Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 11 Going out to find something to eat

Chapter 11 Going out to find something to eat (Please collect it~)

While Fang Xuening was directing the construction of the decoration team, Li Shuyao strolled out of the house by herself...

Well, she came out to look for food!
Tonight, she is going to add the gene from Fang Xuening's whoring into her body, so she is going to accumulate more energy to prevent her from sleeping for too long.

If Fang Xuening found that she couldn't get up the next morning, then artificial respiration would probably have to be started...

Judging by the way Fang Xuening looks at her now, she feels that this guy can definitely do it secretly!
So still need to store more energy.

So, Li Shuyao started her afternoon meal trip. She reckoned that if she ate too much in one restaurant, she might scare them, so let's eat all the way...

She walked out of the community directly, took a taxi and walked a little farther. Her family has a car, but she doesn't have a driver's license. She can take a test when she has time.

After she came out, she suddenly felt that sometimes the genetic point of appearance was not very good.

It's June now, so she came out wearing short-sleeved shorts and canvas shoes.

Well, although she has a lot of small skirts at home, how can she wear skirts!
But along the way, it still caused countless people to look back...

According to incomplete statistics, along the way, she met 5 strike-ups on the street, with an average of 1 or 2 encounters in each restaurant.

As for why it was 1 or 2 times, the main reason is that she ate too much, the people in front had all left, and she hadn't finished eating when the newcomer came...

Can you understand the feeling of being asked for WeChat by so many men?If it wasn't for the delicious food in front of her, she would definitely walk away!

Well, but Miss Sister's WeChat can still be added.

She has already made an appointment with the three young ladies to go shopping and drink milk tea together, and she just... feels pretty good.

So Li Shuyao ate all the way from 2 pm to 8 pm, Fang Xuening called her twice, almost thinking that the child was lost.

"I went to the convenience store to buy some things, and I'll be back later. How is the decoration on your side? Oh...It will take a few days to decorate, please, please, I will bring you something to eat when I go back."

Walking to the door of a convenience store, Fang Xuening called again. Her luggage had arrived and she was cleaning the room at home. She couldn't clean up the piles of things, so she still asked the housekeeping company to help. .

Looks like it's almost done.

Seems to fill another cloakroom...

Hey, why did I say again.

When you walk into a convenience store, visit the freezer section first!

Li Shuyao happily pushed the shopping cart to the frozen area, and met a smiling young lady holding a small video camera.

Suspected anchor or UP host.

Like her, she came to the freezer first when entering the store... I met my opponent!

"I came so early today, and I didn't have anything..."

"I found a lot of new products."

"I haven't eaten this, and I haven't eaten this..."

The young lady was holding a variety of food while talking, but there were some pauses in the middle or the camera was turned aside.

So it seems that winning is not a live broadcast, it should also be a UP host.

Li Shuyao smacked her mouth, took some cakes, ice cream, salad, hot spring eggs, rice bowls, etc., and continued to walk to other areas.

Chongchong is a beautiful UP host in a gourmet area. She has nearly 200 million fans. For a long time, almost every video has more than one million views. The representative works are all kinds of night snacks in convenience stores. s work.

Today she came to this convenience store near her home again, and all the clerks in the store knew her...

"Wow, let me tell you, when I was picking up things just now, I saw a super beautiful young lady, really, really, both in appearance and figure." Chongchong saw Li Shuyao transferred to the cooked food area, Immediately leaning in front of the camera, she whispered, "I see she also took a lot of food, I wonder if she will eat in the store."

Then I took some bread, red oil dough, ice cream, coffee, milk, chicken racks, etc., and went to the salesman to make them, but I met Li Shuyao who also came to heat up...

"Are you the UP master?" Li Shuyao looked curiously at the small camera in Chongchong's hand, but she didn't show up.

"Yes, yes." Chongchong nodded happily.

"From station B?" Li Shuyao continued to ask.

"Yes!" Chongchong continued to nod, and finally a passerby asked him if he was the UP host of station B, instead of asking if he was an Internet celebrity.

"Me too, me too, do you want to get in touch with each other?" Li Shuyao's eyes lit up, the probability of meeting a UP master on the street is still quite small, so why don't you hurry up and get in touch with each other if you have such a fate.

"You too? Okay, okay." Chongchong was stunned for a while, then nodded happily, and took out his phone directly: "My name is Chongchong, what's your name?"

"My name is the nursery rhyme in the book." Li Shuyao searched for Chongchong's name while talking...

Hey, the number of fans is almost 200 million... After all, I am the one who climbed the ladder.

"You are the UP master of the music section, can you appear on camera? It seems that you didn't appear on the cover of your video." Chongchong clicked to follow, and smiled happily after seeing the two interacting with each other.

"I don't plan to appear on camera yet." Li Shuyao picked up all kinds of cooked food that my brother had already prepared: "Let's go, let's go over there to eat and chat."

"Okay, okay." Chongchong nodded with a smile, and the two came to the dining place together, where two tables were set up with various delicacies...

The two looked at each other, and there seemed to be about the same amount of things on the other's table as there were on their own.

Hiss, I really met my opponent!

"I didn't expect you to have so many fans..." Li Shuyao squinted her eyes and smiled while eating the heated bread: "I'm going to get a wave of popularity, haha."

"If you appear on the scene, maybe I'm just taking the heat." Chongchong also laughed and said, "You haven't put on makeup today, have you?"

"No, no, I went out for dinner today. It's too much trouble so I didn't wear makeup." Li Shuyao's current skill tree has not lit up the skill of makeup, and the cosmetics at home have been neglected by her for almost a week.

"You are so beautiful, you are so beautiful without makeup..." Chongchong also began to chat with Li Shuyao while making various DIY food and drinks: "I can put your ID in my video."

"That's so embarrassing." Li Shuyao blinked.

"It's okay, let's add a WeChat." Chongchong said with a smile.


The two happily joined WeChat, and then Li Shuyao learned all kinds of DIY eating methods of Chongchong. The combination of two seemingly ordinary things turned out to have a magical taste.

After Li Shuyao finished eating, she left with a lot of things for Fang Xuening, and Chongchong was still packing up.

After seeing Li Shuyao leave the convenience store, Chongchong leaned in front of the camera and whispered, "Let me tell you, the lady on this account is very beautiful, you heard the voice, right, oh yes, and her figure is also very good .”

"She is also a UP master. I just checked it out. She is from the music area. She is very talented. Everyone, hurry up and pay attention. This young lady seems to live nearby, not too far from my house. Next time, I can make an appointment. Come out and have a meal together."

 The next chapter will be updated at night~
(End of this chapter)

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