Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 109 Violent Xiao Yaoyao

Chapter 109 Violent Xiao Yaoyao

Li Shuyao ran to Teacher Han Liang for three days in a row, and learned a set of boxing techniques and a set of lightweight techniques. It doesn't mean that she is now a martial arts master, but the foundation has been laid.

If she wants to transform all these things into her own, she still needs to practice hard every day to transform everything into muscle memory.

However, under the powerful talent of system transformation, it is also very simple to learn.

After three days, it wasn't that Li Shuyao didn't want to go, it was mainly because Han Liang really didn't want to teach... It was too shocking. It took months of hard work to produce results, but it took a few days for him to produce results.

Anyway, Li Shuyao's goal is not to be number one in the world, but she has learned enough about self-defense, and the rest depends on her own practice.

One early morning in early October, Li Shuyao stood in the backyard of her home, swinging her fists constantly, sometimes fast and sometimes slow, some fiercely, some softly, and punched twice in a row.

Then I started to run back and forth around the small yard, and suddenly jumped up to the tree to pat Brother Gou who was squatting on the tree branch watching, and then continued to run back.

Fang Xuening and Tantai Jingyi stood at the door with a cup of coffee and watched Li Shuyao practice martial arts.

"She has really started to practice martial arts. You said yesterday that I still don't believe it. Does she wake up so early every day?" Tantai Jingyi took a deep breath. It seemed that she hadn't smelled the morning breath for a long time. , quite fresh.

"I don't know. These two days, I always felt that she ran out early in the morning. I thought she was doing something secretly. I didn't expect that she was here to practice martial arts." Fang Xuening pouted: "I Why didn’t I feel it before, could it be that I just started practicing recently?”

"It looks like that's really the case... She has really practiced martial arts." Tantai Jingyi frowned: " this the Li Shuyao we know?"

"Yeah, why not." Fang Xuening took a deep sip of the sweet coffee, and then said with a satisfied smile, "It's always been soft and never changed, hehehe."


Tantai Jingyi patted Fang Xuening on the head and said: "Start exercising with me from tomorrow, and you will be useless lying down every day."

"Well, why." Fang Xuening said pitifully, covering her head.

"I also exercised every day when I was in the club, but I kind of forgot about it during this time." Tantai Jingyi slammed her mouth: "I have to go back after a while, so let's start exercising more now, don't go back when the time comes. adapted."

"Then why are you dragging me?" Fang Xuening pouted.

"I'm afraid you will die early." Tantai Jingyi stared.

"Well..." Fang Xuening pouted: "After a while, you will all leave, and I will be the only one left at home..."

Tantai Jingyi was startled suddenly, the matter of Li Shuyao's trial training has gradually settled down in the past two days, the world competition is in full swing, and they also quietly conducted two online training games.

The results are still pretty good.

Shen Zongyue and Fried Noodles are very satisfied, and they are already applying for registration. In two days, they will take Li Shuyao to play a game. Of course, it is a cup match of the secondary league that does not attract much attention. Just the last game, and then directly pull Come to the top league.

After the World Championship is over, the official announcement can be made gradually, and you can play until the beginning of next year.

Of course, Fang Xuening knew about this, and she knew that when Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi were going to play games, she was the only one left here.

Although it was said that she was renting a house outside a while ago and was used to living alone, but during this period of time everyone had fun together, and suddenly she was about to become a person again, and she was still a little uncomfortable.

"We won't go for too long. The Chinese New Year is the offseason. If the spring split doesn't make the playoffs, we'll be back around April. The summer split will start around June. If we haven't made the playoffs yet If so, we'll be back around August." Tantai Jingyi rubbed Fang Xuening's head and said with a smile: "Rao Ruo said that no matter what her grades are, she will play for one year, so she will come back when the time comes. "

"Jingyi, do you think... is Yaoyao really strong?" Fang Xuening asked.

"'s really strong." Tantai Jingyi nodded.

Fang Xuening gulped down a sip of coffee and let out a long breath: "Then you can play at ease, I will show you the house, and come back after you win the championship!"

"I really want to." Tantai Jingyi pouted towards Li Shuyao: "But this bastard is lazy, she doesn't want to fight... Sometimes I don't know if she is lazy or not, obviously she can practice so hard in martial arts so hard it is good."

"She has never been lazy when it comes to fear of death." Fang Xuening stuck out her tongue.

Tantai Jingyi smiled and shook her head: "We won't go too early, but at the latest in December we will take leave and go back to prepare."

"Hey, I remember, isn't there a cup competition at the end of the year?" Fang Xuening scratched her head.

"The Demacia Cup, there is also a national e-sports competition in the middle, but it is usually played by players from the secondary leagues, so we will not get involved and give them more opportunities to show themselves." Tan Taijing Yi smiled.


In fact, some teams will send their main players to play in this competition. After all, with the increasing popularity of e-sports, the attention of these events has gradually increased.

Those teams with poor results, or teams that want to hone their lineup before the Spring Split will send their main players to play, some want to be popular, and some want the "proficiency" of the lineup.

In fact, Shen Zongyue suggested that Li Shuyao be allowed to experience more games in advance, but Chow Mian suggested that Li Shuyao directly join the Spring Split. It doesn't matter if they throw away the entire Spring Split, anyway, their goal is the final S series.

According to Fried Noodles, since Li Shuyao is to train soldiers, it is better to play something big and throw the whole spring season to her.

It can be said that this idea was very bold, and Shen Zongyue even had the urge to eat fried noodles... However, after a long conversation between the two of them, Shen Zongyue still agreed.

"Hey!" The two of them were talking, Li Shuyao gave a light drink, smashed a brick in front of him with a punch, and Brother Gou, who was sneaking up behind the tree branch, ran down the tree in a hurry. Then he jumped straight back into his den.

"Hiss, I always feel that Xiao Yaoyao is a bit exaggerated now." Fang Xuening smacked her mouth. It seems that there is no exaggeration in this shot, but it is a bit exaggerated if it is smashed by a punch.

"It seems that we don't have to worry about her safety... we need to worry about whether she will cause any trouble." Tantai Jingyi raised her forehead, what should I do if I go out and get beaten by others with this fighting power.

Tantai Jingyi imagined that classmate Li Shuyao was clenching her fists, stretching out her claws at a poor "kid paper" with a sly smile.

Well, the scope of this "children's paper" is relatively wide, it may be Brother Gou, it may be Fang Xuening, or it may be someone who has bad intentions for Li Shuyao...

Tantai Jingyi has no doubts that Xiao Yaoyao, who has been promoted to a violent and beautiful girl, can definitely beat her opponent to the ground.

Tantai Jingyi smacked her lips, this scene...

It seems to be quite interesting.

 I read the news that Dalian is getting better here, and I pray that it will recover as soon as possible~
(End of this chapter)

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