Almighty girl UP master

Chapter 10 This is a song you wrote?

Chapter 10 This is a song you wrote?

"Yaoyao, are you okay, why don't we go to the hospital?"

"Yaoyao, don't stand on your own when something happens, it's because you have a mother...ah no, it's because you have a sister here."



Ever since she finished eating at noon, Fang Xuening has broken her skills. Before, she always had a flat appearance. She was dumbfounded.

It's not like they have eaten together before. Although she can't say that the appetite is small, it is at the level of normal people. When did it become like this.

"I'm fine, I'm really fine..." Li Shuyao patted her stomach helplessly: "Look, isn't this normal."

"So this is the most abnormal thing, okay? Where did you eat it?" Fang Xuening looked at Li Shuyao's flat belly with a shocked face: "Is there a universe in your stomach?"

Excess energy is stored in the system.

After eating so much, she found that the system can store everything she ate and consume it when she uses it next time, so she shouldn't just fall asleep for so many days when she uses it again next time.

In order to do an experiment, after eating, Li Shuyao added the lowest level of agility into her genes, and just dozed off for a few minutes before waking up, and then consumed some energy.

In this way, she will understand that if she eats more for dinner in the future, and then sets up the genes to be added or evolved, then the quality of sleep will be excellent.

And she also discovered that the system has its own timer, which means that you can complete as much progress as you set the sleep time.


"No, I suddenly discovered that I have a big appetite." Li Shuyao waved her hands and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I'm fine, and I even wrote a song."

"Writing a song..." Fang Xuening looked up and down, squeezed her face, pinched her waist, and finally confirmed that Li Shuyao was fine. Although it was a bit strange, it was within the understandable range.

So Fang Xuening returned to her normal appearance.

"I'll help you see what song you wrote." Fang Xuening was a little curious. She was not surprised that Li Shuyao wrote a song. He is a good student and has a lot of talent in music. Writing a song is not unusual .

"Come on, let's go to the room and have a look."

Li Shuyao ran to her room with Fang Xuening, turned on the computer smoothly, and then opened the folder named "Platinum ディスコ".

"Why is it still in Japanese?" Fang Xuening glanced at Li Shuyao curiously: "When did you know Japanese?"

"Oh, it's quite easy to learn these two days." Li Shuyao waved her hand, she would not say that she barely learned some Japanese by relying on her talent for learning and memory, and then wrote it down by rote, or even Can't pronounce these words.

But, after tonight, she will know everything. Didn't she copy her genes just last night?

Out of caution last night, she didn't copy and optimize her own genes. Instead, she had a good night's rest. When she woke up this morning, she found that the previously optimized genes had produced results.

Hmph, this girl Baimao may not have noticed that her attitude towards herself has subtly changed!She is not who she was anymore, but she will forgive her no matter what she does!
Wow Kaka, this is the magic power of the star-filled charm.

"This... this... is it really you who wrote the lyrics and composed the music?"

When Li Shuyao was brainstorming, Fang Xuening gradually became excited when she saw the lyrics. She herself is a singer up master. Of course, most of them are cover songs, so the number of fans increases very slowly after one million. , so she joined the live broadcast.

Because the video has entered a bottleneck, and I have few outstanding masterpieces, then I can increase the number of fans through live broadcasts. During the live broadcast, I can sing various songs, and I don’t need to make videos so hard to record and modify over and over again. .

And it will attract many passerby fans, so after the live broadcast, her number of fans gradually increased again.

But she knew what it means to have a masterpiece that is popular all over the Internet. She simply typed the brand according to the area of ​​Li Shuyao's score, and immediately felt that the potential of this song was unlimited.

"Of course." Li Shuyao pinched her waist.

Anyway, there are no songs in that world in this world, so if I write it, it is considered my composition. Have you never heard the saying "Articles are made by nature, and you can get them by chance", she just got it all of a sudden.

"Great, sell it to me." Fang Xuening turned around and hugged Li Shuyao, looking at her with bright eyes: "This song is amazing."

Fang Xuening sings a lot of songs, and can become an upper-middle singer in the cover industry. In addition to her ethereal voice and beautiful appearance, she is also proficient in three languages. In addition to her native Chinese, she is good at English and Japanese. So she sings songs in these three languages.

How about a player with top language talent?

"Yes, you can, but this song doesn't fit your style." Li Shuyao bit her lips lightly and said, "Xue Ning, you are like a goddess, and most of your cover songs are in this style, but, this song The song is cute, and it doesn’t matter if you occasionally break through yourself, but as a representative work, it’s easy to label yourself cute.”

Tags are so important on the Internet. When people search, they basically look at tags. If they don’t suit their taste, they may just skip them and don’t even read them.

"It's also..." Fang Xuening nodded lightly and let go of Li Shuyao, and then looked at her a little strangely: " want to be cute?"

"Ah... Aren't I cute?" Li Shuyao stretched out both hands, rolled her cheeks twice like a kitten's paws, raised the corners of her mouth slightly, and closed her eyes slightly: "Jiu Mi ~"

Ugh... If it wasn't for the small money, I wouldn't do this kind of action!

Li Shuyao was immediately disgusted by her actions, why would she do such actions!
Well, for the sake of small money, you can go all out for the time being, but only this time, never again!

Fang Xuening wouldn't give money, and she wouldn't be on camera, so why on earth did she do this...

"Wow... Yaoyao, you are really cute."

Fang Xuening was amazed by Li Shuyao's sudden action, and instantly broke through, her eyes turned into two big hearts, hanging directly on Li Shuyao's body, rubbing against her shoulders, those who didn't know thought it was It's a white kitten.

"Ding dong..."

At a critical moment, the doorbell of Li Shuyao's house rang, and it was supposed to be the decoration person.

She quickly threw Fang Xuening hanging on her body aside, and ran downstairs in a whoosh.

Well, the newly added agility gene is already starting to work.

Although the level is not high, but after strengthening to the perfect level, she will become a generation of heroes!
Well, it seems that in the future, I can shake hands with martial arts masters or something. It's not bad to have a gene for nothing.

Fang Xuening was lying by the door, staring at Li Shuyao's far away back, and the voice of "Jiu Mi" kept echoing in her ears, and that cute expression kept replaying in her mind...

So cute.

hit my heart...

(End of this chapter)

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