is this above the heavens?"

Ye Fan said to himself, feeling a little heavy in his heart. This blood is obviously formed by the blood of countless living beings, and various rules of the Dao are mixed in it.

For such a vast sea of ​​blood, it is unknown how many creatures from the ancient world would have to die to gather to such a degree.

It seems that the war above the heavens is even more tragic than imagined.

After several heavenly emperors observed, they found that on the reef where they were standing, there was a large formation of immortal emperor ranks, which contained the imprints of three stalwart creatures, among them were Lei Di and Huang Tiandi.

Just when they were hesitating, they didn't know how to break through the Immortal Emperor's magic circle.

The formation suddenly split open automatically, revealing a brilliant passage, covered with symbols of the avenue that even a quasi-immortal emperor could not understand, extremely deep, and no one knows where it leads.

"It should be Lord Huang and Lei Di who sensed our arrival and directly provided a convenient passage." Duan De said excitedly.

Hearing what he said, everyone was also very happy. The vastness of the sky can be known without thinking.

Let's just talk about this boundless sea of ​​blood. If they want to cross it, they don't know how much time it will take.

Today, with convenient access, it can naturally save a lot of time.

Everyone stepped onto the passage, and under the guidance of the avenue symbol, traveled through endless time and space, and arrived at an extremely vast battlefield.

Here, it is the tip of the iceberg where the strange ethnic group and the heavens and ten thousand domains are fighting. The fight is very fierce, and both sides have suffered heavy losses. They will continue to replenish fresh blood to maintain the progress of the war.

Chi Cang opened up a passage with the power of sacrificial dao, and put the creatures who came out of the motherland on this battlefield, naturally intending to sharpen them with the flames of war.

Ye Fan and the others naturally understood Chi Cang's intentions, and all of them were fighting with high spirits and blood boiling.

Ever since they sent troops to the Immortal Territory to fight against the remaining forces of darkness, they have spent these years in comfort, and they have long wanted to have a good fight.

Lei Di sent them to this battlefield, just in line with the wishes of everyone in the heavenly court.

"Which realm of the heavens are you from? The battle ahead is tight, so hurry up... Huh? Are you, Daozu?" A tall figure appeared in front of the Heavenly Court tribe, and said with a serious face.

However, after realizing that Ye Fan, Ruan Ren, Wu Shi, Di Zun and others were Taoist ancestors, their complexions changed instantly, and then turned into ecstasy.

With so many Dao ancestors coming to support, it will naturally solve the predicament on the front line, and it is not a problem to turn defeat into victory.

"The junior was too anxious just now. He didn't notice the cultivation of the seniors. He said recklessly and asked the seniors to make amends." This creature is a giant fairy king, and seems to be the leader of this war zone.

Ye Fan and the others waved their hands, but did not pursue it.

"You just said, which realm of the heavens are we from? Could it be that the so-called realm of the heavens also has a number?" Ye Fan asked.

The fairy king giant glanced at Ye Fan and was instantly overwhelmed by his courage.

He was convinced that this was definitely not an ordinary Taoist ancestor, but the kind of true Taoist ancestor who had opened up a new path, far surpassing those he had seen before.

Except for Ye Fan, none of the quasi-immortal emperors present were ordinary people, which shocked the giant immortal king.

"Returning to seniors, the major domains of the heavens do have numbers, which are connected to each area of ​​the sky." The fairy king giant replied respectfully.

Ye Fan and the others looked at each other, and then told the situation of the Heavens and Ten Thousand Territories where they were, wanting to see the number of their home domain.

Unexpectedly, the giant fairy king showed an embarrassed look, and responded: "Forgive me, the Dao ancestors, there are many realms in the heavens, and the younger generation can't remember the situation in each realm of the heavens.

Moreover, the sky has already disappeared and turned into ruins. Some are filled with blood, some are endless scorched earth, and there are countless strange places. In short, based on the information given by the seniors, it is difficult to tell which region of the heavens they came from. . "

The words of the giant fairy king surprised all the people in the heavenly court.

"What are you talking about! God has died?" Ye Fan asked in surprise.

Seeing this, the giant immortal king guessed that this group of strong men might come from a remote realm of the heavens, and did not get the news of the death of the heavens.

So, patiently explained: "Endless years ago, the army of strange races overwhelmed the land, ascended to the sky, and a terrifying battle of the strongest creatures broke out. It is said that as many as ten immortal emperors died, but they were all from the weird side. Three of the strange ancestors died in battle, and there were countless casualties under the Immortal Emperor.

