Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 112 Why is there no new song in Yaoyao?

Chapter 112 Why is there no new song in Yaoyao?

After registering as a professional player, Li Shuyao's information was added to the library. She is still a free agent, so several people went all the way to a nearby cafe to discuss the contract.

Hmm... It was mainly Lu Yao and Shen Zongyue who were talking. The two of them went to a small room and whispered. Li Shuyao and Tantai Jingyi were sitting in the lobby of the cafe, watching the table games next to them. People are a little lost...

"Jingyi, tell me, where will we go next year?" She registered as a professional player today. Speaking of which... she was very excited. Although she said she got such a number, she was still very excited.

But after the excitement, I was actually a little apprehensive.

She herself is indeed very strong, but she has also watched a lot of competitions. Can she really lead the team to the end and become the champion?

She is confident in this, but she also needs to be cautious. Compete with a group of the best gamers in the world. If you are not careful, it is easy to overturn.

You can say arrogantly that Lao Tzu is invincible, but you still have to pay attention to it in your heart. In this arena, victory or defeat is possible, and a negligence may give away the victory.

So while she was excited, she also felt some pressure.

It seems that if you find time, you have to copy the skills of mental quality. Well, there will be opportunities in the future, but you have to find someone who is born with a big heart. Tantai Jingyi can't do it. She has practiced too many games.

Tantai Jingyi looked at Li Shuyao who was suddenly a little nervous and curled her lips. Before this guy was the boss of the sky, the second son of the earth, and her third son, why now she sat down and quieted, she felt a little guilty.

Tsk tsk, I'm afraid this man's crazy personality can't be changed.

I don't know how she will perform in the arena next year, anyway, it's her own choice.

"Take one step at a time, anyway, it won't be worse than this year." Tantai Jingyi took a sip of the slightly bitter coffee, she was different from Fang Xuening, she still prefers to drink bitter coffee, but It is different from other sayings of pretending to be X, it is purely like it.

Their performance this year was poor, they didn't even make it to the playoffs, and even the team was reorganized. It seems that... it won't be worse.

They won't have a wave of ten-game losing streak and then come to the bottom...

In that case, Tantai Jingyi would retire on the spot and go home to be an anchor.

"Well... don't worry, I... I will at least take you to the playoff finals!" Li Shuyao said with a smile.

"Next year... I heard that it will be changed to a double-elimination format. That is to say, as long as we reach the semi-finals of the playoffs, we still have a chance even if we lose once." Tantai Jingyi smiled and said: "It's also very good , if we can really get to that point, it can be regarded as accumulating more experience for you."

"...We can't win all the time, why should we lose?" Li Shuyao pouted.

"No one can keep winning." Tantai Jingyi shook her head, took a deep breath and said: "It's good to win once."

Li Shuyao opened her mouth, was silent for a while, and then said: "I always feel that your will is quite depressed recently."

"Is there?" Tantai Jingyi was a little surprised.

"Well, you used to tell me what to be afraid of, and you'll be done with it, right, but now you say that it's good to win once..." Li Shuyao frowned: "And you are not very active this time, even if you Even if we play games together, you also look like you have grown up."

Tantai Jingyi laughed: "Isn't it good to grow up?"

Li Shuyao shook her head: "We will talk about growing up when we grow up. We are still young now. Why should we grow up when we are young? After we grow up, we will have no chance to be young. We are not burdened with the burden of survival." Pressure, we must grow up to face the cruel world, we just want to go crazy while we are young."

Tantai Jingyi smiled: "Where did I learn this, one set of one set."

"It's not because you're unhappy recently, so I'll pour you some chicken soup."

In fact, since Tantai Jingyi came here, Li Shuyao and Fang Xuening have discovered that she is a little different from before. The previous Tantai Jingyi can be said to be like a tomboy, with a somewhat strong personality.

When I came back this time, although I was still a short-haired cowboy, and although I was tidied up very neatly, my personality had changed a bit, and I could see that he became a lot duller.

More preaching, more composure, more silence...

This feeling is like growing up after experiencing some things.

Is this good?

Maybe it's good, growing up, thinking mature, thinking about more things, indeed

But Li Shuyao felt something was wrong, maybe it was the fusion of the soul and memory of this body, so Li Shuyao at this moment and the previous Li Shuyao had a lot in common.

Otherwise, Fang Xuening and Tan Taijingyi wouldn't have noticed it if they changed people.

In addition to Li Shuyao's many powerful abilities, her personality may not have changed as much as Tantai Jingyi's.

Li Shuyao thinks, as a professional player, don’t think so much in the game, just think about the things in the game, don’t think about what will happen if you win or lose, this will definitely affect the operation and decision-making .

"Actually... I thought a lot about not making it to the playoffs this time." Tantai Jingyi drank the coffee in the cup little by little, then stared at the cup, and kept touching the lines on the cup with her hands.

"To be honest, I even had the idea of ​​retiring at one point...but this is what losers have to go through. No matter how strong a person experiences failure, she will be lost. Even if she recovers, it will take a while Lost, it will be fine after this period of time.”

Li Shuyao nodded, then sat down next to Tantai Jingyi with a smile, put his arm around her shoulder and smiled softly: "Don't worry little girl, I will definitely bring you a champion."

"Virtue." Tantai Jingyi rolled her eyes: "You are just like that old Liumang now."

"How come, I'm the prince of love songs." Li Shuyao raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

"Okay, Prince of Love Songs, you should think about how to appease the hungry fans in your fan base." Tantai Jingyi shrugged.

Li Shuyao hasn't released a new song for a while, and many of her fans are not used to it. Before Li Shuyao released a song, she was so fast, jumping out one after another...

Well, they admitted that Li Shuyao's singing speed was indeed a bit too fast, but... she is a rumor!
Well, now her fans are a bit spoiled, and they started to make noise after a few days without releasing a new song.

Hearing Tantai Jingyi's words, Li Shuyao's arms froze, obviously remembering the fear of being dominated by fan groups and live barrage these two days.

Those personal thieves are scary, why is it that the nursery rhymes in the book are the nursery rhymes in the book!

Fuck, what the hell kind of logic is this? Why is there such an inexplicable sense of sight in Japan...

Now Li Shuyao doesn't dare to bubble up in the group, every day a bunch of people urge her to release a new song.

Didn't know this was creation!

If creation is so easy, it can still be called creation!

Well, although it is indeed quite easy for her, this matter cannot be ignored!

The most frightening thing is that, Lu Yao said, Zhen Hong seems to be secretly trying to make trouble...

It seems to say that Li Shuyao abandoned music when he had e-sports.

It was as if Li Shuyao had abandoned Zhen Hong...

Uh, well, it was indeed abandoned at the time.

But she has already signed a contract with station B, what are you still messing up here!

 Don't worry about the timeline. I have my own timeline in my heart. After all, it's a different world, and it's not going back to the past.

  (Thanks to the legendary curry sauce, the male nurse who endorsed it for the reward, okay~)

(End of this chapter)

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