Chapter 113
At this time, Zhenhong's Wang Li and Li Shuyao are in the same mood. They have unified their minds unprecedentedly, so why are you meddling in your spare time!
In fact, the purpose of Zhen Dahong asking Wang Li to do things is very simple.

He wants to listen to music.

I'm doing something wrong, so hurry up and come up with a song to scold me!Yes, the kind who scolded me severely!

Of course, Li Shuyao didn't know about these things, so she still doesn't quite understand whether Zhen Hong's boss came here to tease her because he was full all day long and had nothing to do.

Those who don't know think this product is interesting to themselves!

"Oh, forget it, never mind." Li Shuyao waved her hand: "I will release a new song next month."

"After the World Championship?" Tantai Jingyi asked.

"Hmm...about the same." Li Shuyao nodded, "It can't be too frequent."

"Ah? Why, I see you often record songs."

"Look, let's take the novels Fang Xuening usually reads as an example. Look, those novels that are diligently updated every day, are they urged to be updated every day?" Li Shuyao said.

"Ah...ang..." Tantai Jingyi blinked, she didn't read novels very much, but it seemed that Fang Xuening often gritted her teeth and said that the updates were not enough!

"But, you can see that some authors are always updating, even weekly and monthly, and their book friends are very Buddhist, and they never bring reminders." Li Shuyao continued.

"Ah? Why? Isn't this bullying honest people!"

"That's right!" Li Shuyao nodded approvingly: "It's the same when releasing songs. You see, I released them too quickly before, but within two days, these people are rushing. Get used to it, or I'll be exhausted in the future."

"I'm still curious, aren't those novel writers tired of updating so much every day?" Tantai Jingyi asked curiously.

"I don't know." Li Shuyao shrugged: "Hey, anyway, they are simple, just type every day, and music and videos can be typed out so easily."

"Okay." Tantai Jingyi shrugged, anyway, she doesn't write novels, nor does she make music and videos, so whatever you say is what you want: "Is writing novels very profitable?"

"It's very profitable when it's popular, but if it's not popular, it's just using love to generate electricity." Li Shuyao shrugged: "It's all the same."

"Oh..." Tantai Jingyi thought for a while and suddenly said: "Hey, you said that those who write novels have not had much inspiration in the past two days, or they have something annoying and don't know what to write."

"What to do, let's eat cold salad, or cut it off." Li Shuyao shrugged: "If it doesn't work, just cut it, anyway, there are a bunch of eunuchs."

Isn't there a little jiji, who isn't.

"..." Tantai Jingyi smacked her mouth. As expected, this world is too unfriendly to novel writers. If you don't make money, you have to update it every day, and if you are not careful, there will be nothing...

Tsk tsk, luckily I don't write novels!

While the two of them were chatting with each other, suddenly some noisy voices came from outside, and some screams were even mixed in.

The two looked at each other, then stood up together and ran out.

At this time, many people in the cafe also looked out through the window, and a few of them ran out together.

This place is close to the river, and usually there are many people walking and playing by the river. Generally speaking, it is still very quiet and peaceful, and sudden screams are indeed quite rare.

Li Shuyao ran out in a hurry, and then saw a girl on the bridge who seemed to be standing on the fence by the bridge and was about to jump down. People around found out and called the police.

"I go……"


"Save people!"


This girl was also unambiguous at all. The moment Li Shuyao and the others ran out, she jumped off the top of the bridge and fell into the water with a thud, causing the surrounding people to scream.

Li Shuyao was also stunned, this guy was very cruel to her, how cruel was that? He just jumped off without any hesitation?This kind of person is really determined.

You said that you have the courage to commit suicide, why don't you have the courage to live.

At this moment, countless figures flashed in Li Shuyao's mind, such as those who are great heroes who serve the country and the people;

Anyway, at this moment, her adrenaline soared, and she felt that she had endless strength all over her body. She threw the bag to Tantai Jingyi directly, and then ran directly to the riverside, jumping over the fence by the riverside, He jumped into the water with a plop.

"Hey..." Tantai Jingyi was stunned, I went, Li Shuyao also jumped down...

She didn't care much, and hurried to the river, and was relieved when she saw Li Shuyao swimming continuously: "Yaoyao, you are crazy, come up quickly!"

"rest assured……"

Li Shuyao's voice was full of anger, and Tantai Jingyi was a little relieved, but at the moment she could only be anxious and had nothing to do, she knew how to drink water, but it was limited to splashing a few times in the swimming pool, she knew that if she jumped If it's not clear who will save who, it's better not to add to the chaos.

Seeing Lu Yao and Shen Zongyue running out with blank faces, Tantai Jingyi threw Li Shuyao's bag to Lu Yao, then turned around and ran back to the cafe.

The weather is already cold now, and it will be cold no matter what when she comes out of the water, so she hastened to prepare some hot water and towels.

So, the cafe owner was directly dragged back by her...

Li Shuyao jumped into the water under the watchful eyes of everyone, causing a burst of exclamation again, besides, several old men also jumped in.

No one dared to jump on the bridge, it was too high, but a few people by the river jumped together.

But soon they discovered that Li Shuyao's speed was really fast... After a while, he swam to the bottom of the bridge, and then plunged straight down.

Li Shuyao is a little anxious at the moment. Although she is very fast and has copied Chongchong's diving skills, she usually practiced in the small swimming pool at home.

But the underwater situation here is too complicated, and it's not clear at all!

There should be countless silt that was churned up by the girl who committed suicide, plus there is a lot of garbage...

But soon, Li Shuyao still found her. After all, the goal of being human is quite big, and she was still struggling when she saw her.

No matter how much you want to die, the instinct to survive is still there.

Well, your cells don't want to die with you!

The body belongs to everyone. When you jumped into the river, you asked about the brain nerves, platelets, T cells, and Miss Macrophage...

Cough cough, you committed suicide without anyone asking, you are worthy of the cells working hard to maintain this body every day!
Is this your own body?This is a big family of all the cells, you are just a housekeeper, you have to take good care of this family for everyone, smoking, drinking and staying up all night is fine, but now you are committing suicide, it is simply insane!
People try so hard to survive, but you are about to die in the plunge, you are really irresponsible.

Li Shuyao rushed over with grinning teeth, then nimbly swam to the back of the suicidal man, and cut his palm on the neck...

Then the guy turned around and was about to kick Li Shuyao.

Li Shuyao blinked, what the hell is going on, you didn't play the cards according to the routine, you shouldn't just faint, and then I'll take you out and it's over, isn't it always done like this in TV dramas?
TV show got me wrong!

 Tsk tsk, update every day and use love to generate electricity, tsk tsk...

(End of this chapter)

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