However, God still couldn't keep it, and was sacrificed by blood, with many dead and injured, and the magnificent mountains and rivers were all destroyed. "

Everyone in the Heavenly Court was shocked when they heard the words. Ten immortal emperors died, and even three of the existences beyond the immortal emperor died.

What kind of terrible battle is this?No wonder even such a solid and vast world as God was destroyed.

"What happened after that? Were the Xeons on our side killed or injured?" Duan De asked, for fear of hearing bad news.

"Afterwards, the Realm of the Heavens and the strange ethnic group became stalemate like this, and wars broke out from time to time, which has been maintained until today.

None of the most powerful people in our camp died in battle, and they are all still alive and existing in the world. This is what the strange ethnic group is afraid of. Therefore, the war has always been controlled at a certain scale. Basically, the highest number of shooters is only Daozu. "The fairy king giant told the truth.

"One of the most powerful people on our side is not damaged, and the weird side has suffered heavy losses. It has lost three creatures that surpassed the Immortal Emperor and ten roads. Why can't God still keep it?"

Everyone in the heavenly court was in a cloud of confusion. Since their side is the superiority, why is the sky still extinguished?

"It's not that our side has no losses, but the losses have been recovered by Lord Lei Di with the law against the sky, otherwise, it would have withered long ago."

"Lord Lei Di." The spirit of the Heavenly Court was lifted, and they finally heard the familiar name.

This stalwart existence who established the Ascension Platform and set up the stele recording the immortal road in the world of mortals is the absolute leader and protagonist even if he comes to the sky.

Thinking of the heroic appearance of Lei Di they witnessed back then, Emperor Zun and the others yearned for it, hoping to see this creature again.

"Well, it was Lord Leidi and Lord Huangtian who worked together to kill the three ancestors and the ten Lujins, in exchange for the peace of endless years. Otherwise, all the realms of the heavens would have been bloodbathed by the strange clan long ago." The Immortal King giant mentioned the name that everyone is familiar with - Emperor Huangtian.

"It's just that the two lords also paid a heavy price. They can only temporarily hibernate to recover from their injuries. However, even so, the weird ancestors are also afraid of the two lords, and dare not come out of the world to cause trouble."

Everyone in the heavenly court was excited when they heard this, and the two teamed up to make the extremely powerful strange clan dare not act rashly. What a powerful deterrent this is.

"So that's it. By the way, we are from the same realm of the heavens as Lord Leidi and Lord Huangtian." Ye Fan said.


Hearing this, the giant fairy king showed a look of extreme surprise.

Because the mother domain of Lei Di and Huang Tiandi is already famous, this domain is too special, two sacrificial priests, three road masters, many Taoist ancestors, and many amazing creatures have emerged. In the field, it is thriving, and there is no one that can compare with it.

Everyone in the world believed that with so many heaven-defying creatures, the luck in this realm of the heavens should have been exhausted.

Unexpectedly, after the vicissitudes of life, a group of heaven-defying characters once again appeared in this legendary realm of the heavens.

"It turned out to be the senior who walked out of the legendary realm of the heavens." The giant fairy king showed respect.

He had a hunch that these Dao ancestors in front of him were not things in the pool, and they would rise up soon.

"So, what is the number of our home domain?"

"Back to the seniors, it is Area 51. The mother domain of several seniors is connected to the original Area 51 of God. However, it has long been captured and washed by blood, and now it is a sea of ​​blood."

Ye Fan and the others nodded.

After they rushed out of the passage, they saw a scene of a sea of ​​blood.

"You just said that the battle ahead is tight, what's going on?"

Hearing the words, the Immortal King giant immediately spoke out to inform the situation on the front line.

"It means that they were evenly matched, but the Soul River that connects the heavens and worlds extends to support the strange side, breaking the balance of the battle, right?" Emperor Zun asked.

"What senior said is very true, if not for the sudden spread of the soul river, the situation would never have fallen into such a critical situation.

Back then, Lord Lei Di and Lord Huang Tiandi cleaned up the Soul River, the Ancient Underworld, the Burial Pit of the Emperor of Heaven, and the floating soil of the four poles, and killed all the masters at the level of Daozu.

