Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 111 Go to Register

Chapter 111 Go to Register
The first day of learning to drive... was not so pleasant. After Li Shuyao compensated for the loss of the vehicle, she went to the simulator to drive. Now many coaches directly let students come to the simulator to practice driving. The main reason is safety, etc. Get in the car later.

But, Li Shuyao's coach still thinks that the simulator is always separated by a floor. Since there is a car, why not just get in the car? After all, the car is still a skilled worker. You can do anything by touching the steering wheel. Very simple.

Well, now there is no car.

After practicing for a period of time in the morning, get out of class is over. After all, people don’t care about lunch, and classes are mainly in the morning and afternoon.

Then, during lunch, there was a rumor in the driving school cafeteria that a new student dismantled the coach car...

That guy has a nose and an eye, so old and evil.

The new student looked like a weak woman, but she was actually a burly man.

What just pulled the steering wheel off.

What directly smashed the turn signal.

What hit the coach with a stick...

Anyway, there are all kinds of things, and everyone didn't take it seriously, so they just took it as a picture after dinner.

Well... only Li Shuyao's coach was injured...he still had to fix the car.

Learning to drive was not difficult for Li Shuyao. After changing to a coach car in the next few days, she drove easily and naturally.

Look, it really is the problem with that car, the gear lever of that coach is already broken!She is helping the coach overhaul, otherwise it would be dangerous for the car to be on the road in the future!
Well, even if the car of subject [-] doesn't go outside, it's dangerous!

Well, anyway, since that time, every time the coach got on the bus, the coach stared at Li Shuyao, and kept the furthest distance from him, as if he was afraid that Li Shuyao would really break off another gear lever and break his head with a stick. .

After several days of continuous training, it was time for Li Shuyao to simulate the machine, and she successfully signed up and passed the second subject.

The second subject of automatic transmission is relatively easier than manual transmission. If it was a few years ago, maybe Li Shuyao would choose manual transmission, but now...

Who buys a car and also buys a manual transmission...

So Li Shuyao entered the subject three mode.

For a person like Li Shuyao who usually has nothing to do, it is easy to devote some time to practice driving, mainly depends on the arrangement of the coach.

You can practice when you arrange it, you can take the exam after you finish the work, and you can pass the exam.

So everything went well.

But learning to drive has to be lined up, even if everything goes well, it will take two months to get the small book.

In addition to practicing cars and watching the World Championships in October, another very important thing is to register for player qualifications.

In fact, there is another very important event in September, which is the birthday of Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening, but they didn't pay much attention to it, and Fang Xuening was still outside at that time, so they didn't celebrate it.

Lu Yao actually proposed to hold an online birthday party.

However, both of them refused. Li Shuyao is still in his infancy at the moment, so there is no need to hold a special birthday party, let's talk about it next year or the next year.

At present, it seems that the situation of lpl in the world championship is still very good. Except for a certain team that played back and forth with the teams in the finalists, the other teams performed well in the group stage, and the situation is very good.

In such an atmosphere, Li Shuyao finally met the legendary manager of CR, Shen Zongyue.

To be honest, this is not the first time Shen Zongyue met Li Shuyao, after all, Li Shuyao broadcasts live every day, but I can't deny that the first time I saw Li Shuyao in person, I was still amazed.

People always look better in the video than in reality. He feels that Li Shuyao is the other way around. The reality is better than the video...

Could it be that this guy doesn't turn on beauty and make-up during live broadcasts?
Well, right now Li Shuyao is not wearing makeup.

She's here to register as a professional player, to put on some fancy makeup.

"Well, ahem... Well, we just need to register first." Shen Zongyue rubbed his nose, covering up his little embarrassment at seeing Li Shuyao in a daze.

"So, why do you have to follow me when I register a player." Tantai Jingyi was a little speechless. When she registered a player back then, there was no team manager to follow her.

"Isn't this so that Li Shuyao can finish the work smoothly in one day, and then go home and make music?"

Li Shuyao glanced at Shen Zongyue in surprise, feeling that this manager...

Why is there a bit of a dog-licking temperament.

"Manager Shen is really thinking about Xiao Yaoyao." Lu Yao said with a smile.

Well, in the recent live broadcast, Li Shuyao has made a big splash in the Hanbok king game. He has played against many active players, and his winning rate is still good. Currently, Li Shuyao has more than 1000 points in Hanbok. Not far away.

Li Shuyao already has quite a few fans of League of Legends now, mainly because the ranking quality of the high-tier Hanbok is too high this day, and she often appears in the perspectives of major OBs.

It's not that they go to OB Li Shuyao, but that they often see Li Shuyao when they OB professional players...

At this time, Shen Zongyue did not have the same attitude as before.

There are quite a few people who have come into contact with Li Shuyao now. If it weren't for Tantai Jingyi here, it's still a question of whether he would be able to see CR, although it is basically impossible to play directly on other teams.

At this time, what are you talking about in the arena... You need to find someone with a stable performance, one or two are priced at sky-high prices, and they may not be sold, those top laners have contracts.

Then this kind of superb newcomer is very sought-after.

He was still tangled up before, and now he is still tangled up in a P, and if he is still tangled up, he will be dragged away by others!

So, Shen Zongyue came here in person today, not for anything else, just to get Li Shuyao to sign the contract today!
He had inquired from various aspects, Li Shuyao is a person who likes to get rid of troubles quickly, so today he came, Lu Yao also came, and everyone came.

Lu Yao is in a very good mood now. Although Li Shuyao is unwilling to run the announcement or participate in the event, he is still very diligent in the live broadcast, and his rank is unexpectedly high!
It seems that talking about playing e-sports before was not just talking.

Today, Shen Zongyue talked to her about the contract. To be honest, if it wasn't for Tantai Jingyi here, Lu Yao would have looked down on CR. In the past two days, several teams have contacted her, that is, CR is here. can play, other teams may have to spend some time in the secondary league and on the bench.

Although she doesn't get involved in the e-sports circle very much, she has some contacts. After Li Shuyao said before that she would play professionally, she also went to know about it systematically.

Like this kind of super newcomer, she almost knows the approximate price range.

It's definitely not as good as those old players who have become famous, but they can still sign some agreements that are somewhat of a betting nature.

Lu Yao prefers this kind of agreement, after all...

Li Shuyao has only played for one year, and she will stop playing no matter whether she succeeds or not, so it is not bad to use this kind of agreement to obtain greater benefits.

Registering players is still very fast, especially with Shen Zongyue leading the way, and Li Shuyao is an adult, so it is very convenient to go through the procedures.

So, Li Shuyao held up the number plate number 251 with a "happy" face and took a few pictures...

To be honest, there was a moment when Li Shuyao wanted to take action against the young man who registered her...

Sure enough, after learning martial arts, everyone wants to punch twice.

You still have to restrain yourself.

Wude, let's talk about Wude!
 The story and so on are purely fictitious, and the number and so on are also made up by me, don't take it as real, that's what professional players are like...

(End of this chapter)

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