Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 12 It turns out that the great gods make music like this

Chapter 12 It turns out that this is how the great gods make music (please collect it, please~)

Today I added a beautiful UP host with 200 million fans. Li Shuyao is still very happy. This young lady is very cheerful, and the two get along very well. They quickly became friends. On the way home, she even sent messages to other young ladies Wechat is coming.

But she suddenly realized that she couldn't play with her mobile phone while walking!

Put the phone away decisively.

"I'm gaining weight~" Li Shuyao opened the door to go home, and saw a certain white hair sitting on the sofa indifferently, as if she didn't care if she came back...

"Bai...ah no, Xiaoxue Ning, look what delicious food I brought you." Li Shuyao put the food in large and small rolls on the dining table: "How about some fat beef rice?"

"Yes." Fang Xuening held a book in her hand and nodded lightly.

"Another roasted chicken leg?" Li Shuyao shook a big chicken leg.

"I can't eat it." Fang Xuening turned the pages of the book symbolically.

"Oh, well, would you like a chocolate sandwich bread? It's so delicious." Li Shuyao secretly sucked it as she spoke. She ate it just now, and it was indeed very delicious.

After she didn't feel tired, Li Shuyao tasted delicious eating these things.

"Can't eat..." Fang Xuening continued to flip the pages of the book symbolically.

"Oh... that's fine too, or, would you like an ice cream? If not, I'll put it in the refrigerator, or it will melt in a while." Li Shuyao held up an ice cream and looked at Fang Xuening.

"I can't eat it!" Fang Xuening had already closed the book.

"Let me help you warm up the fat beef rice, haha." Li Shuyao hurriedly sorted and put away other things, then took out the fat beef rice and put it in the microwave.

"Ahaha, I'm going to see how the decoration is going."

Putting the hot meal on the table, Li Shuyao walked towards the recording studio they had designed before. This was originally a guest room, but now all the things inside have been moved out, and various wires have begun to run on the walls. A small soundproof room was separated.

It doesn't need a particularly large decoration, the main thing is sound insulation, then wiring, plus various equipment.

There is another room to be renovated on the other side of the first floor, which is Li Shuyao's piano room, which houses a piano and other musical instruments.

The decoration of this room is mainly to add some sound insulation, and it is also for the recording studio over there, so that there will be no delay when recording over there.

In addition to soundproofing, some recording and video equipment has also been added here, mainly for Li Shuyao's use. After all, her current videos are mainly composed of piano music.

Then there is Xiao Ning's room on the second floor, which has undergone some preliminary renovations. The things are poor but everything is installed, but there is still some work to be done, so it is temporarily unoccupied.

Well, so at night, a certain white hair lived in Li Shuyao's room with peace of mind.

This stay is three days...

In the past three days, Li Shuyao has replenished a lot of energy... Well, even if he goes out to eat a lot of delicious food every day, anyway, a certain white hair can't come out after watching the decoration at home every day.

After storing a large amount of energy, she added the genes copied before into her body, and pushed it to the full level step by step.

Not to mention anything else, at this moment she has no problem communicating with a foreigner in a pure foreign language, and she can finally understand the lyrics she wrote down!
Most importantly, her hand speed has reached the phantom level!Agility has also reached athlete level.

She estimated that if this was in ancient times, she would have become a generation of heroes!
These are not important, what is important is that the recording studio is finally done, and she is finally going to start making music.

A certain white hair also has great expectations for this song. Although this song is a bit out of her own style, it would be great if it can make Li Shuyao a hit, and she can also sing a cover at that time.

The cover song doesn't need to emphasize the style so much, and she can also adapt it when the time comes.

So, the two started music production work with great enthusiasm...

Then Fang Xuening became a little skeptical about life.

She used to know that Li Shuyao was good at studying, but she didn't expect that Li Shuyao's learning ability is so strong, no matter the software or hardware, she can just say it once, and what she said is perfectly reproduced, without deviation at all. with.

At the beginning, she followed along to help out, but in the end, she just watched him busy himself. When he focused, time seemed to press the fast-forward button. If she read correctly, his hands were all Here comes the phantom.

" don't have to think at all?" Fang Xuening asked dumbfounded.

"Ah? What are you thinking about? Isn't this a ready-made thing?" Li Shuyao looked at her in confusion and then turned back to look at the computer without stopping at all. Those who didn't know thought she was playing games there.

The original sound of the instrument has been recorded, and it is basically done after one or two passes. At that time, Fang Xuening was still shocked, but what was even more shocking was the section synthesized by others.

Fang Xuening opened her mouth, it's better not to disturb others now.

Do masters make music this way?

It turned out that I was ignorant...

Generally, well-produced music requires a long period of time, but Li Shuyao, who has already maxed out her talents and skills, if it takes that long, then her system is for nothing.

Sometimes she even thought, is it so awesome just to change the genes?
Thinking about it later, genes are just a way of saying, this should be directly adding skills to her.

Sure enough, a life with hooks is so chic.

Fang Xuening silently took out her mobile phone, since it was already like this, why not record this moment, she keenly felt that Li Shuyao's process of making music is very selling point, maybe it will be useful in the future.

It doesn't matter if she doesn't need it, anyway, she usually wastes piles of materials, which is much better than having no materials when she needs them.

"The accompaniment is almost ready, I'm going to record it, Xiaoxue, take a look for me." After Li Shuyao made the accompaniment file, she turned to look at Fang Xuening who was holding a mobile phone next to her: "Uh... what are you doing. "

"Uh, it's nothing, you go, I'll watch over here for you." Fang Xuening waved her hand, went to the console and put on the monitor earphones, while Li Shuyao ran to the recording microphone, and the two compared each other After a gesture, a dynamic rhythm sounded.

Watching Li Shuyao start to sway to the music, Fang Xuening silently pointed the phone camera at the recording booth.

Although the dynamic music is very nice, when Fang Xuening heard Li Shuyao's very young voice, she suddenly trembled, especially for making this voice, Li Shuyao's expression naturally became very cute, unconsciously Pouting, tilting head unconsciously, spreading hands unconsciously, pinching waist unconsciously, stepping unconsciously, flipping hands unconsciously...

Apparently, Li Shuyao has fully integrated into this song, doing various movements following the melody and lyrics of this song.

Under such circumstances, the feeling of Li Shuyao's singing is almost the same as the original singing, only the timbre is slightly different.

Fang Xuening never closed her mouth from the beginning to the end. She thought about what this song felt like, but she didn't expect it to be sung with this kind of tone. During the listening process, she only wanted to use two words to describe it—— -Perfect.

 I don't know how to update at night. If the effect is not bad, then there will be a chapter at noon and a chapter at night.

(End of this chapter)

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