Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 115 Don't hype other than works

Chapter 115 Don't hype other than works

Along the way, Shen Zongyue pursed his lips in front while driving while listening to Lu Yao educating Li Shuyao behind him, as if a mother was educating her daughter. The strong aura made the two in the front seat dare not speak at all!
There is no need to talk, it sounds interesting.

What happened this time really shocked Lu Yao. If Shen Zongyue and Tantai Jingyi hadn't stopped her, she would have almost jumped down to save Li Shuyao.

Well, at that time she didn't realize how dangerous it would be to jump off by herself.

So, at the moment when you want to save someone, when the adrenaline is soaring, you can't think of any danger.

The two people in the front row glanced at each other and curled their lips. You, Lu Yao, have the nerve to say, if we hadn't stopped them, there would be only two people wiping their hair in the back seat now!

After talking for a while, seeing that Li Shuyao's attitude of admitting his mistakes was not bad, Lu Yao also nodded in satisfaction. Lu Yao didn't expect this girl to be so skilled. Can burst out so much energy.

"This matter..." Lu Yao pondered for a while: "Someone will recognize your identity anyway, but my suggestion, don't use this matter to hype it up."

"Hmm..." Li Shuyao nodded, she never thought of using this kind of thing to hype, she did it out of the mentality of wanting to save people, not to build a character for herself.

"Through this matter, I also want to express my point of view." Lu Yao thought for a while and said: "My point of view is that we should try to use the work as the basis for hype, no matter whether it is boasting, bragging or whatever, we all go to Make works, make content.”

"It's not impossible to hype people, but it's easy to collapse, because it's not you in the first place, even if it's you, it will change after countless discussions."

"As for this kind of social incident, don't touch it. What is here is what it is, and don't do it deliberately, and don't do something that will cause disgust for traffic."

"I want to do long-term things, not disappear after being popular."

Li Shuyao nodded. She agrees with this point. It doesn't matter to hype the works. Anyway, this thing is here. If you think it's good, accept it, and if you don't think it's bad, give it up.

But hyping up this person's behavior is very uncomfortable. When there are more people, your behavior will have countless ways to interpret, and you will be scrutinized by the public over and over again. You will become a symbol, not a real person.

That's not impossible, but it's exhausting.

People are diverse and subject to change. It would be too scary for you to keep one person forever.

"It's good if you can think about it. It's worth publicizing the bravery of righteousness, but I think it's good that the brave man is just a passerby. This is to convey positive energy and let everyone give praise to the brave hero."

"But if it's an Internet celebrity, all kinds of suspicions will arise."

Lu Yao went on to say:

"Maybe it will bring you a little traffic bonus in a short period of time, but if you always hype it, it will be disgusting. In addition, you really set up a person who is willing to do justice. If someone asks you to help, can you help? Alone Helped, two helped, one hundred people, one thousand people, ten thousand people, will you help?"

"It's hypocrisy not to help you, but a person's power is limited, and you certainly can't satisfy everyone."

"You want a bunch of borrowers in your private message right now. I've seen it on your account. The ghost knows that these people are real or fake."

"If you have no works, I think it's okay to hype like this. Just set up a heroic figure to spread positive energy every day, and then it's not bad to go around every day to help others. The society also needs such people."

"But you have works, and you can produce high-quality works, then there is no need, everything should be based on works."

Tantai Jingyi was taken aback by Lu Yao's words in front of her. According to what you said, she saved people and saved troubles?
Tantai Jingyi turned her head to look at Shen Zongyue, who nodded from time to time, as if what Lu Yao said made sense.

Hiss... Sure enough, I should play the game honestly. The world of Internet celebrities is so complicated, and it feels like it's full of pitfalls.

"A lot of people recorded the video at that time. It is estimated that the news will be released, and someone will recognize you. It doesn't matter. If you recognize it, you will recognize it. Let's not hype it up." Lu Yao finally said: "It's okay if you don't deny it. Don’t hype, let nature take its course.”

"Hmm..." Li Shuyao nodded. She still agrees with Lu Yao's ideas. I have so many good works, so I just need to post them. There is no need to do extra things.

"If you encounter such a thing in the future, you can save it if you have the ability. You can save it if you can." Lu Yao blinked: "But don't over-hype it. If you can save someone, you still have to save it."

All right, you are right no matter what!


On the other side, after the woman who committed suicide was sent to the hospital, a reporter ran over. This time, it wasn't that the reporter came slowly, it was because the rescue was too fast. They were picked up by the ambulance as soon as they arrived.

After buying a few videos from the people who recorded the video at the scene, I went straight here. I learned that the woman who committed suicide had no serious problems.

Well, if there are no casualties, the news point will be opened from the person who committed suicide. Why did he commit suicide? What happened behind it?
Is it the lack of morality, or the loss of humanity?

The story behind this could write a serial novel!
Gossip earth people like to watch this.

But before that, the police must be investigating. He has to wait for the police to investigate before going to the interview, um... Before the interview, let's watch the video I bought from the people who eat melons.

Now if you post on the website without a video, you can’t do it. In the past, you would tickle if you didn’t have a picture, but now if you don’t have a video, you can tickle it. If the video is too long, you will be scolded. If the video is too short, you will be scolded. Scold, the video is full of soundtracks will be scolded...

In short, you have to read it again, cut out the useless ones, and highlight the key points.

Looking at it, the reporter suddenly raised his brows. The rescuer looked familiar for some reason. Although this face did not look so real, it was a bit far away and the pixels were a bit low, but this figure...

Tsk tsk, you have a really good figure... Cough cough.

How does it feel familiar? I have to think about it... well, I have to read it over and over again, maybe I will remember it after reading it a few times.


At this time, the person who committed suicide in the ward was also thinking. What she was thinking about was not her own experience, but some things about Li Shuyao, and...

How should I deal with the reporter outside for a while.

Or simply say that you don't want to be interviewed?
It is not impossible.

How about making up a story?
It's not impossible.

Sigh... It's more interesting to make up a story.

Or... make up a bitter drama?

Well, I feel very good. What is the plot of the mother who loved me again two days ago?

Husband ran away, parents died... Cough cough, this is not good, this is not good, isn't this cursing yourself!

Forget it, just say no to interviews!Just sauce!
 Just eat it with miso!

(End of this chapter)

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