These four weird outposts became empty. Later, when God was lost, the two lords and Lord Zhu Duo Luzhi hibernated, and the strange creatures flooded into the four places again, forming a certain scale again. "

After hearing the words of the giant fairy king, several heavenly emperors looked at each other, and they all understood what each other meant.

"Very good, is it Hunhe? It was once pushed by Lei Di and Huang Tiandi. Today, we will lead the people of the Heavenly Court, follow the example of the former sages, and once again plow the court to sweep the acupoints." Ye Fan said with great ambition.

Ruthless, Wushi, Emperor Zun and others nodded in agreement. They haven't fought for a long time, and they urgently need a hearty battle.

The first battle started from Soul River.

Hearing Ye Fan's words, the giant fairy king was overjoyed. With the help of these powerful Taoist ancestors, the soldiers of Soul River can retreat.

Maybe it can overthrow the filthy place of Soul River.

"In this way, our crisis will inevitably be resolved. This battle will depend on a few senior Taoist ancestors." The giant immortal king quickly saluted.

Afterwards, he informed the people of the entrance of Hunhe Xianzhao in the world, which is on the most intense battlefield.

"It's not too late, let's set off immediately." With a wave of Ye Fan's hand, all the people in the Heavenly Court moved together, all in high spirits.

Under the leadership of this fairy king giant, the Heavenly Court tribe arrived on the battlefield.

It can be seen that the sky is filled with gray mist, covering the sky and spreading the entire battlefield. Just watching from a distance gives people an extremely ominous feeling.

"This is a scene of gathering gray and strange substances. With the death of God, the black era ends. This era is a gray era."

"Why is the era named after the characteristics of the strange ethnic group?" the crowd asked.

"Because every era is a reincarnation, ending with the great sacrifice and beginning with the great sacrifice.

In the era before the Black Era, the entire Heavens and Myriad Territories were not spared, with the exception of the Black Era.

The current gray era has not really started yet, and the chief priest has not appeared, but the gray ethnic group has been born, invading all parties, and basically the gray ethnic group is fighting us. "

"I see."

Everyone stared at the battlefield, which was divided into several battlefields. There was a battlefield dedicated to immortal kings, a battlefield dedicated to real immortals, and a battlefield dedicated to human beings.

The creatures on this side of the heavens all regard death as home, fighting in blood, shouting and killing, on the battlefield, blood is splashed everywhere, stumps are flying, and creatures fall from time to time and die on the battlefield.

Because of the bravery of the monks on the side of the heavens, the gray army is in decline.

However, the situation has changed because of a scary black river.

In the void, the river formed by the condensed souls slowly extended over the battlefield, devouring the lives of the monks in the heavens.

Naturally, Ye Fan and the others couldn't just sit and watch. He sacrificed the cauldron of the mother spirit of all things, stood on the cauldron, walked on the cauldron, swept across the void, and rushed into the terrifying black river.

Wushi, with a chaotic bell hanging high above his head, with wise eyes and a heroic posture, followed Ye Fan's footsteps.

A ruthless man in fluttering white clothes, a peerless elegance, a majestic physique, the only respected emperor... Qing Emperor, Duan De...

All Dao ancestor-level powerhouses took action one after another, using the black river as a pedal, entering a gloomy and gloomy world.

Seeing this scene, the giant fairy king was refreshed. As long as the Hunhe was eliminated, this battle would not be defeated.


Earth-shattering fluctuations erupted in the Soul River. The Heavenly Emperor swung his fist, and the bell waves swept away. The Soul River, which finally regained its former glory, was once again heading for extinction under the onslaught of the Heavenly Emperors.

The Supreme Being who settled in the Soul River went out to fight in shock and anger. As a result, he was defeated by Ye Fan and others, and he was no match at all.

"Who are you waiting for?"

Hunhe was extremely shocked. They had never seen these extremely ferocious Dao ancestors before them. Did they rise up recently?
However, why is he so fierce when he just landed in the Dao Ancestral Realm?
I saw Ye Fan squeeze the seal of Tiandi Fist, open and close, push horizontally, and immediately exploded the Supreme Soul River.

Emperor Wushi, Emperor Ruthless, Emperor Zun, etc. also made heavy moves.

In terms of the number of Taoist ancestors, the Heavenly Court has an absolute advantage, and there are only four Taoist ancestors in the entire Soul River.

In the end, the four Dao ancestors were suppressed by the speed of light, and it was too late to call for reinforcements.

(End of this chapter)

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