Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 110 I Have Dinner!

Chapter 110 I Have Dinner!

Li Shuyao found that practicing martial arts is actually a very good thing. It made her work and rest very normal. After the live broadcast in the evening, she would wash and go to bed directly. Plenty of time to make music and videos.

She doesn't plan to make the music of the new song so fast. Originally, it is impossible to make a video of a new song a week, and it is already very fast to make a video of a month, so she will post some food videos in a short time, and now She seemed to be transitioning to the gourmet area.

In addition, there will be some League of Legends videos in the middle, mainly a collection of some wonderful operations or a compilation of funny videos during her live broadcast. These are basically made by Lu Yao.

Everything is almost on the right track, and Li Shuyao said that she can finally take the driver's license test with peace of mind.

After passing Subject One with a score of [-], Li Shuyao soon started to take Subject Two.

The driving school she applied for has its own test center and training ground. Every morning, there will be a shuttle bus to pick up the students and go to the training ground for training. Today is Li Shuyao's first day of training subject two, so she got up at five in the morning.

After getting up, she took out a large pot of porridge and a plate of cucumbers that she had prepared last night, and drank the whole pot of porridge in a daze!
While drinking it, feeling a little bland, she took out the leftover Xiaolongbao from yesterday morning, warmed it up briefly, and then ate it directly!
In the morning, porridge and steamed buns are the best match!


Fried dough sticks and soy milk are also fine...

Tofu brain is also good...

That... oh, forget it, there are too many, too many to count!
Li Shuyao patted her stomach, sure enough, the most reassuring thing is to go out with a fully charged battery.

After checking, her mobile phone was also fully charged. Li Shuyao nodded in satisfaction, and then patted the small power bank in her pocket.

Sure enough, even if the battery is fully charged, you still have to bring a power bank with you when you go out. Who knows how long you will be practicing the car, and what if the phone runs out of power by then!
Although it is basically impossible, it often has more than 50.00% of the battery after going out for a trip, but as the saying goes, be prepared for danger in times of peace, and be prepared if you are prepared!
After everything was ready, Li Shuyao went out.

She didn't prepare breakfast today, and let the two of them order their own meals!

The bus for the driving school was very early, and Li Shuyao arrived at the bus stop before seven o'clock, followed the bus to the training ground half asleep, and then she and the other two were taken away by a coach.

This time subject two, the three of them will practice driving together.

In the first class, the coach explained the use of the steering wheel to them. The basic steering wheel operation is still very simple, but there is an old man among the three people.

So the coach decided to tell the old man first, and let the old man sit in the driver's seat.


He may have regretted it a bit.

First, I chattered with the old man for a long time, and then finally started to drive. After starting, there was a chatter. It was obviously a car with automatic transmission, but it felt like a tractor.

After a miraculous operation, the car slanted to a stop at the training ground.

"Alas..." The coach opened the car window and leaned his elbows on the car window, facing the cold autumn wind, his heart was also cold...

Li Shuyao felt that the coach probably didn't mean to laugh at the old man, because there was no mocking on his expression, he was just tired...

The coach was still very responsible. After a long meal, even Li Shuyao became a little anxious. The old man finally understood, and the coach heaved a sigh of relief. If he didn't understand, he would swear.

Of course, it is impossible to swear, he still has qualities.

The coach looked back, a man and a woman, decisively chose Li Shuyao, who looked very young, to be the next one, not to mention anything else, he looked good!
And you can see that such a soft, weak and beautiful girl is very happy. She was really uncomfortable just now, so it's good to change her mood.

Li Shuyao looked a little scared from behind. Although this coach said he didn't discriminate against others, and he didn't scold others, but his patience might have been exhausted.

What if I don't do a good job and get blamed when the time comes...

It is unlikely to be scolded, but it is very possible to be blamed.

So Li Shuyao sat up seriously, fastened her seat belt, pursed her lips lightly, thought about what the coach had said to the old man before, and then nodded solemnly to him.

"Ahem... Well, you don't have to be so nervous." The coach was speechless, he was a little nervous seeing Li Shuyao so nervous.

"It's...not bad." Li Shuyao felt a little relaxed after sitting up. She didn't do this because she was afraid of driving, but because she was afraid that the coach would scold her.

Well, obviously she can make the coach cry with one punch, but she is still afraid of the coach scolding her, so she is really kind and innocent.

After learning some basic operations, Li Shuyao began to drive slowly. The speed was not fast, and it was less than 20, but slowly began to turn in the field.

"You have to turn on the turn signal when turning. You must pay attention to this. I didn't turn it on this time. Be careful next time." The coach said beside him.

"Oh..." Li Shuyao nodded.


"Turn on the turn signal, didn't you just say, turn on the turn signal." The coach was a little speechless. Didn't it work well before? Why didn't the turn signal always turn on.

"Oh..." Li Shuyao pursed her lips. It wasn't that she didn't turn on the turn signal, but she just gently pulled the gear lever, but she didn't push it up.

She was still driving very smoothly, whether it was executing or turning smoothly, it was this turn, it was broken!

Yes, Li Shuyao is extremely sure that the turn signal gear lever is definitely stuck, and this broken coach car has experienced the devastation of many novices, and there are already some small faults, of course, the whole is no problem , but it doesn't look so new...

So a little glitch is possible!

This thing is supposed to be pulled lightly, so why not blame me?
It was another turn, Li Shuyao gently pushed and pulled, and the turn signal lever moved, but still did not go down.

"Oh, you put in a little effort, you haven't eaten yet." The coach patted his head, why is it so difficult to guide this year's students?

"I came here to eat..." Li Shuyao puffed her mouth and whispered, she ate, and she ate a lot!

"Then work harder."


Another turn.

Li Shuyao exerted a little force, and the turn signal lever moved... well, it still didn't pass, but it's coming!
"Use more force, use more force! Didn't you eat, you exert force!" The coach was anxious, why the turn signal can't be turned on, the turn signal of this car is somewhat inflexible, but It's not like you can't hit it, you can break it off with a little effort!

Li Shuyao gritted her teeth, grabbed the turn signal lever and pulled it down with a bang, then braked to a stop, and held up the lever to the coach: "Look, I'm done eating!"

I don't want to say anything else, or how difficult it is to drive the car, but I just want to tell you that I have eaten!

Old man: "..."

Another student: "..."

 He is very good at eating.

(End of this chapter)

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