Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 116 The Lunatic Institute

Chapter 116 The Lunatic Institute
When the reporter classmate finally remembered that the rescuer in the video seemed to be the nursery rhyme in the book, he also received the news that the person in it was unwilling to be interviewed.

Forget it, it's normal, many people don't want their affairs to be known to others, and he often encounters people who don't want to be interviewed, and he still respects the parties involved.

Since he couldn't interview the person involved, and he didn't even want to take pictures, he was about to leave. Anyway, there were other hot spots in this news.

If he read it correctly, the person who dived to save people was the nursery rhyme in the book, the person who helped on the shore was the e-sports player Tantai Jingyi, and he didn't know the other two who left together at the end, but they can investigate.

There must be news to dig out here!

And you are still an Internet celebrity, so you have to accept an interview. This is a good promotional opportunity for you. Well, if the two sides cooperate well, he doesn't mind helping her to promote more.

The reporter got to know the details of the incident with the police and then left directly. If people don’t want to do interviews, their faces will have to be coded and their names can’t be written, so the title should just write that female Internet celebrities get wet and save people!
Well, there's a really sexy photo on the outside cover, and they love that!
As for what you write, it doesn't matter, anyway, just click in and read it, I want a click rate.


The reporter classmate left happily, thinking that this wave, among other things, must have a full hit rate, and if something can be extended by the way, it will definitely be a good news point.

The nursery rhymes in the book have been showing good traffic on Bilibili for a while, and it seems that they can be played.


When the reporter learned about it and was about to go back to write the manuscript, a tall man in a white coat and glasses walked into the suicide victim's room.

This man looks like he is in his 40s, exuding a bookish atmosphere from top to bottom, looking at the suicide victim hidden in the quilt, his smile reveals some helplessness: "Have you had enough trouble, take a look How many people have you worked for?"

"Director..." The woman poked her head out of the quilt helplessly, "Why are you here?"

"I won't come here again, I'm afraid you will poison Li Shuyao to death." The director shook his head.

"How can I, am I that kind of person..." The suicidal person rolled his eyes.

"You're old and young, so you're not afraid that there will be troubles if you jump down?" The director sighed: "You are still so reckless."

"I'm never rash when doing research."

"But when you're not doing research you're reckless in everything you do."

"Oh, director, our research institute has been called a lunatic, I'm just a little reckless, it's okay." The voice of the suicidal person became smaller and smaller in the eyes of the director, and he lowered his head in embarrassment .

"Do you need me to do the math for you? To rescue you this time, a total of 2 police cars, 1 ambulance, and 4 policemen were dispatched..."

"Oh, okay, okay, I know, master, don't read it, I won't do this in the future." The suicidal man waved his hand.

"So... is there any gain?" The director asked slowly.

"What can be gained, I haven't studied it systematically, and even some gains are not rigorous, so I just get in touch with it first." The suicidal person sighed: "However, she is indeed very powerful."

"So... just got nothing." The director said with a smile.

"The harvest is still a little bit. She has great strength, even underwater. It's not like the strength that an ordinary 18-year-old girl can have. She still hides it very deeply."

The director nodded lightly. He didn't ask how he was sure that Li Shuyao would go into the water to save people. In fact, it was a reckless temptation by the researcher. If Li Shuyao didn't come, it would be considered a failure.

And according to the personality analysis, Li Shuyao is just an 18-year-old girl, and she should not have such deep thoughts to hide herself. With ability, you will show yourself when you encounter some things, so if Li Shuyao is really outstanding If it is, there is a high probability of rushing out without the parents' stop.

There is this probability.

Scientific research is inherently exploration, and as long as it is possible and probable, it must be tried. This thing has never been [-]% perfect, even how many experiments are required to complete a master's thesis, let alone their stuff.

Those who are [-]% successful are probably put in the textbooks, and then they go to study the things in the textbooks?Then what do you do with a lot of scientific research funding every year? It's better to go home and have a baby.

Therefore, they are a group of people who are never afraid of failure and dare to do it as long as there is a probability.

Such people are often called lunatics.

And their research institutes are even crazier, so they are also called lunatics among many research institutes. Many domestic research institutes are in universities, companies, and the military, but they are independent.

Because the things they study are too shocking, and to some extent, they belong to the future.

Many countries are doing research in the open and in the dark. They are like so many scientists who are doing research in the dark. Only when the results are released, will they be truly known to the world.

"Mere strength can't explain anything." The director shook his head lightly.

"Yeah...but it's normal that there is no result from the first contact. It's good to have more contacts. It's quite interesting, haha." The woman said with a smile: "You said we will meet again next time. If so, won't she be surprised?"

"Okay, don't touch other people casually, especially don't do it in this way." The director shook his head slightly and said, "In this way, people will call us crazy again, and I want to recruit more graduate students next year." .”

"Got it, sir." The woman shook her head in a long voice, feeling a little dizzy, and then quickly lay down on the bed, sighing softly: "Boss, tell me, those , is it really achievable?"

"Yes." The director nodded lightly: "Don't question your goal."

"Then...then when can we finish it." The woman opened her mouth.

"I don't know." The director shook his head slightly: "Based on the current progress, maybe we won't be able to see it anymore."

"Then what's the point of our research?" The woman was a little discouraged, and she was not as excited as before.

"There are many things that we can't see and don't do. We can't do it and our students. As long as it is beneficial to the country and the development of the nation, we always have to do it little by little."

Looking at the sunlight outside the window, the director smiled and said:

"You can't reach thousands of miles without accumulating small steps, and you can't make rivers and seas without accumulating small streams. Everything we do today is laying the foundation for the future. Maybe, one day in the future, there will be another Deng Gong, another Qian Gong, and another A group of scientists who can carry out this research."

"At that time, they will become the most shining lights in the textbooks, and our country and nation will also become the most shining lights in the world."

"Then what about us?" The woman puffed her mouth and said a little unconvinced.

"We..." the director said with a smile: "We have been bathed in this shining light."

 Standing in the it a hero or a madman...

(End of this chapter)

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