Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 108 Thank you teacher!

Chapter 108 Thank you teacher!

The place where Teacher Han Liang lives is actually an ordinary house. At this time, they are in the place where she usually practices martial arts. It is a martial arts gym. Basically, it is for physical fitness or to participate in competitions.

Teacher Han Liang was inexplicably emotional. Maybe this guy will soon learn all the martial arts that he has practiced for more than 20 years. She is not a person who cherishes herself. As a university teacher, she has been teaching for many years. up.

It's just that she is wondering whether there are people in this world who can learn everything at once, and this matter is particularly conspicuous when it comes to martial arts.

If it is knowledge, people may think that you are indeed a genius, and then it is acceptable.

But martial arts is not like this. Anyone who wants to achieve some results in martial arts does not want to hone their physique from a young age, practice Sanjiu in winter and practice in summer, and rich people will also mix some traditional Chinese medicine. Superb martial arts come.

As a result, you suddenly jump out of a person, this person's speed, strength, and reaction are all full, and then all kinds of martial arts moves can be mastered, and you can learn it.

When doing some basic movements just now, teacher Han Liang made a surprise attack on purpose, but he didn't move at all, that's a solid one!
"So, what do you want to do when you come to learn martial arts?" Teacher Han Liang put the spear on the weapon rack next to him, then turned around and asked.

In fact, this question should have been asked at the very beginning, but at the time she thought Li Shuyao was just here for fun, so she just taught her casually, but she was gradually shocked and forgot about this question.

"Well, the main reason is that I want to let myself have some protection power."

Li Shuyao has also thought about this problem. Of course, she came to learn martial arts so actively to protect herself. Although it is said that there is no danger in a harmonious society now, as her reputation continues to increase, in fact She is somewhat dangerous.

From ancient times to the present, no matter what era it is, there is no shortage of people who take risks. She is a little girl, what if she meets someone who is desperate for money one day, she has to find a way to protect herself.

There is a saying, you must not have the heart to harm others, and you must not have the heart to guard against others.

No matter how many people protect yourself, it is not as solid as if you have the strength to protect yourself. You may not be able to use this thing, but you can't live without it.

Coupled with the fact that I have such a convenient system, I would feel sorry for my system if I didn't use some power to protect myself.

If she couldn't find it, she would have wanted to get some tardigrade genes.

Nothing else, mainly fear of death.

In addition, she has strengthened her appearance and figure to this extent, she will not naively think that everyone is so kind, and there is no one who covets it.

Not to mention anything else, her private messages remind her every day that there are still countless people in this world coveting her beauty.

Therefore, when she had the opportunity to learn martial arts, she must seize it.

"Well, since that's the case, let me teach you a set of boxing techniques. Originally, I thought I'd teach you some simple wolf-defense techniques, but it's a waste of your talent." Teacher Han Liang smacked his lips, this guy won't come Practicing martial arts is really a waste. If she had practiced martial arts since childhood, she would definitely be at least the national champion now.

Forget it, everyone has his own ambitions, and now is not the time to practice martial arts.

Han Liang remembered some legends, there will be some geniuses in every era, their talents are beyond compare, no matter which road they take, they will have some regrets.

Perhaps, Li Shuyao is also such a person.

"Come on, I will teach you this set of boxing techniques. This set of boxing techniques is quite powerful, especially for someone like you with excellent strength, speed, and reaction. It may cause great harm to others. I I hope you don't use this power to bully the weak." Teacher Han Liang said solemnly: "Chinese martial arts first emphasizes martial virtues, guarding with martial arts, and stopping fighting with martial arts. After learning martial arts, I hope you will pay more attention to inheritance and protection. .”

"Understood." Li Shuyao nodded, she definitely wouldn't bully others, but don't think anyone will bully her either!

"Okay." Teacher Han Liang nodded. After so many contacts, she actually feels that Li Shuyao is a kind person. Sometimes she is a bit careless, but her heart is not bad. During the last video shooting, she also kept talking about Li Shuyao. Help Nan Yiyi.

Han Liang is a person who likes to observe details. Li Shuyao makes her feel a bit naughty, but very comfortable, and never feels overbearing.

After Han Liang agreed, he began to use this set of boxing techniques. Compared with the previous sword and spear techniques, this boxing technique was not handsome, but it revealed a sharp feeling.

It took about 10-[-] minutes to fight a whole set of boxing techniques. Teacher Han Liang was also panting slightly, with some sweat on his forehead:
"This set of boxing combines offense and defense. It belongs to the type of both offense and defense. It also has body skills. When you face the enemy, your body will naturally think of some boxing moves to respond accordingly, so you must Practice hard and turn this boxing into your body instinct."

"In addition, I hope that you will master your own strength every time you punch, and don't punch with all your strength."

"Okay, let's split up the study a little bit now."

Teacher Han Liang was habitually preparing to break down the detailed explanation from the beginning, and then she suddenly saw Li Shuyao hesitated to speak, and was stunned for a moment: "You...have you learned?"

"Hmm..." Li Shuyao nodded a little embarrassedly: "Well, let me try."

Li Shuyao breathed a sigh of relief, and then began to strike out one move at a time.

Teacher Han Liang looked at Li Shuyao in a daze. Sometimes she wanted to speak to remind her how much strength was needed for which movement, but later found that it seemed... There was almost no difference from what she demonstrated.

What kind of monster is this?

The previous ones are nothing more than that, after all, the previous ones were more or less performance-oriented, and it is true that they can exercise the body, but they are actually not very effective against the enemy, which is the legendary show.

But this set of boxing techniques is the real deal, not to mention the movements, the use of some of the strength, where it is faster and where it is slower is all particular.


People learn it after reading it once.

Are you... are you a robot?scanned?

After playing a set, Li Shuyao also took a little breath. After this set, she felt hot all over, and a thin layer of sweat appeared on her forehead.

Sure enough, the real thing is different. If every move is really in place, if the strength is really in place, it will really make the whole body warm up.

No wonder I can practice Sanjiu in winter. I don’t feel cold after playing this set several times.


Maybe that's not the case, anyway, Li Shuyao thinks so at the moment.

"If you're just doing it for self-defense, this set is enough. Practice more and develop muscle memory. Ordinary people are no match for you." Teacher Han Liang said with a slap in the face.

"Thank you teacher." Li Shuyao said with a chuckle, "That...the legendary lightness kung fu really exists?"

"It's the use of some power, but those flying around in TV dramas don't exist." Han Liang slammed his mouth: "Well, your speed is very fast, you should have talent in this area, forget it, I Let me teach you, I’m actually not very good at this.”

"Thank you teacher!" Li Shuyao grinned.

 Well, simply hang up.

(End of this chapter)

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